After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 291 The Source of the Secret Medicine

The invisible undercurrent pushed it and slowly drifted outward.

The lake turned into a frozen river in the distance.

Sun Fuling grabbed him and ran to the nearest high bridge. There were many people standing on the bridge.

From here, overlooking the dimly lit lake, only the crystal clear lotus petals of the small lamp reflected the candlelight, shining with warm light.

People who see this light by the lake will stop silently and pray softly.

He Lingchuan turned around and saw three or four lotus lanterns floating on the river. The candlelights all expressed the thoughts of living people.

Sun Fuling also clasped her hands together and prayed softly, as piously as the others.

These lotus lanterns can only be lit until they flow out of Panlong City. After that, they will be left to the mountains and rivers of Chipa Plateau.

People agree with this.

"After putting out the lights, let's put this matter aside." Sun Fuling's words were very true, "The dead are dead, and the living still have to work hard."

In the future, they will have fewer opportunities to come here to put up lights.

Look away earlier and get hurt less.

After the lotus lantern drifted away, He Lingchuan whispered to Sun Fuling again: "Let's go back."



After opening his eyes, He Lingchuan stared at the ceiling of the tent in daze for a while.

This time he stayed in the dream longer, a full seven days. He even fell asleep twice, thinking he would wake up in reality, but he didn't.

The past seven days were comfortable and fulfilling. Apart from pondering the Secret Scroll of the Golden Armored Bronze Man and practicing archery hard, I also chatted with Sun Fuling.

After getting better acquainted with him, the girl didn't bother to leave the door. She would often lie on the wall and talk to him. When she came to look after Sparrowhawk, she would jump over the low wall with just one hand, and her skills were quite neat.

But eating has become a big problem. Sun Fuling is consistent in her words and deeds. If she says she can't cook, she really can't. Both of them were hungry for food, so they had no choice but to go out together to find food.

It sounds like they are rubbing shoulders together, and their relationship is growing rapidly, but He Lingchuan can't feel this kind of happiness, because Sun Fuling doesn't care that she is on winter vacation, and often catches him doing something that is offensive to both humans and gods:

Make up a lesson!

His progress in learning Ancient Immortal Language was too slow. Master Sun was dissatisfied and even gave him a test in class.

It turned out that those words turned into tadpoles, swimming around in his mind.

His dislike of reading is engraved in his subconscious mind and will not change just because he changes his body or the world.

So much so that when Liu Tong came to inform him of his mission, He Lingchuan felt like he had been granted amnesty.

After opening his eyes, He Lingchuan couldn't tell whether it was a dream or reality for a while, but the sound of people and horses outside reached his ears, reminding him that he was in a military camp at the moment.

Why is the time in the dreamland getting longer and longer? Is it because the Fusheng knife has been repaired?

He Lingchuan sat up and rubbed his face, when the guard came over and announced:

"Elder Liang is here."

He Lingchuan was surprised that Elder Liang of Chuanyunge had always been polite and indifferent to him. In addition, this man himself had practiced a silencing curse, which made him silent and could only stare at people. What do you want to do here now?

He had just finished dressing up when Elder Liang entered the tent.

After the two parties met, Elder Liang's disciple spoke on his behalf:

"Mr. He, my master wants to discuss something with you."

The guard ran to boil water. He Lingchuan looked sleepy and nodded: "Please tell me."

Unexpectedly, Elder Liang's apprentice took out a folded letter and handed it out with both hands: "I can't explain it in a few words. My teacher has written it down. Please read it."

oh? Or a long story?

He Lingchuan took the letter and unfolded it. After a few glances, he concentrated on it.

Elder Liang didn't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything, but he came here specifically for the strange red medicine in He Lingchuan's hand. Yesterday, Yao Yuan Lingguang only tested a drop of the medicinal liquid, and it spawned a strange sycamore tree. In the end, the two sides of the river were at war with each other.

Elder Liang remained silent, but watched the whole process, and became interested in this medicine. He wanted to beg for a few drops to test.

Coincidentally, he had just fought against Dong Rui's demon puppet, and the ghost ape left a deep impression on him. Coupled with last night's unexpected incident - Elder Liang mentioned in the letter that Dong Rui's demon puppet was related to the ancient secret. It is very similar to a monster recorded in the classics.

This kind of monster is called a beast.

Speaking of it, Chuanyun Pavilion has a long history, which can be traced back to the Qingyun Sect in ancient times. It was an out-and-out immortal sect that produced many earth-shattering powers. After the cataclysm of heaven and earth, the Immortal Sect gradually became weaker and weaker, and the Qingyun Sect also declined, and finally divided into several Taoist sects, and Chuanyun Pavilion was one of them.

Therefore, although Chuanyunge is currently only cultivating Xiazhou, its ancestors are a large sect with history, tradition and background. Although the thin spiritual energy has corroded most of the ancestral treasures, a few volumes of ancient and medieval classics have been preserved intact to this day.

If it doesn't work, just make a few copies.

The medieval secret volume that Elder Liang mentioned is "Lanshan Strange News". The author was an elder of the Qingyun Sect before it was split, and it has been 2,700 years ago. He recorded several arduous battles in which he participated, the two most important of which took place near Lanshan Mountain, located in today's Xianyou Kingdom.

The period from the cataclysm of heaven and earth to the complete disappearance of the immortals is called the Middle Ages.

After the demon left the human world, the world was peaceful for more than two hundred years.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, and demons were making trouble everywhere. They not only devoured the people at will, but also ambushed the children of the Xian family. Many of the mighty descendants were slaughtered.

Of course, Xianzong was very angry and fought with the demon clan.

The demon clan kept complaining, and those cubs causing trouble to everyone were not sent out by us.

How can the Immortal Sect be willing to listen?

Not many monsters are good-tempered. If you get beaten too many times, you must fight back. So the two brothers who worked together to fight against the enemy in ancient times fell out at once.

However, the immortals later came to their senses. The strange beasts they killed with equally strange abilities and appearances, although they also had various powers, did not seem to be like the monsters and natives in the human world.

At the very least, his IQ is not up to par, and he is almost unable to communicate normally.

Can a monster that has not developed its spiritual intelligence still be a monster?

Digging deeper, the differences between these monsters became more and more obvious, so people gave them new names:


Unfortunately, at this time, the relationship between the Immortal Sect and the Demon Clan could no longer return to its former state, and as the two sides competed for the increasingly scarce spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the gaps simply developed into hatred, adding one blood debt after another.

The author of this set of secret scrolls personally fought with the beasts and dissected more than a hundred beasts. Finally, based on previous research, he came up with a new inference: these monsters are all transformed monsters, and the most important drug in the process is Still from the devil.

It is the secret medicine left by the demon, which causes unpredictable changes in the body of the monster.

The Qingyun Sect also captured several beast makers, all of whom were devout believers commanded by the demon.

In other words, although the demon has left, it still casts a shadow on this world.

Later, with the encirclement and suppression of the immortal and demon clans, and as time passed, the number of the beasts became less and less, and finally basically disappeared from the long history.

Seeing this, He Lingchuan raised his head and asked Elder Liang: "Do you want five drops of potion?"

"Exactly, and Manager He has also approved it."

He Lingchuan smiled and said: "This is my trophy. Dad has no right to dispose of it. However, if Elder Liang is willing to find me a beast soul and help me solve my doubts, I will still be happy to share it."

Elder Liang agreed without hesitation.

He Lingchuan then asked: "Do you think the medicine in Dong Rui's hand is the secret medicine of the devil?"

Elder Liang nodded.

"But the demon puppet he refined is not comparable to the Medieval Beast, right? At most it is a weakened version." He Lingchuan had never seen the Medieval Beast with his own eyes, but there were still immortals at that time. Even immortals may not be able to do something, why is it not more powerful than Dong Rui's demon puppet?

Elder Liang gestured, and his disciple translated:

"Even if it is the secret medicine of the devil, its effectiveness may fade after being left for more than two thousand years."

Does it mean that the potion has been stored for too long and has expired? Well, it's very scientific and makes sense.

Elder Liang continued: "The spiritual energy declined in the Middle Ages, and the beasts should have been affected as well."

"Then when the demon was still wreaking havoc in the human world, why didn't he create the beast as a helper, but only used it to cause trouble after he left?"

Mr. He had so many questions, Elder Liang gestured patiently. "That's unknown. Maybe the demon was driven out of this world just after the secret medicine was developed."

He Lingchuan thought for a while and asked the question he had long held in his mind: "Elder Liang, have the ancient demons become gods in later generations?"

After the demon disappeared, the god appeared. Although they are not physically present, they are looming throughout the human era.

It’s hard not to relate them.

However, the interesting thing is that He Lingchuan has never been able to find a definite answer, even in the library of Panlong City.

This matter seems to have always been vague and covered with a fig leaf.

Elder Liang stared at him for a while, and then asked his disciple to dictate: "The teachings and classics of the Qingyun Sect have repeatedly warned us not to forget the insidiousness of the demon and the cruelty of the disaster. As descendants of the Qingyun Sect, we firmly believe that the demon has never truly Instead of leaving, he transformed into a superior god! Unfortunately, today, the world has forgotten the numerous traumas that demons have caused to the world, and they do not even believe that natural disasters have ever happened, let alone that gods are demons. "

He sighed heavily: "Even many Dao sects and demon clans worship gods like the rest of the world. They really forget their ancestors, are ignorant, fearless and disrespectful!"

"Why?" Your publicity is too bad, right? The devil is a world away and can do a better job of deceiving people than you.

"Those histories are too long ago, and human beings are too short-lived. Mr. He should understand that the so-called inherited memories can be tampered with." Elder Liang seemed a little excited, and his hand movements were so fast that even the disciple who was leading the translator stuttered. "Of course, in the final analysis, we practitioners are far less powerful than our ancestors. We don't have the ability to crack mountains and crack earth, and we are not enough to win the trust of the people."

In an era when immortals and demons coexist, humble ordinary humans only have to look up to and worship them.

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