After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 281 The fork in the road between reality and dream

"In other words, as long as the problem of Hong Chenglue is solved?"

Zhao Pan nodded: "That will be of great help to me!"

At this point, the hornbill on his shoulder suddenly flew up and landed a hundred feet behind.

The army horses were grazing in the forest, and green shoots began to appear on the riverbanks in late spring, which suited their appetite. After chewing on lichen all winter, it’s time for a change.

However, He Lingchuan seemed to see other big guys sneaking into the forest, also grazing with their heads down.

They are much larger and stronger than military horses.

A herd of black bulls.

Their shoulder height is at least six feet, they are smooth and smooth, and their whole bodies are covered with knotted muscles.

The hornbill fell on the head of the largest and strongest bull among them.

The pair of thick horns that curve forward are dark and shiny, and must be at least seven feet wide when straightened. No matter who is hit by it, probably half of his life will be lost.

The hornbill stopped on its horn and called twice. The bull raised his head and looked at the crowd, moving his ears without paying attention.

They gathered together like an airtight wall, occupying the most abundant water and grass areas, and even the army and horses had to step aside reluctantly.

A few of the big guys stood out.

He Chunhua looked at them and took a breath: "Is this the group of bull demons?"

"Yes, this is our charge. After they go into battle, they are invincible on the plains." Zhao Pan said with a smile, "This kind of savage bull is born with a different species, but only those big guys are monsters. They lead the entire herd. "

"Who's that hornbill?"

"Herald," Zhao Pan explained, "otherwise no one can get close to these big guys when they are running."

"Barbarian Bull Formation." He Chunhua raised his hand, "I seem to have heard of this style of play somewhere?"

Zhao Pan smiled: "Half of General Nanke's military book."

"Yes, that's General Nan Ke."

"General Nanke? General Nanke of Panlong City?" He Lingchuan did not expect to hear this name here and now, and lost his voice for a moment, "Does he also have a military book?"

Zhao Pan said smoothly: "Yes, his fighting methods are very practical. It's a pity that he died young and only wrote half of the military book."

He Lingchuan's heart moved: "How did he die?"

Zhao Pan was stunned by his question. He thought for a while and then said: "It seems that we were escorting the caravan, but we were ambushed by our opponent. This happened in Panlong Desert. Master He should know better than me."

He Chunhua nodded: "Yes, that place is called Ghost Needle Stone Forest. With the help of the spider demon in the stone forest, the Baling people severely damaged Panlong City's army. General Nanke was killed on the spot. However, they also contained the main enemy force, the Gale Army. We took the opportunity to capture Weicheng in the north."

He Lingchuan murmured: "That's it." There was a turmoil in his heart.

In the Coiling Dragon dream he experienced, although there was also the battle in the Ghost Needle Stone Forest, because he successfully blew up Zhu Erniang's lair, causing the big monster to rush back to the cave, the strength of the Coiling Dragon Army was basically preserved and was not destroyed. The enemy troops guarding outside the stone forest took advantage.

Of course, General Nanke returned to Panlong City alive, and he wanted to recruit He Lingchuan later.

The same battle, because of his participation, took a completely different direction from historical reality.

He Lingchuan also thought that his existence would definitely have an impact on the dream.

But only then did he clearly realize that it was he who had changed the outcome of this local battle in Panlong's Dream, and also changed the fate of many people.

He can make a difference in this world.

So, if he becomes more powerful and has more status, can he change the final outcome of Panlong City?

As soon as this idea appeared, He Lingchuan's heartbeat accelerated several beats.

"Chuan'er, what's wrong?" He Chunhua looked at him with straight eyes.

"It's okay, it's okay!" He Lingchuan said smoothly, "These cows are really well raised."

I don’t know how the meat quality is.

"The bravery of these guys depends on their food intake. The fodder you escort must be given to them first. Fortunately, the most difficult winter is over. Now there is green grass to eat on the river bank, and they are not afraid of meat and vegetables. There is no If it’s fodder, it’s okay to eat meat. Otherwise, we really can’t afford it.”

Zhao Pan took them through the front line, and the He family and his son also knew what they were doing.

Back at the camp, the moon began to set in the west, and Yanlang said to He Lingchuan: "The monkey is looking for you."

When He Lingchuan returned to his tent, Yao Yuan Lingguang immediately came up to him: "That medicine is so interesting!"

"What?" He Lingchuan could only think about the battle in the Ghost Needle Stone Forest.

"My boss, that's the medicine you gave me a few days ago." Ling Guang took out a glass bottle with half a bottle of red liquid inside. "You got it from Dong Rui."

How could he forget this? "What did you figure out?"

"There are at least ten medicines here, but I have been experimenting for several days, and the main medicine cannot be analyzed. It does not belong to any medicine I know." Ling Guang said, "Just one drop can make the flowers and plants in an acre Die Jue.”

He Lingchuan paid attention: "No way, is this highly poisonous?"

He could see clearly that Dong Rui took out the glass bottle to save the ghost ape.

Could it be that it was too seriously injured and was ready to be euthanized?

No, not possible.

"Later I divided one drop into ten parts and gave one to pigs and horses. Still without exception, after eating it, I would twitch twice and fall to the ground dead. It was very simple."

He Lingchuan yawned and couldn't hide his disappointment: "That's a serious poison. Is it blood type or edible type? Can it be applied to weapons?"

"Hey, listen to me." As a future super alchemist, Lingguang will never give up as easily as him, "I tried to dilute it little by little, and finally found that when it is diluted a hundred times-"

It instructed He Lingchuan to pick up a large bucket of water in the corner, and then followed it out of the tent and camp, stopping at the edge of the trees.

The monkey squatted down and poked a hole in the soil, put a round seed in, and then covered it with soil.

The seeds are brown and slightly larger than soybeans.

"What kind of plant is this?"

"Wutong seeds are the seeds of the sycamore tree." Lingguang pointed to the small soil bag and said, "Water."

This short winter melon-like monkey also ordered him to work? Who is the owner?

He Lingchuan rolled his eyes and poured the water in the bucket evenly on the newly planted phoenix trees.

Just a few breaths later, the earth moved.

Lingguang quickly grabbed him and retreated, retreating three feet away.

A green thing suddenly broke out of the ground and grew rapidly.

He Lingchuan just saw clearly that it was a bud, and it had already jumped up two feet, five feet, ten feet...

Branches and leaves also rushed out.

He Lingchuan's perspective when looking at it changed from looking down to looking straight up, and then changed to looking up——

In just half a stick of incense, it has grown into a tree over five feet tall (16 meters)!

He Lingchuan watched intently and asked the monkey: "You call this Wutong?"

He recognized the sycamore tree. The shape of the trunk and branches and leaves of the tree in front of him did indeed look the same as the sycamore tree, but it looked nothing like it:

Too much.

There is also a large sycamore tree planted in my hometown in Heishui City. The trunk is straight, the bark is green, and the top is a canopy.

But the tree in front of them had branches growing on the trunk. The ends of the branches became fatter and resembled the trunk, and then branches grew again...

But its leaves also grow in the same way.

After growing up in this order, the whole tree turned into an irregular bush, and its volume continued to expand horizontally.

What's even more frightening is that the color of its branches has changed from green to light blue at the beginning, and the outermost layer has even turned into brownish red.

The leaves are half green, half golden, and half pure black.

It was the first time He Lingchuan had seen pure black leaves in his entire life, except those struck by lightning and burned by fire.

Such a tree has no beauty at all.

He Lingchuan looked up at it, feeling that it was like seventeen or eight sycamore trees grafted together and then rolled into a ball, weird and twisted.

No wonder Lingguang wanted to take it out of the camp to cultivate it, otherwise He Lingchuan's tent would be destroyed in two breaths.

Of course, the movement here also attracted the soldiers in the camp. Everyone looked closer and pointed.

He Lingchuan had to order them to retreat, because although this strange tree ball slowed down, it actually continued to grow, from five feet to seven feet, and then ten feet...

It grew taller and fatter at the same time. It crossed the edge of the jungle and crushed five or six tents.

The entire canopy was crawling, as if there were some monster hidden inside.

In fact, this is just because the branches and leaves grow too fast.

The soldiers in the tent crawled out to see the spectacle.

He Chunhua and generals at all levels, including Wu Shaoyi and others, were also alerted and rushed over.

Even the Xunzhou Military Camp on the other side of the Han River noticed the strange movement here. The number of torches in the camp suddenly increased. People probably thought that the Yuan Army was trying to cause some trouble here.

He Chunhua left the crowd and walked in. When he saw the eldest son, he secretly said, "Sure enough, that's true."

Who else but my son could organize such a huge battle on the first night after arriving at the front line?

"Chuan'er, what's going on here?"

"Ling Guang and I are testing new medicine." He Lingchuan scratched his head, "It's the potion I got from Dong Rui."

Dong Rui’s potion? He Chunhua understood, what good thing could the thing that the demon puppet master created be?

"How is this going to end?"

He Lingchuan looked at Lingguang, who spread out his paws: "Squeak?"

Being mute at this time? He Lingchuan said angrily: "We can only wait. I think the effect of the medicine is about to end."

At this time, Zhao Pan also came after hearing the news and looked up at the giant sycamore tree. "What is it! Could it be done by Xun Ren?"

As the commander, he immediately connected the strange things in the camp with the enemies on the other side and quickly ordered a warning.

As soon as He Chunhua explained a few words to him, Zhao Pan saw a dark figure moving to the side of the tree, stretching his head to nibble on the leaves.

This is a wild bull.

It was also attracted by the giant sycamore tree and couldn't control its mouth when it saw the green leaves.

"No, don't eat it!" Zhao Pan rushed up and pushed its head away without caring about his identity.

But it was too late, the bull had already gnawed in several leaves and kept chewing them in his mouth.

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