After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 280 The instigator behind the scenes

The general manager of Xiazhou came in person, and what he escorted was the food that everyone in the military camp was looking forward to. He should be welcomed by the soldiers.

The two sides greeted each other with greetings and polite words for two rounds, both with smiles on their faces, and it was as if they felt like old friends at first sight.

After all, Xiazhou's safety still depends on Zhao Pan.

Whether the battle on the northern front can continue depends on whether Manager He can transport food here.

The mutual dependence of both parties determined that the relationship was very close from the beginning.

Zhao Pan seemed to follow the template of a general in the eyes of ordinary people. He had a strong back and strong waist, thick eyebrows and beard. His face was full of boldness, and his laughter seemed to knock down the small tree next to him.

When the military rations were delivered, the border troops came to take over. He Chunhua's team can finally rest.

Zhao Pan took He Chunhua to the camp to serve him wine.

It was already early in the morning (around three o'clock in the afternoon), and there were only five people sitting in the big tent. Opposite are Zhao Pan and a deputy general, and here are He Chunhua and his son and Elder Liang.

It is worth mentioning that there is a hornbill standing on Zhao Pan's shoulder, half yellow and half black, with an astonishingly large curved mouth, accounting for at least one-third of the body length, and an exaggerated helmet protrusion above the eyes.

He Lingchuan was very doubtful that the hornbill's two small eyes could see clearly the scenery directly in front of it.

After the introductions were made, the food was served.

He Lingchuan took a look and saw that there were two things on each table: mixed rice, stewed meat, and a small bowl for wine.

Then, the wine bowl was filled, and it was quite fragrant.

There were two bowls of meat on Zhao Pan's table, because the hornbill on his shoulder jumped on the table and started pecking at the meat.

It didn't have any hands, but it had a big mouth. It picked up the meat and threw it into the air, then opened its mouth to catch it and swallowed it.

One bite after another, very quickly.

"This morning, a big wild boar of three to four hundred pounds hit the fence and turned into this bowl of meat on the table. Otherwise, apart from mixed rice, wild vegetables and this jar of wine, I really wouldn't be able to come up with anything else. "The things are waiting for guests." Zhao Pan said with a smile, "This is probably because we knew Master He was coming, otherwise we haven't seen any living things on the front line for a long time."

The birds and animals in the nearby mountains and forests had long been eaten up by the hungry soldiers.

There were a lot of beans added to the brown rice, and He Lingchuan could only recognize soybeans, mung beans, and an unknown variety of mottled colors. The pork is boiled in water, with only salt added. He Lingchuan took a piece of it and put it into his mouth. He felt that his mouth was full of fishy smell and it was almost difficult to swallow.

The meat quality of wild boars and domestic pigs is very different.

The front lines of this war are short of food all day long, and they can hardly eat, let alone use ginger, garlic, pepper, aniseed, and soy sauce to remove the fishy smell and increase the fragrance.

However, He Lingchuan didn't even frown and ate it with a smile. When he was guarding monsters on the Chipa Plateau, he stuffed his mouth with even more unpalatable and weird things.

On the contrary, Elder Liang only took one bite and then put away the chopsticks without eating.

Zhao Pan glanced over and saw everything.

On the other side, He Chunhua also talked about the battle on the road, and then apologized: "I feel sorry for the king's trust. I only brought 9,000 shi of the 20,000 shi of food raised by the royal court. I am really incompetent!"

Before he reached the front line, he sent a special envoy to deliver the news, so Zhao Pan had already considered and digested the news several times, filtered out most of the negative situations, and only shook his head and sighed: "Thanks to Manager He for personally escorting me. Anyone else would not be able to save a grain of food from Hong Chenglue!"

He Lingchuan looked at his father and saw that he was hesitant to speak, so he said on his behalf: "Does General Zhao think so highly of Hong Chenglue? We have rarely heard this name before."

"Hong Chenglue's reputation is all in the Northern Demon Kingdom. He fought more with the countries in the east, and his deeds rarely spread here. But Nian Zanli and I have been guarding the north all year round, and we are very clear about his past." Zhao Pan waved his hand. He said, "Those who are good at fighting have no great achievements. In today's troubled times, there are many people who become famous in one battle. How many people can win a hundred battles, or even win without fighting? Let me talk about one more person. You must know him——"

"Hong Xiangqian."

He Chunhua was slightly startled: "The leader of the rebels?" Zhao Pan suddenly mentioned this person, and He Chunhua immediately realized that both of them were named Hong.

"Yes, Hong Xiangqiang, the leader of thieves who disrupted the central region and invaded the capital, is Hong Chenglue's brother!"

The He family father and son were both surprised: "Hong Xiangqian's biological brother is actually in Xiazhou?"

Hong Xiangxiang committed the crime of genocide. In other words, Hong Chenglue was considered a fugitive imperial criminal?

"Yes, there is a deep rift between these brothers. Hong Chenglue did not help Hong Xiangqian in his rebellion. Otherwise, it is hard to say whether Ke Jihai and the others could have defeated Hong Xiangqian and solved the crisis in the capital." Zhao Pan sighed, "Hong Chenglue is the best at seizing fighter opportunities. He was able to defeat others without fighting in at least two key battles. Lord He was able to save nearly 10,000 shi of food from him. I dare not be too demanding."

He Chunhua frowned: "But this person wandering behind our army is always a major hidden danger, and we must find a way to get rid of him."

He had already seen Hong Chenglue's slickness. He escaped from the Xiazhou army twice last night and almost killed his son.

All of Hong Chenglue's opponents were eager to kill him, but he was still alive and well.

Thinking of this, another thought suddenly came to He Chunhua's heart.

"Conquering others without fighting?"

Zhao Pan put down the bowl: "What did Mr. He say?"

"Oh, it's nothing." He Chunhua raised the wine bowl, "I'd like to give General Zhao a bowl. It's a great blessing to have you in town."

Zhao Pan is a general as famous as Ke Jihai and Wu Di. If anyone else comes here, he really can't stop Nian Zanli's offensive.

He raised his bowl and drank it all in one gulp without giving in.

"My son was visiting Bailu Town. I heard that Hong Chenglue and his wife lived in seclusion there for three years and lived in poverty." The arrogant and famous general lived in seclusion and was willing to suffer poverty and misfortune. He didn't even dare to write this in his script because he didn't make any money at all. . He Chunhua asked again, "What is going on? Does General Zhao know what is going on?"

"There are many versions passed down from the Northern Demon Kingdom. The most widely circulated one is that Hong Chenglue was in trouble when he was young. He was rescued by his wife Ah Jin twice when he was in danger. The two wandered and endured hardships together, so they had a deep relationship. Later, Ah Jin had a difficult childbirth, and Hong Chenglue He made a blood oath to seal the sword, but unfortunately his son died in infancy and his wife was paralyzed. Disheartened and bound by the oath, he simply resigned and lived in seclusion in the countryside. "

He Chunhua couldn't help laughing: "That's nonsense. Such a trivial thing can make a powerful general seal his sword? It's child's play!"

"I don't think so either. But the common people love this kind of talk book the most." Zhao Pan said with a smile, "I heard in the early years that Hong Chenglue was once involved in an internal fight in the royal family, and he was on the wrong team. He was assisted by today's demons. Hehe, you and I both know the danger, so it is very possible that he resigned to avoid disaster, maybe in the name of his wife's difficulty in giving birth, otherwise he would run well and quickly, otherwise the new Emperor Bega would come to power. , may not be tolerant of others.”

Even if there was, Hong Chenglue didn't dare to gamble at that time.

"There is some truth to this." He Chunhua pondered, "But now that he has come back to lead troops for the Xunzhou people, this is probably the instigation of the Northern Demon Kingdom."

"That's inevitable. Nian Zanli suffered two defeats at his hands, but Hong Chenglue is now leading soldiers from Xunzhou. If it wasn't for the instruction of the Northern Demon Kingdom, how could he serve his defeated generals?" Zhao Pan snorted, "He's everywhere. During the war, there are monsters everywhere to disrupt the situation, but it doesn’t end on its own, how shameful!”

He Chunhua hummed, thoughtfully.

Everyone had been chatting for so long, and the food had already been finished.

Zhao Pan was quite considerate: "You have come a long way and it's already dark. I won't disturb your rest."

He Chunhua said: "It doesn't matter, I just want to go to the front line to see it now."

The new general manager of Xiazhou is dedicated to his job. Unlike those officials who are pampered and pampered, Zhao Pan will certainly not object: "Then please follow me."

Of course, He Lingchuan also followed his father and visited the front lines together.

It turned out that the enemy and us were bounded by the Han River, which was about fifteen feet wide. The north of the river was occupied by the Xunzhou people, and the south of the river was stationed by Zhao Pan's army.

The camp of Yuan Kingdom's officers and soldiers was stationed fairly neatly, and the lights on the other side were bright. From where He Lingchuan stood, he could still see the sentries holding spears in the Xunzhou military camp.

The two sides are so close, but the atmosphere is quite peaceful at the moment.

He Chunhua also asked: "There hasn't been a fight recently?"

Even on the front line, we don’t work every day.

"We have planted seedlings in the farmland in the past two days, and the front line has agreed to avoid fighting." Zhao Pan pointed to the yellow flag fluttering in front of the camp. "The season is here. If we don't plant the fields in time, we won't have anything to eat next year."

"It seems that the food in Xunzhou is not rich." Otherwise, the people of Xunzhou should launch a fierce attack and eliminate the opportunity for the Yuan army to colonize the fields.

"There was a drought in Xunzhou last year and the grain harvest was poor. If Hong Xiangqian hadn't suddenly attacked Woling Pass this year and Da Sima launched a national coup, I guess Nian Zanli would not have chosen to defect and treason this year."

"The Northern Demon Kingdom doesn't support it?"

"After Sun Fuping was killed, Nian Zanli's rebellion was exposed, so he had to surrender to the Bejia Kingdom. I heard that the Bejia Kingdom had a relatively cold attitude towards him."

He Chunhua smiled: "It's not a business to rush up." If the Bejia Kingdom took the initiative to persuade him to surrender and pay tribute to the New Year, the treatment he would be given must be very high.

"Yes, if Bejia supports the Nian Praise Ceremony and demands money for money and food for food, we simply can't hold on for so long." Zhao Pan said bitterly, "It wants to see our internal friction and reap the benefits in the future. Nian Congratulations to this idiot!"

"However, the Northern Demon Kingdom has also taken action now and appointed Hong Chengluo to attack." He Chunhua pondered, "Its strategy towards the Kite Kingdom may have changed."

Zhao Pan sighed: "There are no outsiders here, let me explain it to you. Mr. He, in the eyes of an ancient country with a long history like the Northern Demon Country, we are actually a small country. Its current focus is in the east, so it should I’m not interested in reaching out here.”

He Chunhua was silent. The attitude of the Bega Kingdom towards Nian Zanli shows the arrogance of this country.

After all, it has always been a strong player in its six hundred years of history.

He Chunhua's mentality was very subtle. He seemed to be grateful that Bejia Country ignored this place, otherwise Xiazhou would be even more in danger.

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