After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 538 What can I know?

Cheng Yu shook his head honestly.

Although he asked the Hundred-faced Nightmare to deal with He Lingchuan, he actually didn't know what the victim looked like.

"The person you wanted to harm but didn't kill."

Cheng Yu suddenly widened his eyes.

Bai Ziqi noticed that the way he looked at He Lingchuan was not only resentful, but also suspicious.

This subconscious look is the most revealing.

He Lingchuan also smiled at Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu swallowed.

Fu Shanyue continued to ask: "Tell me honestly, was it Cen Boqing who instigated you to do this?"

Cheng Yu's voice was weak: "Yes."

His face was as white as a ghost and he might faint at any time, but his eyes were always on He Lingchuan.

Fushan Yue raised his palms: "Okay, okay. Just admit it! Special Envoy Bai heard it."

His question was indeed a good one. Bai Ziqi was about to ask more when He Lingchuan suddenly said: "Cen Boqing's wife is coming here."

"How did you cast the curse... Well, what did you say?"

"The mother-in-law of Cen Boqing, the eldest daughter of Da Sinong, Yao Xingning!" Fu Shanyue pointed to the northeast, "She just arrived in Baishaqing, and rushed directly into Cen's mansion regardless of the obstruction of Lu Dutong's men. I guess, again In just half an hour, she can rush here."

Cen Mansion is still some distance away from the county government, but Fushan is getting closer and closer, so Yao Xingning can certainly get there.

Bai Ziqi suddenly frowned: "What a coincidence?"

"Otherwise, why would I come to report in the middle of the night?" Fu Shanyue clicked his tongue twice, "If she rushed into the county government office to find her husband, I'm afraid it wouldn't be so easy for Cen to confess."

Time is precious, Bai Ziqi thought for a moment, turned to Fan Sheng who was standing beside the bed and said:

"Commander Fan, please lead someone to guard the gate of the county government office. No one is allowed to enter during the interrogation!"

The word "anyone" is emphasized.

He Lingchuan clearly saw the reluctance on Fan Sheng's face, but he still said "yes" and strode out.

He was a little curious. What kind of head and six arms could the eldest daughter of Da Sinong be, who could cause headaches to Prince Chiyan and Du Yun, and make the deputy commander of the Tongxin Guard unwilling?

Bai Ziqin walked away: "Let's interrogate Cen Boqing first."

Fu Shanyue readily agreed.

Everyone went to the county prison. He Lingchuan glanced back and saw two guards entering the compartment and closing the door.

Before the cell door closed, He Lingchuan seemed to hear the rumble of horse hooves coming from the end of the long street.

Just now, he and Fu Shanyue came in such a hurry.

Bai Ziqi casually placed a barrier to soundproof the inside and outside to prevent unnecessary noise from coming in later.

Cen Boqing squatted in the cell closest to the window.

Considering his special status, Magistrate Tian assigned him a single cell on the second underground floor with only one passage in and out.

There were beds and chairs in the cell. The floor was clean and had obviously been cleaned recently. The drinking water was clean, but he had not touched it.

Cen Boqing sat on the chair with a decadent look on his face.

The three of them came in, and the cell leader moved a few chairs. Just as he was about to speak, Fu Shanyue waved his hand and sent him away, leaving only one person to record his confession.

Compared to Cheng Yu's tragic situation, Cen Boqing was unharmed internally and externally, but he looked depressed and his eyes were dull.

With all the witnesses and evidence, and Du Yunshi personally arresting him, he knew that his fate was doomed.

Even if his father-in-law, Da Sinong, intervenes to plead for mercy, it may be of no use.

When he saw Bai Ziqi, he lowered his head dejectedly: "These have nothing to do with Da Sinong, and my wife and I don't even know about it."

"You are still a man." Bai Ziqi sighed, "If I had known this, why did I do it in the first place?"

But Fu Shanyue hugged his arms and said: "I think you are such a coward, and you don't seem to be the one in charge. Is there someone else above who instigated it? Come forward! You are not the main culprit, so you will be given a lighter sentence!"

Cen Boqing lowered his head: "Uncle Wu is responsible for collecting and selling pulp beads. I rarely take care of it. If you want to investigate, let's start at Qingfu Temple. That's where Uncle Wu's beads are sold. I know the temple They also sell elixirs."

"Did Zhongsun Mou go to Qingfu Temple to buy the elixir after your introduction?"

Cen Boqing nodded.

"Have you never seen a medicine refining person, except for the temple priest named Hu from Qingfu Temple?"

"Yes." Cen Boqing said immediately, "If you catch the person named Hu, you can definitely trace it..."

Bai Ziqi interrupted him: "Just a few days ago, a fire broke out in Qingfu Temple. The raging flames could not be extinguished and burned to ashes within two quarters of an hour. More than a hundred people in the temple did not escape."

Cen Boqing opened his mouth, and all the color drained from his face.

All, all silenced?

"What a coincidence, it was the day after King Chiyan submitted a letter to Lingxu." Bai Ziqi glanced at Fu Shanyue. If his father hadn't been anxious to expose the case and did so without any skills, Qingfu Temple would have been fine now, right?

To scare the grass and scare the snake, alas.

"So, the case is stuck with you." Bai Ziqi patiently said to Cen Boqing, "Do you know what this means?"

Does it mean that all sins and punishments will fall on you? Cen Boqing stayed for a while, shaking his head so hard: "No, no, I'm really not the mastermind. I haven't even touched the beads a few times! Uncle Wu is handling these affairs. You interrogate him, interrogate him! You will get something. !”

"Oh?" Bai Ziqi guided him, "Uncle Wu had already argued that he was also following orders."

"Even if he obeys orders, he may not only obey my orders!" Cen Boqing said anxiously, "I took over the pulp business from my father. At that time, Uncle Wu was fully responsible; after I took over,... It’s the same, I don’t need to worry about it at all! He handles everything, so what can I know?”

He was afraid that Bai Ziqi wouldn't believe it, so he still swore to heaven.

Bai Ziqi was silent.

At this time, one of Fan Sheng's guards came down from above and whispered something in Bai Ziqi's ear.

Bai Ziqi's brows moved slightly: "I know, a quarter of an hour."

The guard left quickly.

He Lingchuan and Fu Shanyue looked at each other and knew that this was probably Fan Sheng from outside who came to report.

Bai Ziqi wanted him to hold on for at least another quarter of an hour.

Fu Shanyue continued: "With Cen Boqing's nature, he really doesn't look like the person in charge..."

Cen Boqing nodded like he was pounding garlic.

"...On the other hand, Wu Kai acts cautiously and shrewdly, and is in charge of the overall situation. It seems that he is using their father and son as a cover to engage in these illegal activities. Mai Xuewen can scheme against Wu Kai, so why can't Wu Kai scheme against his master?" Fushan The more he asked Cen Boqing, "How did Wu Kai come to Cen's mansion?"

"My father said that more than 20 years ago, the old housekeeper returned home due to illness and recommended Uncle Wu to him, saying that this man was capable and reliable."

Fu Shanyue teased: "It is indeed powerful and reliable, so that you don't have to worry about anything, and in the end you die in confusion."

He Lingchuan asked: "Did the Cen family's transformation from embarrassment to wealth come after Uncle Wu arrived?"

Cen Boqing thought for a moment and nodded.

"That is to say, your father asked Uncle Wu to handle this from the beginning..." He Lingchuan originally wanted to say business, "Business. When he first came to Cen Mansion."

The business of killing Bejia monsters and extracting pulp beads to refine the elixir.

This is just like when a large company recruits new employees. On the first day they work, they directly control the company's core secrets, and then start handling tens of millions of dollars in business.

What's more, the business of hunting monsters and obtaining pearls is high-profit and comes with high risks. Father Cen couldn't have gone crazy by handing it over to a stranger, right?

Mai Xuewen was "life-saving" to Uncle Wu, and Uncle Wu tested him for three years before he dared to recruit him as a core member.

"So your father knows very well where Uncle Wu comes from."

Bai Ziqi glanced at He Lingchuan approvingly: "Good analysis."

In a few words, the suspicious aspects were revealed.

Can Cen Boqing, who is several decades old, always keep in the dark the flaws that this young man can see with just two eyes?

"I..." Cen Boqing said, "These are all old things from the past. Every time I wanted to ask in detail, my father scolded me for talking too much and said I didn't know better. As a result, his death was too sudden and he was never able to solve the mystery for me. ”

"You said that the business of hunting monsters and obtaining pearls is under the sole control of Uncle Wu." Bai Ziqi said, "You were very decisive in the curse to kill Uncle Wu last night. Without him, you would have done well."

Unexpectedly, Cen Boqing looked confused: "What kind of curse in the evening? It's not me!"


"Yesterday evening..." Bai Ziqi saw with his own eyes that Uncle Wu's curse broke out and Fu Shanyue snatched his life away.

"Cheng Yu said we only have one chance, and it's best to use our strength at night." Cen Boqing shook his head like a wave drum, "We were definitely not the ones who performed the spell last night. Uncle Wu may have another enemy!"

"..." Bai Ziqi was thoughtful and glanced at Fu Shanyue beside him.

Now that I think about it, the timing of Wu Bo's curse last night seemed too coincidental. The envoy of Lingxu City had just found the prince and learned more about the situation. Wu Kai couldn't help it, and then confessed in front of envoy Du Yun.

Bai Ziqi originally wanted to go to Cen's Mansion to understand the situation, but now he decided to go to Cen's house to arrest people. This led to a series of arrests.

So, who planted the curse on Wu Kai?

Meeting his gaze, Fu Shanyue looked thoughtful: "If it's not Cheng Yu, then who else can it be?"

He Lingchuan secretly gave him a thumbs up:

Like, really like.

The magicians under Fu Shanyue also knew some spells, but they were not as good as Cheng Yu, but it was not difficult to cast a spell when Wu Kai was trapped.

It would be too slow to wait for Cen Boqing and Cheng Yu to take action, so they might as well do it themselves.

As long as the opportunity is chosen well, there is no need to worry about Wu Kai not confessing.

He Lingchuan asked Cen Boqing again: "When I captured Wu Kai, I found that several of his talismans were broken. It seems that he has been secretly cursed, but Cheng Yu, the master, only took action last night." He Lingchuan continued , "Wu Kai was banned from cultivation after being arrested. Anyone can curse him."

Bai Ziqi looked at Cen Boqing: "Why didn't you let Cheng Yu take action earlier?"

If Cheng Yu had taken action earlier, the witness would have died suddenly. How could they have ended up like this?

In Bai Ziqi's view, Cen Boqing's indecision cost him his life.

Cen Boqing smiled bitterly: "Cheng Yu claimed that his soul was too seriously injured, and leaving the seclusion early would not be able to help me."

Everything is a mistake.

Bai Ziqi also felt a little emotional and asked him: "Is it Uncle Wu who blamed Fu Songhua?"

"Yes, it's completely under his control!"

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