After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 292 DIY your own bronze man

But now, even practitioners have to seek official positions. How could ordinary people believe that their ancestors could once stand shoulder to shoulder with gods and demons?

"I understand." He Lingchuan took out the potion from his pocket and poured five drops into Elder Liang's empty bottle.

Elder Liang looked at his disciple, who ran out of the tent.

A quarter of an hour later, he came back again, holding a wooden bead in his hand.

This is the underwater wooden bead where the beast soul lives.

He Lingchuan took it and saw that it seemed to be the soul of a giant ape.

Yes, not bad, no shoddy goods, the transaction is completed.

Elder Liang smiled at him, his expression calmed down, but he was still neither salty nor bland.

Looking at his leaving figure, He Lingchuan shrugged.

Although the history that spans nearly three thousand years is complicated, it cannot be blamed solely on the gods and demons who are tempting people, or on the number of people who have forgotten their ancestors. The Immortal Sect also did many unreasonable things, which not only destroyed the heavenly achievements of their ancestors, but also ruined the goodwill of the people.

These are contents that Elder Liang deliberately did not mention, but He Lingchuan gnawed books as food in Wenxuan Pavilion in Panlong's dream, and saw many works in this field, so he did not just believe them.

Look, reading more leisure books is indeed beneficial, right?

Next, he gulped down his breakfast and went to find someone in the military camp.

Two quarters of an hour later, he went to find Lingguang again.

The monkey himself occupied a tent and concentrated on research, and no strangers were allowed in. For the sake of Young Master He and its ability to help the sick and the sick, the logistics officer didn't care that it caused a lot of chaos in the entire camp last night.

As soon as He Lingchuan entered the tent, Lingguang turned around and glared, wanting to curse. When she saw it was him, her mouth retracted.

"Have you found anything yet?"

Lingguang suddenly withered: "It still takes some time."

He Lingchuan saw that its two monkey eyes were red and knew that it had stayed up all night. "The great immortals in the Middle Ages didn't even study the way to go out. You figured it out in one night? Okay, take a rest and lend me the alchemy furnace."

The monkey immediately became nervous. As a medicine monkey, the alchemy furnace is its lifeblood: "What are you going to do?"

"I want to practice something, but I don't have a suitable stove at hand. Just lend it to me. It will be very fast."

"Whatever medicine you need, I'll make it."

"I want to make a prop, do you know how to do it?" He Lingchuan glanced around the tent, but did not see the alchemy furnace.

The monkey was even more surprised: "Weapon refining? You?" What kind of weapons are you refining on the front line? Why don't you go back to Dunyu City to find Li Fubo?

"Hurry up, don't scratch it, I won't damage your stove!" He Lingchuan became impatient, "I'll make a bronze man, it's so easy!"

"Copper smelter?" Lingguang was stunned, "My furnace can't hold it."

"The small one." He Lingchuan gestured, "It's only half the size of my palm."

He urged again and again, and Lingguang reluctantly took out the toy-like three-legged stove from his pocket, placed it on the ground, and muttered a few words.

The brass stove suddenly became larger, about six feet high, and was so bright that it reflected light.

It can be seen that Lingguang always takes good care of it.

He Lingchuan had been pondering the Golden Armor and Bronze Man Technique in Panlong's dream, going over and over every detail many times. After all, the refining cost was extremely high, and even he couldn't afford the slightest mistake.

Fortunately, this secret technique has a special feature:

The difficulty of the Bronze Man Technique lies in how the owner controls it, but refining it is simple, with only four or five steps in total.

It was quite friendly to a newbie like him.

The stove had been started and the heat was at three-points. He Lingchuan followed the instructions in the secret scroll and put the gold, refined iron and other materials inside one by one.

When he looked at the drawings in his dream, he discovered that he actually had six of the seven or eight materials needed to refine the bronze figure on hand!

Those were all the scraps left over from remaking the Fusheng Sword. He didn't have time to clean up the storage ring, so they became ready-made materials at this time. In particular, tungsten metal and fine iron are the most important. Without them, the bronze man would be copper clay without any bones at all.

As for the remaining one or two types, although they are missing, the great thing is that the bronze man's skin is not that thick and his movements are not that flexible. The secret volume also states that if the maker has experience later, he can add additional materials during refining to DIY a more distinctive golden armored bronze figure.

He Lingchuan doesn't need anything more distinctive at this stage, he just wants a pair of copper skin and iron bones that can defend, fight and assist.

He also understood Ling Guang's surprise, but after a dream last night, Wen Daolun once again reminded him that the evil he was facing was difficult to resolve, which made him feel even more urgent, so he decided to refine the bronze man as soon as possible.

There is no perfect preparation in this world. The most suitable one at the moment is the best.

He kept urging Ling Guang to raise the temperature of the furnace, otherwise the tungsten metal would not melt at all. Thanks to the power of the treasure furnace in Lingguang's hand, some special elixirs actually need to contain metal and various hardwoods that are difficult to burn. Otherwise, ordinary medicine furnaces can only heat up to four to five hundred degrees, and even iron can be smelted. Not transformed.

The alchemy furnace heated up all the way, and Lingguang didn't know where its limit was, so he became more and more cautious. Fortunately, the most difficult-to-melt metal was starting to soften at this time. Lingguang carefully controlled the temperature of the furnace. He Lingchuan took out a set of templates from his arms and said, "Pour it here."

Ling Guang didn't dare to speak, and his eyes clearly asked: "Where did it come from?"

This template is about the size of two palms, with a human-shaped groove in the middle, and is divided into many layers and parts. It is a very standard metal forming template.

This is the front line of the war. Where did He Lingchuan get this complete set of templates in a hurry?

He grinned: "Yesterday someone summoned the green scarf warriors to beat the cow. Do you still remember?"

Lingguang nodded.

"He has it there. I borrowed it for two taels of silver. I have to pay it back when I use it up." That man was not refining a bronze man with golden armor, but the appearance of such a large summoned object was not much different. Borrowing a general A template will do.

On the inside, men pay attention to the inside!

The monkey rolled his eyes, who are these people.

Next, it is necessary to cast in layers and parts. Fortunately, there are already divisions in the pharmacist's alchemy furnace to avoid confusing the properties of the medicine. At this time, He Lingchuan instructed Lingguang to injection mold the fine iron, red copper, frost silver, and tungsten gold respectively to correspond to the bones, muscles, tendons, and activities of the bronze figure.

The monkey's hand was very steady, and He Lingchuan's movement was very fast, so there was no mistake.

After the first layer of bones was laid, He Lingchuan cut his wrist and drained some blood while the molten iron was not completely solidified. After completing the identification process, he dipped the blood in the iron bones to write runes on it.

Each rune is smaller than a fly's head and written in ancient immortal language. At this time, he had to thank Sun Fuling. Master Sun's strict tutoring in the past few days had made his mastery of the Ancient Immortal Language more solid. In such a race against time, he was able to write not a single symbol wrong -

If there is a mistake in writing, the bronze figure will have to be refinished.

Before the bones solidified, he finally finished carving all the runes.

The subsequent processes were carried out normally one by one. When all the molten metal was completely solidified, he had a complete set of components for a bronze man...

He Lingchuan put together the DIY bronze figure, installed the beast soul he had just obtained into it as a brain, stuffed a small piece of mysterious crystal into the back of it, and began to try to control it with chanting techniques.

It is said that the first communication is the most critical. Whether you can be in tune with each other later depends on the first time.

After he tried it over and over again, perhaps out of frustration, the little bronze man finally turned his head, looked at He Lingchuan, and then showed his middle finger.

This is what the owner wants it to do. It's just that He Lingchuan originally wanted it to hold up its index finger.

"It's done!" He Lingchuan clapped his hands. His excitement could only be compared to the first time he received a toy seventeen or eight years ago. As for the minor fallacy of pointing the wrong finger, it should be fine after many manipulations and debugging. It may also be because corners were cut during refining and two types were missing.

Lingguang watched eagerly, having just controlled the fire until it was sweating profusely: "How big can it get?"

"It has to be at least one foot tall, right?"

One person and one monkey looked at each other and said in unison: "Let's go out and try!"

The guards outside the tent were frightened when they heard:

What tricks are these ancestors trying to play again? Didn’t they have enough last night?


Bailiqing's deputy general Fu Xin led a dozen soldiers all the way north and walked on the mountain road for a whole day before arriving at Xinqiao Township.

Before entering the countryside, two men jumped out of the bushes on the roadside.

Fu Xin was startled, drew his knife and looked, only to realize that it was one of his own.

The other party said: "General Hong ordered us to wait here to assist General Baili."

Fu Xin's hand holding the knife tightened: "General Baili has died. From the mine... we are the only ones coming here."

The two were shocked: "Where are the others, the others?"

Fu Xin shook his head.

The two people looked uncomfortable, and Fu Xin said bitterly: "You followed Hong Chenglue. Tell me, have you intercepted the officers and soldiers coming from the west?"

The two soldiers looked at each other and remained silent.

Fu Xin also knew the answer, gritted his teeth and said, "Lead the way."

The two of them also asked a routine question: "Are there any pursuers behind you?"

"No, we have verified it several times!" Fu Xin's cheek muscles jumped, "Hurry up and lead the way!"

The two then led them into the forest and dived to the northeast.

"Hong Chenglue is not in Xinqiao Township?" Fu Xin was no longer polite now and called General Hong by his real name.

"No, General Hong chose another location."

The dozen or so people walked further and further into the desert, but there were always animal trails to follow, and Fu Xin also found many fresh horse hoof prints.

We walked like this for another four or five hours, and even climbed halfway up the mountain when the guide said, "We're here."

"This is it?"

Fu Xin looked up at the stockade above.

Wooden fence walls, horse-proof posts, watchtowers, and hanging doors are all there, and they look like they have been built for some time, and they don't look like they were just built.

He walked in with the guide, not missing the traces of cuts and axes everywhere, as well as the blood stains that had not been cleaned up.

There are seventeen or eight row houses in the village, all connected together. The walls are thick, the doors and windows are small, and the windows are located very high. At first glance, they look like a combination of watchtowers and houses.

Most importantly, there are signs that someone has lived here for a long time.

"What was this place originally?"

"The bandit's den." The soldier who led the way said, "The local name is Jinyin Mountain. We just captured the bandit's lair last night. General Hong said that we will stay here for the time being."

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