After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 284 Little Monster

That is a tool commonly used when taming animals. Why does it appear here?

Then, He Lingchuan saw a strange creature appear on the wall of the courtyard.

It looks like a badger, like a flying squirrel, and a bit like a sea otter. It is shaped like a domestic cat, but has no fur. Its skin is gray with black spots, very similar to the surrounding environment, but with thick wrinkles.

Its eyes were small and glowing red, and it suddenly made eye contact with He Lingchuan.

The coldness and malice in those little eyes made his heart tighten, and he subconsciously touched the knife with his right hand.

The little monster turned his head and turned to face He Lingchuan.

At this moment, a dark brown figure suddenly fell from the sky. Taking advantage of its unpreparedness, it pounced on the flying demon-like monster like lightning.

That speed is only faster than a bowstring arrow.

The two things got entangled and rolled down the wall.

They fell into Sun Fuling's yard.

He Lingchuan simply went out through the window and jumped on the wall to take a look.

It turned out that the figure jumping down from the sky was a sparrowhawk. He Lingchuan had met it several times and cooperated with it in the underground spider nest. He was an old acquaintance. He even knew the spots on its tail.

The sparrowhawks screeched as they fought, ripping their beaks with their claws. Those with poor eyesight can only see two shadows colliding together and feathers flying around.

But He Lingchuan could clearly see that Sparrowhawk was at a disadvantage!

With the force of its grasp from the air, even the serious ferret demon was caught to death, but the little monster in front of him acted as if nothing had happened, as if his skin was not even scratched, and retorted to bite the sparrowhawk.

Its movements were more flexible than that of the Weasel Demon, specializing in the Sparrowhawk's feet and neck. The Sparrowhawk dodged twice and still received a big bite on its leg. He Lingchuan saw blood spurting out.

The little monster tried to attack its throat again, but the sparrowhawk blocked it with its wings. As a result, its wings were violently pulled and bitten by the opponent, causing feathers to fly.

In such a blink of an eye, the sparrowhawk's life is in danger.

It was also a Panlong City soldier. He Lingchuan would not sit back and ignore it. He grabbed the ice and snow on the wall, rolled it into a ball, and threw it out.

The little monster was startled, and when he turned around, he saw white flowers flashing in front of his eyes.

It suffers from its small size, and each snowball blocks its view.

He Lingchuan jumped to the ground, slapped the sparrowhawk away with the back of his knife, pulled out the dagger with his left hand, aimed at the little monster and stabbed it.

Unexpectedly, this thing is so flexible that it slides like a gust of wind and parkours directly on He Lingchuan. From its perspective, a large human being is ridiculously cumbersome.

After several dings, He Lingchuan still blocked its attack on the vitals. The "Yan Hui" movement technique he practiced diligently has achieved a small success. The most important thing is that he has experience. This kind of little monster with full agility points often has weak attack power, so it will first attack the opponent's throat, eyes, and heart. Wait for the critical moment.

At the same time, he also took the opportunity to stuff something into his mouth and chew hard.

The little monster missed several times and made another snapping sound. Only then did He Lingchuan realize that it was the sound of its teeth gnashing.

Then it changed its mind and went to bite his belly.

He Lingchuan was wearing light armor, but his pair of incisors were more powerful than a mouse, and he could bite through the leather armor with a few snaps. Then it suddenly shrank in size like a mouse, curled up and burrowed into the hole!

He Lingchuan's surprise was not trivial, because he felt severe pain in his abdomen immediately afterwards——

This thing planned to punch a hole in his stomach, then get in and gnaw out his insides!

Just judging by the speed at which it chewed through the leather armor, it probably only took a few breaths to penetrate his intestines and stomach.

He Lingchuan was not afraid of death in his dream, but it was too frustrating for him not to die in this way.

In the blink of an eye, the monster was left with only a bare tail pointed outside. He Lingchuan didn't have time to think too much, so he grabbed it and dragged it out.

With a snap, the monster's tail was broken.

This thing is actually like a gecko, which can cut off its tail to survive in critical moments.

However, it was dragged out a short distance after all. He Lingchuan's quick eyesight and quick hands spit out the chewed things in his mouth, stuck them directly to the little monster, and then slapped it away with a palm.

Just pat it away from his body to prevent it from making holes somewhere else again.

He used a lot of force, but the little monster landed on the ground and rolled twice. Nothing happened at all. He got up and continued to attack.

But after taking a few steps, it felt something was wrong:

His limbs and belly were all stuck, making it very inconvenient to move around.

It lowered its head and saw that its body was stuck to a large piece of milky white glue. It raised its paw and pushed it, but it turned out that its paw was also stuck and could not be pulled out.

The little monster went crazy and gnawed at this white, sticky thing.

However, it was of no use. It just made his mouth sink in and he couldn't open it anymore.

Within a dozen breaths, it fell to the ground, its body covered in milky white soft glue.

The more I struggle, the more desperate I become.

The sparrowhawk resting aside asked: "What is this?"

"Some kind of monster?" He Lingchuan was not sure, this thing looked too ugly.

"What did you use?"

"Bird glue." He Lingchuan smiled at it.

"..." As a bird, the sparrowhawk shrank its neck.

"Even though it's inconspicuous, it's very reliable for catching wild boars, mountain deer and little monsters, as long as it doesn't get wet." This trick was taught to him by Willow Tiao, and it is very convenient for hunting wild food outside on weekdays. It is said that hunters will use a certain kind of tree sap as a base to concoct a powerful bird-catching glue. It is usually in a solid state and is easy to carry. It will melt and become effective when exposed to heat. So chew it before use.

But don't worry about it sticking to your mouth, because it loses its stickiness when it comes in contact with water.

But the little monster on the ground seemed to be able to understand human speech. When he heard the word "wet", he dragged the glue and rolled it on the snow.

Glue is afraid of water. When the snow melts, doesn’t it turn into water?

He Lingchuan was startled, and quickly went into the kitchen to grab a straw basket, fished it out, and fished it out.

The monster grinned at him, but unfortunately it couldn't move.

When he got closer, He Lingchuan actually smelled a salty and moist smell from it, a bit like sea breeze, and a bit like...

Some kind of stimulant?

He took the dagger and slashed it at the monster.

It looked thin-skinned, but it didn't break the skin this time. The dagger slid out like it was scratched on flexible cowhide.

This scene seemed familiar. He Lingchuan frowned, grabbed the dagger and stabbed it with more force.

It didn't work either.

A small hole was dug into the monster's skin, but the skin remained intact.

"Interesting." This time he pulled out the Fusheng knife.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak." The little monster cried out in pain. A bloody gash was made on his back, and light green blood flowed out.

"Sure enough, you are also a wanted criminal." Sure enough, Fu Sheng Dao did not disappoint him.

He Lingchuan was not happy but worried about grabbing this thing. Who knows how many such monsters are lurking in Panlong City? They are either extremely powerful or extremely fast. In short, they are extremely destructive and invulnerable. How can ordinary soldiers and civilians deal with them?

And he also knew that this thing can eat people.

As he was sizing up the monster, there were rapid footsteps coming from outside.

He Lingchuan opened the courtyard door and saw a patrol guard rushing over, looking left and right.

"What are you looking for?" He Lingchuan showed his patrol sign.

"We just received a distress call." The man looked anxious, "It seems there are monsters here."

He Lingchuan then grabbed the straw basket from behind and said, "This is what caused the trouble."

The patrolman saw clearly the appearance of the monster in the room and was startled: "Yes, it must be these ghosts! I also heard the sound of fighting. Is anyone injured?"

"Yes." He Lingchuan glanced back. Sparrowhawk was standing on the back of a chair in Sun Fuling's courtyard, closing his eyes to rest.

The patrolman also saw it and said, "I'll take it back for treatment."

When the sparrowhawk heard this, he flapped his wings and flew crookedly to the roof.


"Forget it, I will take care of it." He Lingchuan walked out and closed the door. The patrolman was stunned: "Where are you going?"

"Take this thing in exchange for military honors." He Lingchuan shook the straw basket, "It seems that the people above are very worried about catching these things." So the military honors will be more generous, right?

The patrolman said: "I'm going back to report right now. I'll pass it along to you."

"Why are you so embarrassed?" He Lingchuan hesitated, "You want to help me submit military merit?"

"No problem." The patrolman showed his sign, which had a first and last name on it. "Please tell me your name and serial number."

Because military registration is compiled into a book, each person has a serial number, which makes it easy to search.

After He Lingchuan reported, he handed over the straw basket: "Then I'll trouble you."

"You're welcome." The patrolman nodded, took the basket and left.

He Lingchuan watched his figure disappear at the corner of the street. He always felt that he had missed something, but he couldn't remember it.

At this time, there was a sound of flapping wings from behind. He looked back and saw that the sparrowhawk was trying to fly down from the roof, but it crashed midway.

Fortunately there was plenty of snow on the ground.

He walked back, picked it up, jumped back to his home, and then went into the house to treat its injuries.

Don't look at the size of the monster and its small mouth. A large piece of flesh was torn off the sparrowhawk's leg. The wings that were protecting the throat were also torn to pieces. Several flight feathers were gone, and the wings were severely fractured. Obviously the little monster is also very energetic.

"With this injury, you won't be able to fly to heaven within two months." He Lingchuan scratched his head, "Attach the wings first, and don't move them after they are fixed. I have to ask Aluo to get you some medicine."

A few months ago, he was a novice who could only stare at gauze in a daze, but now he is half a master at treating bruises and injuries.

A person who has been injured for a long time becomes a good doctor. He is sincere and will not be deceived by me.

While He Lingchuan was treating it, he asked, "How do you chase this thing?"

"These monsters have been too rampant recently, killing more than a dozen people, and making people in Panlong City uneasy. In addition to patrols, arrest warrants have also been issued in the city." Sparrowhawk said dullly, "I fly high enough to see If they are far away, they will be sent to high-altitude inspections.”

He Lingchuan can understand the mentality of the city residents. Panlong City has always been labeled as "safe" and "efficient" and is a benchmark for city governance. So many civilians suddenly died, and the murderer still cannot be caught. There is dissatisfaction among the people and official pressure. Also big.

"How many monsters have been caught now?"

"Including today's one, there are five of them."

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