After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 300 Negotiation

After she left, the carriage started again. The thin man grabbed He Lingchuan's intact arm and said eagerly: "Home? Home! You kid can do it. You are about to become famous and you can still accept the kindness of a beauty!"

The envy of singles is beyond words.


There were two thunders in the sky.

He Lingchuan sat up and stretched.

This is the only benefit of drinking alcohol in a dream. You won’t have a headache when you wake up.

Hu Min helped him hold a celebration banquet at Yixiang Tower. Originally there were only four people, but for some reason, the more people drank, the more people there were. In the end, even the wickers and door panels came.

Seeing the way the two of them were flirting together, He Lingchuan concluded that they were already having an affair.

Of course, this was before he got drunk.

How many bottles of wine have you drunk? He Lingchuan himself didn't remember it, but he returned to reality as soon as he opened his eyes.

Having said that, Sun Fuling's promise has not yet been fulfilled.

no chance.

He Lingchuan rubbed his face, got up and opened the tent door to see that it was still raining heavily outside. God has been pouring water on the ground for several days. Isn't it tired of it?

He asked the local soldiers and it was said that the flood season in northern Xia was now entering. It would rain for three to forty days continuously, with only a short break in between.

In comparison, the rainy season in Blackwater City has never been so long.

Clearly this weather poses challenges for grain storage. But this was not the top priority right now. As soon as He Lingchuan finished dressing up, He Chunhua sent someone to call him.

When He Lingchuan went to the Chinese army's tent, there was a meeting inside. He waited in the deputy tent for a while and heard the main discussion about camp relocation.

At present, it is basically certain that the main flood season of Hanhe River has arrived early. After a few days of heavy rain, the river banks are prone to loosening and collapse, so it is best for the Yuan army to retreat another hundred feet.

In terms of the stationing location, the ground south of the Han River guarded by the Yuan Army is soft, but there are rocky mountains to the north. In previous years, floods would flood the south bank first and then the north bank.

So Zhao Pan was also very nervous at this time. The camp had to be moved, and it had to be moved as soon as possible, but it couldn't retreat too far, so that the enemy on the other side would take advantage.

It's up to him to figure out the middle ground.

After the meeting, He Chunhua walked out and saw his son.

"Dad, what's going on?" He had been so absorbed in practicing for the past two days that he forgot that this was the front line.

He Chunhua spread a crumpled letter on the table: "You have to come with me."

The letter was wet and the words on it were soaked, but it did not hinder reading:

At two quarters of Shenshi (3:30 in the afternoon), Baiming Valley Xianglong Peak, if you don't come, the front line will be defeated.

Could this be it? He looked up at He Chunhua and heard his father say: "Hong Chenglue insists on meeting us."


"To be precise, he wanted to see his wife and make sure she was safe and sound." He Chunhua said solemnly, "The day before yesterday, I ordered people to shoot more than a dozen arrows into the surrounding woods to send a message asking him to withdraw from Xiazhou. Hong Chenglue received it indeed. What you see is his reply."

He was sure that after the grain transport team arrived at the front line, the Xunzhou Rangers were still nearby to monitor them.

Sure enough, the arrow book he sent people to shoot everywhere would reach Hong Chenglue's hands.

"If you don't go, the front line will be defeated?" He Lingchuan asked curiously, "This man has such a strong tone. Can he easily accomplish what the tens of thousands of Xunzhou troops on the opposite side cannot accomplish?"

He Chunhua remained silent, his eyes flashing.

"But dad still wants to meet him for a while?"

"I would rather believe that he exists." He Chunhua is a cautious person, "Besides, he only has more than a hundred horses, so why should I be afraid of him?"

"Go get ready and we'll set off in an hour."

He Lingchuan hesitated to speak and could only accept the order and leave.

An hour later, He Chunhua led more than 600 riders and rushed to Baiming Valley in the rain.

In addition to the 400 people from the grain transport team, Zhao Pan allocated another 200 elites to him. He Lingchuan saw that they all carried large bows on their backs.

"Archers are the best in places like Baiming Valley." These were Zhao Pan's exact words.

There was also a carriage accompanying him, and Hong Chenglue's wife Ajin was lying in it. Of course, this is no longer a shabby civilian carriage. Before departure, her mother-in-law helped her take a bath, change her clothes, and apply a little makeup to make her look better.

Ah Jin was very quiet and let her do what she wanted.

After another hour, the team arrived at Baiming Valley.

When he got here, He Lingchuan understood Zhao Pan's painstaking efforts. Baiming Valley is surrounded by mountains, with many exposed rocks, numerous strange rocks, and countless holes in the mountains.

This kind of terrain is conducive to concealment. It's no wonder that Hong Chenglue decided to meet here.

The locals led the way. Xianglong Peak is the first short peak you can encounter when you first enter Baiming Valley. It is not difficult to climb.

He Chunhua sent a few scouts up, and the feedback they received was that everything was normal and there was no ambush.

However, He Chunhua did not go up the mountain and only asked the team to stop on the flat ground at the entrance of Baiming Valley.

He asked someone to move a chair from the carriage, and Damajinda sat down.

The meaning is very clear: I came to Baiming Valley as promised, but I won't go inside, so it can't be all up to you. If you want to see your wife, come out and meet her yourself.

The terrain of Baiming Valley is complex, and He Chunhua definitely cannot let Hong Chenglue lead him around. Who knows what weird arrangements are on Xianglong Peak?

The elite troops he brought went to nearby high points to set up control, and the archers laid an ambush.

It was also God's favor. As soon as He Chunhua arrived at Baiming Valley, the rain stopped.

The fragrance of green mud lingers, and birds begin to chirp in the forest.

The valley is secluded and there are no people in sight.

Too anxious to eat hot tofu, He Chunhua simply closed his eyes to rest.

After two quarters of an hour like this, the ground five feet in front of He Chunhua suddenly moved, and gravel bounced everywhere. The personal guards immediately stepped forward and surrounded He Chunhua.

The stone and sand on the ground gathered quickly, and in less than ten breaths, a large pit more than ten feet wide and several feet deep sank into the ground. However, a stone man who was two heads taller than a human crawled out of the pit, walking with heavy steps. Walking towards He Chunhua with quick steps.

The guard showed his weapon and shouted: "Stop!"

But He Chunhua waved his hand: "Let it come over." There seemed to be no malicious intent in this thing.

The stout stone man continued to walk forward for a few steps before stopping. His voice was as low as if it had been run over by a stone roller: "Master He!"

He Chunhua raised his eyebrows: "Hong Chenglue?"

"Where's my wife?"

"Let's talk about business first." He Chunhua's eyes wandered in the distance. The stone man was just summoned by the opponent's puppet technique to talk to him. However, the control distance of this spell is limited, and Hong Chenglue himself should be hiding not far away. Now Zeng Feixiong should be leading his men to search for Hong Chenglue's location nearby.

"I don't want your life, and I don't need you to embarrass yourself. As long as you leave Xiazhou and not come back for a year." He Chunhua said slowly, "Your wife is a honored guest here. She will be well fed and supported, and I guarantee that she won't feel any discomfort at all." , It’s even better than sleeping in the open air with you. I will return her to you after one year.”

Hong Chenglue moved around Zhao Pan's rear, which was a huge disaster to Xiazhou. He Chunhua hated him for burning the army rations, but he was even more worried that he would continue to cause endless destruction in the future.

But this guy is so slippery that it's hard to catch him. Then simply do the next best thing and kick him out.

"No." Hong Chenglue simply refused through the mouth of the stone man, "Return Ah Jin to me now, otherwise I will help the people of Xunzhou defeat the enemy and defeat Zhao Pan within half a month."

He Chunhua couldn't help but laugh.

Nian Zanli, who holds a heavy army, is not far from the north bank of Han River. Even he can't reach the natural barrier of Han River and cannot break through Zhao Pan's defense line. How dare Hong Chenglue attack this?

Hong Chenglue said nothing and waited quietly for him to finish laughing.

The stone man's face was expressionless, which made it more difficult for He Chunhua to guess his thoughts.

Negotiation is an art. If you cannot see the other party's facial expressions, you will miss a lot of information. He Chunhua was very dissatisfied with this: "You are sure to defeat General Zhao, but you dare not show your face in front of me? You should come out and speak first. I don't believe in people who hide their heads and show their tails!"

The stone man stopped talking.

After a while, a figure seemed to flash in the distance.

The He family father and son looked intently, and saw two figures appearing on a small mountain peak more than ten feet away.

Is that Hong Chenglue?

He Lingchuan had never met Hong Chenglue, but he recognized the other person as Dong Rui.

This man is really better than Xiao. He can't be caught or beaten to death no matter what.

He Chunhua glanced left and right, and naturally someone was sneaking towards the small mountain peak.

The stone man spoke again: "Master He, you don't need to use these tricks, you can't catch me."

How will you know if you don’t try? He Chunhua said with a smile: "General Hong is really courageous. But you are originally from Yuan, why would you help Nian Zanli, a defeated general, to attack the Yuan Kingdom? So, as long as you are willing to withdraw from Xiazhou, I will release your wife within three months. ”

The battlefield situation is changing rapidly. If Hong Chenglue really leads his troops to withdraw from Xiazhou, it is hard to say whether they will come back later or whether they can come back.

Therefore, the focus of the game between the two sides now actually lies in Hong Chenglue's "retreat."

As soon as he retreated, He Chunhua had the credit of "persuading the enemy generals to retreat without sending a single soldier". He had an explanation for the front line, Xiazhou, and the royal court, and his prestige was not damaged.

And this retreat also caused trouble for Hong Chenglue himself. First of all, the troops he is leading are all Xunzhou Rangers, not the Bejia army. The running-in period between the two sides is less than ten days, and due to the abandoned mine incident a few days ago, the Xunzhou people are already dissatisfied with this leader, and privately "Those who are not of my race must have different minds" are often muttered.

If Hong Chenglue withdraws from Xiazhou for personal reasons, how can the people of Xunzhou be willing to obey?

Secondly, guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines is an order from the Bega Kingdom. For him to leave without permission is to disobey the commander's order, which is a taboo in the military. Hong Chenglue has just come back, is he going to cut off his retreat?

But He Chunhua's key points were real.

Others could never imagine the bond between him and his wife.

He Chunhua is going to ruin his future. Hong Chenglue, who was always used to making dilemmas, hesitated visibly at this time.

Dong Rui nudged him with his elbow: "Hey..."

Hong Chenglue immediately raised his hand and interrupted his words.

When He Lingchuan saw this, he understood that his so-called statement of "helping Xun Ren defeat Zhao Pan" would probably not be able to show the evidence to everyone.

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