After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 279 Sniffing Hair

After more than an hour, the Xiazhou army that was chasing the enemy slowly returned.

Hong Chenglue escaped anyway. This guy was more slippery than a loach, but He Chunhua captured another thirty or forty Xunzhou Rangers.

After deducting the damage caused by the surprise attack on this camp, Hong Chenglue only had more than 200 men left.

After going back and forth all night, either driving at full speed or leading a team to kill the enemy, He Chunhua did not hide his tiredness at this time and asked He Lingchuan: "How is the grain truck?"

"Thirty-four vehicles were burned, but a lot of food was rescued and is being sorted out." He Lingchuan's work just now was not in vain. "Preliminary estimates indicate that the total loss last night and tonight was about 1,500 shi."

The rock wolf Lu Xin also injured many Xunzhou people. The price was that he was hit by two arrows and his right paw was chopped off. At this moment, Yao Yuan Lingguang was bandaging it.

He Chunhua let out a long breath: "Not bad." Then he still had a family fortune of nearly nine thousand dan, so he wouldn't go to the front line empty-handed.

Then he started asking about the battle in the camp.

Wu Shaoyi received his flying pigeon message and prepared for battle in advance, so that Hong Chenglue could not succeed in another sneak attack.

However, there were about 400 officers and soldiers left behind, but the opponent had 300 cavalry. The Xiazhou people also fought an extremely difficult battle. The Xunzhou cavalry began to shoot arrows and fire before they could attack the Juma post. Fortunately, Wu Shaoyi had already asked people to fetch water to wet the tarpaulin and various equipment, so this fire attack was not very effective.

The essence of stealing a camp lies in the word "stealing". If you don't catch people off guard, the effect will be greatly reduced.

Hong Chenglue also asked people to use gunpowder to explode. However, the grain trucks were dispersed and concealed, and the damage caused by gunpowder was limited.

The first two waves of strong attacks were ineffective. Hong Chenglue knew as soon as he saw this battle that the opponent was well prepared.

Then Elder Liang personally came to fight Hong Chenglue, otherwise this guy would really go on a killing spree, and more than just a few Xiazhou soldiers would die.

The price was that Elder Liang was injured on his right shoulder and under his ribs, and the injuries were serious.

He is proficient in magic, and he will suffer some losses when facing a general like Hong Chenglue on the battlefield.

Elder Liang's disciples treated his injuries, and He Chunhua was by his side. Chuanyunge worked hard to guard the camp tonight, so Manager He also expressed his gratitude. This is also an opportunity to test the quality of the disciples of Chuanyunge, and He Chunhua is quite satisfied.

As for the soldier who was on guard and took a nap maliciously, he was executed under military law that night and his head was lost.

At dawn, Zeng Feixiong led his team back.

From the way the team stepped into the military camp with their chests raised and their heads raised, He Lingchuan knew they had won.

Sure enough, Zeng Feixiong went to report the situation, and his first words were: "Sir, Baili Qing has been killed!" The soldiers at the rear offered a human head and refused to rest in peace. It was Baili Qing.

"Okay, okay!" He Chunhua perked up and felt most of the bad breath in his chest, "Tell me about the battle in the mine."

It turned out that the Xun people left in the abandoned mine were all wounded soldiers and logisticians, and the real defensive strength was only fifty people. Facing such a weak player, Zeng Feixiong's team made a calculated sneak attack but the opponent simply couldn't organize it. mount effective resistance.

However, Bai Liqing had woken up by this time and ordered his two generals to lead the remaining troops to withdraw into the mine tunnel. It's so narrow and dark there that it's basically impossible for officers and soldiers to attack as long as they stay behind.

What they rely on is nothing more than the mine tunnel and the exit to the back mountain.

However, Jiao Tai had already led his men to kill the Xunren guards and seize the exit position. When he saw Zeng Feixiong broadcasting a signal in the front mountain, he immediately lit a fire at the exit of the mine tunnel and blew up the mountain, destroying all the exits of the mine tunnel.

Baili Qing and others were blocked in the mine tunnel, unable to get out from either side.

Then Jiao Tai ordered people to light a fire and pour smoke into the mine tunnel.

Xunren was forced into tears and had difficulty breathing. He had no choice but to go out of the Qianshan mine tunnel and raise his hands in surrender.

According to He Chunhua's instructions, Zeng Feixiong confiscated all the weapons, and then ordered to kill without leaving any survivors!

The first person to be beheaded was Baili Qing.

It is also very simple to dispose of the corpses of prisoners. Just throw them back into the mine tunnel and use the remaining gunpowder to explode and seal them up.

He Chunhua looked at Bai Liqing's head and smiled: "I accept this great gift from Hong Chenglue."

Zeng Feixiong added: "There was a famous general under Bai Liqing named Fu Xin. When he was about to be beheaded, he was still yelling at Hong Chenglue. As soon as I saw it, I let him go, along with a dozen of his soldiers. One hundred and thirty Of the six prisoners, only sixteen were released." This is equivalent to a small loss.

He Chunhua nodded: "Very good. Let him go back and add more trouble to Hong Chenglue."

Didn't Hong Chenglue want to lend his hand to clean up these burdens?

How could he make the other party get what he wanted?

This general surnamed Fu will be resentful after returning and will definitely be an enemy of Hong Chenglue. It is much more effective than killing him with a single sword.

He Lingchuan's heart moved, and he interrupted and asked: "Where is Dong Rui?"

Dong Rui wouldn't die so silently, would he?

"He immediately jumped on the strange bird and flew away." Zeng Feixiong said with shame, "Just after we shot the first wave of arrows. There were trees blocking the arrows and they couldn't shoot down."

He Lingchuan patted him on the shoulder.

as expected. Dong Rui's escape talent is always full.

Zeng Feixiong took out the storage ring and gave it back to He Lingchuan: "Thank you, young master. With the help of those explosives, we saved a lot of time."

After he left, He Lingchuan also wanted to pay the bill, but was stopped by his father:

"Chuan'er, where is that comb?"

"Huh?" He didn't understand for a moment, "Which comb?"

"The comb you got from Hong Chenglue's home in Bailu Town." He Chunhua asked him, "To be precise, it seems that his neighbor took it."

"Oh, yes." Hong Cheng was cautious and emptied his house before leaving Bailu Town. Unfortunately, the old woman next door had already taken away a comb, and He Lingchuan got it from the old woman. Also around the hair.

Without thinking much, he took out the comb and handed it over.

He Chunhua did not answer: "Can you confirm whether the hair belongs to a man or a woman?"

"...Try it." He Lingchuan thought for a while and whistled.

After a few breaths, Rock Wolf Lu Xin emerged from the dark corner and waved his stiff tail at him.

He Lingchuan put the comb close to him: "Smell the hair on it and tell me whether its owner is a man or a woman."

Yanlang opened his mouth and yawned: "Twenty pounds of beef."

He Lingchuan was ashamed: "You charge such a high price for a simple job like moving your nose?" It's only been a few months, how did the simple tundra wolf become like this?

"How about you come?"

"Okay, okay." He Lingchuan compromised, "I'll pay you for now, and I'll buy you the best beef when I get back to Dunyu."

The old woman promised that she had never combed her hair with this comb. And the hair is a little brown, so it's unlikely that it belongs to an old woman.

Rock Wolf's wet nose came over and sniffed hard.

Its sense of smell is several times more sensitive than that of ordinary dogs, and it can even construct a set of three-dimensional images in its mind based on odor molecules alone.

"Woman, in her early thirties, in poor health, taking medicine all year round." Yanlang looked disgusted, "Such a strong smell of medicine almost flooded my nose."

He Chunhua happily took the wooden comb and praised his son: "Well done!"

He Lingchuan asked him: "Dad, what do you want this comb for?"

"Be prepared." He Chunhua shrugged, "Did Hong Chenglue's neighbors say that they are a harmonious couple?"

"Well, Hong Chenglue took good care of his sick wife. He served her with decoction and medicine every day. It is said that he would give her full body massage every few days to prevent muscle atrophy. The old woman said that she had never heard them quarreling." Living in a shabby house like that, The walls are very thin, and if there is any noise, the neighbors can hear it from just around the corner.

"Okay, okay." He Chunhua nodded, "By the way, how are your injuries?"

"It doesn't matter, I'll take care of it right away." He Lingchuan also went back. He has a medicine ape, so these minor injuries can be taken care of.

He didn't know that after he left, He Chunhua issued an order not to see any guests and ordered his personal guards to guard the tent. He himself took a black cloth and blocked all the gaps in the tent where light leaked.

No one knows what Mr. He did in the account.

It wasn't until more than half an hour later that Dongfang Xi started to dim.

The bloody night finally passed. He Chunhua walked out of the tent and took a deep breath facing the rising sun.

He called two more people and whispered instructions.

The two men took the order and galloped away with more than thirty riders.

Waiting until daybreak, He Chunhua gave the order to the army:

"Break camp and hit the road!"

Without rest, the food transport team must rush to the front line as soon as possible.

The offensive and defensive battle last night was finally won, the team's morale increased, and they were not reluctant to start immediately. Xinhuang Town is so poor that ordinary soldiers cannot leave the camp in compliance with military orders. Staying here is not much different from the countryside.

However, He Lingchuan asked for leave and left the team temporarily. He led a dozen of his men all the way west and traveled dozens of miles before they found the place where they had fought so hard and buried Maotao alive.

"When the Ghost Festival comes, no matter where I am, I will burn money and paper figurines for you." He Lingchuan said to the newly erected tombstone, "I will ask the master to make you some paper girls with long legs and thin waists. I’m sure all of them will be of your liking.”

This is Maotao's wish during his lifetime, and it can also come true after his death.


The rest of the journey for the grain transport team was uneventful.

When passing through a steep mountain pass, He Chunhua sent spies in advance, and the team also raised their alert levels. However, until everyone passed successfully, nothing happened.

He Chunhua had long concluded that Hong Chenglue was severely damaged and would not take action again. He finally felt relieved after completing this journey of natural danger.

It's all plain behind.

Taking stock of the battles in the past two days, he and Hong Chenglue should have won or lost each other. However, Hong Chenglue originally had more than 600 men, but now he only has more than 200 left, which is more than half of the loss. In total, Hong Chenglue suffered a greater loss.

It was the mutual attack last night that would determine the outcome, otherwise the food transport team would not be able to pass through the critical hurdle so easily today.

The march on the plains was fast. Two days later, the grain transport team finally arrived at the northern front line!

Zhao Pan, the general guarding the border, got the news and was waiting by the roadside.

He Lingchuan took a look and saw that Wuyangyang were all soldiers, and the welcome ceremony was quite grand.

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