After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 539 Mrs. Cen arrives

Cen Boqing said immediately, "He only mentioned it to me once. Later, Zhongsun Mou chased Bai Shaqiang to investigate the case, and Uncle Wu asked me to come forward."

"Where's Da Sinong? How deeply involved is he?"

"It has nothing to do with my father-in-law's family!" Cen Boqing said anxiously, "Uncle Wu acted secretly and never showed any flaws in front of them. Da Sinong had no idea about our secret actions!"

Fu Shanyue snorted coldly, fully expressing his disdain.

Bai Ziqi reached out to the clerk who was recording the confession: "Show me."

Oral offerings are made.

He glanced over it and saw that the description above was quite complete. He couldn't help but nodded and showed it to Cen Boqing and said:

"Sign and stamp."

After Cen Boqing read it, he signed his name and took his fingerprints.

During this period, the clerk quickly copied another copy, which was then signed and stamped by Cen Boqing.

In duplicate.

As soon as these were finished, Bai Ziqi's face changed slightly: "Here they come."

Immediately afterwards, everyone heard chaotic footsteps.

At least seven or eight people were approaching.

Soon, He Lingchuan saw several people running down the stairs, and the one at the front was a beautiful woman.

She is over thirty years old, with beautiful eyebrows and rosy eyes. Although she has red lips and peach cheeks, her sharp eyes can cut people, and she can intimidate Xiao Xiao with just one glance.

Looking at this aura, it was not difficult for He Lingchuan to guess that this was Mrs. Cen, Yao Xingning, the eldest daughter of the chief agricultural officer.

She came with her head high and her chest high, walking vigorously. Fan Sheng did not so much block her in front of her as he walked in with her and did not dare to point fingers at her.

The others are Mrs. Cen's maids and attendants.

As if entering a deserted place, Madam Cen only frowned when she saw Bai Ziqi, turning a blind eye to Fushan Yue beside her.

As for He Lingchuan, she didn't seem to see this big living person at all.

But when she saw Cen Boqing in the cell, her expression suddenly changed. She ran over and pressed on the cell bars: "Erlang, are you okay? Have you ever been lynched?"

Cen Boqing was overjoyed and grabbed her hand as if grasping a life-saving straw. His eyes suddenly turned red: "Myolie, why are you here!"

Bai Ziqi glanced at Fan Sheng, who scratched his head and felt weak.

Just now he had tried to obstruct him in every possible way, using Du Yunshi as a shield, but Mrs. Cen still held her chest high and rushed forward, bumping directly into him.

Of course, she had cultivation skills, and Fan Sheng tried to stop her, but unfortunately he didn't dare to attack her. In the end, Mrs. Cen saw the opportunity, crossed the center line, and rushed into the county jail.

Yao Xingning's eyebrows stood up, and she turned to glare at Bai Ziqi: "Master Bai, my husband has an official position, how can he be jailed so easily!"

Hearing this, He Lingchuan felt that Lingxu City was neither small nor big, and these people all knew each other.

Bai Ziqi smiled, shook his hand and confessed: "Mrs. Cen, Cen Boqing has confessed."

He calmly sighed, hurriedly and slowly, and finally got Cen Boqing to plead guilty before Mrs. Cen rushed in. Otherwise, I don’t know how long this interrogation would have become.

Mrs. Cen looked at Cen Boqing in disbelief: "Why didn't you wait for me to come!"

Cen Boqing bowed his head in shame under her gaze.

Although he sent a message back to Lingxu asking for help, he was not sure of the seriousness of the matter. After so many days, no one came, so he thought the lady would never come. Besides, Bai Shaqian's place was so chaotic that he had no idea what to do, otherwise he would have kept silent.

He Lingchuan secretly gave Mrs. Cen a thumbs up. Can he say this in front of Ambassador Du Yun?

He never wanted to mess with such a fierce woman, so he quietly took a step back towards Fu Shanyue.

Mrs. Cen took two deep breaths, stretched out her hand and said, "Show me the confession."

Bai Ziqi handed over the confession.

Mrs. Cen took it and glanced at it. The more she looked at it, her brows became tighter and her face became darker.

She remained silent for a long time until she finished reading the last word.

Hunting the messengers of Lingxu City and the Bejia demon people to obtain pearls, extracting the elixir, assassinating the envoy of Prince Chiyan, and framing them with perjury. The first two are serious crimes, but the rest are not.

This was much more serious than what she had heard.

What's more, Cen Boqing is related to Mai Xuewen, who robbed the inspector of Lingxu City.

The worst thing is that Cen Boqing himself has confessed, but in front of Bai Ziqi!

Now, it is extremely difficult to retract the confession. Why are you so confused, husband?

She didn't expect Bai Ziqi to arrive so quickly. If she had arrived a day earlier, what would have happened!

But now...

She was not so domineering as to grab Lingxu's key criminal and break out of the siege, but she was still right under Du Yunzhi's nose.

Bai Ziqi then said slowly: "Mrs. Cen, can you return the confession to me?"

Mrs. Cen handed back the confession and tried to calm down before saying: "My husband was confused and was taken advantage of by Wu Kai. If you want to find out the mastermind, you have to interrogate Wu Kai. My husband is an accomplice at best!"

The sentencing of principal and accomplices is very different.

"Wu Kai and Cen Boqing identified each other as the principal culprit." Bai Ziqi shook his head, "Logically speaking, how can the old servant be the principal culprit and the master the accomplice?"

Mrs. Cen snorted: "The case is not based on evidence, but on reason?"

"Is there any other evidence?"

Mrs. Cen said coldly: "Wu Kai has been working in my house all year round. He cannot leave at will. If he has any information, he must pass it on through other channels. Someone here pointed out that Wu Kai often went to Heyuan to listen to music, and while eating Tea, reward and information sent to the corner."

It is common to receive rewards when listening to plays. Everyone in the audience pays for rewards, so Wu Kai is no longer conspicuous. It is indeed a good way to cover up his whereabouts.

"Oh?" Bai Ziqi perked up, "Mrs. Cen, are there witnesses here?"

He was worried that there was no new progress in the elixir case.

"Of course." Mrs. Cen raised her head slightly and said, "There are no witnesses, how dare I come to disturb you in handling the case? I kidnapped that actor."

"Okay, okay, Mrs. Cen helped me a lot!" Bai Ziqi smiled, "How did you find out?"

"My husband has left all the external affairs to Wu Kai. This man must have tired my husband! Wu Kai has lived in Lingxu City for so long, how could he not leave any traces? Although he is cautious, the person who communicates with him is , but he was far less cautious, and I caught him in just a few tries." Mrs. Cen glanced at Cen Boqing, "I worked really hard to save this fool!"

She said it was easy to find the actor, but in reality it was not that easy.

Cen Boqing lowered his head, not daring to look at her.

Mrs. Cen asked Bai Ziqi again: "Do you want to keep him locked up in a place like this?"

"My husband is now a suspect and cannot go anywhere."

"Really?" Mrs. Cen pointed to Cen Boqing's cell, "Open the door, I want to live in it!"

Bai Ziqi frowned: "Mrs. Cen, you didn't break the law."

"I have to accompany him, otherwise what if the real culprit behind the scenes wants to take his life?" Madam Cen sneered, "How can you protect him? Zhongsun Mou is already dead!"

Fushan Yue lowered his head and touched his nose on the side without saying a word.

Mrs. Cen urged: "The rules here only say that the suspect cannot leave the prison, but they don't say that I can't go in, right?"

The rules in Bai Ziqixin Dao Prison are that no one can enter or stay at will. But he didn't want to discuss the definition of "miscellaneous people" with Mrs. Cen anymore, so he had to say: "Mrs. Cen, do it yourself." He winked at the prison head.

The cell boss came over and opened the cell door, and Mrs. Cen walked in with her head held high.

Bai Ziqi once again warned the couple: "If Cen Boqing escapes again, whether by himself or with help, Da Si Nong's family will be involved. Do you two understand?" Cen Boqing was shackled and could not use force, but Yao Xing I'd rather have no shackles.

Cen Boqing nodded, and Mrs. Cen sneered silently.

Bai Ziqi turned around and walked out to go to the "witnesses" brought by Mrs. Ticen.

Fu Shanyue also walked out.

He watched the whole process without saying a word, but Mrs. Cen stopped him and said, "Fu Shanyue, I heard that you sent someone to bite my husband so hard that he wouldn't let go?"

Fu Shanyue spread his hands: "Official affairs must be handled openly, and I have to give an explanation to the people who were killed."

Mrs. Cen sneered: "Don't think that I don't know what your father and son are planning. It's sanctimonious!"

Fu Shanyue kept his mouth shut and did not argue with her, and quickly left the county jail.

Walking in the county government yard, Fu Shanyue suddenly stopped Bai Ziqi in front of him:

"Director Bai, the man named Cheng just now hasn't been tried yet."

Bai Ziqi suddenly realized: "Yes, let's go to trial." After saying that, he asked people to take the new criminals brought by Yao Xingning to the county jail.

When they walked back to the cubicle, they saw Cheng Yu's eyes closed tightly, as if he had fallen asleep again.

"How is this going?"

The guard on the side reported: "Your Majesty, he drank a few mouthfuls of water, his injuries were severe, and he fell asleep again."

Bai Ziqi pressed Cheng Yu's jugular vein, and then nodded: "It would be wrong to wake him up again." The best way to recuperate is to sleep. "Let's try again tomorrow afternoon. He should be awake by then."

He left Cheng Yu behind to investigate another case, otherwise he wouldn't care whether he died or not, he would be tortured directly after he woke up.

He Lingchuan felt slightly relieved and looked at the candles in the four corners of the room.

He knew that Cheng Yu's soul injury was probably not healed yet. As powerful as the Hundred-Faced Nightmare was, the backlash of soul damage caused to Cheng Yu would be correspondingly heavy. If it weren't for this person's ability to be humane, other spell masters might have died suddenly on the spot.

Originally, a wounded soul was the most difficult thing to maintain, but just now Cheng Yu was blown away by the lantern spirit again, and his body was also seriously injured.

Injuries add to injuries. Even if Bai Ziqi holds the elixir, how can it be so easy for Cheng Yu to recover in such a short time?

Fu Shanyue crossed his arms: "So, what will Bai Duzhi do now?"

"Trial the others."

As Fu Shanyue walked toward the county government office, he asked, "Who?"

"Second-class bodyguard of Cen Mansion."

"What's so special about this guard?"

"Just follow me."

Bai Ziqi found another cubicle. Soon, the guards of the Cen Mansion were brought up.

"Xue San, did you just say that Cen Boqing sent you to guard Cheng Yu's house?"

"Yes, yes. Uncle Wu assigned me to take care of someone ten days ago, Mr. Cheng Yucheng." The guard muttered, "When I saw him, he was also asleep. I said I was taking care of him, but in fact I was just sitting in the room. Watch him inside, feed him some water regularly, and at the same time observe the bottle on the table and the rope bell array outside the house. "

"Bottles and rope bell formations, what are they?"

The guard described the appearance of the two, and then said: "Uncle Wu told him that if the bell rings, he will be notified; if the red lantern in the bottle goes out, the cork will be opened."

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