The guarding soldier's face moved, but his body did not move.

Then Zhao Pan's voice came out: "Let him in."

He Lingchuan strode in and found that there were only He Chunhua and Zhao Pan in the tent.

Are they quarreling?

"Dad, what happened?"

He Chunhua took a branch from his hair and said, "General Zhao and I are just sharing some experiences." He was covered in either sand or dirt. Where did this kid end up looking like a mud monkey?

"Winning or losing is a normal thing for military officers, but it does not bring harm to the family." Zhao Pan refused to be polite to the father and son, "Manager He, what you did is a bit mean."

No harm He Lingchuan was startled, what did dad do?

"They robbed the people of Xiazhou and killed my descendants of Xiazhou. Do you want me to deal with these invaders?" He Chunhua sneered slightly, "General Zhao, you are pedantic."

"Morality is not useless." Zhao Pan said in a deep voice, "If you kidnap Hong Chenglue's wife, he will treat you in every possible way."

"He robbed my food and grass, invaded Xiazhou, and even your frontline operations were greatly affected. Isn't this considered to be doing everything possible?" He Chunhua shook his head, "Soldiers are deceitful. As long as they can win, what will the people of Xunzhou do? Not coming out? Look at Hong Chenglue, who used more than a hundred of his wounded soldiers as bait to kill these burdens with my help, what kind of good person can he be? "

The last time they fought, he felt like a mirror.

He sneered again: "General Zhao, the war-free flag erected in front of your camp gate is just a cover. The people of Xunzhou will attack if they want, and they will not keep this agreement with you!"

"Hong Chenglue did his duty, even though he blocked the way for you and me." Zhao Pan felt that he had tried to be as vague as possible. What he wanted to say was "lose your face." This manager He is a smart man and has the ability. Just good looks and good work. Hong Chenglue burned half of his food and grass, and he always wanted to make up for it.

Otherwise, his prestige will be damaged, and it will be difficult for him to govern the people and deal with the four major families after returning to Dunyu.

"I don't want Hong Chenglue to commit suicide." He Chunhua said amusedly, "Besides, we have captured someone, so how can we give up?"

He Lingchuan understood: "Dad, have you found Hong Chenglue's wife?"

A few days ago, He Chunhua asked him for a comb, but he didn't think much about it. It turned out to be for this purpose.

Hong Chenglue made sure to hide his wife properly before going to war. Dad is really capable. He can find Ah Jin with just a comb.

He Chunhua nodded: "What?"

He felt a little unhappy. Would the eldest son also object?

"It's nothing." In the army, it is your duty to obey the orders of your superiors. No matter what He Lingchuan thought in his heart, he could not confront He Chunhua openly.

Especially in front of an outsider like Zhao Pan.

He Chunhua snorted: "Fortunately, I'm taking you out this time." If the second son had joined the army, he would probably have softened his heart.

He stood up and said to Zhao Pan, "I've made up my mind, let's do it." After saying that, he walked out with his head held high.

He Lingchuan had no choice but to follow him and asked in a low voice: "Dad, how did you catch him?"

"It's just a bit of inferior tracking skills." He Chunhua said lightly, "After catching her, we have turned against customers and are finally no longer passive."

They are always in the light, and the enemy is in the dark. He Chunhua was convinced that the spies sent by Hong Chenglue were still wandering near the front line and continued to monitor his group.

Zhao Pan's opponent was the Xunzhou army, and Hong Chenglue kept an eye on him, He Chunhua.

Oh, I can't bear it!

He Lingchuan hesitated to speak, but in the end he said nothing. Everyone has been arrested and the arrow is on the string. Dad must get things done.

After going out, the guards held up umbrellas and sent the two of them back to their tents.

The river water outside was muddy and yellow, so He Lingchuan had no choice but to take a bucket of clean water from the storage ring, wash away the sediment from head to toe, and then change into clean clothes. He was probably the only one in the army who had the luxury of taking drinking water for showering.

After his adventure in the Panlong Desert, he developed the habit of hoarding water and food. Anyway, the storage ring is big enough to support.

It was windy and rainy outside, but nothing happened anyway, so he simply went to sit cross-legged on a chair and adjusted his breath into meditation.

I don't know if it was because of the enlightenment he gained from practicing swordsmanship in Lang Zhong, but his true power circulated for several days and became a little smoother than before.

This is the case with spiritual practice. Taoism can gradually deepen over time, but the improvement of realm depends on chance and understanding.

It is mysterious and mysterious, and it cannot be explained or explained.

That's why strong men like General Hong and Xiao Maoliang should advocate actual combat and achieve enlightenment between life and death.

This time it takes two hours to enter samadhi.

When he finished his work, He Lingchuan heard the sound of wind and rain outside getting louder, almost drowning out the shouts of the soldiers. It seemed that some tents had been blown away.

He took out the raincoat and put it on his body and walked out.

As soon as he left the tent, raindrops bigger than soybeans hit his face.

The water in the Han River is already very turbulent. No matter how much he has mastered the "Langzhan" sword technique, if he jumps down at this time, he will immediately become a "Langjuan" and there will be nothing more to do.

In the wind and rain, all the soldiers were busy.

The guard told He Lingchuan that Shui Ling said that the flood season of Hanhe River would come early. It is no longer safe here, and the entire military camp has to be moved back to high ground.

It was not easy for the army to break camp, especially in such bad weather.

Especially a bull team.

When the storm comes, there are cow demons who are frightened and need to be comforted. At this time, they have to be mobilized to move away together.

A cow's temper is not easy to deal with.

The only good news is that it is impossible for the opponent to cross the river by boat at this time.

He Lingchuan turned around and suddenly saw a civilian carriage.

The carriage was very simple, with no carriage and only curtains on all sides. With such a heavy wind and rain, the curtains instantly became soaked and sticky. So He Lingchuan saw a haystack on the carriage, and a person lying on the haystack, covered with a quilt.

The driver moved forward with the two horses pulling the cart, but the wheels happened to get stuck in the crevices of the rocks and could not be pulled up.

He Lingchuan walked over, grabbed the wheel of the cart and said to the driver, "I'll help you."

While the coachman spurred the horse, He Lingchuan exerted his strength on his arms, and when both sides worked together, the wheel stuck in the gap was suddenly lifted up, bringing out a stream of muddy water.

The carriage clattered forward again.

He Lingchuan looked up and saw that the people in the car were looking at him and said "thank you" politely.

She was a woman, her face was pale, her hair and quilt were wet from the cold rain.

At this time, the soldiers escorted a woman over and rushed her to the car: "Watch it, don't be lazy!"

The Yuan army retreated more than fifty feet from the shore and re-camped.

In fact, it would be safer to be farther away, but Zhao Pan didn't dare. He also had to guard the river bank to prevent his opponents from crossing the river to grab the beach.

The Han River is a natural barrier. Once it is breached, the Yuan army will be passive.

The civilian carriage was also pushed into a tent and placed inside. This tent is very narrow and small. It can barely cover the carriage. It is incomparable with the one used by He Lingchuan and others.

But there were many soldiers guarding them around, and He Lingchuan recognized that they were all from the food transport team and belonged to him.

The woman taking care of the woman went to find a towel to wipe her face. He Lingchuan walked to the carriage and looked down at her: "Are you Hong Chenglue's wife Ajin?"

The corners of her mouth curled up, either smiling or not, and then sneezed.

He Lingchuan walked out of the tent and called his mother-in-law over: "You put her into dry clothes and a dry quilt. She will get sick if she lies like this."

The mother-in-law seemed a little reluctant, but when He Lingchuan glared at her, she had no choice but to mutter: "There are no extra quilts."

He Lingchuan glanced at Shan Youjun behind him. The latter understood, walked around outside, and got a dry bedding from somewhere and brought it over.

He Lingchuan walked out, leaving room for Ah Jin to change clothes and quilt.

After a quarter of an hour, the mother-in-law came out and said, "Okay."

He Lingchuan sent her to boil hot water and walked in to see that Ah Jin's condition was much better than before. But she didn't smile. She just looked at He Lingchuan and said, "What do you want?"

She found that this young man had a high status in the army.

"Just to make you feel better." Everyone has compassion, and he was dealing with a paralyzed man.

Ah Jin said slowly: "No matter what you want to do, you will not succeed."

"Oh?" He Lingchuan was curious, "What do you think we want to do?"

"That Lord He said that he wanted Hong Lang to withdraw his troops and leave." Ajin smiled weakly, "That's impossible. You are also in the army. You should know that military orders are like mountains."

He Lingchuan crossed his arms: "I'm curious, was it for you that he sealed the sword and hung the seal?" The more you know about Hong Chenglue, the more beneficial it will be for future battles.

The smile on Ah Jin's face faded and he remained silent.

"You have been living in seclusion in Bailu Town for many years, why would he break his oath at this time?"

"It's for me." Ajin blinked, "Master Bejia promised to find a medicine for him so that I can stand up again."

He Lingchuan frowned: "Not for himself?"

"That kind of medicine, even if we return to Bega Country, will not be easy to obtain."

"I heard from the mother-in-law that you are the son of Manager He?" A Jin looked at him and said quietly, "People like you have probably never suffered from us, right?"

He Lingchuan said nothing.

Indeed not, not in two lifetimes.

"When Hong Lang and I were young, we escaped from a cannibal village, fought for food with wild dogs, and were kicked off a cliff. We barely managed to climb back up." She said slowly, "At that time, he was looking forward to growing up and having strength. We can live a good life. But when he resigned and moved to Lingzhou and Bailu Town, we realized that there is no seclusion in this world, only struggle. "

In troubled times, human lives are like grass, and even the suffering of the people is so insignificant and not worth mentioning.

Her eyes were plain and desolate: "If it were you, wouldn't you want to go back and regain power?"

He Lingchuan thought for a while and then asked her: "Do you think he will not agree to Master He's conditions?"

Ah Jin looked up at the tent ceiling:

"I don't know, better not."

If Hong Chenglue withdraws from Xiazhou, he will be disobeying Shangfeng's order.

He Lingchuan laughed twice: "It seems that he is also a person who follows the trend."

"What does it mean?"

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