After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 506 The little spy who died in battle

In the evening, He Lingchuan and Menghu returned to the inn leisurely, accompanied by General Lu.

They met frequently during the past few days of cooperation. They just had a drink in the restaurant for more than an hour, and they had a good relationship.

He Lingchuan was even more keen to find that others were afraid of the reputation of Lingxu City. General Lu seemed honest and straightforward, but in fact he had no room for promotion. Instead, he hoped to take this opportunity to fight for a chance to move up.

The 500 soldiers under his command were very important helpers for He Lingchuan.

Cen Boqing would not wait here and had left long ago, but of course there were many spies outside the inn.

He Lingchuan frowned as soon as he entered the room.

The guest room was a little messy. Although it was not as messy as a whirlwind, there were traces of rummaging everywhere.

The man had come empty-handed in the morning, but he also had to announce that he had been here and humiliate the prince's envoy.

Jiao Yu was right. These nobles in Lingxu City were too arrogant.

He turned around and called the waiter to clean up the room and bring hot water.

As a result, before the hot water came, Cen Boqing came first.

I don’t know where this person was before, and why he changed places so quickly.

He didn’t make such a big scene as before, and only brought two followers and knocked on He Lingchuan’s door.

“He Xiao?” He stood with his hands behind his back and said lightly, “I am Cen Boqing.”

He Lingchuan smiled and said, “Master Cen, please come in.”

The two seemed to have a tacit understanding not to mention what happened in the morning.

Lu Dutong was also here, and he stood up and saluted when he saw Cen Boqing.

Cen Boqing waved his hand, sat down with a big horse and a golden sword, and said straight to the point: "You mistakenly arrested my guards. I came to take him away."

"Wrongly arrested?" He Lingchuan frowned, "I set a trap to catch wanted criminals. No one else came. Why did they jump in?"

"The portraits of wanted criminals were posted all over the streets and alleys. They recognized them under the Chaohu Tower and wanted to do something brave." Cen Boqing didn't even blink, "Is it wrong?"

"The order they received was to bring the people back. If they couldn't bring them back, they would be executed on the spot." He Lingchuan stroked his chin, "Who gave this order?"

He turned his eyes to behind Cen Boqing, where there was a familiar face.

He Lingchuan recognized at a glance that this was indeed the wealthy businessman at the Chaohu Tower at that time, one of the three tables of guests.

Is this Uncle Wu?

"It's just a misunderstanding." Cen Boqing said calmly, "The order they heard was to try their best to capture the suspect and pay attention to self-defense. After all, he is a habitual murderer, and the guards cannot be restrained." "Oh? Who gave the order?" Cen Boqing was a little impatient: "This is the truth. People in my mansion helped the officers and soldiers and enthusiastically captured the suspects, but Envoy He detained them. It doesn't make sense, right?" "Lord Cen is really thoughtful. I have nothing to say." He Lingchuan nodded to Commander Lu, who said openly: "Bring him in." Two soldiers brought in a prisoner and released him on the spot. Cen Boqing's eyes sank slightly: "Why is there only one person?" "The other one was taken away by the prince." He Lingchuan spread his hands, "He is on the way to the capital. Lord Cen may have to write a letter to the prince to ask for him. I'm really sorry." Anyway, Fu Shanyue is not here, so he can prevaricate. Zhongsun Mou is right. This kid is really a piece of meat. Cen Boqing sneered: "Special Envoy He handled the case very quickly and efficiently. I will definitely write a letter of praise to the King of Chiyan and Lingxu City."

This was of course said in reverse, but He Lingchuan took it as if it was true and laughed: "I don't deserve it."

Does he and Zhongsun Moutong use the same threatening tactics? They only use Lingxu City to pressure others.

Cen Boqing stood up: "Then I wish the special envoy a smooth case and a positive result as soon as possible."

After that, he led his men out.

It was not until his back disappeared at the corner of the street that Jiao Yu said irritably: "He has taken back all the witnesses."

No wonder He Lingchuan avoided meeting him this morning.

"With insufficient evidence, it is only a matter of time before he is released. I am already at the limit of holding Fu Songhua here."

Lu Dutong did not understand: "Isn't this a waste of all previous efforts?"

To be honest, the other party has already turned the game around.

Zhongsun Mou and Cen Boqing will take revenge for the revenge that He Lingchuan took away Fu Songhua.

He Lingchuan shook his head: "I set the trap in Chaohu Tower, and I didn't expect to succeed in one strike, but at least I need to know who the opponent behind the scenes is." Otherwise, the opponent is in the dark and he is in the light, which is too passive.

This is more important than anything else.

"Now that I know, these two captives are useless."


Sitting on the carriage and closing the door, Cen Boqing kept silent with a gloomy face and lit a burner of incense by himself.

Wu Bo and the guard who had just been rescued did not dare to say a word.

After a long time, Cen Boqing said to the guard: "What did you say to them after being arrested?"

As soon as these words came out, the guard knelt down with a plop: "I didn't say a word, it was Wu Fang who was bewitched by the other party and confessed everything."

Then, he recounted the process of He Lingchuan's interrogation.

Wu Bo was relieved after listening.

These two people knew very little, and there were very few clues they could provide, and there was no way to connect them with Mr. Mai and the messenger case.

Cen Boqing frowned and asked, "Did Wu Fang betray Uncle Wu?"

"Yes, yes."

Cen Boqing then glanced at Uncle Wu and said, "This He asked a lot of questions, all related to you. He might target you."

Under Uncle Wu's heart, he bowed and said without thinking, "I will go back to Lingxu City first. If I stay here, I am afraid that the enemy will take advantage of me!"

Cen Boqing waved his hand: "You are responsible for so many things, and you are in contact with so many people. When you return to Lingxu City, who will take care of these personnel matters for me?"

Uncle Wu groaned.

Cen Bo said calmly: "Just stay, you are safest with me now. No matter how mean-spirited He is, the Chiyan people won't dare to touch me."


Cen Boqing smiled: "Okay, has Lingxu's reply arrived?"

"Not yet..." Before Uncle Wu could finish his answer, Cen Boqing's eyes narrowed and he suddenly pulled out his dagger and stabbed straight at him!

Wu Bo suddenly felt the cold light flashing before his eyes, and instinctively wanted to dodge, but Cen Boqing moved very quickly, and the tip of the sword passed over his chest and went straight to his ribs.

"do not move!"

Something jumped away from Uncle Wu's armpit.

Very small and very capable of jumping.

Cen Boqing raised his wrist and threw it, the tip of the sword was nailed to the wall of the compartment with a "snatch" sound, and the hilt of the sword continued to tremble.

Uncle Wu and the other two looked closely, only to find something the size of a fingernail nailed to the tip of the sword.

Is this...a spider?

"As expected, the one named He has some eavesdropping skills." Cen Boqing drew his sword and looked at it. "This thing is really hard to detect. Fortunately, Zhong Sunmou has warned me before."

He snuffed out the incense.

I went to He Lingchuan's place for a while, and the other party calmly gave me a trick: "This guy has suffered a loss, and he will pay back when he turns around."

Even with Zhong Sunmou's reminder, it took him a long time to check before he found the spider.

Fortunately, nothing useful was said just now.

Cen Boqing added, "By the way, I heard that your grandson also came to play in Baishaqian, so I asked the kitchen to make some snacks. You can go and get them later."

Uncle Wu responded: "Thank you, Master."

He Lingchuan suddenly shouted "Ah" and covered his eyes.

Even Tiger Jiao Yu was startled by him, and Lu Dutong even asked repeatedly: "What's wrong!"

He Lingchuan rubbed his eyes vigorously and smiled bitterly: "My eyes hurt a little, it's nothing serious."

Lu Dutong snorted: "Could it be that those people plotted against you?"

"It doesn't matter." He Lingchuan felt regretful in his heart.

At that time, he happened to share the field of vision with the eyeball spider, so Cen Boqing's sword seemed to be stabbed directly in his eye.

This was also the last thing the poor spider saw.

This little thing is very useful. Although he still has one here, he can no longer let it out to monitor Cen Boqing, Zhongsun Mou and others.

Lu Dutong still had something to do, so he left quickly.

Not long after, the stairs creaked again, and a six or seven-year-old child ran up and stood at the door of He Lingchuan's house, looking around.

"What's up?"

He handed over a note, but He Lingchuan saw it clearly without taking it, because there were only two words written on it:

Wu Kai.

The real name of Uncle Wu next to Cen Boqing is Wu Kai.

He Lingchuan threw a few copper coins over, and the child ran away happily.

The tiger on the side also saw it and asked curiously: "What does this mean?"

He Lingchuan smiled and said: "Some people were afraid that I would miss this important clue about Uncle Wu, so they wrote a note to remind me."

"Is there anyone?" Jiao Yu changed his position from lying down to standing, stretching in a downward dog pose. "Do we have any other help?"

"We followed the clues to come to Baishaqing. The clues are very clear. Do you still remember?"

Jiao Yu was slightly stunned: "Wait a minute, are you saying that this piece of paper was sent by that Mr. Mai, um, Mai Xuewen?"

"If he can send us the Record of Worshiping the Gods, then it's not a big deal to send another note." He Lingchuan said slowly, "If he really sent it, he might be a third party in this case."

"Mai Xuewen doesn't deal with them himself, but he wants to rely on our strength?"

"As you can see, Cen Boqing is difficult to deal with." He Lingchuan said, "I hold the title of the crown prince's special envoy, but I still feel constrained and hindered when investigating this case. Especially when facing Cen Boqing, I have no deterrent effect."

On the contrary, it was Cen Boqing who clearly acted as a deterrent to the officials of Chiyan State.

"He left a lot of clues in Shuanglu Town. But no matter how smart this person is, he could not have expected that there would be two groups of people visiting his residence: me and Zhongsun Mou. And Zhongsun Mou not only took away Most of the information and clues have to be used as obstacles to characterize this case as a spy case. "

"Now that he sees that I have made little progress here, and even gave Cen Boqing a prisoner, he feels a little anxious."

Jiao Yu stared: "So it seems that Mai Xuewen is also in Baisha?"

"He is the one who stirs up trouble. Of course he will be in Baishaqian. Otherwise, how would he witness what happened next?" He Lingchuan sighed, "But checking people here is much more difficult than in Shuanglu Town."

"He hides his head and shows his tail, but he wants to teach us how to do things?" Jiao Yu snorted, "You think we don't know to keep an eye on Wu Kai's clue?"

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