After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 299 People coming and going

He Lingchuan smiled and accepted his kindness. Mengshan's last blow hit him on his left arm. Not only did his arm break, but his internal organs were also shaken.

Until the last moment, Monsanto’s power remained uncompromised.

This guy is really a tough opponent.

A Luo knew it with just a pinch: "Your arm is broken!" He stuffed a pill into him, "Swallow it, it will help heal the internal injuries."

Then Arlo quickly helped him set his bones, apply medicine, and splint him.

This movement is skillful, but not gentle. He Lingchuan hissed several times and couldn't help but recall Sun Fuling's gentleness when she helped him change his dressing.

He looked down the stage and met her eyes.

Her eyes are as crescent-shaped and her smile is as bright as a flower. She must have won a lot of money, right?

"Okay, okay, for the next seven days, don't run, don't jump, don't put pressure on the injured area." Aluo quickly helped him handle it properly, while Mengshan was carried down.

A Luo and other military doctors went to study Mengshan. He Lingchuan slowly stepped down. The patrols and soldiers along the way gave him a thumbs up, patted him on the shoulder, and kept praising his ability.

Meng Shan was so arrogant in the North and South Courtyards that he disturbed the eyes of many people. It was He Lingchuan who vented this bad breath for them.

Outside the railings of the No. 7 arena were cheering people, especially the big girls who looked over with bright eyes.

This is the highlight moment for the winner, and there is a sense of contentment in the air.

He Lingchuan took a deep breath. Although his mouth and nose were still filled with the smell of rust, he still felt relaxed and happy.

Hu Min rushed up in three steps, waving several large gold ingots in front of him: "It's great! I'm treating you to Yixiang Tower tonight, don't compete with me!"

He Lingchuan's eyes went straight: "How come you exchanged it for gold so quickly?"

Hu Min pointed at the thin man, who was also smiling from ear to ear. He didn't know which brother he had collected as a gift this time.

Sun Fuling came over and said, "You are seriously injured, so you can't drink for the time being."

"By the way, last time I had a broken leg and I still drank..." Sun Fuling narrowed her eyes, and Hu Min shuddered and quickly changed his words, "I'm a bachelor, what do I know about P? But good food and good meat It's still edible. I heard that Yixianglou has a new dish called 'Two Dragons Seize the Pearl'..."

He Lingchuan was too lazy to pay attention to him and just grinned at Sun Fuling: "I won!" He had to keep his word.

She understood what he meant and took out a mirror from somewhere and pointed it at him: "Look."

He Lingchuan took a look in the mirror and was shocked.

He had just been beaten away once and was wiping his face on the floor. Now half of his face was swollen with blood, green and purple, indescribable embarrassment, and covered with mud and sand.

"Now? Are you sure?" Sun Fuling smiled and said, "Does your face still feel?"

It is indeed numb, so let’s just pay for it first. He Lingchuan sighed and asked her instead: "How much did you win?"

"Not much." She pointed at Hu Min, "It's only ten times as much as him."


Sun Fuling patted his arm, of course the one that was intact: "You really didn't let me down!" A big one, and I got it all back.

The thin man came over and stuffed a note into He Lingchuan's hand. The latter looked at it and saw that he owed nine hundred taels of silver.

"What does this mean?"

"I can't find it. I owe it now and I'll give it to you later!" The thin man was so busy that he was sweating profusely and his face almost turned sour from smiling. In this battle just now, He Lingchuan's odds were frighteningly high, and now he was making frightening profits.

He took the initiative to hand over several ingots of gold to Xiao Maoliang, and said in a very disrespectful manner: "Boss Xiao, the money you won!"

He Lingchuan: "..." So Xiao Maoliang also placed a bet?

Xiao Maoliang shook the gold ingot at him, still expressionless: "Well done!"

He has a family to support and never refuses a windfall.

However, Xiao Maoliang is finally more serious than others. He still remembers to ask He Lingchuan: "Did you only use Yanhui Technique and Wave Slash just now?"

"Yes, Yan Zhan." These two techniques can work wonders when used together. Moreover, Yan Zhan can further transform into Falcon Strike, and the attack will be even more powerful.

That's a story for another day.

"How did you dodge his roar attack?" Mengshan's mountain-shaking roar knocked out all the civilians beside the ring. He Lingchuan, who was only two feet away from him, withstood the biggest attack from the front, so how could he remain calm?

He Lingchuan chuckled, turned over his right hand, and found two balls of cotton lying in his palm.

He is familiar with Mengshan's routine and plugs his ears before going on stage. This physical defense is the most effective.

Of course, autistic hearing loss is a risky move, and he may not dare to do it against others. Hey, we still need a magical power to defend against such invisible attacks.

Xiao Maoliang was startled, then patted him on the shoulder: "Not bad."

He Lingchuan was defeated seven times and died seven times at the hands of Meng Shan. Now he finally turned defeat into victory. The feeling of elation and excitement is really beyond words.

All thoughts are clear.

Don’t underestimate this emotion. Many practitioners are trapped in a certain misfortune. From then on, it is difficult to clear their mind and they no longer work hard.

For him, defeating Monsanto was a landmark victory.

After kicking away the shadow of this humanoid violent bear, he truly felt that the sky was vast and there were infinite possibilities from now on.

"Yes, it seems that you have understood your own way." A good sword technique can be extended infinitely, it just depends on how the user understands it. As time goes by, Panlong City may have one more general, and Xiao Maoliang is very pleased.

At this time, Yuewu Hall also sent someone to congratulate him, and then pointed to the board next to the No. 7 ring and asked He Lingchuan: "Do you want to defend the ring? You can challenge again in forty days."

These forty days are the time to recuperate, and it is also very humane.

That board is the main list.

He Lingchuan took a look and found that there was not only one champion, but four names on it.

Seeing that he was puzzled, Hu Min explained to him: "The challenger will also be injured and needs time to recover. Before they are defeated, they will be named on the list. These four are the challengers who have successfully defended the challenge before and have not been defeated yet. ”

The thin man finally finished calculating the money with others, and then he came over with a red face: "Unless the injury is too serious and someone asks for a fight, the champion must challenge within forty days, otherwise even if he fails to defend the challenge, he will be automatically removed from here. . Also, the number of people on the champion list cannot exceed ten, otherwise the Yuewu Hall will match the champions. "

He Lingchuan looked up and saw that the fact that there were only five champions was the result of PKing each other?

The thin man paused and said, "Broken Blade, it's better to compete in the No. 7 arena than to compete in the south courtyard of the martial arts hall."

"Why?" I asked if I didn't understand.

"Others know that you are the master of the competition, and those who don't have a few real skills will not dare to come up to challenge you. If you find someone to compete with in the south courtyard of Yuewu Hall, they may not know each other's depth."

To put it bluntly, it is a matter of efficiency. Champion No. 7 can carefully screen out stronger opponents.

Both of them spoke truthfully. He Lingchuan thought about it and agreed to become the glorious No. 7 champion of Yuewu Hall.

He lacks actual combat, so fighting against masters is the fastest way.

Then Yue Wu Tang erased Meng Shan's name, wrote "He Lingchuan" in big red fonts, and then marked his identity as "Guard".

On the busy street, this is really... so conspicuous. I'm afraid half of Panlong City will know that the new champion of Arena No. 7 has been born before tomorrow's breakfast time.

He Lingchuan touched his chin, he liked it.

After all, he is still an injured person, and he should go home to recuperate after receiving the challenger's reward.

There was a sea of ​​people in front of the main entrance of Yuewu Hall. Sun Fuling took one look and said, "Let's go through the back door."

"Is there a back door here?" He came to Yue Wu Hall eight times to play without knowing it.

"Of course."

The next group of people passed by the path beside the north courtyard of Yuewu Hall and quietly went out through the small door on the northwest side.

The further north you go, the quieter the martial arts hall becomes, and most people here go to watch the martial arts competition. He Lingchuan looked at the competition field in the fence, wondering if Zhong Shengguang and others would come here to exercise their hands and feet?

It was indeed much quieter outside the northwest gate.

However, as soon as He Lingchuan left the house, forty or fifty people came around to greet him with smiles. Some wanted to hire him as a minister of the chamber of commerce and receive preferential treatment, and some praised him for his youth and promise and wanted to recruit him as their son-in-law.

There were seven or eight other girls chattering, all coming to express their admiration. Two enthusiastic and bold ones stuffed the note directly into the splint in He Lingchuan's hand, hoping to "ask for advice" from him.

He Lingchuan glanced down and saw what seemed to be an address written on it.

A little girl of sixteen or seventeen years old, as young as a flower, with white and rosy apple-like skin, and eyes full of spring.

He Lingchuan's throat was a little dry. He coughed twice and was about to say something. Who knows who lost his momentum and built an invisible wall of air, pushing everyone three or four feet away.

The girl who was closest to him almost fell off her butt.

The thin man supported her and quickly smoothed things over: "He is injured. We will talk about it later. Ah, don't rush and don't rush. He will still be here to guard the ring later!"

He Lingchuan turned his head to see who pushed down the girl, but everyone was watching the excitement. Sun Fuling was staring at the magpies chirping on the roof, watching them carefully.

At this time, the carriage also arrived, and the group quickly got on the carriage.

Hu Min patted the coachman on the shoulder: "Go to Yixiang Tower."

He Lingchuan was startled: "Go now?"

"It will get dark in another hour. It's not too late to go and grab a seat first." Hu Min said with a smile, "I told Boss Xiao that he will be here in a moment. Your boy performed very well today. I think he joined the gale in advance. The army is hopeful.”

"Seriously?" This was such an unexpected surprise that He Lingchuan became more alert. "You don't have to wait for me to become the captain?"

"There are exceptions to everything, and it is not uncommon for us to be promoted under special circumstances. You sacrificed your life to save General Nan Ke at the front of the team, and defeated Meng Shan at the back. In terms of strength, you are qualified enough." The carriage bumped, and Hu Min also Shaking his head, "Of course it doesn't matter what I say, it depends on the considerations above."

The carriage turned the corner, and Sun Fuling suddenly knocked on the carriage wall: "Stop, I'll get off here."


He Lingchuan asked her: "Aren't you going to Yixiang Tower?"

"No, I still have something to do." The carriage stopped. Sun Fuling put on her face towel and got out decisively, but she winked at He Lingchuan and said, "Don't worry, I won't default on my debt. See you at home."

Although he couldn't see her expression, He Lingchuan felt that she was smiling.

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