After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 286 The missing monster

She turned around and asked He Lingchuan: "Where is that monster?"

"A patrol heard the sound and came after me, saying that he would turn it in on my behalf." He Lingchuan sighed, "Now that I think about it, that person is very problematic."

"what is the problem?"

"The monster I caught stopped screaming when he got close."

Sun Fuling didn't even raise her head: "Maybe it's just a coincidence."

"I hope so." He Lingchuan scratched his head, "But I don't understand why these monsters always come here?"


"Look, we alone encountered three monsters and caught two of them; and the whole city only caught six monsters in total." Panlong City is so big, why don't the monsters go elsewhere?

Sun Fuling thought for a moment: "Could their nest be nearby?"

"Perhaps." He Lingchuan also considered this, "Sparrow Eagle just said that the pharmacist called by Commander Zhong believes that these monsters are in the infancy stage. Judging from the bone age, they have not even been born yet at this stage."

"And I just smelled a strange salty smell on the monster. It was wet and sticky, a bit like..." He Lingchuan had a strange expression.

"like what?"

He Lingchuan hesitated. He really didn't want to say that word.

"Amniotic fluid?" Sun Fuling asked openly.

He Lingchuan could only say: "I guessed it."

"If the most qualified pharmacists say that they are unborn babies." Sun Fuling carefully fed the sparrowhawk meat, "then your guess is very reasonable."

"In other words, they have such strong fighting power when they are born?"

This goes against biological common sense. Although some animals can hunt and survive on their own right after birth, such as crocodiles, the larvae are relatively weak and can even be eaten by others.

"Strength and weakness are all relative." Sun Fuling analyzed, "Perhaps compared to adult parents, they are already considered weak."

When a giant whale calf is born, it is more than a foot long and weighs tens of thousands of kilograms. Isn't it common for a giant whale calf to hit a person?

In other words, the prey of these monster larvae - humans, is too weak compared to them.

"Then we have to catch them early." Otherwise, Panlong City will suffer a disaster. "No wonder San... no wonder it's hard to catch them no matter how carefully you search them. Where can you find unborn things?"

No wonder the Three Corpse Insects can't find these monsters, they are all hidden in the mother's body!

The Three Corpse Insects only have seven orifices to burrow through. It’s amazing how could they get into the mother’s belly to inspect the fetus if they had one more orifices?

"Huh? Wait!" He Lingchuan was startled and suddenly felt something was wrong.


"Well..." Since the Three Corpse Insects could discover their mother body, why didn't they alert the owner of the square pot?

Is the monster's mother... not a monster?

This time Sun Fuling also finished feeding the dried meat: "You can find the mother."

"..." She hit the nail on the head.

"After so many days, every corner of Panlong City has been searched several times, but there is nothing there." Sun Fuling said matter-of-factly, "Then it must have been hidden by someone."

"Yes." What He Lingchuan was thinking was that the senior officials of Panlong City knew more about the wonderful uses of the Three Corpse Insects than he did. They must have already inferred that the monster's "mother" might be a human.

I just eat carrots and don't worry about it.

"The question is, why do these monsters sneak into the city?" He Lingchuan boiled some water while lighting up the fire, and Sun Fuling poured a bowl of hot water and placed it next to Sparrow Eagle. "Panlong City is very unfriendly to illegal intruders." Friendly, what kind of monster is willing to risk death to come in?”

He Lingchuan exhaled: "After all, the information available is too little."

The information is insufficient and difficult to analyze, and most of it relies on guesswork.

"So, people like you and me who eat cabbage, why should we worry about those who eat meat?" Sun Fuling said leisurely, "Okay, I have to go back and take a shower, so don't come over to borrow anything for now."

He Lingchuan's old face turned red: "Do you want saponin? I have it."

Sun Fuling chuckled lightly and was about to go out, but suddenly remembered something: "By the way, today is Panlong City's Heavenly Sacrifice Day, and Mr. Wen Daolun will be the officiator. Do you want to come with us? Maybe there will be a chance to ask Wen Daolun to clarify your doubts." ”

Wen Daolun? He Lingchuan thought for a while and then remembered that this seemed to be the counselor beside Commander Zhong, and it was said that he was also proficient in divination. "Yes, of course!"

Then he asked: "What is the Heavenly Sacrifice Day?"

Sun Fuling stared at him steadily.

He Lingchuan touched his nose and said, "I'm not originally from Panlong City." He didn't understand their ancient customs.

"Three years ago today, Commander Zhong sacrificed his only daughter to the gods in exchange for the gods' overwhelming attention. Panlong City has been able to continue to this day." Sun Fuling said slowly, "Panlong City has only held one human sacrifice. , the people of the city admire him, and they will go to worship him every year. Starting from this year, Panlong City will designate this day as the Heavenly Sacrifice Day."

"Since I have to go to worship." He Lingchuan thought for a moment, "I'll buy some flowers and fruits."

"Where did the flowers come from in this weather?" Sun Fuling laughed, "I've already bought the fruit cakes."

An hour later, the two set off in a donkey cart.

I was speechless all the way.

He Lingchuan didn't say a word, and Sun Fuling didn't speak either. They just drove and rolled.

Yet her presence is strong.

Sun Fuling has changed her clothes, her wet hair has dried early, the dark clouds are fluffy, and she exudes an aroma similar to that of pine wood, which is fresh, neutral and pleasant. He Lingchuan closed his eyes and felt like he was in the forest again.

He had only heard that girls like to bathe in the scent of flowers, and this one was a bit special.

The donkey cart is very small, so two people have to sit next to each other. Sun Fuling held her chin and looked out. He Lingchuan could get close to her slender neck as soon as he turned his head.

Her skin is thin and white, and the light blue blood vessels underneath are faintly visible.

No matter how you look at it, this is a young woman in her prime.

He Lingchuan couldn't help but think of all the doubts about her, and finally broke the silence:

"By the way, have you been out to play these days?"

"I was out of town a few days ago. Yesterday I went to my brother's house to clean the house." Sun Fuling sighed, "Although it is a mud house, it may be taken back."

Yes, accommodation in Panlongcheng has always been very tight. Except for the luxury houses, other houses are designated by the city, and everyone is theoretically a resident. When a resident like Sun Jiayuan dies, the government will take back the house and distribute it to people in need.

"Bringing his things back?"

"He has nothing." Death is like a lamp going out, leaving no trace in the world.

There was another silence, and they seemed to have chatted to death.

However, there were doubts in his heart, and finally one popped up regardless of the rudeness:

"Miss Sun, are you also a practicing master?"

"Well, yes." Sun Fuling turned to look at him, as if a little surprised, "I have learned magical powers, practiced kung fu hard, and served as a patrol, and almost joined the Gale Army."

She paused and then said: "In Panlong City, there are many women who practice martial arts, and there is no shortage of them in the patrols and the Gale Army. Many of the girls I have taught aim to join the Gale Army when they grow up. "

He Lingchuan thought of his teammate Liu Tiao. She was even more tough than men. Panlong City must gather the strength of the entire city to resist foreign aggression, and it will last for more than ten years. As long as they can defend the home and the city, women also have to go to the battlefield.

"But you're going to teach again later?"

"I was seriously injured in the battle, and my brother persuaded me to give up martial arts and pursue literature. It happened that Shulin Academy was recruiting lecturers, and the salary was favorable, so I..." She tapped her temples, "It is important to kill the enemy in battle, but it is also good to cultivate future warriors. ." She said softly, "Even if the environment in Panlong Wasteland is not good, I think Panlong City still has a future."

As long as people and hope exist, this place will have a future.

At least, there are still seventeen years.

He Lingchuan knew that the average life expectancy of people in the Yuan Kingdom was only around thirty years. For most civilians, these seventeen years were already half a lifetime.

Sun Fuling suddenly pointed forward and said, "Is that your shop?"

They were already walking on the busiest main street, and there was an endless flow of cars and horses. He Lingchuan followed her finger and looked, and sure enough, wasn't that the store he had spent a lot of money on to build a store?

Last time, after he collected all the sundries in the store, he handed them over to the official leasing agent. Now the store has been renovated and reopened, with a few green characters written on half a piece of bark as a signboard:

Yunling Island.

Just by looking at the sign, you can tell that they are not selling food or clothing. And there were many customers in the shop. He Lingchuan remembered that the first monthly rent had been handed over to him, which was very generous.

The shop has been maintained for twenty years without any problems. If it is a family of four, the whole family does not need to do anything else. Just eating and drinking in this shop can save the capital to marry a daughter-in-law.

However, Panlongcheng hates people who get something for nothing, so the business tax is not low, but if someone in the family joins the army, they can be exempted according to the amount.

Sun Fuling was very interested: "Go down and take a look?"

Of course He Lingchuan would not refuse.

However, when Sun Fuling got out of the car, she stepped on a stone, slipped, and stumbled.

He Lingchuan held her arm and said, "Be careful."

Her almond-shaped eyes were crescent, and she must have been smiling. Only then did He Lingchuan notice the candy snail shell diamond on her left temple. The plain clothes highlighted this bright color even more.

After entering the store, He Lingchuan discovered that this was a magical artifact store that not only bought and sold various magical artifacts, but also provided after-sales service, repairs, and maintenance.

As you can imagine, this store serves practitioners, and most civilians who come here mainly visit. He Lingchuan also met several familiar faces here, all of them were patrollers.

These people even winked when they greeted him, because Sun Fuling was right next to him.

The shop owner is a fat, white man, famously known as the White Grasshopper. His belly is a bit round and he greets customers with a smile. At first glance, he looks like a serious businessman.

It turns out that this is his third branch in Panlongcheng.

Shop rents on Wanglin Street are horribly expensive. There are only two types of shops that can be opened here. Either the business is booming, or the goods are expensive and people want them. Yunling Island is the latter.

When he heard that He Lingchuan was the landlord, his enthusiasm doubled. He brought tea and water, and said that the landlord would like to buy the magical artifacts in the store in the future, and he could buy them back at a 10% discount——

As long as next year's store rental is more affordable for him, that's fine.

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