The guard went to the backyard to find a waiter and asked, "Did you deliver water to the guests upstairs?"

The guy took his money and said, "Here you go, the guest needs to take a shower."

"Then what happened in his room?"

"No, he took a bath and we took out the dirty water and poured it out. That's all."

"No one else comes in or out?"

"No, he and the tiger demon have almost never left the room."

The guard was relieved now. Could it be that he was really paranoid?


The next morning.

Although there was no sunshine, the continuous rain for many days finally stopped, which made Bai Shaqian breath a sigh of relief.

If there is a heavy rain, how can the Lotus Fragrance Festival still be popular?

Relying on water, every year after this festival, local specialties from Baishajian are sent to all parts of the country by merchants, so it is important to get good luck.

He Lingchuan got up early to adjust his breathing and practiced sword practice for half an hour, when Jiao Yu came to see him:

"It's time for us to go."

He Lingchuan heard the sound and sheathed the knife, and Fusheng's blade turned, reflecting the face of his master Shen Yi.

Today is the key to breaking the situation.

After today, this case is destined to become a thunder, even shaking the distant Lingxu City.

If he tried to escape again, it would become increasingly difficult.

Then, let the stormy waves come a little more violently.

"Let's go." He touched the tiger's head, "Don't keep them waiting."

Jiao Yu swung his tail, always feeling that his sword skills were full of murderous intent and particularly vicious.

Strength comes from the heart, what happened to the special envoy today?

The sky is getting brighter.

He Lingchuan, Jiao Yu and Lu Dutong were all invited to watch the ceremony on Chaohu Tower. After repair, the tower became more magnificent.

Unlike other festivals, lotus picking activities are held before the opening of the Lotus Fragrance Festival. Therefore, festival guests will first climb the Chaohu Tower to watch the progress.

No matter how tight the Chaohu Tower is, its carrying capacity is limited. Only wealthy and powerful people and special guests like He Lingchuan and Zhong Sunmou can go up to watch the ceremony on this day.

He Lingchuan also saw Xiang Yan. The old man smiled at him from a distance, and He Lingchuan also bowed his head in salute.

When He Lingchuan went up to the Chaohu Tower, he saw that there was a large green area in the southwest corner of the lake, occupying a full third of the lake surface.

Chaohu Lake is a large lake whose edges can't be seen from a distance, and one-third of the lake is quite vast.

"Those are lotus leaves and...duckweed?" The water surface was completely covered with green. He Lingchuan didn't know how to start this activity.

The last time I climbed the tower, the water area was still empty. It's only been a few days, why are so many plants suddenly growing?

Someone on the side answered: "These plants are all stimulated by the lotus demon. After the game starts, the duckweeds will disappear and make way for the waterway."

He Lingchuan looked back and saw, wasn't this Cen Boqing? Wu Kai was standing behind him.

"Lord Cen, will your mansion also send a boat to compete?"

"Of course, my family participates every year and has pulled lotus chips for at least two years." Cen Boqing looked relaxed, as if he was chatting with him. "Why don't you go and try, special envoy? There are outsiders participating every year."

He Lingchuan looked at the densely packed lotus leaves. The leaves were as wide as umbrellas, and the stems were thicker than the lotus leaves he had seen elsewhere, at least four or five feet above the water. If the boat can sail in, it will be no different than entering a maze, and the view will be completely blocked.

"No, it's great to stand here and watch others work hard, why bother to end it yourself?" He Lingchuan said with a smile, "Master Cen, what do you think?"

Cen Boqing replied: "Yes, not everyone can understand the principle of being independent."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

He Lingchuan thought to himself that this guy was very calm. Why did he come to him to show off his power? Was he sure that he wouldn't be able to catch his sore leg?

Lu Dutong, with four or five of his men, stood around He Lingchuan. Hearing this, he interrupted: "My men have gone too. Well, right there! Number ninety-seven!"

Looking in the direction of his finger, there were more than a hundred small boats parked on the lakeside. There were two people in each boat, all ready to go.

When the time came, the Chaohu Tower was crowded with nobles, and the bottom of the tower was filled with civilians.

Just as everyone was looking forward to it, Magistrate Bai Shaqian stepped forward and personally rang the big copper bell under the eaves of the tower.

Ding Ling Ling, Ding Ling Ling, the lake breeze spreads the soothing and melodious ringtones to the pebble beach.

In the Yuan Kingdom, this kind of festival with the participation of all the people is usually signaled by the explosion of a whole bunch of firecrackers, which is called lively.

But in Bega country, only bells or clappers can be sounded, and fireworks and firecrackers are prohibited.

The official statement is that this thing can easily catch fire, destroying and burning houses, causing accidents.

But, in fact, everyone understands that the main reason for banning fireworks is because monsters don’t like them.

Humans like excitement, but most monsters, especially little monsters, will only be disgusted and frightened when they hear sudden explosions.

After all, Bega is called a monster country, and it still has to follow the common feelings of monsters.

If a few people are firmly opposed to something, but more people don't care, then the thing will most likely be banned in the end.

Therefore, fireworks will not be set off during domestic festivals in Bega, including the New Year.

He Lingchuan knew this a long time ago, because Shi Er complained to him on the way to the head of the family that in such a large demon country, few people did the fireworks business with it.

After the ringing of the eaves bell was heard, He Lingchuan saw the duckweeds on the large lake sinking into the water one after another.

"Huh?" How did this happen?

"Before the competition, duckweeds cover the water surface, and no one can see how the Lotus Palace moves." Lu Dutong introduced: "Before the competition starts, the fish demon in the tide lake will command the fish to bite off the duckweeds and drag them to the bottom of the water. In this way The waterway can be quickly cleared for the participating boats. The tradition of collecting chips has been carried out for nearly a hundred years, and the fish monsters are rich in experience and know how to cooperate. "

He Lingchuan clicked his tongue in surprise. In the whole world, probably only the Bejia Kingdom knows how to "make the best use of demons".

He stared into the distance and saw that the water was boiling, and he didn't know how many fish were swarming underneath. Occasionally, a big fish jumped out of the water. Those who could still see their bodies from such a distance were at least five feet (16 meters) or more in length. Big stuff.

After a while, the duckweeds in the entire water area were basically cleaned up, much faster than human hands.

There are only endless lotus leaves standing on the water surface.

From the perspective of everyone on the tower, one can see countless twists and turns in the lotus field, forming a maze shape.

He Lingchuan asked: "How can we be considered a winner?"

"Whoever can find the 'Overlord Lotus' hidden in the lotus field will be the winner." Lu Dutong said with a smile, "This is the prize placed by the lotus demon in the maze. It will not grow until the competition starts. Where is it?" , Only Lian Yao himself knows that if someone finds it, the show on the shore can continue."

"Can I definitely find it?"

"With more than a hundred ships, someone will always find it." Lu Dutong coughed, "But one year I was unlucky. Everyone found it from early morning to evening, and it was almost dark before someone found it."

Jiao Yu said: "Could it be that the lotus demon released the water?"

"Then who knows?"

Listening to the conversation between the two of them, He Lingchuan suddenly felt that his chest was feeling warm.

Well, no, right?

It’s been a long time since the Divine Bone has gained its presence. Is there a treasure it’s worried about in this lake?

"You just said that the Overlord Lotus has just grown?" This is the only change. Should it be what Shen Gu wants?

"Yes, it grows before the race starts, so as not to be mistakenly harvested first." Lu Dutong added, "The race is about to start, we can place bets."

"Can this also be deposited?"

"Why not?" Lu Dutong took out five taels of silver from his arms and called a buyer over: "Buy No. 97 Zhou Sheng."

"Okay, number ninety-seven!" The buyer was very ignorant and actually added, "The odds are very high."

Lu Du became angry after being unified.

At this time, people on the tower and below also placed bets.

Hearing the waves rising from below, He Lingchuan finally understood that any activity that had anything to do with gambling was extremely lively.

Everyone is happy.

Cen Boqing also smiled and bought his own racing boat, betting one hundred taels.

In fact, you can also bet on number segments, for example, buy numbers 15 to 30. If the winning boat is among them, you can get money.

But there is not much money to be made from this kind of play. In order to support their own boats and at the same time show their generosity, various wealthy families usually buy directly from the number, just like Cen Boqing did.

He was asking He Lingchuan: "Special envoy, don't you want to play with this too?"

He Lingchuan thought to himself that there are a hundred small boats here, but I don’t understand any of them. Isn’t it just a waste of money if I throw it in? But facing Cen Boqing's provocative gaze, he didn't want to give in.

At this moment, more than ten people approached, and those gathered in the middle were Zhongsun Mou and Fan Sheng.

He Lingchuan realized belatedly that Zhong Sunmou liked to be surrounded by people, and every time he appeared on stage, it was very grand.

Haha, pretty good.

He smiled and greeted Zhongsun Mou: "Master Zhongsun, have you placed your bet?"

Zhongsun Mou was not as good as Cen Boqing in his ability to smile but not smile. When he saw He Lingchuan, this annoying person, his face instantly darkened.


"How about we bet?" He Lingchuan turned to the buyer and asked, "Can we have one-on-one here?"

"This..." The buyer was also smart, "As long as you all like it, there is nothing wrong with it."

"Okay, okay, I just like what you said. There's nothing wrong with it." He Lingchuan laughed, "Brother Zhongsun, do you dare to bet?"

Zhongsun Mou snorted: "Okay, how do you want to lose?"

Fan Sheng stood aside without saying a word, only staring at He Lingchuan coldly.

He Lingchuan thought for a while: "I will also participate in the competition, so I will board Lu Dutong's boat -" he turned to ask Lu Dutong, "-is that okay?"

"Of course it's no problem!" Lu Du was stunned and overjoyed, "I'll pull someone down and you come up."

"Then I'll bet on myself to win."

He Lingchuan turned to leave, but Zhongsun Mou called out to him: "Wait a minute! Where is your bet?"

"Oh, yes!" He Lingchuan slapped his head, turned back to Zhongsun Mou, took out a turtle bead from his arms, and placed it in his palm: "A turtle bead with three hundred years of Taoism, how about you?"

"That's it?" Fan Sheng said suddenly, "It would be too shabby for the dignified envoy to only take a turtle bead as a bet."

He Lingchuan stroked his chin: "Master Fan is so angry. Could it be that he wants to make a bet for Brother Zhongsun? We are really good brothers."

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