After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 537 Overnight interrogation

There are specialties in the art, but ordinary practitioners may be helpless. And this young man seems to be on the martial arts path.

When He Lingchuan got the doll, he didn't do anything else. He simply stuffed it into his clothes, as if what Bai Ziqi threw was money and he put it away casually.

He also took two shots.

As a result, Bai Ziqi saw that the stag beetles on the ground stopped.

Each one is frozen in place like a sculpture, even its whiskers are motionless.

"Please untie them." He Lingchuan also wanted to know what means Bai Ziqi used to control these unruly insects.

As a result, Bai Ziqi took out a whisk from his arms and flicked it towards the insects on the ground.

A strong wind blew by, and He Lingchuan always felt as if something had been blown away from the stag beetle.

Then they took off in twos and threes and surrounded He Lingchuan.

He still didn't understand the other party's methods.

Fortunately, Bai Ziqi probably didn't understand his routine either.

He Lingchuan took out the stuffed doll from his arms again and shook it towards the insects: "Go home, there is nothing fun outside."

The insects roared and rushed towards him.

To be precise, he rushed towards the puppet.

The huge body somehow squeezed into the small gap. In short, in about a few dozen breaths, not a single stag beetle was left at the scene, and they all returned to their nests.

Bai Ziqi couldn't help but applaud: "Not bad, interesting! How did you do it?"

"Cheng Yu didn't tame the Insect King either, he just used a trick."


"He used the evil ghosts he raised to control the Insect King." He Lingchuan said with a smile, "Otherwise, it would not be easy to get closer to the Insect King."

There was a beast master in his Panlong City team, Lao Yu, who said that beasts were between ordinary beasts and monster beasts and were the hardest to tame. They were somewhat cunning when their spirituality was turned on, but they were ignorant of current affairs.

The most difficult one is to domesticate insects.

Because it is difficult for you to communicate effectively with them.

Cheng Yu probably also encountered this kind of problem, so he took a shortcut.

He Lingchuan was able to quickly tame the insect king because he learned from his method.

Who told him to have a telescope? Who told me that there are two evil ghosts in the soul-tending mirror?

The mirror took away the evil spirit from the Insect King and replaced it with one of its own lackeys. The stag beetle king is simple-minded, has no thinking ability, and only has a little arrogant temper.

The evil spirit in the mirror said it was not difficult to control such a possessed object, and the stag beetle king was quickly appeased.

He Lingchuan calmly put away the puppet: "Thank you Bai Dushi for the gift."

Bai Ziqi looked at him carefully before saying, "It's not unfair that Cheng Yu was defeated in your hands."

He Lingchuan could only laugh.

He could feel that Bai Ziqi dealt with these two people calmly and didn't put in much effort at all.

In fact, he wanted to exchange the insect's nest puppet for the platinum candle. That thing seemed more useful.

But He Lingchuan felt that Bai Ziqi would not agree. After all, this was the treasure of Star Reaching Tower, so he had better not bring trouble upon himself.

At this time, all the officials chased from behind and put rune shackles on both fugitives.

This fugitive case that shocked the whole city has finally come to an end.

Bai Ziqi exhaled and patted his sleeves. The official messenger brought the spirit deer and asked the envoy to ride on it.

Seeing his back being surrounded by everyone, He Lingchuan's lips raised a slight smile.

The giant snake transformed by the lantern spirit is indeed difficult to deal with.

Bai Ziqi's magical powers are indeed surprisingly strong.

But Bai Ziqi also didn't see through the method he just used!

The best is yet to come.


After He Lingchuan returned to Baishaguan, he waited for another half an hour before Fu Shanyue came back from the north.

"Fortunately, Bai Duzhi went to the west with you!" Fu Shanyue heard that Cen Boqing was captured, and he breathed a sigh of relief. "If this guy escapes, he will definitely stay away from Bejia and never return home! Well, where are the others?"

"Being brought back to the county government by Baidu envoy, there was also Cheng Yu." Speaking of Cheng Yu, He Lingchuan always felt a little uneasy. "The interrogation has not yet begun. Lu Dutong has also sent people to guard the case. Bai Duzhi said that he will interrogate with you in the morning."

"Oh, finally he still remembers." Before dividing his troops to pursue the murderer, Fu Shanyue made a three-part agreement with Bai Ziqi that whoever caught Cen Boqing would be tried together.

In the middle of the night, everyone had to go back to remove their dust and change clothes. Fu Shanyue even called He Lingchuan to have a midnight snack.

However, Lu Dutong's personal guards suddenly came to report:

"Bai Du has gone to the county government. Also, the Cheng Yu you captured has woken up."

He Lingchuan was stunned.

Could it be that the person Bai Ziqi wants to interrogate is Cheng Yu? How could a mere spell master have anything to do with the case of hunting monsters and obtaining pearls? Why can't Bai Ziqi wait a few hours and want to interrogate him now?

He Lingchuan's method of defeating Cheng Yu last time should not be explained to outsiders, so he felt something was wrong in his heart.

"Cheng Yu is awake?" When they kidnapped Cheng Yu back, he was still unconscious. The attack when the lamp spirit turned into a white fire ball and smashed it down was too hard, and the Changming True Fire seemed to have some restraint effect on Cheng Yu's spell.

"Awake. Dying, but still talking."

He Lingchuan glanced at Fu Shanyue: "Is this appropriate?"

Fushan thought more and more: "The person he interrogated was the curse master, not Cen Boqing, so it doesn't count as a breach of contract."

He is not interested in Cheng Yu.

He Lingchuan immediately said: "The key figure in this case is Cen Boqing, but Bai Ziqi wants to interrogate Cheng Yu overnight. Don't you think it's weird?"

"Well, it's a little weird." Fu Shanyue stroked his chin, "I have dealt with people like these in Zhaixinglou several times before. They have to bathe and change clothes, offer incense and worship gods when they have nothing to do, and are not active in anything else."

The man surnamed Cheng is already a prisoner. If he can't be interrogated at any time, why does he have to do it overnight?

"Does he not want us to know the content of his interrogation of Cheng Yu?" Fu Shanyue rolled his eyes.

He Lingchuan knew that he was naturally rebellious, so he reminded him, "Didn't you say that this Baidu envoy might have other agendas?"

Fushan was stunned.

He had long suspected that Bai Ziqi had other motives for going south, and now he wanted to secretly interrogate the spell master behind his back. Could it be that the man surnamed Bai came secretly to the father and son and wanted to find out what happened?

The relationship between Chiyan Kingdom and Lingxu City has not been very harmonious in recent years. Recently, my father has written letters one after another, publicly exposing the secret refinement of the elixir, and even alarming the gods. The emperor should be furious.

At this time, an owl landed in the night sky, raised its wings and bowed to Fu Shanyue.

He Lingchuan speculated that this was probably the end of Uncle Da's team, which originally went to Jinquan Yaju to capture Fu Shanyue. It's just that in the eyes of humans, owls all look the same, and he doesn't know if he admits his mistake.

"Prince, Yao Xingning, the eldest daughter of the chief minister, suddenly arrived at the Cen Mansion, beat up two soldiers of Lu Dutong, and then rushed into the mansion. No one dared to stop her."

"What?" Fu Shanyue was startled, "Yao Polan is here?"

He Lingchuan still remembered that when he went to visit Xiang Yan, the old man said that it was fortunate that Cen Boqing's wife did not come, otherwise the case would be even more difficult to handle. No, just as the case was about to be concluded, they came over.

Fu Shanyue had just come back from outside the city. He hadn't taken off the saddle yet, so he took it out and mounted it: "Let's go to the county government office! I want to see what kind of medicine Bai Ziqi sells in the gourd!"

If he is willful, how can he care about night and day? Anyway, the whole Baishaqiang is in a state of chaos tonight, do you still care about one more night ride?

He Lingchuan also rode on the blue sheep and went with him. Looking at the back of Fu Shanyue leading the way, I always felt that he was not looking for Bai Ziqi to question, but to hide from others.

The streets were smooth late at night, and several riders were galloping all the way, and soon arrived at the gate of the county government office.

He Lingchuan's face also tensed up. He must know what answer Bai Ziqi dug out from Cheng Yu.

As a result, as soon as the two of them reached the gate of the county government office, Lu Dutong stepped out of the threshold. When he looked up and saw Fu Shanyue, he was startled and quickly saluted.

Is this over? He Lingchuan's heart tightened: "How's Bai Duzhi's interrogation going?"

"Hey, Bai Duzhi just kicked me out when he entered."

Fushan walked further and further, as if there was no one around.

Such private arraignments are held in cubicles, not in court. Anyway, Fu Shanyue chose the room with the brightest lights and entered, and the attendant at the door did not dare to stop him.

There is only one big bed and one chair.

There was a patient lying on the bed, with a sick look on his face, and the person sitting on the chair was Bai Ziqi.

Fan Sheng stood behind him.

There were four burning white candles placed in the four corners of the room, with the flames pointing upward vertically and motionless.

"Oh, it's hard work. To catch the prisoner, we have to interrogate him non-stop!" Fushan stepped in with a smile on his face, "Who is this guy?"

He could tell at a glance that Bai Ziqi hadn't even changed her clothes.

Is it so urgent?

"Curse Master Cheng Yu." Bai Ziqi glanced at him and said gently, "Prince, please sit down."

Although he looked kind, when the Prince of Chiyan Kingdom arrived, he didn't even move his buttocks and sat firmly.

Didn't even get up.

He Lingchuan watched with cold eyes, having an intuitive understanding of the status of the so-called "Duyun Envoy". Because Fu Shanyue didn't seem to care, the guards brought over two chairs, and he sat down casually, directly under Bai Ziqi.

The compartment was not big to begin with, so when two more people were forced to squeeze in, the guards had to turn sideways when entering or exiting.

As soon as Fu Shanyue sat down, he asked, "What's so special about this person that Bai Dushi asked him to personally investigate?"

As Bai Ziqi, patients can come to see him on their knees. But he came to interrogate him in person and acted very concerned. Fu Shanyue felt at a glance that this was not like interrogating a prisoner.

"I haven't brought Cen Boqing to trial yet, so I think it's time for the prince to rest when he returns to the city."

Bai Ziqi pointed out the agreement between the two of them and glanced at Lu Duyi. Fu Shanyue's eyes and ears were everywhere here, so he interrogated Cheng Yu. Before he had finished asking the two preliminary questions, the prince arrived.

From the inn to here, if Prince Yue had not galloped on his horse, how could he have arrived so quickly?

"Baidu envoy Xinyi, but I can't let the envoy work alone while I fall asleep." Fu Shanyue rubbed his nose, "Besides, this man surnamed Cheng cursed my envoy to kill. I want to come and listen to his testimony. Cen Boqing!”

He opened his mouth and bound Cheng Yu and Cen Boqing, and then immediately pointed at He Lingchuan and asked Cheng Yu:

"Do you know who he is?"

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