After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 507 Who is anxious and who is not?

"This matter is a bit complicated, but if you peel it off, you can still see clearly that the crux lies with Wu Kai." He Lingchuan said slowly, "Not only us, but also Cen Boqing himself thinks so."

Before the Eyeball Spider died in battle, he heard Cen Boqing's words clearly.

Although it is known that the person behind the scenes is Cen Boqing, the difficulty for He Lingchuan in handling this case is that there is no direct evidence linking the crime to Cen Boqing.

Whether it was what Fu Songhua said, the guard's confession, or even Mai Xuewen's behavior, Cen Boqing could deny it all.

In other words, crucial evidence is missing.

Only by finding irrefutable evidence that Cen Boqing can't deny can He Lingchuan win.

At this time, he focused on Wu Kai.

This old man seemed to have no sense of presence, just following Cen Boqing in and out, but the guards had already identified him as Cen Boqing's confidant, who specialized in handling affairs assigned by Cen Boqing.

The most important thing is that all the high-ranking officials in Baishazhen also know this.

If they could find a breakthrough from Wu Kai, it would be the witness they were so eager to seek.

Jiao Yu subconsciously stretched out his sharp claws: "That's not good. What if Cen Boqing kills him and silences him?"

"That would be very troublesome." He Lingchuan stroked his chin, "But if not, it just means that Wu Kai is very important. Cen Boqing doesn't want to abandon him unless he has to."

He had heard it through the eyeball spider, and Cen Boqing would rather take the risk than kill Wu Kai.

That means Uncle Wu's work is important and cannot be easily replaced.

E, and recalling that it was Wu Kai who boarded the Chaohu Tower that day - to receive the pulp beads that Mr. Mai regularly handed over - He Lingchuan had reason to suspect that he was the person in charge of hunting monsters and obtaining beads.

If what he expected was correct, it no longer mattered whether Mai Xuewen was arrested. As long as he caught Uncle Wu and asked him to identify him, Cen Boqing would be able to clear himself of the crime!

Jiao Yu asked: "How should we deal with him? Pick him when he is alone?"

"They are on guard. Wu Kai will not be left alone. Even if he is, I'm afraid it's a trap set for us." If they can lay a trap, so can the other party. It's fair.

"What should we do?"

"On the surface, we're going to stay on hold for now." He Lingchuan said leisurely, "If we're not in a hurry, there will always be people who are in a hurry."

"Is there anyone else who is anxious?" Jiao Yu thought for a long time, his tail dangling behind him, "You mean, Mai Xuewen?"

After thinking about it, it realized that He Lingchuan had been touching the tiger's head for a long time.

This feel is really addictive.

"Mai Xuewen really shouldn't have sent this note." He Lingchuan picked up the note and burned it to ashes. "He probably thought that I was so angry now that he would definitely use it if I caught the clues."

Jiao Yu thought, shouldn't normal people be like this?

At this moment, someone came looking for He Lingchuan again.

This time he received an oil paper package. When he opened it, there was a note and a few hairs inside.

He Lingchuan was a little surprised when he saw it: "Mr. Xiang, did you get something so quickly?"

He originally thought he would have to wait another day or two, but he didn't expect Xiang Yan to be so efficient.

No wonder he was able to serve as an official in the temple for decades until he retired safely.

When He Lingchuan went to the toilet outside, another eyeball spider exploded in his ear.

"I didn't expect that Cen Boqing would actually find your companion."

"Yes, he deserves death!"

"Yeah, yeah, I won't let him go. He will definitely deserve what he deserves."

"No, no, no, just stay by my side and don't have to keep an eye on him." He Lingchuan took out his ears. The angry scream of the little spider almost burst his eardrums, but only he could hear it. , "He is already on guard. I don't want you to die in battle too."

Alas, all he has left is a spider spy. I don’t know if I can add more when I see Zhu Erniang in the future.

When it got dark, the third guest arrived.

The inn where He Lingchuan stayed was really lively today.

The visitor turned out to be the magistrate of Baishaqian County.

"Magistrate Tian?" He Lingchuan's surprise was not fake, "Why are you here?"

"I'm sending you an invitation." Magistrate Tian said with a smile, "The day after tomorrow is the Lotus Festival. This is the biggest festival in the summer in Baisha, and the whole city celebrates it. Can you enjoy it?"

"Interesting, but disrespectful." He Lingchuan stroked his chin, "Who else will go? Where is Zhong Sunmou?"

"Zhongsun, Mr. Zhongsun has promised to go." Magistrate Tian muttered, "He will also deliver a speech at the opening."

"Oh, is he so leisurely?"

"Yes, yes." Magistrate Tian put down the invitation, took another step forward and whispered, "The information you asked me to inquire about before——"


"The news of Lord Zhongsun's arrival in Baishaqing was first spread by Cen's family." Magistrate Tian said in a soft voice, "It was said casually by Cen's family members during a gathering."

"As expected." He Lingchuan nodded, "Thank you for your hard work, Magistrate Tian."

"With a little effort." Magistrate Tian said again, "The Cen Mansion is sending people all over the city to search for Fu Songhua. Baishaqiang is such a big place, and the Cen family knows this place well, I'm afraid..."

"It's as expected." He Lingchuan said, "Magistrate Tian is interested."

"Where is it?" Magistrate Tian was a sensible person. After saying this, he left.

The tiger was licking his paws at the side: "This information has already fallen behind."

They had known that Cen Mansion was the mastermind behind this.

"We don't expect Magistrate Tian to get any useful information." He Lingchuan knew clearly, "As long as we make sure that he is not involved, we will be able to reduce a lot of resistance."

Magistrate Tian himself is not important, but the fact that he did not stand opposite He Lingchuan is important.

After all, he is still an official of Chiyan Kingdom.

The midsummer rain came at once, but refused to go away. It rained continuously for most of the day.

There were actually several more waves of customers coming to the door.

He Lingchuan didn't expect that the visitors were all officials from Chiyan Kingdom, some retired and some in office. Several others came together.

Everyone uses it for the same reason:

The special envoy has worked hard in investigating the case. We are here to pay him a special visit. Small gifts are not a sign of respect.

All the officials came with a smile, talked with a smile, and left with a smile.

He Lingchuan didn't understand. Which song was he singing?

Jiao Yu swung his tail. It was rare that this special envoy could not understand something: "It means that they are all on our side. It seems that Cen Boqing and other powerful people in Lingxu City are also unpopular in the local area."

He Lingchuan let out a long sigh.

After all the guests left, he was too lazy to move. Apart from practicing, he just sat and watched the rain hitting the banana trees, or played the flute and xun.

The flute was a bamboo flute he bought at the market. The sound quality was so-so, which was quite different from Sun Fuling's bone flute.

His level is so-so anyway.

Well, actually it has improved compared to the past few days, at least I can play a complete tune.

There are breaks in the middle, so let’s not talk about rhythm for the moment.

He really has no talent for music.

Every time at this time, the tiger would make excuses to leave. Only the soul-capturing mirror was saddened and endured silently:

It has no legs and can't walk!

From the view from the second floor, you can see the small lake ten feet away. The tender and tender lotus buds were washed shyly by the rain and trembled when they were bumped by frogs.

Seeing these frogs who organized a chorus whenever they had nothing to do, He Lingchuan couldn't help but think of that snail toad.

Mr. Mai is probably hiding somewhere in the white sand, silently paying attention to the storm he has stirred up, right?

At this moment, a small black thing flew in from outside the wall and swooped towards his window.

He Lingchuan thought it was a bat because it flapped its wings. But it would be wrong to fly any closer——

It's a machine bird.

This thing is a little bigger than a pigeon, and the workmanship is relatively rough. When disassembled, there are only a few parts inside, as well as a wind-controlling array.

This thing can fly more than a hundred feet when it reaches the sky, which is incomparable to the mechanical flying pigeon in Wu Shaoyi's hand that can fly more than ten miles.

It couldn't even land normally. It struggled to fly into the window and fell down.

He Lingchuan took two steps back, prepared for it to explode.

However, the machine bird just lay on the ground, flapped its wings twice and stopped moving.

The tiger Jiao Yu, who was just about to go out, turned around and pounced on it, stretched out his paws and pulled at it twice: "There is a gap in the abdomen."

He Lingchuan dug into the belly of the machine bird, and sure enough there was a hidden box. Opening it, there was another note inside:

"Three hours later, please come to the Rain Pavilion on the east bank of Luan Lake alone."

The tiger also saw it and exclaimed: "Is this another...?"

"It's probably Mai Xuewen." He Lingchuan was very familiar with the handwriting on the note. It was indeed similar to the one in the account book. "We didn't move for a long time before he became anxious."

"Do you want to keep the appointment?"

Logically speaking, He Lingchuan shouldn't go.

Now is an extraordinary period. Zhongsun Mou, Cen Fu and the newly arrived Fan brothers are all staring at him. There are many informants outside the inn. If these people found out that he had a private meeting with Mai Xuewen, the consequences would be disastrous.

He Lingchuan could imagine Zhong Sunmou laughing wildly and throwing dirty water on his head.

But Mai Xuewen obviously knows more inside information, which will help him break the current deadlock.

What's more, He Lingchuan always has one thing on his mind, which is not enough to explain to outsiders:

The painting in Mai Xue's library, the bone flute in the painting.

He looked at the rain outside the window.

"It's raining but not snowing. This weather is a good time to go out." Pedestrians on the street all held oil-paper umbrellas, covering their faces so that they couldn't see them. "so--"

"——Not going."

Jiao Yu knew him somewhat now, so he was not surprised: "You really want to go to the meeting alone? It's too dangerous... huh? You can't say no?"



"Mai Xuewen saw that I have been quiet these days, and I'm not sure what's going on. Maybe he thought I was scared." He Lingchuan said lazily, "He is anxious, but I am even less anxious."

This guy has such a big heart. The tip of the tiger's tail curled up, just as Xiang Yan said, He Lingchuan was now in danger, and Zhong Sunmou and others tried their best to kill him.

They all thought that He Lingchuan would immediately launch a counterattack after being attacked twice. Maybe the other party is also waiting for such a reaction.

However, no.

He Lingchuan nodded and remembered something: "By the way, according to Fu Shanyue's reply, he should..."


"That's good."

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