After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 298 Fighting Mengshan

So as soon as he stabbed the wooden knife firmly, he pressed Mengshan's shoulder armor with one hand, and jumped up with the force of the rebound. Mengshan missed the opportunity and couldn't help but roar.

He Lingchuan turned back, fell behind Meng Shan, and drew his sword again!

This time he aimed at the back of Mengshan's neck, a part that the leather armor could not take care of. Even if there is no sharp edge, as long as it hits the vital point, it can still make the opponent's eyes black.

Sun Fuling in the audience frowned slightly and shook her head slightly.

Meng Shan ducked down in time to avoid the wooden knife.

After he roared, his movements were obviously a beat faster, and his body shrank by a full size. He turned with a flexibility that was not suitable for his size, and the mace hit He Lingchuan's upper body hard and fast.

The stick's wooden pegs actually emitted a thick red light.

These weapons are wooden blank slates with no characteristics of their own. Suddenly glowing at this time, it can only be said that Mengshan used his true power to unleash his special move.

He Lingchuan was unable to evade in mid-air, but he took a direct hit and was knocked three feet away!

Almost fell off the ring.

Meng Shan followed him like a shadow, his speed was astonishing, and he caught up with He Lingchuan in two steps.

The civilians only saw the heavy shadow of the stick, but they didn't know that he struck three heavy blows in three directions in just half a second! But the hair of the civilians lying on the railings was messed up by the wind.

He Lingchuan couldn't avoid it, so he had to force his arms and hold the knife to catch it.

Each hit was like being hit by a giant hammer, making both arms numb and the tiger's mouth cracking.

What's even more frightening is that every time Meng Shan hits him, his energy increases, and in the end, the momentum will surge like a frenzy and overwhelm him.

He Lingchuan felt that his whole body was locked, and Meng Shan's power seemed to squeeze in from all directions, pinning him to the spot, unable to move.

This is how the wild boar fell just now.

He Lingchuan challenged Mengshan in the past, and he was eliminated like this at least twice.

Meng Shan's three heavy blows were each stronger than the last. The last blow hit Tianling Gai from top to bottom, which was unparalleled in its ferocity. That stance is like a pile driver with crazy output.

To be honest, it didn't make any difference whether he used an iron rod or a wooden rod at this moment. Anyway, the victim would be shot in the head with one stick. Sergeant Gale, who was watching the battle around him, also felt a chill on his head and was thinking about how to respond.

He Lingchuan escaped the third one.

To be precise, he put his hands on the ground and rolled away from the side of Mengshan Mountain.

It's like being squeezed out.

Xiao Maoliang said a long "Eh", and Hu Min rubbed his eyes.

He Lingchuan's figure was like a fish swimming in the water, the twisted angles were cunning and strong, and he almost bounced away with the force of his back. In the end, he found some cracks in this all-round, seemingly endless squeeze.

When time was scarce, he seized the opportunity.

Sun Fuling narrowed her eyes.

She caught He Lingchuan's wooden knife and took the opportunity to stab Meng Shan's side, like a needle.

But it was protected by leather armor and the wooden knife couldn't penetrate.

And with a "click", the weapon actually shattered.

The next second, Mengshan's hand shield arrived and hit He Lingchuan's temple.

The civilians in the audience exclaimed.

In their opinion, this was He Lingchuan's attempt to counterattack but was unable to break through the opponent's defense, causing his own weapon to shatter.

The thin man said "Hey" and clenched his fist fiercely.

How is this different from the previous battles between the two sides? Everyone knows that if this game continues, the winner will be Monsanto again.

Don't look at He Lingchuan's flexible movements and good-looking play, but Mengshan is not afraid of flexible opponents at all and only needs to use strength to deal with skill. As long as He Lingchuan makes one mistake, he will be doomed.

Who can't go wrong? Time stands here at Mengshan.

Fortunately, He Lingchuan was not disturbed and did not want to fight. He grabbed the remaining wooden handle and left. At the critical moment, he dodged the shield attack and rolled five feet away.

Mengshan's hand shield was smashed into nothing.

That wooden knife received three strong blows from Meng Shan, and no matter how good the quality was, it had reached the end of its lifespan. It was only when He Lingchuan saw the visible cracks on the blade and felt that it was vulnerable to another blow that he desperately tried to avoid Meng Shan's blow.

A warrior must have a clear judgment on the status of his weapon.

After Meng Shan swung in the air, there was a violent trample, a forward dive and then a sweeping blow from the stick.

The ground of the arena shook like a magnitude eight or nine earthquake. Xiao Maoliang and other Gale soldiers were deeply moved when they saw this move. In the battle of Yan Valley half a year ago, Meng Shan shocked many people.

Now that he had a good time to pinch, He Lingchuan had just climbed up and his footing was not stable. If he fell down, he would definitely not be able to catch the blow from behind.

The long stick struck over, and the stick wind was more than two feet long. There was a sharp "whoosh" sound in the air, which was full of oppression.

Although it is invisible, being hit will definitely not have any good consequences.

This move alone would make Meng Shan one of the generals.

It can be seen that He Lingchuan is not the only one who has improved in the past six months.

The knowledgeable people in the audience cheered.

However, He Lingchuan knew what he wanted to do when he saw Meng Shan raise his knees. When the enemy stepped on the ring, he used one hand to use his strength and jumped back. He just avoided the damage of the trample and jumped behind the weapon rack.

This frame was firmly nailed to the edge of the field, and he was swept away by the wind of the stick.

There was a loud crash, the shelf was broken into two pieces, and the weapons on it were scattered in a mess.

He Lingchuan casually grabbed a few wooden throwing knives, aimed at Mengshan's eyes and throat, and threw them out.

Meng Shan raised his shield in front and charged, all the flying knives hitting the shield.

The distance between the two sides is only two feet. He is tall and has long legs, so he can reach him in two steps.

He Lingchuan grabbed a long wooden knife and fought with him.

In an instant, there were more than a dozen rounds.

Hu Min watched intently: "This guy, Duandao, can do it."

Faced with such an overwhelming opponent, He Lingchuan would always dodge at the last moment, and on several occasions he would even hit him head-on. He knew Mengshan's offensive routines very well, and he seemed more and more comfortable with them.

One is strong and the other is flexible, this duel will be very exciting to watch.

The surrounding soldiers and civilians applauded again and again, feeling that they had had enough of the excitement. However, both parties involved have entered a state of deafness and are only focused on deciding between life and death!

Xiao Maoliang suddenly said: "Mengshan has slowed down."

The people outside the No. 7 ring were not very clear about the excitement, but anyone with a discerning eye could notice that Meng Shan's attack speed had slowed down. The pace of turning around, attacking, and even attacking and dodging was at least half a beat slower than before.

As soon as the speed slows down, the overwhelming feeling of oppression is reduced by at least half.

Looking at Meng Shan again, his facial muscles are twisted and the veins on his forehead are pulsing.

Sun Fuling suddenly said: "Mengshan's internal injuries are not serious."

Her voice was so soft that only Commander Xiao heard it and frowned slightly.

Was He Lingchuan's previous attack effective?

Mengshan was indeed injured.

Every time he turned around, there was a sharp pain in the side of his waist where the wooden knife had hit him; every time he took a breath, his diaphragm felt like a sharp stabbing pain. He Lingchuan's previous two swords didn't seem to break through the defense, but there was a force of real power that penetrated and ran rampant, lingering.

Others don't know it, only Mengshan himself understands it. I'm afraid his liver, gallbladder, and lungs were injured.

His vision had gone dark several times, and he couldn't help but want to vomit.

No, we must fight quickly!

Mengshan, who had always dominated the ring and defeated his opponents in a cat-and-mouse manner, finally felt that the time in the ring was too long.

He rolled his eyes and stumbled deliberately, leaving his chest exposed.

This opportunity doesn't come often, and your opponent certainly won't miss it.

He Lingchuan turned the tip of the knife and pointed it straight at his throat.

Meng Shan endured the severe pain, his chest and abdomen bulged, and he roared at the enemy directly in front!

This sound was like the roar of a lion in the ears, making people feel heartbroken.

He still had his back to the outside, but several civilians still fell down on the edge of the ring, unconscious.

And He Lingchuan, who was directly in front of him, faced a powerful sonic attack. The sound was ten times louder than the thunder in the sky, and even pushed his whole body backward!

Meng Shan roared with all his strength, spurting out all the blood in his lungs. He Lingchuan was finally caught. He would not let go of the last chance. He swept the stick with his right hand and finally swept it on his opponent!

However, when He Lingchuan was knocked away, the long knife also came out of his hand. Meng Shan leaned back to avoid the tip of the knife.

However, there was still a foot-long invisible force on the tip of the knife, which accurately hit his Adam's apple!

Amid everyone's exclamations, He Lingchuan was swept away a foot away, rolled twice on the ground, vomited a large mouthful of blood, and couldn't get up even after holding on to the ground twice.

Mengshan on the opposite side remained motionless.

The wooden knife landed on the ground and rolled half a circle.

Sun Fuling said silently:


The field was still for a few seconds, and Mengshan suddenly vomited blood.

The vomiting was out of control, and blood spurted out like a fountain. People also pushed the golden mountain and knocked down the jade pillar, and fell to their knees with a bang.

He felt like his internal organs were in a turmoil, as if two knives of ice and fire were scratching him in turn. His mind was even more dizzy, and there were several double images of He Lingchuan running towards him.

The audience was shocked.

Most people didn't see what was going on at all. They only knew that He Lingchuan was hit by Meng Shan and fell to the ground. As a result, Meng Shan seemed to be more seriously injured and couldn't even stand up.

It's really inexplicable.

He Lingchuan reached Meng Shan in two steps and tapped his temple lightly with his fingertips.

Even with this little strength, Mengshan couldn't bear it and fell down.

There was silence around Arena No. 7, and everyone looked in disbelief.

Of course they didn't know that Meng Shan was already fighting hard with the force of the first two sword blows, and the injuries accumulated in his internal organs were getting worse. At this time, the damage caused by He Lingchuan's third sword exploded all at once!

This happens over and over again.

On the other hand, He Lingchuan only suffered some superficial injuries from beginning to end. In fact, time is on his side.

He Lingchuan pressed his left arm and shouted to the courtyard: "Come here, he needs help!"

A Luo rushed to the ring with a medicine box and ordered two soldiers to turn Meng Shan over. He was bleeding from all his orifices and his eyes were straight.

At this time, the enthusiasm of the audience was instantly detonated, with overwhelming applause and shouts.

A Luo was busy with his hands and couldn't help but ask: "How did you beat him like this?" He didn't see clearly what happened just now.

"I'm lucky."

"Your shoulder injury is also serious, let me help you take care of it!" After all, he is one of his own, and Aluo's heart was biased from the beginning.

As for Monsanto, he can wait.

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