After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 509 What kind of riddle are you playing?

"But it's actually produced by Bega. Is it legal just to walk around outside?"

Mai Xuewen spread his hands: "Apart from Bejia Kingdom, where else can hunting monsters be so easy?"

Of course, there are many demon clans in the northern demon country. There are many people and countries all over the world, and monsters are hidden in the mountains and swamps, scattered and hard to find.

For reasons of efficiency and cost, of course Bega's demon hunter is the most cost-effective.

He Lingchuan thought for a while: "You said you sent me to refine the medicine... so Cen Boqing didn't refine the medicine himself?"

Mai Xuewen chuckled softly: "You are very keen. There is someone else who refines it, but you must overcome the current difficulty first, and then I can tell you."


"If you can't catch Cen Boqing, you won't be able to do anything else later."

He Lingchuan looked at him and said, "Isn't it Cen Boqing who has a grudge against you?"

Mai Xuewen smiled but said nothing.

"Since you want to cooperate, you must show sincerity." He Lingchuan crossed his arms and said, "How do you want to help me?"

"I can give you two clues." Mai Xuewen raised his finger, "First of all, the man who went to the county jail to make a confession with Fu Songhua was named Pang Denian, and he was also a subordinate of Wu Kai. The prison boss who took the bribe died, and he It's okay. He was sent to Houjiazhuang in the southwest of Baisha to avoid the limelight, using the pseudonym Chen Erhei. No one there recognized him. On the surface, Houjiazhuang has nothing to do with the Cen Mansion, but it is actually controlled by Cen Boqing's cousin. "

He paused and then said: "The reason why Wu Kai did not kill Pang Denian to silence him may be because his grandson once fell into the water and was rescued by Pang Denian. The two later had a good relationship."

"Secondly, I found out that another group hunting monsters and obtaining pearls is in Xiaohulu Town, Baiting County. The leader is named Yang Song, and there should be five or six people under his command."

Tiger Jiaoyu interrupted: "Wait a minute, Baiting County is not on the border of Chiyan Country."

"Wu Kai's various groups are scattered in different demon kingdoms." Mai Xuewen glanced at it and said, "Baiding County is relatively close, only seventy or eighty miles away from the northern border of Chiyan."

"Are you going to arrest people across countries?" He Lingchuan frowned, "Where are the other groups?"

"I speculate that there are three or four groups of people, but they don't know each other or have contact with each other. The only middleman is Wu Kai." He said to He Lingchuan, "These two clues are directly related to Wu Kai. If you catch them, say Maybe I can ask for more details.”

"That's it? There's so little that's useful."

"If they hadn't done it so cleanly, it wouldn't have been your turn to investigate the case now." Mai Xuewen sighed, "Then I'll give you another clue. Wu Kai lost his wife and son in his early years, but he has a grandson. This My daughter-in-law took her grandson to visit Baishaqian in a few days.”

He Lingchuan was dissatisfied: "I thought you would tie Wu Kai directly to me."

"The entire Cen Mansion is set up with a formation that prohibits escape techniques. Snail Toad cannot enter." Apparently Mai Xuewen tried it. "Besides, Wu Kai and Cen Boqing are almost inseparable, and they are protected by secret guards."

Snail Toad is only suitable for sneak attacks.

He Lingchuan thought for a while: "What kind of character is Cen Boqing?"

"Don't look at him for being arrogant to outsiders. In fact, he is suspicious and weak on the inside, prone to compromise, but sometimes he can be desperate. It can be said that he has a complex and changeable temperament. By the way, he also hates trouble extremely."

He Lingchuan pondered.

He is strong on the outside and weak on the inside, but when he is forced into a corner, he tends to go to extremes? It seems that there are not a few people with this kind of personality.

"How could Uncle Wu recognize Cen Boqing as his master?"

"Wu Kai is the personal attendant of Cen Boqing's father, Cen Dan. After Cen Dan passed away, he has been with Cen Boqing for more than ten years."

"According to this, Wu Kai is deeply trusted by Cen Boqing?"

"That's natural, otherwise why would Wu Kai be left to hunt monsters and obtain pearls?" Mai Xuewen said again, "Let me give you another piece of advice."

"Oh?" This guy's tone was so exaggerated.

"This case is getting deeper and deeper. You can't solve it by yourself. Please ask the prince for help quickly."

"I also have something to ask you." He Lingchuan suddenly asked an unrelated question, "There is a painting in your study, in which a woman plays a bone flute. Where did this painting come from, and who is the person in the painting? "

Why are you asking this suddenly? Not to mention Mai Xuewen, even the tiger next to him forgot to lick his fur.

Mai Xuewen asked: "Where is the painting?"

He Lingchuan took out the scroll from the storage ring and shook it at him.

"I collected it from the market and kept it because of its superb painting skills."

He Lingchuan was displeased: "If you keep talking nonsense, I will leave this case alone."

Mai Xuewen was silent for a while before saying: "This painting was painted twenty years ago, and the person in the painting is the current master of Qing Palace, Qingyang Imperial Master."

What? Is this the painting of Imperial Master Qingyang?

This answer greatly surprised He Lingchuan: "Is this one of Bejia's four great masters?"


"What is the origin of the musical instrument in her hand?"

"That flute?" Mai Xuewen asked curiously, "Why do you ask this?"

Nonsense, if it weren't for the bone flute, why would he go to such trouble to investigate the case? "I think I've seen that flute before."

"Perhaps they are from the collection of the Qing Palace." Mai Xuewen's eyes flashed slightly, "Qingyang Imperial Master is good at collecting rare objects, and he has been in office the longest. The Qing Palace has more rare treasures than the other three Imperial Masters. ”

He Lingchuan stared at him. It's a pity that this guy's face was so stiff that he couldn't tell anything: "You really don't know the origin of the flute?"

"I only know that it seems to have been in the hands of Imperial Master Qingyang for a long time."

"What is your relationship with Imperial Master Qing Gong?"

Mai Xuewen responded fluently: "It doesn't matter."

Haha, He Lingchuan didn't believe it, but the other party refused to say anything. He breathed out softly and then continued: "Based on the existing evidence and clues, it is not convenient for the prince to come forward. What's more, I have no suitable reason to prevent Zhongsun Mou from taking Fu Songhua back to Lingxu City."

He had no definite evidence in his hand, and Fushan became more and more passive.

"It can be said that when Zhong Sunmou finds Fu Songhua, the case will be closed." He said word by word, "At that time, you will have no chance."

So in the past few days, those opponents were searching for Fu Songhua all over the city, and even the Fan brothers did not come to trouble He Lingchuan.

As long as the wanted criminal in Lingxu City is found, this game will be over.

Mai Xuewen's long-term planning will be in vain.

This result was obviously unacceptable to Mai Xuewen, so he thought for a while and said: "Then let me do you one more favor. Tomorrow happens to be the Lotus Fragrance Festival..."

"Shut up!" He Lingchuan suddenly shouted, "You are a suspect, and I am the special envoy. I don't need your help, and I won't make any deals with you!"

Mai Xuewen: "..."

Jiao Yu: "..."

If you don't make a deal, is this a joke?

"I'm just trying to trick the suspect." He Lingchuan said, taking out a box and opening it, which contained several small wet beads.

He took out one and played with it twice, then squeezed it flat.

Mai Xuewen stared directly at it and couldn't help but stop it: "Don't!"

He Lingchuan didn't pinch it, just looked at him, smiled, and slowly put the ball back into the box: "It seems you are very close to me."

"You can't catch me, especially in this weather."

It hasn't stopped raining outside, and even with the windows closed, the humidity in the house is heavy.

"Don't use any evil intentions, and don't try to disturb other people's celebrations." He Lingchuan warned him sternly, "Come and surrender early, otherwise when I catch you, you will be severely punished!"

Mai Xuewen looked at him deeply: "You are quite interesting. I hope you are still alive after the case is concluded."

"No trouble."

As soon as he finished speaking, the guy took two steps back and almost fell.

He stood upright with a start, and when he looked around again, his eyes were filled with confusion: "This?"

What happened? How did you sneak into the guest room?

When he looked back, he saw that the doors and windows were closed and the big wooden barrel was steaming. He couldn't help but shuddered. Could it be, could it be?

Fortunately, the guest pointed behind him: "Get out."

It seems that after Mai Xuewen takes away his magical power, this guy can be himself again.

The boy ran away without forgetting to close the door again. It seemed that Mai Xuewen's spell did no harm to him.

He Lingchuan looked at the vat of hot water.

What kind of hot water is provided in the summer? Neuropathy! But it’s all delivered, it’s a waste if you don’t use it.

But before he could take off his clothes, the tiger plopped into the water and placed its brain on the edge of the barrel.

"You're not washing in the house anyway." It half-squinted its eyes, looking like an old man taking a bath.

"..." This guy really knows how to enjoy.

Jiao Yu also asked him: "What riddles are you playing?"

It always felt that there was something mysterious about the last actions and questions and answers between the two people. Both parties seemed to understand something, but it didn't understand it.

Human beings, haha, have eight hundred minds.

"Is there any?" He Lingchuan smiled, took the towel out of the hot water, folded it into a square, and put it on its forehead, "You are too worried."

In the steaming heat, his smile looked a little blurry.

"A stormy sea is coming."

Jiao Yu: "Huh?"

It turned its head and saw He Lingchuan lying on the couch with his hands behind his head, looking relaxed, as if the words he just said were not his.

In the attic across the street.

The two sentries were staring blankly at the wooden window opposite, when the guards of the Cen Mansion suddenly appeared behind them:

"Is there any movement?"

The two of them almost jumped up in fright.

"No, everything is normal." They only paid attention to the prince's envoy's behavior in the inn. They had been watching for several days. They were very well behaved, eating, sleeping and chatting.

The guard took a look and saw that He Lingchuan's wooden window was closed. "What is he doing?"

"Take a bath." The two replied, "The man sent a big bucket of hot water."

The guard hummed and was about to turn around when he suddenly felt something was wrong:

"Wait a minute, doesn't he go to the bathhouse to take a bath?"

"Yes, but..." I want to wash in the guest room, why can't I do that?

The guard raised his hand and slapped them both on the back of the head: "He closed the window in the name of taking a bath. This is abnormal. Why don't you know how to report it!"

After that, he hurried downstairs, leaving the two sentries in the attic uneasy.

Unfortunately, the guard arrived late. When he arrived at the inn, he saw that the door of He Lingchuan's room had been opened, and several boys were carrying buckets out.

The water was a bit dirty, with some browned and reddish hair floating on it.

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