After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 289 Wen Daolun’s methods

Wen Daolun looked him up and down, stroking his long beard and said, "Okay, you will go back in my car later."

This is what has been promised.

Then the two of them stood aside and waited for the procedure to be completed.

Wen Daolun had to burn seven sticks of incense before he could leave. At that time, the memorial service for the common people was almost over.

He Lingchuan asked his companion in a low voice: "Why does Wen Daolun owe you a favor?"

"He occasionally goes to Shuxin Academy."

"...Teaching children?" After all, he was Commander Zhong's trusted confidant. He was so full that he went to see a group of chirping little birds?

"We teach more than just children." Shuping Academy is the best official school in Panlong City. Sun Fuling said with a smile, "He came to play chess with an old friend, my mentor Xu Shichu. Two months ago he Here he is again, my mentor is not here, so I play a few games with him.”

"Mr. Wen said that as long as I win, he will sell me a favor, and then I will..." She shrugged, "win out of three games."

"You're just using such a precious favor for me?" He Lingchuan was moved.

"Favors grow more the more you use them, rather than disappearing after they are used." Sun Fuling glanced at him, "Now it's your turn to owe me a favor."

"Easy to say." He patted his chest, "Whatever you want."

With nothing to do, He Lingchuan strolled to the edge of the altar and looked down.

Good guy, the cliff is scorched black, and occasionally there is a glimmer of lightning. There should have been plants growing on this mountain rock, but after the three thunders, nothing was left, and it was all bare.

He Lingchuan also saw traces of lightning strikes on some rocks, but they were very old.

"I just heard the sacrifice. The gods sent down thunder and took away the sacrifice." He Lingchuan pointed at his feet, "Is this caused by the thunder at that time?" Even the solid rock melted, and there was no way that any living thing could be spared.

"Yes, except for the power of the gods, no one has such skill." Sun Fuling said leisurely, "Those few lightning bolts brought us not only fear, but also precious confidence."

"Because the gods are on our side?"

"Of course." Sun Fuling sighed, "You were not in Panlong City at that time, so you don't know how depressed and desperate everyone was... Once again, we were abandoned by the motherland like worn shoes. Even Commander Zhong became seriously ill with anger. ”

After Panlong City became an enclave, Zhong Shengguang led his troops to defend the Panlong Wasteland for twelve years. Finally, the war situation eased and Panlong City and the West Luo Kingdom were reconnected.

However, the good times did not last long. In less than a year, war broke out again. The weak Xiluo Kingdom once again lost contact with Panlong City. It even wanted to cede Panlong City to Baling Kingdom.

This was a huge blow to Panlong City. They had persisted for twelve years surrounded by enemies, but this was the result.

How many twelve years are there in life?

One can imagine the despondency in Panlong City.

In this situation, if the gods did not come out to support and show amazing miracles to boost confidence, Panlong City would have collapsed long ago, without even the need for the enemy to take action.

He Lingchuan looked at the altar again.

The God-rewarding Ceremony three years ago was a turning point in the fate of the entire Panlong Wasteland. Since then, nothing has been the same.

After waiting for a while, the last stick of incense was almost burned out. Wen Daolun stepped down from the altar and came over in person: "Okay, come get in the car with me."

His time was precious and he planned to use his return time to answer He Lingchuan's questions.

At this time, He Lingchuan pointed to the bottom of the cliff and said, "Look, there are living things down there!"

There were originally plants growing in the wasteland directly below the God Advent Platform. Three thunderbolts struck down and even the ground was scorched black.

Therefore, the figure running on this bare and scorched land is particularly conspicuous.

He Lingchuan had practiced hard and his eyesight had improved a long time ago. Even though he was dozens of feet away, he could still see the little black dots sniffing everywhere, and there was a tail behind him.

Wen Daolun also looked down and sneered: "The traitor will never die."

"Is that also the Jindu ghost cub?"

"Yes. The Gale Army I deployed below has already caught up."

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, dozens of people appeared from the bushes below to surround the black spot.

"Why are these monsters down here?"

Wen Daolun said smoothly: "They want to feel the breath of the gods."

This is very confusing. The breath of gods?

How did he know to plan ahead here?

It seems that Panlongcheng knows Jindu Ghost Child quite well.

He Lingchuan didn't ask, because Wen Daolun clapped his hands and said, "Let's go."

The two boarded the carriage with Wen Daolun, and their own carriage followed behind.

Wen Daolun's carriage was more spacious, with some soft mattresses inside to increase comfort, as well as a charcoal basin and a table. Compared with the attire worn by wealthy people when going out, this is already simple and unpretentious.

The three of them sat down and the carriage started. Wen Daolun immediately said: "I have something to say first, so that Xu Shichu will not come back to find fault with me. The so-called premise of numerology having fixed numbers is that the laws of nature are consistent. However, the catastrophes of heaven and earth have shaken the origin, and various deductions and calculations have There is no estimate of how many more we can hit.”

He put it bluntly. After the catastrophe three thousand years ago, divination methods were not very accurate.

He Lingchuan nodded. This was not the first time he had heard this statement.

Then Wen Daolun asked about He Lingchuan's birth date. He Lingchuan was about to report out, but Leng Buding felt something was wrong:

Oops! The year of his birth was more than a hundred years after the destruction of Panlong City!

When we find out his real birth date, no matter how we calculate it, there are a lot of mistakes.

Why didn't you think of it beforehand?

He could only hesitate: "I, I don't know, I was adopted."

"Unclear?" Wen Daolun thought for a while, then came closer to look at his face, then looked at his hands, felt his pulse again, and even took a look at his eyelids.

This style is no different from the old Chinese medicine doctor’s observation, hearing, asking and understanding.

Wen Daolun added a piece of charcoal to the charcoal basin and said, "Looking at your face, you don't look like someone without parents!"

"Maybe they are still alive?" He Lingchuan lied bravely, but he was complaining in his heart. This is like seeing a doctor. If there is something hidden, can the diagnosis given by the doctor be reliable?

"Luck is endless, the future is boundless, and last but not least, he is a general. How do you call this a disaster? Then the common people really have no way to survive."

It seems that He Chunhua has been talking about his eldest son as a lucky general all day long, and there is no evidence at all. He Lingchuan and Sun Fuling looked at each other: "The one you deduce to me is a great monster with more than three hundred years of spiritual practice. It has been studying the "Tianhe Collection" handed down by Master Dongli for many years, and he also left me two verses. "

"Master Dongli?" Wen Daolun was startled and thought for a while, "Master Dongli of the Great Reunion Sect?"

"Ah. (First sound)"

"you sure?"

"Yes." Master Dongli himself wrote in the cave that he would give it to future generations. How could he be wrong? "It accidentally entered the cave where Dongli Zhenren was seated and obtained his treasure."

"In the post-reiki era, this person is also famous." Wen Daolun asked for those two verses and thought about them carefully.

"The body is like a cage... a cage..." He thought for a while and frowned, "Could it be that the body is also a prison?"

He Lingchuan immediately asked: "What does this mean?" He did not miss the word "ye".

Wen Daolun sighed: "In terms of luck alone, you are far beyond ordinary people. It is really strange that you still have such luck in the Panlong Wasteland. Think about it for yourself, has everything been smooth sailing since childhood?"

"Yes." The original person did grow up eating, drinking, having fun, and living comfortably.

"You can't figure out the horoscope, and you can't deduce the destiny palace. It's really difficult to calculate. If there is a transition from good luck to bad luck, there must be a key node, but I didn't see it. But the verse emphasizes, 'The dove occupies the magpie's nest', 'The body "It looks like a cage," why did you bring it out specifically?"

He Lingchuan's eyes look at his nose, and his nose looks at his heart. He took the old turtle demon's prediction seriously mainly because of the four words "dove occupying the magpie's nest".

I am an outsider, and no one else in this world should know about it.

Wen Daolun pondered for a long time, then suddenly opened the car curtain and made a few instructions to the outside.

Soon, several guards brought a large tarp over and covered the entire carriage.

Even the doors and windows were blocked, and only a little light came through.

"There is another way, let's try it." He suddenly lit a stick of incense and asked Sun Fuling to take it.

The fragrance is light blue in color and has a particularly pleasant smell.

Wen Daolun took out another small piece of wood from his arms and blew lightly.

The wood was so ordinary that it could be found everywhere. There seemed to be traces of sphagnum moss growing on it, and there were two small holes.

After he blew, a white shadow floated out of the hole in the wood.

After it transformed, it turned out to be a small person half the size of a palm, looking like a little girl. After it floated out, it couldn't wait to inhale the smoke in Sun Fuling's hand, with a happy look on its face.

Is there a soul emerging from the wood? He Lingchuan looked at the piece of wood again. There were not many Horcruxes that could accommodate the undead. Could this be the undersea wood?

"This is Tong Jie, formed from the souls of young children who unfortunately died young but had no evil thoughts in their hearts." Wen Daolun clicked his temple, "Relax your mind and don't resist. I'll let it go to your sea of ​​consciousness to see what's going on. "

Knowledge sea? He Lingchuan thought of the glowing mark.

He closed his eyes, and Tong Gao flew around him and got in through his ears.

For He Lingchuan, it felt like taking a breath of mint, and his whole brain felt cool.

But that was it, he didn't feel the same pain as the last time the gods invaded.

Ten breaths passed.

Twenty breaths have passed.

He Lingchuan opened his eyes and saw two people looking at him with bright eyes. The light in the carriage was dim.

Wen Daolun seemed a little surprised: "Can you open your eyes? How do you feel now?"

"My head felt cold, and it's gone."

Wen Daolun didn't seem to believe it and asked again: "There was no pain and no visions?"

He Lingchuan shook his head.

After more than ten breaths, a wisp of white mist floated out from his ears and transformed into the soul of the little girl in mid-air.

She seemed unharmed, and He Lingchuan breathed a sigh of relief. Is it because the way she visited the gods was not as rough as the last time, so she suffered less backlash?

She rushed to Wen Daolun's ear and talked endlessly to him. The strange thing is that He Lingchuan couldn't hear a sound, as if he was watching a silent movie.

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