After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 290 The normal state of the world

Wen Daolun nodded after hearing this, and Tong Gao went to Qingxiang and took a few puffs before reluctantly returning to the seabed tree where he lived.

Wen Daolun said seriously: "No wonder you don't feel it, she can't enter your sea of ​​consciousness at all."


"People's consciousness sea has more or less instinctive protection to prevent foreign enemies from invading. I just look young, but in fact I am over three hundred years old. It is easy to sneak into other people's consciousness sea." Wen Daolun There was also curiosity in her eyes, "But she told me that the periphery of your sea of ​​consciousness is a maze. She went wrong several times and almost couldn't get out."

"Maze?" This answer was beyond He Lingchuan's expectation, "She can't break in violently?"

"You want her to break in violently?" Wen Daolun said amusedly, "If your consciousness is disturbed, you may become stupid."

So what’s the answer to the last time the gods broke in? He Lingchuan did feel sleepy and exhausted afterwards, and wished he could lie down and sleep for three days and three nights. But he was sure that he was neither crazy nor stupid.


Does this mean that he is very durable?

"Tong Gao also mentioned that this layer of confusion is very tough and cannot be broken with her skills; and she vaguely felt that if she wanted to resort to force to break it, I'm afraid the consequences would be serious." Wen Daolun leaned back and said, "You What magical powers have you practiced?”

He Lingchuan told them one by one, and Wen Daolun immediately said: "Based on your age and cultivation, it can't be the protection you built yourself. The people behind the scenes don't want to expose your true fate. So -"

"Your profound blessings may be an artificial illusion." He breathed out softly, "This kind of situation where the body and soul are divided into two parts, each corresponding to a different fate, is really rare."

"The fate of the body and the soul...are different?" He Lingchuan's back felt a little numb. This was indeed his current situation!

"Human blessings are limited, and you cannot only have good luck forever. The backlash will be borne by your destiny, which is the so-called accumulation of external blessings and internal disasters, or external blessings and internal disasters!" Wen Daolun said eloquently, "Sunday The accumulation of blessings and misfortunes day after day will eventually break out. This is called suffering without blessings!"

He Lingchuan touched his chin and asked: "Tong Gao has not been able to break into my sea of ​​consciousness. You can say that I am a blessing from outside and a disaster from within just based on your inference?"

"Aren't there still two verses here?" Wen Daolun smiled, "Of course the most important thing is that you are not an exception. This situation is rare, but I have seen it once before."

He Lingchuan blurted out: "Who?"

Wen Daolun shook his head: "It has nothing to do with you."

If he doesn't say it, no one here can force him.

He Lingchuan felt depressed and sighed: "Since there is a disaster, you have to tell me how to relieve it, right?"

"After the cataclysm of heaven and earth, your destiny is not determined by God, but also in your own hands."

He Lingchuan immediately remembered the original words of the old turtle: "There is no ending, called destiny." But what he wants now is a solution, a solution!

"Then let's take a look: you think of a word, and I'll help you unpack it." Wen Daolun moved the things on the table, put a glass of water in front of He Lingchuan, "Just the first word you can think of right now. , don’t overthink it!”

He asked He Lingchuan to decipher the first word he found for him subconsciously.

Now that Wen Daolun said this, He Lingchuan didn't think much. He reached out and dipped his hand in the water. His fingers hung in the air for a moment, and then he placed them on the wooden case and finished with a few strokes.

This word is——


He Lingchuan really didn't think too much and just wrote from his heart.

If there is really a disaster, he thinks that this word may be what he needs most.

Wen Daolun stroked his beard and praised: "Young man is promising. Are you a patrolman, or have you joined the Gale Army?"

"Guard." He Lingchuan said seriously, "We are working hard to join the Gale Army."

"Okay, okay." Wen Daolun reached out and wrote the word "brave" on the table, "This is your word "brave". If you remove it, others will use the big clock, whether it is hanging or striking, they must go through you. Come and proceed; the second is the palace-forbidden alley, which is difficult to pass due to the high walls on both sides, so it is most convenient to walk through it. "

Hearing this, He Lingchuan murmured: "Making wedding clothes for others?"

Doesn’t this coincide with the old turtle’s verse?

"The word 'Yong' can also be placed next to a figure to form a 'figurine' or a doll." There happened to be a ceramic boy doll on the shelf behind Wen Daolun. He turned around to take it and put it on the low table.

This boy doll is not very delicate, and the clothes on his body are either red or green. He Lingchuan shuddered subconsciously when he saw the exaggerated and hypocritical smile on its face.

“I don’t need to say more about what the doll means, right?”

Sun Fuling whispered from the side: "What a 'body like a cage'."

"But the premise of these two words is that the word 'brave' has been taken away and the word 'strength' has been taken away." Wen Daolun said softly, "This word 'strength' may be your opportunity."

Being strong is the only way to change your destiny.

This principle seems to apply to any world.

He Lingchuan dipped his hands in water and wrote the word "strength" on the table. He looked at it for a long time and then coughed lightly: "The word 'yong' can be added with the bottom and three points of water."

That is "tong" and "yong".

It takes time to grow in strength. Is there any other way to avoid disaster before he is strong enough?

Wen Daolun asked him, "What do you think?"

"Can these two words be spelled together?" He Lingchuan asked nonsense, "Do you want me to run away when I encounter water?"

"Maybe." Wen Daolun smiled, "I said, after natural disasters, numerology is no longer accurate, your fate..."

"Decided but undecided." He Lingchuan was quick to answer, "I understand."

This time, he seemed to understand, but he didn't seem to fully understand.

It seems that both Old Turtle and Wen Daolun like to make mysteries. Maybe they themselves have only a little understanding of it, or maybe they can't explain this kind of thing clearly in the first place.

Wen Daolun stopped talking here and took out a pocket chessboard from nowhere. He turned to Sun Fuling and said, "Sun girl, let's talk about a game again?"

Sun Fuling was also very happy: "Okay, what are Mr. Wen going to lose this time?"

Wen Daolun almost choked and waited for a long time before saying, "I was just careless last time!"

Sun Fuling remained motionless: "If you lose, come to Shuqin Academy to give five lectures."

"Two sessions." Wen Daolun shook his head, "I don't have that much time."

The two bargained and finally settled on three sessions.

Of course, Sun Fuling didn't have to pay compensation if she lost. Whose identity was Wen Daolun, how could he ask for a lottery ticket from a junior?

He Lingchuan had no love for playing chess, so he steeled himself for a while and then fell asleep.

When Sun Fuling shook his sleeves, the carriage also returned to Panlong City: "We are here."

He Lingchuan suddenly woke up: "Mr. Wen lost again?"

Wen Daolun's beard was standing up, but he didn't deny it.

He did lose again, even worse than last time.

"You are young, but your chess skills are really..." He sighed, "You remind me of someone."

He Lingchuan asked: "Who?"

"Lord Zhong's beloved daughter." After saying this, Wen Daolun got out of the car, stood on the ground and stretched.

In fact, there were personal guards on the way to report that the monster under the seance stage ran away without being caught.

He Lingchuan simply told Wen Daolun about the strange things about the old woman, and then said: "I have no evidence, I am just making random inferences for Mr. Wen's consideration."

Wen Daolun did not interrupt him from beginning to end. After listening carefully, he nodded and said, "This news is useful, thank you very much."

Alas, there was another meeting, and Wen Daolun returned in a hurry.

The large group of people also left with him.

The cold wind in the South Gate Square made Sun Fuling wrap her coat tightly. She just got off the warm spring carriage and felt a little uncomfortable.

Upon seeing this, He Lingchuan said: "Let's go home."

After saying this, he was slightly startled.

However, there is nothing wrong with this sentence. Their homes are right next to each other. Sun Fuling didn't seem to hear anything strange, and nodded repeatedly: "Yeah!"

The two of them were about to climb into the carriage they hired, when Sun Fuling suddenly asked him again: "I see you don't look good today. What happened?"

He Lingchuan said subconsciously: "It's nothing." This girl was too sharp, and he thought he had been hiding it well.

Sun Fuling immediately stopped and looked sideways at him: "Tell me about it. It's not a wise idea to be alone in Panlong City and be miserable."

He finally sighed: "I just lost a comrade... a good comrade."

Maotao died, and he didn't even have time to burn two more pieces of paper money for this loyal subordinate.

And except for him, no one seemed to care about this matter or this person.

From the moment it was buried in the loess, the name disappeared with the wind.

Sun Fuling gently pressed his wrist, and the warmth in her palm came through: "The world is impermanent, life and death are normal."

She didn't ask which comrade it was. In Panlong City, separation and death were the norm.

He Lingchuan nodded, what if he didn't think so?

She asked again: "Have you put out the lotus lanterns?"

"What?" He didn't understand.

"follow me."

Sun Fuling pulled him into the narrow street next to the square. Several houses had their doors open, and it was unclear whether they were merchants or residents.

Residents facing the street have the convenience of a convenient location and can do business by setting up stalls directly at the courtyard gate.

Sun Fuling selected a family and walked over and said, "Buy an ice lantern."

This shop seemed to sell groceries. When the shop owner heard this, he turned and walked back to the yard. Not long after, he came over with an ice lantern hanging on a straw rope.

The ice lantern is shaped like a blooming lotus platform, with a large mouth and exquisite carving, even the texture of the petals is carved out.

There is a small candle in the lotus core, only one third of the length of the little finger.

Sun Fuling paid the money, held the lamp, and walked out:

"The lamps made by this shop owner are of the best craftsmanship."

Outside is the square, and there is a lake. The lake is not frozen, and He Lingchuan can see the figures of fat fish swimming lazily.

Sun Fuling handed the ice lantern to him: "As long as you put it into the lake, the hot springs in the ground will push it out."

It was already dusk, and it got dark very quickly after the sun set.

He Lingchuan took the fire stick and lit the short candle, held the lotus lantern and recited a few words silently, and then gently put it into the water.

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