He Lingchuan counted with his fingers: "Out of the five, I caught only two?" Your efficiency is too low, right? "Isn't there a curfew at night?"

In fact, what he wanted to say was that Panlong City must often release three corpse insects to patrol, but they still can't catch those monsters?

"They have changed their time and no longer appear at night." Sparrowhawk said, "They also do not appear under the bright sun. They prefer cloudy days. They are probably also a little afraid of the true fire of the sun. These things are not smart, and we suspect there is someone behind the scenes. Also ——”

It hesitated.

"What else?" Experience told him that what comes next after such words is often the key point.

"Commander Zhong hired the most experienced pharmacist to examine these monsters, and I was also present at that time. They concluded that these monsters are still in their infancy."

"Infancy stage?" He Lingchuan frowned, "Are they still cubs?"

"The fontanel bones on their heads are very large and haven't even begun to close yet. The pharmacist judged that they are larvae." Sparrowhawk recounted, "Either babies or fetuses."

"Fetus?" He Lingchuan was seriously surprised, "It's so difficult to deal with, but it's still a fetus?"

How scary can these ghosts be when they grow up?

"So they are instinctively afraid of strong light and only go out on cloudy days." Sparrowhawk resisted the urge to flap its wings. "Since the first monster appeared, there have been few cloudy days." So they captured few monsters, not They don't work hard enough.

"That little monster, did it come here on its own?"

"Well, it was walking around, as if it was looking for something, and finally it came to your wall." The sparrowhawk was flying high in the sky to monitor, "I saw that it wanted to turn around and bite you, so it came down."

"Thank you." He Lingchuan was deeply moved and gently stroked its head.

Sparrowhawk avoided his hand with disdain: "If you want to thank me, just turn on the stove!"

It's so cold in this room, it's freezing to death!

"Okay, okay." He Lingchuan thought that he did not treat guests well, "This will cause anger."

He walked around the kitchen and found that the charcoal was gone and the firewood was gone.

Yes, I ran out of it last time I entered Dreamland, and I haven’t been too lazy to replenish it.

Anyway, if you are strong and strong, you can get through it with your righteousness.

What to do now? He Lingchuan thought for a while, then picked up the only quilt and wrapped it around Sparrowhawk: "Wait, I'll borrow some charcoal. I'll be back in a moment."

After leaving He Lingchuan's house, the patrolman took more and more twists and turns, and finally entered a deserted alley.

The walls on both sides are short, and the trees above are very tall. A house nearby is being renovated. The door is open and materials are piled up, but there is no one in the house.

The sky is cloudy and it will rain soon.

The patrolman looked around to make sure no one was following him, then slipped in.

He stood in the corner behind the house, lifted up the straw basket, and his eyes were parallel to the little monster in the basket.

One person and one monster, looking at each other for a few breaths.

Then, the little monster made a snapping sound, like talking.

The guard remained motionless, but after the little monster finished speaking, he actually made a snapping sound!

Listen carefully, the sound does not come from his throat, but from his chest!

Then the patrolman put down the straw basket and dumped the little monster on the snow.

If you apply snow powder thickly on it several times and the snow melts after a while to reduce the viscosity of the glue, maybe it can get out of trouble.

However, at this moment, an arrow was shot from not far away, directly pinning the patrolman's arm to the wall.

He didn't even feel the pain, nor did he cry out, and then the sound of "swish" broke through the air belatedly.

The guard reached out to pull out the arrow, but the next arrow came again and pinned his other hand to the wall.

He finally let out an angry roar, and regardless of his strength, he pulled his palm off the entire long arrow!

The arrow was still nailed to the wall, covered in blood from beginning to end.

But he was still a step too slow, and the third arrow hit his heart!

The patrolman was stunned for a moment, his head lowered, but the armor on his back moved, and something suddenly jumped out from here, trying to escape along the corner.

Its actions were extremely decisive and as fast as light. Even if others watched, they could only see an afterimage passing through the air.

Unfortunately, the fourth arrow arrived, and it hit the target at once, as if the path it would take was calculated in advance.

It jumped like this, as if it was leaning towards the arrow.

"Gah——" A rough scream.

Such simple four arrows forced it out of its hiding place and nailed it to the wall.

Calmly, easily.

Only then could we see clearly that the heartbeat that came out of the guard's back was also a monster. It looked like a long-legged spider. The eight legs were at least three feet long, but they were as thin as noodles. The body was only the size of a duck egg, and there was a vicious face hidden on its back. face.

After being hit by this arrow, its eight claws dug and scratched at the wall, but it didn't even scratch the wall -

Its long legs are used for delicate work, such as injecting venom, manipulating people's nerves, and making the skin speak and act normally, rather than being used for smashing, smashing, and robbing.

Apparently, the patrolman was accidentally attacked by it, and then turned into a skin inhabited by the monster.

It deceived He Lingchuan's trust just to save the little monster in the straw basket.

Unfortunately, the oriole is behind.

At this time, a figure jumped down from the wall, silently approached, pulled out the arrow, and stuffed the arrow with the spider monster into the quiver.

The little monster in the straw basket screamed non-stop. In addition to cursing, his little eyes seemed to be full of fear.

The figure scooped up the grass basket and disappeared into the alley in a few leaps.

He Lingchuan jumped on the wall.

Yes, it was the low wall between his house and Sun Fuling's house. The solution he came up with was to borrow some firewood from a good neighbor's house.

Teachers at Shujin Academy receive so much salary every month that they can’t burn it all. Otherwise, how can we call it “salary”?

By the way, why did that little monster come here?

The moment he climbed over the wall, an idea flashed in his mind, and he suddenly figured out where the violation was:

The little monster in the straw basket struggled from beginning to end, except——

Except when he was talking to the patrol.

Except when he handed the straw basket to the patrol.

During these two moments, the little monster was as quiet as a child.


He Lingchuan was in a daze for several seconds and patted his head in frustration.

There is probably something wrong with the patrol! But after such a long time, this person no longer knew where he had slipped away.

What was he thinking at the time? Why was he so gullible?

The matter has passed, and there is no point in thinking about it.

He sighed and continued looking for firewood.

Sun Fuling's small courtyard was empty, with only a chair and a ladder placed under the eaves. The snow on the ground melted and turned into ice, crystal clear and slippery to step on.

This yard is cleaner than his face, but it is unpopular.

It seems that Sun Fuling has not been back for several days. Didn't she take winter vacation recently? Why was she nowhere to be seen?

There was no firewood in the yard, so He Lingchuan decided to go into the kitchen to find it, or leave her a note at worst.

If you have a good relationship, you can be casual.

He opened the door and walked in, and found that there was indeed a high pile of firewood piled in the corner of the kitchen, with charcoal beside it. He didn't know how long she had been saving it.

He Lingchuan looked at the firewood pile that was taller than a person, and secretly wondered if this Miss Sun didn't keep warm at home.

How else could he save so much firewood?

Looking at the kitchen, there are all kinds of pots, pans, pans, and everything else, but they are placed too neatly. There are no traces of smoke and fire anywhere, and it looks like a model room.

He Lingchuan reached for the bottom of the stove and dug out. There was no smoke, at most there was a little dust.

Miss Sun said she didn't know how to cook, and she was really not modest.

But doesn’t she also boil water and usually quenches her thirst by chewing snow?

The door between the bedroom and the kitchen was open. He Lingchuan knew he shouldn't go there, but his legs wouldn't work.

Sun Fuling's bedroom was also spotless, with clean and flat bedding, and a chair placed against the wall with two books on it. He Lingchuan read it and found that it was all idle books.

There is a box next to the wall, which has a lock but is not locked.

There was also half a tray of burned candles on the lid.

He Lingchuan glanced at the room again and saw nothing unusual, then turned his attention to the box.

Can't it be opened?

He saw Sun Fuling returning to the house several times to get medicine, but there was no medicine box here, so the medicine was placed in the box?

What else is there?

Suddenly there was a "creak" outside, and the courtyard door opened.


He Lingchuan quickly went around to the kitchen, opened the door and went out.

Then, he met Sun Fuling who stepped into the yard.

Both of them were stunned.

Sun Fuling was a little surprised, blinked, and held something in both hands.

After being caught red-handed, He Lingchuan knew without looking in the mirror that his face must be full of embarrassment in capital letters.

"Hi." His voice was weak, "You're back."

Sun Fuling looked at the courtyard wall and then at him, and seemed to understand something: "Is something wrong?"

"I'll..." He Lingchuan chuckled, "Borrow some firewood."

Seeing that the leather bag in the other person's hand was bulging, he quickly stepped forward to help: "I'll help you carry it."

Sun Fuling handed the things to him, then went into her kitchen, brought out a large bundle of firewood and a large bundle of charcoal, and stuffed them all into his hands, "I can't use them all, you can take whatever you want."

Suddenly there was a creaking sound from next door.

Sun Fuling noticed: "What is that sound?"

"Birds are chirping." He Lingchuan chirped on the ground, "The sparrowhawk was fighting a monster in your yard just now and was injured. He was treated at my place. It kept crying out that it was cold, so..."

He shook the firewood in his hand.

"Is it injured?" Sun Fuling was slightly moved. The last time Sparrowhawk came to visit, she was also present. "I'll go over and have a look." After that, she pushed the door open and went out.

Of course, He Lingchuan couldn't go back the way he came, so he had to follow her out, took two steps and opened the door of his courtyard: "Please come in."

He went to the kitchen to light the fire. When he turned around, he saw Sun Fuling squatting down to inspect the Sparrowhawk's injury, and reached out to stroke its back.

Not only did the sparrowhawk not hide, but it closed its eyes and looked like it was enjoying itself.

"..." Does this bird look at people? Why did he dislike him just now?

"It's so pitiful. The feathers are all broken. It seems that it will take a while to raise it before it can go to heaven." Sun Fuling took out a small bag of dried meat from somewhere, tore it into thin strips, and fed it bit by bit, "I bought it from the market. salty."

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