After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 272 The young master is really clever

When Hong Chenglue left, he couldn't have taken all these local belongings with him, right? He went back to be a general at the invitation of the Bega Kingdom, not a cook in another town!

He Lingchuan focused on the bedroom: "There is blood on the floor of this room, and the whole room has been cleaned deliberately. Hong Chenglue doesn't want us to find useful clues here. So, keep your eyes open and look for it!"

The three of them started a carpet search.

However, Hong Chenglue was obviously professional enough in this regard. The four of them worked together for two-quarters of an hour to find every crack in the bricks. They even found the hidden compartment in the wall beside the bed, but they couldn't find any useful personal items.

"At that time, he had already killed three officials. He wanted to clean up the place immediately, and he had to leave with his paralyzed wife in his arms. Well -" He Lingchuan suddenly saw Mao Tao wink at him and nodded.

So Maotao tiptoed to the courtyard door and pulled the door sharply——

"Oops", a little old woman fell out of the door.

She has a rickety back and a slumped mouth, but her movements are very flexible. She can stand upright with a stagger and turn around to escape.

Mao Tao picked up her collar and lifted her directly in front of He Lingchuan.

He Lingchuan crossed his arms and said, "The state capital is doing something, are you here to eavesdrop?"

"Ah?" The old woman stretched her ears with a confused look on her face, and raised her voice loudly, "What are you talking about!"

"Are you also a resident of this alley?"


Mao Tao smiled and said to He Lingchuan: "Boss, this old woman is deaf and blind. Let's find someone else to ask."

Ten copper coins swayed in He Lingchuan's hand: "You can only be sincere if you bring the reward."

When the old woman saw these ten copper coins, her eyes immediately straightened and her voice became softer. After all, this represents several days of food: "Ah, I can hear it, I can hear it! What do you want to ask?"

"Are you familiar with Hong Chenglue and his wife who live here?"

The old woman nodded: "Yes, I often come here to visit. Ajin can't move in bed, so I often give her water to drink. There was a murder here a few days ago, and I came in first and discovered it, and then reported it to the police." ”

"How did the murder happen? Do you have any clues?"

"Ah, I remember a lot of things happened that day. First, the heads of the Liu family boys were beheaded, and then the government came to search for food. Oh, even my family..."

He Lingchuan interrupted her: "Wait a minute, why did the government come to search for food?"

"Liu Yalin borrowed his courage from heaven. After stealing the army rations a few days ago, he went to deliver the food from house to house. Do you think he is some kind of unworldly thief?" The old woman smacked her lips, "He was caught, and the government said that the army rations must be returned. The result...Hey, wait, where did you just say you came from?"

"Xiazhou Mansion."

"Is he older than the officials we have here?"

"Big." Jiao Tai said in a loud voice, "Much bigger."

"Oh, after those officials came in, they searched for more than just food! Several rabbit feet were taken away from my house. Sir, can you help me find them?"

"Didn't there be many things going on that day?" Mao Tao reminded her, "What else is there?"

"After Hong Chenglue came back, I heard Ah Jin's cry. At this time, three more officials suddenly came with locks in their hands. Are they trying to arrest someone? But after these three people entered his house, they didn't go back. Came out."

The old woman smacked her lips and said, "After a while, a carriage stopped at the door of Hong's house. The man who got off, wearing satin and looking like a businessman, also entered the Hong's courtyard. After more than half an hour, Hong The couple got into the carriage and left. I asked Hong Chenglue where he was going, but he still refused to tell me."

"Oh, I just thought it was strange. Why didn't those three officials come out? Then I opened the door and went in to take a look. I saw a leg sticking out from the kitchen floor. I felt something was wrong and reported it to the official."

"In other words, you were the first to arrive at the scene?"

"Well, that's right."

He Lingchuan smiled: "Since you were the first to come in, you took away all the pots and dishes in the kitchen, right?"

How could the old woman admit: "I'm not, I didn't!"

Mao Tao slapped her on the shoulder, startling her: "Hey old woman, we need things from the Hong family as physical evidence. If you dare to hide, you are covering up. If you are an accomplice, at least two fingers will be cut off!" After speaking, press the button He held her fingers and made a "click" sound in his mouth, which made the old woman tremble all over.

He Lingchuan was too lazy to laugh, but this kind of nonsense was particularly effective at scaring old women in villages and towns. The old woman stopped being cunning and said, "That, that's at my house."

The four of them followed her home.

This old woman lived across the street from Hong Chenglue. There was only one old man in the house, and he still hadn't returned home.

As soon as He Lingchuan stepped into her house, he smelled a greasy smell of old dirt, and then saw that her house and yard were filled with countless debris.

There were bottles and cans everywhere, rotten wood, long hemp ropes, and torn bags... He thought he had entered a garbage dump.

Has this old woman never lost anything in her life?

She led the four people into the house and started looking around.

As expected, she has all the Hong family's pots and pans.

There were many other bits and pieces, and she said they all belonged to the Hong family. Reminiscent of the fact that Ah Jin is in bed and Hong Chenglue often goes out, this old woman must be plundering people at his house.

For He Lingchuan, this was an unexpected surprise.

He looked through it, pointed to a comb among the things, and said, "This belongs to Hong's wife Ajin? Have you seen her use it?"

"Yes, yes." It was also the old woman who came along.

"Have you ever used it yourself?"

"No, no." Most of the things she got back had not yet been used.

He Lingchuan picked up the wooden comb and looked at the light: "Then the hair tangled on it is either Hong Chenglue's or Ah Jin's?"

"Then, that should be it, right?"

He Lingchuan then put ten copper coins on the table: "Is there anything else I should know?"

The old woman really thought about it seriously before shaking her head: "Nothing."

These people then walked away.

He Lingchuan sent Shan Youjun to the forest farm north of Bailu Town.

There are indeed many traces of people and horses staying there, and even the horse manure is very fresh, but the stables have been empty. Apparently Hong Chenglue succeeded with one blow and led the team away without catching the chicken for them.

After they left, it was more than two-quarters of an hour before someone sneaked into the alley, looked to see if there was no one around, climbed over the wall and jumped into the old woman's courtyard.

The old woman was turning over firewood to cook in the yard. Suddenly, she was pinched by the back of her neck, and a low voice came from her ear: "Why did those people ask you just now?"

"Ah..." Why is there someone else coming? The old woman was frightened, "They, they are from the state capital, and they want to ask about what happened yesterday..."

Before she finished speaking, there was a muffled sound from behind, and the hands squeezing the back of her neck loosened.

She turned around and saw a man lying on the ground, with a smiling Mao Tao standing behind him.

"As expected, there is an informant in town." The eldest young master had a clever plan and asked him to sneak back and wait for him. As expected, he came to the door to his surprise.

Maotao pointed to the man on the ground and asked the old woman, "Is this man from the town?"

She was shocked and shook her head vigorously: "I haven't seen it, I haven't seen it!"

Next, Mao Tao carried the man back to Hong Chenglue's empty room with a towel stuffed in his mouth.

When the prisoner was awakened by a ladle of water, the first thing he saw was Shan Youjun clenching his fists and walking toward him with a grin...


In less than two-quarters of an hour, the courtyard door of Hong Chenglue's house opened without warning.

The old woman outside the door staggered again and almost fell in. Maotao supported her again.

This old woman is too obsessed with finding cracks in doors.

"Ah..." Even she felt a little embarrassed this time and didn't know what reason to make up. At first there was some faint movement coming from the door, like someone was covering their mouth and nose and shouting, but then it became quiet, and she couldn't hear it even with her sharp ears.

Maotao didn't care, "Old woman, do you know the mine in the northwest? The one that has been abandoned."

"A mine?" The old woman rolled her eyes, "I think I've heard of it?"

Mao Tao spread her hands and found ten more coins in her palm: "I just saved your life, do you still remember?"

The old woman sneered twice: "There is only a small mine in the northwest, and the mine stopped ten years ago. You want to go?"

"I have this idea."

The old woman stared straight at the coin in his hand: "That place is hidden in the jungle and it's hard to find. How about you pay more and I can find a guide for you?"

"Okay." Time was tight, and Maotao didn't bargain. Didn't the boss just have money?

"Then you wait." The old woman moved her bow-legged steps and walked out, and her speed was not slow at all.

She came back a few dozen breaths later, and there was an old man beside her, less than sixty years old. He was skinny and skinny, but his waist was still straight.

"This is my old man. He has worked in the mines for two years and is familiar with it!"

He Lingchuan invited the two people in: "What was the old gentleman doing in the mine?"

"Doing everything." Compared to his wife, the old man seemed quite honest and answered all questions. "Quarrying, digging, digging roads, foraging, and planting explosives."

He Lingchuan was startled: "You still use explosives?"

fashionable. He has been to the mines in Qiansong County, where mining is purely manual.

"Yeah, it's more labor-saving. We've been using gunpowder here for many years." In other words, it's an old traditional art. "Until the mine is abandoned, there will still be a lot of gunpowder that will not be used up."

Shan Youjun and others couldn't help but curse. Now they finally know where the gunpowder that killed the officials of Dunyu's grain transport team came from.

Of course He Lingchuan also thought of it, his eyes flickered, and he asked the old man: "Don't you have any leftover gunpowder at home?"

"No, no." The old man waved his hands repeatedly, "How could you do such a stupid thing? If your home is blown up, it's not worth it."

"Uh..." the old woman next to her looked embarrassed, "could the gunpowder you mentioned be hidden in a black and white jar?"

The old man understood her expression after being married for decades, and said in shock: "Don't tell me that you hid gunpowder at home! I obviously threw it away!"

The old woman smiled coquettishly: "It would be a pity to throw it away."

He Lingchuan snapped his fingers, God helped me.

"Then please find it for me." He looked at the people behind him and said, "We should say something to Hong Chenglue and reciprocate with courtesy."

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