After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 301 The Sky is High and Birds Fly Free

In other words, Hong Chenglue must either compromise with He Chunhua or put his bold words into action.

This is actually very passive.

But after He Lingchuan figured this out, he felt even more worried.

Hong Chenglue knew that he could not prove his bold words on the spot, so why did he still need to interview He Chunhua?

What other plans does he have here?

He Lingchuan lowered his head and expressed his worries.

But after he said a few words, He Chunhua nodded and interrupted: "Okay, I understand."

From this angle, He Lingchuan could see that the muscles in his neck were tense. It was obvious that He Chunhua was not as calm as he appeared.

After a while, the stone man spoke again: "Let me see Ajin first."

This is not too much to ask for. He Chunhua tilted his head and raised his chin, and the soldier guarding the carriage opened the door.

The mother-in-law inside helped A Jin put a pillow behind her back so that she could lean on the wall of the compartment.

Only then did Ajin's eyes shine: "Hong Lang."

"How are you?" The stone man couldn't help but take two steps towards her, "Did they make things difficult for you?"

"I'm fine, but it's you who is making things difficult." Ajin sighed, "It seems that I'm dragging you down again."

The stone man said firmly: "It was never you who dragged me down!"

In broad daylight in front of thousands of people, these two people showed off their affection? He Chunhua coughed and said to Ah Jin: "Mrs. Miao, don't forget our agreement."

Ajin's surname was Miao, and He Chunhua came to her many times in the past two days, asking her to persuade Hong Chenglue.

She also agreed without being stubborn or resisting.

Akinli ignored him and stared at her husband on the mountain for a moment: "Hong Lang, you don't have to worry about me anymore. From now on, the sky is high and the birds can fly!"

Having said this, she smiled slightly at Hong Cheng, but black blood flowed from the corner of her mouth.

Hong Chenglue and He Chunhua were shocked and almost said in unison: "What are you doing!"

Hong Chenglue almost lost his mind: "How is this possible? I obviously took her medicine!"

He Chunhua rushed over, no longer caring about the image, and pinched Ajin's mouth open. Her teeth were clenched, her body was shaking, and her orifices were bleeding.

He Lingchuan also pounced on him and urgently ordered Yao Yuan: "Ling Guang, save her!"

Lingguang jumped into the carriage, smelled the smell in Ajin's mouth, grabbed a gourd from somewhere, and poured water into her mouth. "It's the highly poisonous 'Hanjiu Powder', which is used by dead soldiers."

The liquid in the gourd is light yellow, a little smelly but very clear.

Ah Jin's throat muscles were tightened and he couldn't swallow at all. Lingguang hurriedly stretched out his paw to press twice, and finally swallowed it down.

She was so choked that Ling Guang couldn't take care of her, so she continued to drink hard.

After more than ten breaths, it turned Ah Jin over again and squeezed her abdomen hard: "Spit it out again, quickly!"

Ah Jin vomited.

Lingguang then gave her medicine to wash her stomach and prepared to induce vomiting again.

At this time, no panacea is as effective as basic methods.

But this time, Ah Jin only drank two sips and became unresponsive. No matter how you massage it, it will be ineffective.

"It won't work anymore." Ling Guang gasped, "The poison takes effect too quickly."

You can see that when it poured medicine into Ah Jin, this woman's mouth was corroded, not to mention her inner organs, which were even more fragile.

To describe this poison as "sealing its throat upon seeing blood" is really not an exaggeration.

In the Yuan Kingdom and the Bejia Kingdom, Hanjiu Powder is known as a special medicine for sealing.

"Try again!" He Chunhua said with a serious look on his face, "Try again!"

Seeing that Hong Chenglue was about to compromise, his plan was about to succeed. If A Jinruo dies at this juncture, his trump card against Hong Chenglue will be gone, and he will have to forge a deep hatred!

At this time, he was extremely angry. Why didn't his men search the paralyzed man carefully?

Is it because she is disabled that she lets her guard down?

Lingguang tried several more methods, but Ah Jin remained motionless. He Lingchuan checked her pulse, but it was gone.

"Dad, she's dead."

Ah Jin became poisonous, and the stone man rushed forward like crazy.

But it was just a sounding tube, and it didn't have much powerful defense. It was fired by the surrounding soldiers, and it turned into a pile of rocks after three hits, five, and two.

He Chunhua pressed down and said sternly: "Catch Hong Chenglue, quickly!"

The deadly feud has been forged, and he must never be allowed to leave this place alive.

Zeng Feixiong whistled, and the nearby soldiers stopped hiding. They jumped out of their hiding place and rushed towards the small mountain peak.

He Chunhua rolled his eyes and shouted at Hong Chenglue: "She's not dead, your wife was saved!"

More than ten feet away, with so many people blocking the carriage, he didn't believe Hong Chenglue could see clearly that Ah Jin was dead.

As long as this person is unsure, things will take a turn.

Hong Chenglue saw his wife's mouth bleeding through the stone man. He was so frightened that he jumped without thinking.

Dong Rui held his shoulders and said, "You're crazy! You're throwing yourself into a trap!"

Hong Chenglue threw him away, but unexpectedly a huge claw stretched out from beside him and grabbed his arm hard. Hong Chenglue failed to break away immediately: "Let go, she's been poisoned!"

It was Gui Yuan who transformed into his true form and helped his master stop Hong Chenglue. But the latter was extremely powerful, and the ghost monkey himself was still wounded, so he had to use all his strength to hold him back.

Dong Rui shouted into Hong Chenglue's ear: "Calm down! She took the poison voluntarily because she didn't want you to die!"

The word "death" was so deafening that Hong Cheng was startled for a moment, as if he remembered something, and suddenly stopped struggling.

At this time, the stone man had been smashed into pieces, and the Yuan army swarmed up and rushed towards here. The archers nearby were already bending their bows and unloading arrows.

"There's no time, let's go!" Dong Rui waved, and the strange bird behind him appeared. Its huge body could carry the two of them for a short distance.

Hong Chenglue stared at the carriage not far away, his eyes red and his breathing rapid.

Dong Rui jumped on the bird's back and kept urging: "Let's go! Let's go!"

If you don't leave, it will be too late.

Hong Chenglue almost crushed his steel teeth, turned his head and jumped on the bird's back. The ghost ape turned back into a little monkey and jumped into Dong Rui's arms.

The strange bird flapped its wings and took off into the air before dozens of arrows were fired.

Then, Hong Chenglue heard He Chunhua's shouting, and the muscles on his cheeks couldn't help but jump twice.

Dong Rui was afraid that he would be foolish because of his anger, so he quickly said: "He lied to you, don't believe it!"

Hong Chenglue's voice seemed to come from an ice cellar: "That's Hanjiu Powder, a poison with no cure!"

He had distributed this kind of medicine to spies from Bega Kingdom, and he could recognize it at a glance!

It also has another name called "Ten Breaths Seizing Soul Powder", so Ah Jin has now...

Dong Rui, who was sitting in the front, couldn't help but tremble. He could really feel that the anger of the man in the back seat was about to burst out.

Hong Chenglue suddenly took off his long bow and shot an arrow.

What he shot was not He Chunhua, but the ground——

The sandy ground at the feet of the rushing kite soldiers.

Hong Chenglue shot a series of arrows, and there were only three "swish" and "swish" sounds, and each arrow penetrated the ground for more than a foot. In addition to the soft sand, it also shows how strong his arms are.

Then, this wide, flat piece of ground exploded.

The explosion was earth-shattering, with sand and rocks flying everywhere.

The smoke and dust raised were four to five feet high.

The more than 20 Kite soldiers who rushed at the front were suddenly shrouded in smoke and dust, and they didn't know whether they were alive or dead.

There's an ambush underground!

The latecomers stopped immediately and did not dare to go forward.

Besides, the pursuit target is already in the sky, so what’s the point of the infantry moving forward?

The explosives obtained by the Xunzhou people from the abandoned mines were once again put to use.

There were good shooters below, but the strange bird did not dare to stay. It flew higher and higher with the help of the billowing smoke raised by the explosion, and soon penetrated into the dark clouds.

He Chunhua raised his head and stared at its retreating back, knowing that Hong Chenglue was also staring at him at this time.

The hatred and malice in those eyes made a thorn in his back.

It wasn't until the strange bird disappeared into the clouds that He Chunhua coldly ordered: "Return our troops to camp!"

The rest of the people hurried forward to clean up the battlefield and rescue the wounded.

On the way back to the military camp, the cold air emanating from He Chunhua's body made everyone avoid him.

As soon as he arrived at the camp, He Lingchuan found an excuse to rescue the wounded and escaped.

Dad was furious, why should he get into trouble?

The explosion just now killed three Yuan soldiers, seriously injured seven others, and injured 21 slightly. Ling Guang also went to help with the treatment. At this time, a soldier came over and asked He Lingchuan what to do with the woman's body.

The team also brought back the carriage, which contained Ah Jin's body and the mother-in-law who was so frightened that her two legs trembled.

He Lingchuan sighed: "Leave it to me."

He left the carriage to be guarded by his personal guards. Just as he was about to return to his tent, he saw Zhao Pan coming towards him.

"How was the trip to Baiming Valley?" Zhao Pan's heart sank when he looked at He Lingchuan's expression and the team's morale, "Didn't the deal end?"

Although he did not agree with He Chunhua's methods, he also hoped that Hong Chenglue could leave Xiazhou.

"No. Ah Jin took poison and died in front of Hong Chenglue."

Zhao Pan was shocked: "What!"

He didn't ask He Lingchuan much and quickly went to find He Chunhua.

About an hour later, He Lingchuan heard that several soldiers were dragged out and beaten with forty sticks. As for the woman who was serving A Jin, her head was beheaded directly.

Those soldiers were supposed to have been sent to monitor Ajin before, but they failed to discover that she was hiding a poisonous substance and were negligent in their duties.

As for the death of the was He Chunhua's anger.

He Lingchuan also heard that there were quarrels coming from the main tent.

Who else can quarrel there, of course, He Chunhua and Zhao Pan.

At this moment, He Lingchuan would certainly not approach the furious Manager He. That would be asking for trouble.

As a result, he managed to survive until the beginning of Haishi (9 p.m.). He Chunhua seemed to have just remembered him and finally sent someone to call him over.

When He Lingchuan walked into He Chunhua's tent, he saw several cases and the chairs fell to the ground. It was obviously the owner's fault.

No one dared to help him, which meant that Manager He was still angry.

He had no choice but to bite the bullet, walked in and called, "Dad."

He Chunhua was facing him with his hands behind his back, but he turned around when he heard the sound: "You saw Ah Jin a few days ago and didn't you notice that she had a death wish?"

"No, she is very polite to her son." Of course He Lingchuan would not admit it, "It doesn't look like he is seeking suicide."

He Chunhua rolled his sleeves: "I don't have any eyesight at all!"

He Lingchuan thought to himself, isn't it the same for you? You've looked for her at least three or four times, but you didn't notice anything strange at all, right?

Ah Jin deceived everyone.

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