After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 287 Secret Scroll: Bronze Man in Golden Armor

He Lingchuan actually picked out a few things in his store, the first being a set of zip lines. Although it is not as exquisite as Master Li Fubo's personal customization, it is much better than the broken rope he is using now. The enhanced version of the sharp hook is made of fine gold-plated claws, with anti-slip soft rubber added to the back, making it difficult to fall off when grasped, and Recycling is also easier.

The most important thing is that this thing can be used with the sleeve quiver, and even the tip can be closed and inserted directly into the quiver. It is suitable for various models.

In addition he bought several inspiration maps.

This is the original creation of Yunling Island. It looks like an ordinary piece of parchment, but when you open it, you will find Panlong Wasteland and a detailed map of the surrounding areas. You just need to mark the starting point and say the destination, and it will be generated on the map. A dotted line to guide you in the direction of progress.

What’s interesting is that no matter how far you travel in real life, the distance on the map will also scale proportionally.

A map can be used seven times, and it will be deducted once when you reach the destination. The price is quite affordable. But this is also the best-selling product on Yunling Island. After all, every store needs the same sign to attract traffic.

He Lingchuan read the introduction of this thing, clapped his hands and said, "Give me ten copies!"

Isn't this, isn't this...

White Grasshopper packed it for him and said diligently, "I'll teach you how to use it."

"No need." He Lingchuan said amusedly, "I know this well, I don't need you to teach me."

He has no shortage of use in another world.

This store has a full range of goods. He Lingchuan even replenished some consumables here, and ordered some ghost cicadas from the store owner. He paid out all the store rent he had just received and put in a lot of money, then he remembered that he forgot to ask What does Sun Fuling want to buy?

It seems like he should pay for the shopping expenses?

But she smiled and said: "No need, there is nothing I like here."

The white grasshopper listened very unconvinced: "There is nothing I can't get! Just tell me what you want, and I will go find it."


Sun Fuling said: "I want a special notebook from the Northern Demon Kingdom."

"Notes?" Bai Chao was stunned for a moment, "What kind of notes?"

"I heard that Wu Chen, the king of the Northern Demon Kingdom, wrote a diary of his life's reflections, called the "Record of Worship to the Gods", and then copied it widely and collected it for the upper-class nobles of the Bejia Kingdom. I would like to take a look."

Bai Ku said curiously: "The current king of the Northern Demon Kingdom is not named Wu Chen."

"Yes, that was more than three hundred years ago."

"This..." Bai Ku said, "You are awesome, I can't do it."

After walking out of the shop and getting on the donkey cart, He Lingchuan asked Sun Fuling: "The shop owner thinks you are making things difficult for him."

"He's not wrong." Sun Fuling snorted, "The things he sells are ridiculously expensive. I don't like this kind of slick businessman."

It's rare for Miss Sun to be in mood. He Lingchuan looked back at the store and suddenly remembered the old woman he met the day he came to pack things.

He had forgotten the old woman's last name. He only remembered that she was skinny but her belly was a little bulging.

She took a jar from this store.

He still remembered the shopkeeper next door jokingly saying that the old woman seemed to be several months old.

"What's wrong?" Sun Fuling saw him suddenly in a daze.

"It's nothing." The thoughts that flashed through his mind were a bit crazy and should not be spoken to others.

The donkey cart made several more turns and passed by the Military Merit Department.

"Hey." Sun Fuling suddenly tugged on He Lingchuan's sleeve, "Don't you think there's something strange about the patrol guards you met today? Why not go to Pengcheng Department and see if the new military merits gained today have been credited?"

"That makes sense. But we're going to the Shenjing platform...?"

"The heavenly festival won't start so soon."

"Okay." He Lingchuan jumped off the donkey cart, paid the money, and walked into Pengcheng Department with Sun Fuling.

He began to feel that this Miss Sun seemed a little strong, or that she was a little careless about the heavenly festival.

The person on duty at Pengcheng Department today was also He Lingchuan's acquaintance, Liu Gongcao.

When Liu Gongcao saw Sun Fuling, he said hello first: "Hey, Miss Sun!"

Sun Fuling nodded at him: "Long time no see."

"Ah..." Liu Gongcao paused, "Yes."

"Two hours ago, I captured a man-eating monster in the city. I asked patrolman Liu Xinyi to bring it back and hand it over." He Lingchuan greeted Liu Gongcao and began to inquire, "Please help me take a look?"

"Two hours ago?" Liu Gongcao put down his pen, picked up the file next to his desk and flipped through it.

After a while, "Well, here it is! I caught a Jindu ghost cub."

"Jindu ghost cub?" He Lingchuan was startled, "Is it officially certified?"

What surprised him even more was that this military merit was actually recorded on him!

So there was nothing weird about the previous patrolman and he came back on time to deliver his duties. Was he mistaking him?

"It has been found out. This thing is the cub of Jindu mother. Jindu mother can bear children in her womb, so the ghost cubs have skins and are not afraid to travel in the daytime. They are not ordinary ghosts."

"Borrowing the womb to give birth to a child?" He Lingchuan murmured, "In this case, it borrows a living person as its mother?"

"The ghost cubs you handed over today are still stained with amniotic fluid, so the city has started a thorough investigation of pregnant women." Liu Gongcao turned the file around, "This is the military merit you obtained for capturing the two ghost cubs. What do you want to exchange for?"

He Lingchuan took a look and saw that the reward was rich, probably because he had completed the reward unintentionally. The key was that his military merit, which had bottomed out, had increased a lot.

"Exchange the skills." He thought for a moment, "I want magical powers this time." He did not choose martial arts for the time being. He had not fully understood the Lang Zhan Dao and Yan Hui Shen techniques, and it was easy to bite off more than he could chew.

On the contrary, the application range of magical powers is wider, and it can be used as an auxiliary weapon during combat, and can be used as a magic touch.

Liu Gongcao immediately pulled out a list of names for him to choose from.

"This mirror image technique is good." The magical power that He Lingchuan spotted at first sight can transform himself into a mirror image. Each mirror image has a combat power equivalent to 20% of the main body. It lasts for four breaths and can be seriously injured or 20 feet away from the main body. will disappear.

Of course, the number of mirrors, attack capabilities, and duration will increase with attainment. After cultivating to a deep level, you can summon up to four mirror images at the same time.

Using this skill is equivalent to a group of boys following behind with weapons in hand, pointing out who to hit.

Of course, it can only be used for fighting.

At the very least, it can make up for the lack of its own group attack skills.

He saw two more magical powers and felt moved. It's a pity that military achievements are limited and cannot be won at once.

Sun Fuling saw him pondering undecided, so she asked him: "What are your shortcomings in fighting?"

"Shortcomings?" He Lingchuan was actually thinking about this issue as well. "You're right, let's solve the shortcomings first." No matter how good other magical powers are, they are the icing on the cake. Fixing your own shortcomings first is the way to save your life.

At that moment, he pointed to a magical power in the directory: "I want this."

Liu Gongcao looked at it and kindly reminded him: "This costs money."

"I know." He is forgetful about money. If he could trade money for his life, he would not hesitate.

So Liu Gongcao went into the treasury and took out the secret technique, and slapped it on the table: "Congratulations on getting the man in golden armor who lost his fortune. There are no more than five people in Panlong City who have learned this technique."

Sun Fuling also groaned: "You have to work hard to save money."

The volume of secrets that He Lingchuan exchanged for might as well be called blueprints rather than magical powers, because the cover said:

Bronze man in golden armor.

This is the secret technique of refining the bronze man with golden armor.

He had seen Dong Rui command ghost apes and werewolves, causing the officers and soldiers to scramble, and he had also seen Zhao Pan's men use grass-head talismans to summon green scarf warriors, and he knew that such helpers were useful. Not only can it be output during battles, but it is also a good hand for carrying supplies and exploring adventure routes.

The copper skin of the Golden Armored Bronze Man is definitely much thicker than that of the Blue Turban Warrior, and he can definitely block the master's sword in critical moments, so this is a good thing with both output and defense.

Wu Shaoyi also has a bronze man in gold armor. He didn't know how to refine it himself. This treasure was given by Hong Xiangqian, and it also played a huge role in the battle of Xianling Village.

But the quality of that thing is relatively average.

After several battles, He Lingchuan realized that his biggest shortcoming was his lack of defense. This point can be slightly compensated by using various defensive weapons, but we also need to find a way to turn passive into active, and the Golden Armored Bronze Man is very suitable.

If there is danger, it will attack it; if there is a flying arrow, it will eat it first. If there is a roadblock in front of it, it can also go out and deal damage with its face.

This thing is first refined and then collected. Throw it out during battle, and then chant a summoning spell perfunctorily, and it can transform from a half-hand-sized doll into a soldier over one foot tall.

However, it is quite difficult to control, and the owner needs to be distracted during the whole process, otherwise he will not be able to take a single step.

This is different from the mirror image technique, in which the summoned mirror image can move freely after receiving instructions.

The more bronze men are summoned, the more difficult it is to control them. Especially when the battlefield environment changes rapidly, the owner is more likely to be in a hurry.

It is said that a master can summon six bronze figures at a time, which is close to the limit.

Moreover, bronze men in golden armor can be upgraded. Bronze men can be promoted to guards, and guards can be promoted to bronze generals. There is a huge improvement at each level. The whole set of secret techniques has long been lost in Yuan territory. Even if Hong Xiangqian can make gold Armored Bronze Man, don’t even think about promotion later.

Liu Gongcao did not deny the merits of the Golden Armored Bronze Man, but said that few people in Panlong City practiced it. The reason is also very simple: burning money.

Among the twenty-one materials used to make the golden armored bronze figure, seven are very valuable. Apart from anything else, He Lingchuan must have been deeply impressed by Zhan Jin, an old acquaintance.

In order to cultivate the Fu Sheng Dao, he almost went bankrupt. This was also thanks to Sun Fuping's relics. Otherwise, where would the hundreds of thousands of silver be?

This time, gold is also used to make bronze figures with golden armor. Although the amount used for each statue is very small, it is not comparable to big money eaters like Fusheng Dao. However, in a place like Panlong City, gold is priceless. There is no place to buy it even if you have money.

Not to mention that the money consumption required for each upgrade will increase by two levels, which is simply a bottomless pit.

Unfortunately, the exchange price for its military merits is very high, and there is almost no cost-effectiveness at all. Who would be willing to exchange for this?

Oh, I forgot to mention that the power of the Golden Armored Bronze Man comes from Xuan Jing.

But none of the above is a problem for He Lingchuan... right?

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