After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 296 Arena No. 7

He Lingchuan did not answer, but told his mother-in-law who had just come in with hot water: "Go and get her a hot dish and rice, and tell her that Young Master He wants it." After that, he nodded to Ah Jin, got up and left.

After he left, the soldiers on duty also rushed to He Chunhua's tent and reported the conversation between the two.

He Chunhua smiled after hearing this: "Isn't this kid a fool again?"


It rained heavily for the next three days.

He Lingchuan couldn't sleep at night, so he simply got up and asked his guards to set up a larger and more spacious tent for him. That standard is almost catching up with state officials.

He was practicing swordsmanship in his tent.

"Fu Sheng"'s sword energy was too sharp. He Lingchuan didn't want to see leaks everywhere while sleeping, so he whittled himself a simple wooden knife and used it to practice "Wave Cut" every day besides eating.

Due to the limited space, he did not combine sword skills with body skills, but repeatedly chopped in one move after another. Occasionally, soldiers would pass by his tent and they would see Master He using the most basic footwork and performing the most basic knife moves.

But for He Lingchuan, ever since he jumped into the river and faced the waves, he had a sudden enlightenment on this sword technique. He now knew how to use the sword that he couldn't figure out before.

His body initially remembered this "feeling".

If it weren't for the fact that the Han River was already turbulent and insurmountable, he would have liked to jump in again and try again.

The sound of rain continued, covering up the faint sound of wind and thunder on the wooden knife.

The movement is sometimes loud and sometimes disappears.

When Shan Youjun passed by, he saw He Lingchuan slashing at the ground with an ordinary knife. They had already sheathed their knives, and there were just a few knife marks on the ground.

He noticed that the tip of the wooden knife did not touch the ground. However, the knife mark was neat and it penetrated an inch into the ground.

A few hours later, Shan Youjun came back, and the rain had lightened up. Young Master He stood at the door of the tent and yawned. When he saw him, he asked, "Do you know under what circumstances the water can be cut off by drawing a knife?"

Shan Youjun was very cooperative: "Can you please give me some advice?"

"It's now."

He Lingchuan suddenly drew his sword.

The seven drops of rain falling from the sky, whether they were close to the ground or just about to fall on Shan Youjun's forehead, suddenly turned into fourteen drops.

They are all cut in the middle.

Shan Youjun felt that Yintang was cold twice in a row.

Looking at the He Lingchuan blade, it dries smoothly and does not stick to water or dew.

He struck it hard with his sword.

"Master, this is very dangerous!" When He Lingchuan drew his sword, Shan Youjun felt numb in Yintang, and a slight chill went straight to the back of his head.

He knew very well that although the wooden sword did not touch him, if the blow just now was intended to kill him, he would probably have fallen to the ground.

"So happy, so happy!" He Lingchuan pursed his lips and roared, his whole body translucent.

The results of this enlightenment were considered to be solidified. He threw the wooden knife aside and shook his neck, and suddenly there was a continuous clicking sound.

Only then did he realize that he had been practicing hard and had not slept a wink for two days and two nights. Physical and mental exhaustion came overwhelmingly, trying to knock him down.

"I have to get some sleep." He told Shan Youjun, "Don't disturb me if you have nothing to do."

After that, he walked to the bed, fell down and fell asleep.

Why was there so much noise in the dream?

He Lingchuan rubbed his eyes and found that he seemed to be standing in a military camp again, surrounded by tough men.

Shouted, clapped, or booed.

He looked around.

Um? Yuewutang?

How come he was standing next to Panlong City's largest competition arena as soon as he fell asleep?

He Lingchuan turned around and found Sun Fuling standing beside him, looking up at Lei.

Before he could speak, he was patted on the back. The thin man's voice was almost drowned out by the noise around him: "Broken Blade, are you ready to place your bet?"

"Which bet to place?" He Lingchuan turned around after asking and saw Hu Min standing next to the thin man, "Hey, why are you here?"

"I have nothing to do to play a few games. I want to see if there are any surprises here." Hu Min pointed at the thin man and said, "I just placed a bet on him."

"Which table to bet on?"

"Which one else?" The thin man pointed south, "On the seventh stage, Wild Boar vs. Mengshan!"

He Lingchuan was startled and turned around to look. Sure enough, he saw two strong men standing on the ring. One of them was the familiar face Meng Shan.

Meng Shan who beat him alive in the previous dreams.

This time Mengshan's opponent is also a muscular man over eight feet tall with a muscular face.

From their size to the ferocity of their faces, the two were about the same.

And the No. 7 arena is located at the southernmost end of the Yuewu Hall, half of which hangs over the middle of the street. The civilians in Panlong City can watch the competition just by standing on the street.

Therefore, the battle that takes place in this arena is highly entertaining and attracts the most attention.

Now, the middle of the street is packed with spectators. Both men and women are eagerly waiting. Some people even dare to stand on the iron railings at the edge of the ring to watch.

The boring daily life of the city residents needs a fierce fight and blood splashing all over the screen to spice things up.

He Lingchuan asked the thin man: "Who has the higher odds?"

"Of course it's a wild boar." The thin man pointed at the strong man on the stage. This man had a fat face, big ears, and a gold-covered chin. The nickname was indeed deserved, "Meng Shan is the victorious general of the South Campus of Yuewu Hall. I only lost once when I went to the North Campus.”

"Then what's there to bet on in this game?" He Lingchuan was disappointed. "Everyone wants Mengshan to win."

"Not necessarily, I bought a wild boar and won." Hu Min chuckled, "This guy looks like he has a lot of potential. Besides, if he wins, he will use his small gain to make a big gain."

Sun Fuling beside her also smiled and said: "I also bought a wild boar."

"You are the people's teacher, a hard-working gardener..." Is it appropriate to participate in gambling so openly?

Sun Fuling frowned slightly: "What kind of gardener? I don't hoe weeds!"

He Lingchuan turned around and said to the thin man, "Okay, I'll also buy the wild boar for half a tael of silver."

"Tch!" The thin man yelled at him, "Stingy."

He was carrying a huge leather bag behind him, filled with loose money. Apparently, there were surprisingly many people placing bets today, and even civilians outside the venue joined in.

Then the rapid drum beat started.

This is the war drum.

As soon as the drum beat stopped, the two strong men collided like a bullfight.

The two civilians standing on the fence were instantly shaken by the aftermath of the collision, and the surrounding audience cheered.

Mengshan's usual opponents would adopt a free-for-all strategy, but after Wild Boar came on the field, he immediately started a head-on confrontation with him, and the fight was so intense that it was hard to beat with punches.

Everyone in the audience had a great time watching it, and they often burst into applause.

Within a few rounds, He Lingchuan saw that the wild boar was good at hugging and throwing him. The two times he hugged Mengshan, he hit him on the back. Even a thick-skinned man like Meng Shan couldn't bear it. He lay down on the ground and took several breaths before getting up.

The name of this wild boar is confusing. He Lingchuan heard someone around him say bitterly: "Shouldn't a pig be a pig? He should be called a wild bear."

This is probably someone who bought Mengshan Sheng.

However, Mengshan learned the lesson after suffering two losses. Every time he was caught, he locked the opponent's joints to prevent the wild boar from using his special skills.

Hu Min clasped his hands into a trumpet and shouted: "Lock it from behind, lock it from behind! Oh, you are so stupid, you are one step slower!"

Amidst the thousands of people shouting, He Lingchuan heard Sun Fuling sigh: "It's over, the wild boar is going to lose."

Sure enough, after Mengshan locked the wild boar, he suddenly hit the opponent's head with a hammer.

The dull sound made He Lingchuan's back molar hurt.

It seemed that Mengshan's head was tougher. The opponent's hand loosened after being hit so hard that stars appeared in his eyes.

Meng Shan stood firm, stamped on the opponent's instep, and accurately hit the diaphragm between the boar's chest and abdomen with his other punch!

The wild boar was beaten so hard that it couldn't breathe.

In the blink of an eye, he received three heavy blows.

Although he came back to his senses later and tried to fight back, the outcome was decided.

The two of them fought for more than fifty seconds, and the wild boar finally fell down. The whole head had been swollen from the beating, and it looked very much like the nickname.

Several military parade guards climbed onto the ring and carried the wild boar down for treatment. Mengshan wiped the blood from his nose, patted his chest, and roared around him:

"Who else?"

The roar was so loud that even the warm applause could not cover it.

"My half a tael of silver." He Lingchuan was glad that he didn't invest too much, just to respond to the situation. He asked Sun Fuling, "How much did you lose?"

Sun Fuling let out a long sigh: "Three liang."

"Wow, you bet so big?" Three taels of silver was enough for him and Hu Min to have a dozen drinks at Shuanghe Restaurant.

"If you make a bet, the sackcloth will turn into silk." Sun Fuling's voice sounded gloomy, "I'm not just looking at the odds. If the wild boar wins, I won't have to worry about eating in the second half of the year."

He Lingchuan immediately looked at her with admiration. He had always thought that Sun Fuling was pure-hearted and stoic, but he didn't know that this neighbor who was not a fan of worldly things had a hidden gambling streak.

This seems a bit similar to her brother Sun Jiayuan.

She added: "Just now, two years of salary money is gone." It would take two years to burn firewood and charcoal without using so much money.

Hu Min watched helplessly as others went to the thin man's place to exchange money and said, "If you lose money, you should just follow the crowd."

He Lingchuan looked at Meng Shan being proud on the stage and was a little puzzled: "There are many good players in the North Campus of Yuewu Hall, why don't you go up there and polish his prestige?"

"Meng Shan just came to the North Campus not long ago, but he is a strong newcomer. Ordinary sergeants like Dafeng cannot defeat him. If the leaders go up, it will not be glorious if they win, and it will be even more embarrassing if they lose."

To be honest, Meng Shan's performance in the Yanliang Valley was obvious to all. At that time, the two armies were fighting. Many Dafeng sergeants had fought with him, and they knew that they could not get any favors in front of this violent human rhinoceros.

What's more, the rules of Yue Wu Tang are generally beneficial to these powerful players.

Hu Min smiled and said, "As for generals like Commander Xiao, they cannot fight with the soldiers in the No. 7 arena."


"It's not fair. Not to mention that the generals' combat skills are more refined. It's a lot of pressure for soldiers to fight against their immediate superiors in public." Hu Min shrugged, "You asked me to fight Boss Xiao in the No. 7 arena. I'm a little bit too. Afraid."

Soldiers always listen to the orders of their generals, and the latter's majesty is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Once you stand on the public stage, this kind of psychological pressure becomes an advantage and will affect your performance to some extent.

However, at this time, some people couldn't help but jumped onto the ring to challenge Meng Shan.

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