After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 540 Intrigue and deception

"Did the rope bell ever ring?"

"Yes." The guard recalled, "When Uncle Wu just called me over, the rope bells outside the courtyard and in the house were ringing. It took a while before they stopped. Uncle Wu said that something was looking for Mr. Cheng."


"Uncle Wu didn't say anything." The guard continued, "The red lantern in the bottle has always been on. Until the last time I saw it today, it never went out."

Fu Shanyue immediately said: "Sancai Hanging Bell Formation? Cheng Yu's enemies can't see it, so it must be something sinister."

This formation is used to detect the enemy's whereabouts.

"Look at that bottle."

Fu Shanyue gave an order to Lu Dutong, who immediately ran out.

He didn't dare to keep the two bosses waiting for a long time, so he took back a wooden box after about a quarter of an hour.

When he opened it, he found the transparent bottle inside, but the bottle was full of cracks and looked broken at first sight.

"That's what happened when they found the bottle," Lu Dutong emphasized.

Bai Ziqi looked at the bottle carefully, even relit the platinum candle, pinched off the lantern, and threw it in.

The lantern that was showing off its majesty by the lake went into the bottle and went out without saying a word.

The remaining smoke curled out of the bottle, as if guided by an invisible force.

There was a soft "pop" sound, and the bottle shattered into countless glass slag, covering the table.

As soon as the small house originally placed in the bottle came into contact with the outside world, it quickly disappeared into the air like fine sand blown away by the wind.

Only the dregs of the bottles were left on the table.

Bai Ziqi sighed softly: "It's a pity that it's broken like this."

Fushan became more and more curious: "What is this?"

"This place is self-contained and instinctively resists the joining of dungeon spirits." Bai Ziqi put away the candle, "The dungeon spirits in this form are the most gentle and harmless. Except for the place of nothingness and evil, they should not be rejected. "

He Lingchuan had seen the violent side of the lantern, but it seemed to be gentle and gentle most of the time.

This is also consistent with its positioning in the Star Building.

"Based on what Xue San said, Cheng Yu has been sleeping so hard that the light was dimmed before the bottle cork could be pulled out, and the rope bell array rang once, this bottle is probably..." Bai Ziqi thought carefully, "Dreamland?"

Fushan said more curiously: "I heard that dreams are formed spontaneously, how could anyone create them artificially?"

There are many creatures gathered together, and they think about it day and night, forming a dreamland.

"Dreamlands have different shapes, some are large and some are small, some are growing, and some are declining." Bai Ziqi explained, "Some villages were originally prosperous, and Dreamlands were also prosperous. Later, the population declined or wars broke out frequently, and the living people became more and more prosperous. With fewer and fewer people coming, the dreamland will fade away. When there are only three or five people left in the village, this dreamland will no longer exist.”

He pointed at the glazed slag in front of him: "This should be a dreamland in decline. Cheng Yu used a special method to seal it so that nothing else can get in. When a crisis comes, his spirit can hide in on its own. To avoid trouble."

It was also the first time for He Lingchuan to see this kind of dreamland in a bottle, but based on the past words of the monster-headed nightmare, he also felt that what Bai Ziqi said made sense.

The knowledge about dreams is very partial. Du Yunshi knows more than ordinary people.

Bai Ziqi said slowly: "The Dreamland Bottle is hard to get. What I'm curious about is, why did Cheng Yu prepare such an unusual thing in advance? Does he think that he might be attacked by a spirit?"

He Lingchuan's heartbeat accelerated two beats.

It was close, he guessed.

Cheng Yu must be extremely cautious when dealing with nightmares with hundreds of faces. He knew the power of the monster very well. Although the two parties had a contract, he still prepared a shelter for himself.

After all, if the monster who could defeat the king of a country suddenly turned against him, Cheng Yu would be 90% unable to take action.

The guard added: "The first night I took over, Mr. Cheng's chest was stained with blood, probably from his own spray, and his face was as ugly as a dead man."

Bai Ziqi asked for the specific date.

The guard told the truth.

He Lingchuan knew as soon as he heard that something bad was going on.

Sure enough, Bai Ziqi's eyes swept over him in the next second:

"Cheng Yu was injured, Wu Kai used Xili Cave Heaven to bring him back to Cen Mansion. He Xiao——"

He looked at He Lingchuan and said in a gentle voice:

"That night, Cheng Yu failed to plot against you. He first escaped to the Cen Mansion, and then used Dreamland in a Bottle. The strangest thing was that the rope bell rang, and something really chased him and wanted to take his life! Do you have any inside story? ?”

He Lingchuan heard that he was hiding a knife, but he still looked confused: "What are you stating?"

"The thing that chased Cheng Yu that night was invisible but existed. What was it?"

"How do I know?" He Lingchuan said inexplicably, "I'm not good at these magic tricks. Besides, does Cheng's experience have anything to do with the Cen Boqing case? Other than being hired by him to plot against me."

"Yes." Fu Shanyue also spoke, "This person made a mistake. Why is it my special envoy who is being questioned instead?"

His voice suddenly rose.

In Lingxu City, he would never talk to Du Yunshi like this; but here is Baishajuan, and he still has the advantage of being a landlord.

A strong dragon will not overwhelm a local snake. Bai Ziqi's temper was surprisingly good, and he was not surprised: "Cen Boqing took Cheng Yu with him in his final escape, which shows how much he is valued. How could such a suspect be a bastard?"

"Cheng Yu ran away before being arrested, but he did not use very powerful spells, which is inconsistent with his cultivation." He continued, "It can be seen that even if he used Dreamland, the serious injuries suffered by his soul more than ten days ago were still intact. Recovery. He Xiao, were you the one who chased him? "

He Lingchuan smiled bitterly: "That thing can even force a great spell master to hide in his sleep and seal himself up. With this skill alone, can it be ranked among the best in Bejia? If it can still listen to my command, Cheng Yu must know my name."

There are specialties in magic, but no one else can do the work of a spell master, not even Bai Ziqi.

In the professional field, the only people who can force a great spell master to do this are his peers.

Indeed, as He Lingchuan said, how could someone with such ability remain unknown? Even if others hadn't heard about it, how could Cheng Yu not know?

The so-called sweeping monks are not unheard of, but they are rare. In addition to the various second and third generations of X, the status and reputation of most people in this world must ultimately be consistent with their abilities.

If the spell is so powerful, how likely is it that it was borrowed from an unknown person?

Of course, He Lingchuan also knew that this kind of answer would definitely not satisfy Bai Ziqi, so he added: "But I do remember one detail."

Bai Ziqi's attention was immediately attracted: "Please tell me."

"I chased to the inn, and the trap set by Cheng Yu was activated, and the purple evil fire swallowed up the entire inn." He Lingchuan frowned, "But I remember that there was a square table in the middle of his room, and there was a wooden sculpture on the table that looked very vicious. , there was incense in front of me. As soon as I touched the wood carving, it fell into several pieces."

"I guess, just guessing, if that wooden sculpture is the sinister golden body invited by Cheng Yu, but he sets it on fire, people must be very resentful."

"That's why I went back to seek revenge on him!" Fu Shanyue snapped his fingers, "In the end, the thing that could deal with Cheng Yu was something he invited himself. This inference is very reasonable."

He Lingchuan continued: "Cheng Yu knew very well what it was and how powerful it was, so he prepared a dreamland in advance."

Bai Ziqi asked him: "You didn't bring out the wood carving?"

"I wanted to, but Commander Fan was behind me swinging his axe. My life is so important, how can I have time to do this?"

Bai Ziqi looked at the two people quietly.

He Lingchuan looked forward, while Fu Shanyue simply looked at him.

After a long time, Bai Ziqi said softly: "It doesn't matter. Cheng Yu will wake up tomorrow anyway. Let's listen to what he has to say then."

He Lingchuan and Fu Shanyue were cursing in their hearts, so why are you anxious to interrogate this and that tonight?

However, Fu Shanyue still had to spread his hands and act nonchalant on the surface.

Bai Ziqi looked out the window: "There will be another hour before dawn. This has been going on for most of the night. Let's go back to wash up and rest. How about we review Wu Kai tomorrow afternoon?"

Fu Shanyue yawned: "Very good!"

Both parties walked out and said goodbye at the gate of the county government office.

Bai Ziqi watched Fu Shanyue and He Lingchuan get on their mounts and trot away, the smile on their faces slowly disappearing.

At this time, Fan Sheng rushed to the gate of the county government office and said sarcastically: "Mr. Baidu, just now Mrs. Cen..."

Bai Ziqi raised her hand to interrupt him:

"follow me."

Fan Sheng followed him into the county government office again and walked into Cheng Yu's cubicle.

There are no windows in the house, and there are two guards standing at the door.

"If my prediction is correct, he may encounter some accidents tonight." Bai Ziqi pointed at Cheng Yu and said: "From now on, you will guard him here until the interrogation tomorrow afternoon."

Fan Sheng quickly responded "Yes" and said: "Where did the accident come from? I'm going to eliminate it!"

Bai Ziqi smiled: "No, let me give him a try."

Fan Sheng was not a fool, and he quickly came to his senses: "Douji Bai wants to use this man as bait for fishing?"

Bai Ziqi nodded: "It's just a guess, you might as well verify it."

Fan Sheng followed him in and couldn't help but ask: "What if the accident doesn't happen?"

"Either this person is innocent." Bai Ziqi smiled again, "Or, this person is actually more difficult to deal with."

After leaving the county government office, He Lingchuan took a deep breath. This city is built next to the water, and the August evening wind is full of moist water vapor.

Today was so fulfilling that even a person as energetic as him felt tired.

One incident after another happened, and it was overwhelming.

Driving on the deserted street, he asked Fu Shanyue: "This Madam Cen, why is everyone afraid of her?"

Da Sinong was indeed in a high and powerful position, and both petty officials and common people looked up to him. Perhaps even the King of Chiyan respected him. But what is Bai Ziqi's identity? He is the Duyun envoy who serves the gods! Fan Sheng was able to command the army at the base of the imperial city and won the Demon Emperor's trust.

Why did these two people look helpless when they faced Mrs. Cen?

Fu Shanyue scratched his neck: "Yao Xingning has been talented since she was a child, practiced hard, joined the army very early, and has much more military achievements than her husband. She happens to be the 60th female general of our Bejia Kingdom, although she is a general. Of course. That’s not the point—”

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