After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 536 Unprovoked Attack

But He Lingchuan was fighting in Panlong City. He was attacked by strong light many times, both in the martial arts hall and on the battlefield. Two of them even caused him to be offline directly.

After this kind of torture, his reaction when he suddenly encountered a bright light was not to turn his head, but to immediately raise his left hand. The soul-absorbing shield also appeared on the back of his hand, blocking the dazzling white light.

The arrival of strong light is usually followed by a storm-like attack.

The opponent finally seized this opportunity, how could it be wasted?

At this time, He Lingchuan had no time to think that the fireball and white light were both released by Bai Ziqi.

In fact, less than a second after the white light landed on the ground, it turned into four giant snakes and rushed towards the two of them.

Each one is more than four feet in diameter, nearly ten feet (33 meters) long, and has a great reputation. Ordinary people would be frightened to death if they saw it at a glance!

Cheng Yu was thrown out without much resistance.

One of the giant snakes turned around and chased Cen Boqing. The other two paths remained unchanged, spitting out ice bombs and fire bombs. The target was actually He Lingchuan!

The last one was slightly more powerful, and the light and electricity flashed in the half-open mouth.

Thanks to the movement of their necks raised before they sprayed their magical power.

After half a second of delay, He Lingchuan took a breather from the light explosion. Although the field of vision is not yet clear, there are three more large monsters ahead, but it doesn't take good eyesight to see them.

Especially when they are still shining.

He Lingchuan jumped sideways and dodged the ice bullet.

The second fire bomb arrived soon after, as if it was calculated exactly where he would land.

He Lingchuan used his arms and raised his shield to block, but was knocked four feet away with a bang and broke a small tree.

Isn't this just a cannonball? It's like being shot out of the barrel of a cannon. It's so powerful!

Fortunately, he experienced two times of imperial liquid, and his bones became stronger. If he had suffered like this five months ago, his arms would have been broken instantly and he would have suffered internal injuries.

Even so, he felt his heart was shaking and his arms were in severe pain.

Where did these things come from, and why did they attack him?

However, the focus of his attention was on the third giant snake. The latter had blue and white lightning crackling all over his body. After accumulating strength for a while, he opened his mouth wide and fired a bolt of lightning.

This speed was several times faster than ice and fire. Almost as soon as the light flashed from its mouth, thunder and lightning exploded in front of He Lingchuan.

With a bang, mud and dust flew into the air, and a large hole a foot wide appeared on the ground. The soil inside instantly hardened, and there was even a little crystal light on the surface.

This lightning did not directly hit He Lingchuan, because a tall figure suddenly appeared in front of him——

Guards in golden armor!

This is an advanced version of the Bronze Man. It is armored and armed with a sword. Its body is thicker, harder and taller than the original Bronze Man. It has a spear in its right hand and a giant shield in its left hand.

The lightning struck the shield, causing the gold-armored and bronze generals to tremble twice.

At this time, it was seen that the materials given by Fushan Yue were correct, and the palace master craftsmen he brought did not skimp on the work. The golden-armored guard he created was only paralyzed for a moment, and then he rushed towards the fire snake and poked its eyes.

He Lingchuan casually took out the Soaring Dragon Spear, threw it at the Thunder Snake, and jumped away from the spot, because the Ice Snake had already pounced on it!

The ground it touched was covered with a thick layer of ice.

After He Lingchuan jumped away, it turned to attack the golden armored guard and wrapped one of its legs while it was dealing with the fire snake.

The golden armored guard's hind legs immediately froze, and even his knees could not bend at will.

Razer ignored the Soaring Dragon Spear, letting it pierce his eyes, and lowered his head to pick up He Lingchuan.

He Lingchuan raised his shield and blocked four times in less than one second.

The Razer's sensitivity is incredible, and it is not as bulky as a giant. Fortunately, the mirror reflects part of the attack, so it even hurts itself.

It also has a long tail that rolls back from behind He Lingchuan.

This guy is full of electricity, and any part of him that touches him is no joke.

Fortunately, He Lingchuan had a clear mind. When these big snakes started to attack, he shouted:

"Shibaidu, save me!"

This is not the time to be concerned about face.

The giant snakes that suddenly appeared were not flesh and blood, and their bodies were shining with white light. They looked majestic and holy. He didn't believe that this had nothing to do with Bai Ziqi!

Bai Ziqi also followed. When he heard He Lingchuan asking for help, he immediately held up the platinum candle and waved: "What nonsense! Come back here!"

The three big snakes immediately abandoned He Lingchuan and the golden-armored guards and turned into streams of light and flew into Bai Ziqi's hands.

With three soft chi chi sounds, the candle wick lit up.

The light white flame swayed a few times and stabilized.

Sure enough, these three giant snakes were also transformed by lantern spirits.

"Sorry, these guys are not very obedient and can't stop themselves when they see a living creature." Bai Ziqi approached holding a candle and said guiltily, "Are you okay?"

He Lingchuan took a few deep breaths and shook his numb hands: "Bai Duzhi is really a good trick."

This lantern is really difficult to deal with, and the two of them will be in danger if they meet each other.

If Bai Ziqi stopped a few breaths later, he would have to use all his skills to keep the bottom of the box.

He Lingchuan suddenly trembled, and a few strands of light blue electricity shot through his body.

The remaining electricity was still there, and his whole body was numb.

Look at yourself in a state of embarrassment, and then look at Bai Ziqi, who is calm and calm. Is this guy trying to give him a blow?

Bai Ziqi pretended not to hear his pun, looked at the golden-armored guard and said with a smile: "This golden puppet is really well made, it's extremely flexible."

The golden-armored guard completely obeyed his master's instructions and was actually equivalent to He Lingchuan's large clone. It was really not easy for him to practice this dual-purpose skill. Moreover, the control feeling of the Golden Armored Guard is much better than that of the Bronze Man. Although his origin is different, his sensitivity and offensive and defensive capabilities are not on the same level.

Alas, you really get what you pay for.

He Lingchuan put away the golden armored guard because another big snake had caught up with Cen Boqing and used his special skill to roll him up until he couldn't breathe.

After all, he was still from Lingxu City and had an official position, so Bai Ziqi did not act harshly.

Cheng Yu was miserable. He was fleeing at the front, but the power of the light blast just now hit him. As a result, the man and the wolf were sent flying for more than four feet and fell unconscious.

It's no different than being hit by a cannonball.

The puppet wolf that blocked most of the momentum for him stopped moving after rolling to the ground. Its fur was still burning and smoking.

Bai Ziqi waved his hand, and the giant snake let go of Cen Boqing.

The latter was gasping for air and coughing several times.

Bai Ziqi Shiran walked over and looked at him with his hands behind his back:

"Still want to fight stubbornly? The world is so big that there is no place for you."

The suspect targeted by Lingxu City has no way to escape!

Cen Boqing took two steps back, his feet softened, and he knelt down.

He was relatively unscathed and his strength remained intact, but after falling from the wolf's back, he lost any fighting spirit.

At this point we are at the end of the road, what's the point of struggling anymore?

All thoughts are lost.

Bai Ziqi then waved his hand to the giant snake:

"Okay, be obedient and come back."

The next second, the huge snake turned back into a small lantern, slowly flew into Bai Ziqi's hand, then climbed back onto the candle wick and merged into the small flame again.

He Lingchuan saw at a glance that there was only one bottom left of the candle.

It can be seen that while the lantern spirit was out, it kept smoldering and was about to reach the end of its life.

Bai Ziqi paid attention to his gaze and explained: "It doesn't matter, this is just a small clone of Chang Ming Deng Ling."

He Lingchuan was sincerely convinced, and there was even a little awe in his expression: "It's really awesome."

A clone of Chang Ming Deng knocked Cheng Yu and Cen Boqing down, and beat He Lingchuan into a miserable state.

If the giant snake transformed from the lamp spirit is really disobedient, how can Cheng Yu and Cen Boqing survive?

They treated the two fugitives lightly, but instead dealt with him, the innocent envoy of the Chiyan Kingdom, in a frantic manner. If he said there was no instruction from Bai Ziqi, He Lingchuan would not believe it at all!

But now there is no point in trying to be brave and calculating, he can only admit his loss.

Looking at the expression on his face, Bai Ziqi's smile became even warmer.

Brothers Zhong Sunmou, Cen Boqing, and Fan were defeated one after another at the hands of this young man, which probably made him think that Lingxu City was incompetent.

No matter how bad they are, they are still officials in Lingxu City. How can they be taught a lesson by an outsider!

No matter who it is, since they are standing on the land of Bejia, they should be in awe of Lingxu City.

Of course, just give this young man a light punishment and that's all.

As expected, He Lingchuan obediently brought Cheng Yu back and threw him next to Cen Boqing: "Arrest him and bring him to justice. Let's live together!"

Bai Ziqi glanced at him and suddenly held up a bright candle and shined it on Cheng Yu's face.

The flame turned into a faint green light, which made He Lingchuan feel a little scared.

And the area illuminated by the green fire suddenly had a blurry vision.

He Lingchuan asked cautiously: "What's wrong with him?"

Bai Ziqi flicked the green light in front of Cheng Yu's face, so close that it almost burned his nose.

In just such a short breath, He Lingchuan found that he could actually see through things, and there seemed to be a transparent shadow flickering in Cheng Yu's head.

Is that... Cheng Yu's soul?

Before He Lingchuan could take a closer look, Bai Ziqi took back the candle, blew it out, and said with a smile: "His body and soul were slightly injured, but he's fine and can survive."

He Lingchuan pretended to be careless and turned around, secretly saying, "It's so dangerous."

Fortunately, when he first captured Cheng Yu, he didn't use a soul camera to directly capture his soul. Otherwise, wouldn't this photo reveal the truth?

This Baidu envoy is so meticulous that it makes people's hair stand on end.

He Lingchuan turned back to look at the group of stag beetles, only to see the group of insects lying on the ground, moving around on their six thin legs. None of them were flying in the air.

They were all huddled on the ground, a dark, squirming mass.

He Lingchuan wondered: "What's wrong with them?"

"The wings are useless and can't fly." Bai Ziqi picked up the stuffed doll from the ground, patted the grass ashes, and looked at it carefully, "This is a good thing."

There was a slit in the belly of the puppet. He reached in and took out a golden stag beetle.

This one was eye-catching in color, but smaller in size, only as big as a thumb, struggling desperately in Bai Ziqi's palm.

"This is the Insect King."

The insect king was captured, and the stag beetles on the ground were ready to move, and they all crawled towards Bai Ziqi at a very fast speed.

Bai Ziqi smiled and said to He Lingchuan: "If you can tame the insect king, this nest of insects will be yours, how about it?"

A slap in the face and a sweet date? He Lingchuan did not refuse: "You can give it a try."

People looked down upon this nest of stag beetles, but He Lingchuan thought it was pretty good.

Bai Ziqi stuffed the Insect King into a stuffed doll and threw it to him to see how he could tame it.

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