After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 297 Amazing Odds

The audience's emotions were suddenly aroused again.

The thin man was even busier, but he still had time to ask Sun Fuling: "Can you place a bet?"

He Lingchuan winked at him quickly, but it was too late. Sun Fuling actually took out another one tael of silver: "Put it in!"

She still beats the odds.

"Auntie, this guy looks even more unreliable than a wild boar!" Why are you still betting? He Lingchuan held the back of her hand and asked, "Do you want to think about it again?"

"I know." Sun Fuling blinked, "That's why I only invest one tael of silver this time."


She smiled so hard that her eyebrows curled up and she said, "It's a little gambling to make you happy, it doesn't matter."

Half an hour later.

Sun Fuling grabbed He Lingchuan's arm and said dejectedly: "My money..." was wasted.

He Lingchuan was amused: "One tael of silver can buy hundreds of steamed buns."

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt that Sun Fuling's hand became stronger, from pulling to pinching.

A smart person would not say "I told you so" at this time, but would say: "That's it, Mengshan will get his comeuppance sooner or later."

"It's better to choose a different day than to hit it, and sooner or later than now." Suddenly another voice answered from the side. He Lingchuan turned around and saw that it was Xiao Maoliang!

Hu Min laughed in surprise: "Boss, why did you come here!"

"The meeting has been going on so far, and I almost missed the show." Xiao Maoliang looked at the No. 7 arena, "Is Meng Shan defending today?"

"Yes, this guy has already defeated four people." Hu Min shook his head, "I think today's arena No. 7 will end early."

Arena No. 7 is a public arena, and people can watch the whole process. As a popular entertainment program, No. 7 Arena is held one day a week, and may be opened more depending on the situation.

There are not many entertainment activities in the city, and Xiao Maoliang does not want to miss this kind of fun.

If no one goes up to challenge Mengshan, and the gap period exceeds half an hour, even if Mengshan succeeds in defending the ring, today's event on Arena No. 7 will end.

The thin man came over, nodded and bowed to say hello to Xiao Maoliang. He is still a patrolman, so of course he respects the generals of the Gale Army. But he also felt it was a pity: "It would be nice if we could go up there with two more people." He didn't make enough today.

Xiao Maoliang smiled at He Lingchuan.

He was usually serious about his words, but He Lingchuan's heart suddenly became tight. Why did Commander Xiao smile at me?

"Duandao, do you want to go up?"

"Me?" He Lingchuan pointed to his nose, "Now?"

"You have challenged Mengshan six or seven times, and you are also the opponent he least wants to meet." After Xiao Maoliang said this, He Lingchuan touched his nose. In fact, Boss Xiao wanted to say that he was an invincible Xiaoqiang, right?

"I have watched your battle twice, and you have no chance of winning." Xiao Maoliang pointed to the stage, "Today is a rare opportunity, do you want to give it a try?"

The two Dafeng sergeants following him had also participated in the Battle of the River Valley. They both recognized He Lingchuan and had fought against Meng Shan. At this time, they all responded: "Yes, Broken Sword, go up and give us some vent!"

"Let this fat man know what it means to be alone!"

The thin man's eyes lit up and he nodded like rice: "If you win, you have a very high odds with Broken Blade. I will definitely bet on you this time!" If you win, just wait and count the money!

He Lingchuan gave him a look. Is this his teammate?

In the past, when I competed with Meng Shan in the South Courtyard, there was no shame in losing. The audience was all practitioners anyway; but this stage was full of civilians.

Xiao Maoliang patted He Lingchuan on the shoulder: "Practice martial arts for a thousand days, for what? This will happen."

Sun Fuling had been listening, and then suddenly said: "If you go up to fight, I will bet my entire year's salary on you."

Her almond eyes were very bright and full of life.

He Lingchuan looked into her eyes, and suddenly he didn't have so many worries anymore. Maybe it was Xiao Maoliang's words that touched his heart.

He looked at Sun Fuling and said, "I have conditions. If you agree, I will go up and compete."

Sun Fuling did not hesitate: "You say it!"

He Lingchuan breathed out, suddenly leaned into her ear and whispered: "Winning or losing, you have to kiss me."

There was so much noise all around that almost no one could overhear.

Sun Fuling's eyes narrowed.

But after He Lingchuan said this, he suddenly felt embarrassed.

I don’t know why I mentioned it so smoothly, but I didn’t even think about it, and now I hit a wall.

"That's all, just think I'm talking nonsense, this condition doesn't count." He waved his hand, "I'm going up."

Unexpectedly, Sun Fuling suddenly stretched out her fist towards him: "Okay, I agree. But you have to win!"

He Lingchuan was overjoyed and stretched out his fist to touch her lightly: "It's a deal."

On that side, Meng Shan had already walked to the corner of the ring, opened his mouth and yawned.

No one came up for a quarter of an hour, and it would be considered a success in another quarter of an hour.

Boring, very boring!

He was feeling bored here when suddenly someone jumped up from under the stage.

Applause broke out from all around, cheering for those who came after them who were not afraid of death. All those who were beaten down by Mengshan were seriously injured and were only one breath away from death. There are still people who dare to come forward under such circumstances. This courage alone is worthy of applause.

Mengshan also sneered:

Okay, let grandpa see which kid dared to come up after eating Xiongxinbao... Huh?



Meng Shan's face darkened, because the man who came up greeted him very familiarly: "Hey, Meng Shan, we haven't seen you for half a month!"

Broken knife!

"Are you going to die now?" Did this kid pester him seven or eight times? Although he was knocked out every time, Mengshan knew in his heart that Broken Blade was becoming more and more difficult to deal with.

The last time we defeated him, Mengshan himself was injured, so he simply went home to recuperate for a long time.

In the huge Panlong City, the person Meng Shan didn't want to see the most, apart from General Red, was this brown candy-like guy in front of him.

"I placed a bet and I have to win the money back." He Lingchuan extended his hand to him and said, "Please."

Even though he was well prepared, when he stood on stage seven and faced thousands of enthusiastic spectators, his enthusiasm turned into overwhelming pressure!

What a thousand people look at, a thousand people point out, and a thousand people are angry about can all be combined into a substantial aura.

He had read in a book before that a handsome man was surrounded when he went out. One time there were so many people watching that they just watched him to death. Hmm...what's that weak boy's name? unimportant.

He Lingchuan used to only see that as a joke, but now he can't laugh.

If you lose in the No. 7 arena, you will be embarrassed in front of the people of the city, and it may become a topic of conversation and a joke among uncles and aunts after dinner in the next half month.

It’s so stressful.

He took a deep breath secretly.

I have been on the line of life and death countless times, are I still afraid of this excitement? Xiao Maoliang is right, sooner or later this will happen.

Meng Shan snorted, walked to the weapons rack, and picked out a four-foot-long mace with wooden spikes and a round hand shield.

People who are familiar with his fighting style all exclaimed, Mengshan doesn’t choose heavy weapons anymore?

Xiao Maoliang said curiously: "This guy is quite smart." It didn't match his appearance.

The thin man smiled and said: "He has suffered losses at the hands of Duandao, so he doesn't plan to just use brute force."

He Lingchuan also walked to the weapons rack, reached out and took off a wooden knife, weighed it, and inspected it carefully. Well, the portion size was okay and there were no cracks.

Even in Arena No. 7, the quality of weapons is as poor as ever. Fortunately, the material of the wooden knife was decent, otherwise he would have been afraid that it would break after just two chops.

Both of them were wearing light leather armor, but against the size and strength of Meng Shan, the wooden sword might not be able to break through the defense without using tricks, and it might even explode into sawdust.

The two sides had already fought six or seven times, so they knew the basics, and there was no need to test them. Mengshan strode forward, swung a stick, and then stamped on the ground.

Usually no one dares to directly receive his attack, and most of the time they have to retreat backwards. Then his kick will shake the ground and make the opponent's footing unstable.

As long as He Lingchuan showed a slight flaw, the hand shield would hit him.

Although this kind of shield is not as heavy as the mountain shield, it is still effective when used to hit people.

However, He Lingchuan was familiar with his methods and would never suffer this loss. When the mace was swung down, he advanced instead of retreating. He suddenly accelerated and crashed into Mengshan's arms with his knife!

This move is light, swift and skillful, and is called "Breast Swallow Throwing into the Forest" in the Yan Hui Shen Technique. Bystanders saw an afterimage passing by, and the tip of the wooden knife stabbed Meng Shan directly in the belly!

This move was extremely risky. If he had been slower for half a second, Mengshan's big stick would have hit him directly in the head.

Xiao Maoliang in the audience said "Huh", a little surprised.

He had faced off against Meng Shan in the Liu Valley, and he knew that when this guy started to move, he would have a strong aura around him, which could pull or delay his opponent's movements. This was also Meng Shan's magic weapon against clever enemies.

Most of the opponents who are nimble and flexible are thin and small. If they are easily led astray by him, not only their original attacks will be greatly reduced, but even their movements will be deformed. At that time, Mengshan will let the opponent know what it means to be overwhelmed by a mountain. .

But He Lingchuan knew his tricks too well. After all, they were all lessons learned through blood.

However, no matter how strong the aura is, there will be fluctuations. Today, when he was practicing swordsmanship in the waves, he felt the impermanent but tangible state of water. At this time, he was keenly aware of the unevenness of Mengshan's aura. There was always a vacuum gap that he could exploit. Just cut in from the edge.

He Lingchuan's attack was precise, and he also targeted his opponent's diaphragm, trying to make Mengshan feel the pain of the wild boar.

Meng Shan was exhaling and shouting violently, his belly was bulging, and he leaned back in pain from the poke, but his horse's steps were steady and he didn't even take a step back.

However, He Lingchuan didn't succeed either. The opponent's belly was bulging like a balloon. It was unclear whether it was true energy or fat. In short, he could play Q very well and it was difficult to apply force with the wooden knife.

At this time, he really missed the Fusheng Knife. Meng Shan's fat body would definitely not be able to bear the sharp tip of the knife.

It's a pity that this is a dream arena, and he can't even use the ghost shadow cicada to shed——

too expensive!

However, almost no one noticed that the sword head exhaled a force of gas that was more than a foot long.

Mengshan's backhand was a hug.

His strength is stronger than that of a wild boar. If He Lingchuan is held firmly, Huang can be squeezed out. He had seen Mengshan crush other people's spines alive.

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