Oh, the female general!

"Of course this is not the point. Bega has never been short of generals, and there are many female generals who can fight better than her." Fu Shanyue said, "She has a transcendent status because she is the prince's savior and his playmate since childhood. ”

"Does the emperor only have one prince?" He Lingchuan was surprised, "That is indeed a great achievement."

"The higher the Tao, the longer the lifespan, and the weaker the reproductive function. This is the way of heaven. For example, the former emperor of Yuan Kingdom gave up the throne to humans because he had no heirs. Fortunately, every emperor has the blessing of a great country, and at least he can give birth to a child. The two heirs have not lost their bloodline. This is really called the protection of the gods." Fu Shanyue said with a smile, "The current emperor only has one prince, and his energy was too weak when he was born more than 20 years ago. Fortunately, he had the guidance of the gods. "Yao Xingning has a special physique, a special cultivation method, and a balanced yin and yang aura, which is suitable for warming the prince. Yao Xingning was only a few years old at the time, so he took it with him and ate and slept with him."

"Sure enough, the prince's condition slowly improved and he emerged from his shell successfully three years later."

"Probably because he is familiar with Yao Xingning's aura, the little prince has not kissed anyone since he was born, not even the emperor..." Fu Shanyue coughed, "It is said that several servants in the palace were bitten to death by it, and only Yao Xingning was allowed to accompany him. near."

"So Yao Xingning has taken care of it for many years, and even now she has to go to the palace twice a month to accompany the prince, otherwise the only royal relative will be furious." Fu Shanyue smiled bitterly, "She has this honor, who would want to do it before the prince comes of age? Offend her?"

"Uh..." He Lingchuan didn't know what to say.

With the admiration of the future prince, Mrs. Cen could indeed walk sideways in Lingxu City. What's more, her words and deeds will have an impact on the young prince, which is a huge political advantage.

No wonder even Du Yunshi didn't want to provoke her.

"When will the prince come of age?"

"You don't understand until you are thirty, so you must be at least sixty to become an adult." Fu Shanyue coughed, "The prince is still young, and the emperor has deliberately reduced the number of times she enters the palace."

He Lingchuan understood: "Mrs. Cen is indeed special. No wonder the person behind this case asked Cen Boqing to be the cover. Cen Boqing is not powerful or smart, so it is easy to control. With the double protection of Da Sinong and Yao Xingning, the case is very difficult. It’s hard to check.”

With the power of Da Sinong and Yao Xingning's influence as the "imperial relative", even if each demon kingdom found that its own demon people were being hunted, what would they do?

Now he finally understood why Xiang Yan, a retired official, didn't want to wade into troubled waters when he heard that the Cen family might be involved.

But the old man was very naughty and refused to tell him openly.

Fu Shan said more and more bitterly: "Idiot Cen Boqing, why don't you just be an ear-raker? He's not that capable, but he still insists on inheriting such a huge black fortune!"

"You don't think Yao Xingning is involved?"

"Although she is arrogant, she hates evil as much as she hates it. She is a sweet-tempered person." Fu Shanyue shook his head, "She shouldn't be able to do things like hunting monsters and obtaining pearls."

"Besides, the aristocratic families in Lingxu City have countless properties. Yao Xingning may not know that her husband has such a shady property."

"I originally thought that Da Sinong would cut off his tail to protect himself and ignore Cen Boqing, so that the pressure of investigating the case would be less." He paused and continued, "Now that Yao Xingning is here in person, it means that Da Sinong We have to find a way to save his life. If it weren't for the deep love between husband and wife, Cen Boqing would be dead this time."

He Lingchuan said with a smile: "If this is true, the Zhongsun family will also bring bad luck to them."

"Zhongsun is dead. Of course the Zhongsun family has great grievances. They are one of the leaders of the Shui Tribe in Lingxu City." Fu Shanyue smiled more comfortably than he did, "But he perjured himself for Cen Boqing. The Zhongsun family purchased privately. The elixir, these two things were offered by Wu Kai, will soon be spread to the emperor and the gods, and it will be enough for them to drink a pot. "

"Anyway, I don't know how many rich and powerful families this bad debt of Elixir will involve!"

He Lingchuan pondered for a moment, but shook his head: "If there are indeed too many people who buy the elixir privately, it is likely that the big problem will be trivialized in the end."

"Oh?" Fu Shanyue was not an idiot, and quickly understood what he meant, "You mean, the law does not punish the public?"

"The word 'public' is open to question." He Lingchuan sneered, "If they were all flat-headed people, it wouldn't hurt to kill mountains of corpses and seas of blood. After the fall of Yuan Kingdom, Lingxu's army massacred millions of civilians for thirty days. They all became dead souls under the sword, and the Twilight Plain is still a barren land, which shows that the Holy Heart is as iron as stone."

Fu Shanyue pursed his lips.

Facts speak louder than words, and he has nothing to say.

"If they are all high-ranking officials in Lingxu City and the pillars of the country -" He Lingchuan said leisurely, "then they are obsessed with ghosts. Arrest those who secretly refine medicine, and those who buy and resell in large quantities, and punish them according to the law to correct the trend; For other things, the law does not punish the public, only small punishments and severe punishments are enough. Otherwise, the country's foundation will be shaken."

Fu Shanyue smiled bitterly: "You speak so calmly..."

"We'll see?" He Lingchuan glanced at him, "A bet?"

"No need to gamble." Fu Shanyue sighed a little, "I think you are right."

"Bang." He knew he was going to lose, right?

"Is this the case in Fu Country too?"

"Aren't all officialdoms the same?" He Lingchuan said lazily, "They all say that if the water is clear, there will be no fish."

Back at the inn, Fu Shanyue asked him: "You really don't want to have some late-night snacks? I heard that the soy sauce stew in this inn has been hot for fifteen years. Even the braised table legs are delicious. I asked someone to buy it."

Is this o'clock?

"No." He Lingchuan yawned, "I'm sleepy, so I have to go back and take a shower and go to sleep. I have to keep you and Bai Du busy tomorrow."

Fu Shanyue looked at him with suspicion: "When you were against me in the past, you were not so easily sleepy. Tell me honestly, did you ruin half of Cheng Yu's life?"

He still hasn't figured out how many real abilities He Lingchuan has under his command.

He Lingchuan knew that Fu Shanyue would definitely become suspicious.

This guy has never been easy to fool.

He looked left and right, but there was no one around.

The more Fushan saw his actions, he knew he was going to expose the information, so he consciously raised his ears and leaned over: "What?"

"What I just said to Bai Ziqi is basically true, but I didn't mention that the one Cheng Yu sent to plot against me was a Yin God!" He Lingchuan's voice was like a gnat, "That guy Cheng Yu did burn out the Yin God. With his golden body, isn’t it reasonable for people to go back and cause trouble for him?”

"that's all?"

"Of course that's it." He Lingchuan smiled, "Do I still have to swear an oath to heaven?"

The King of Chiyan and his son are now his backers and helpers. He cannot keep others in the dark, as this can easily lead to estrangement.

Of course it’s good to swear an oath to heaven! Fu Shanyue shook his head: "No, I believe you."

He asked He Lingchuan again: "What other actions do you think Bai Ziqi will do next?"

He Lingchuan thought for a moment: "Leave aside his other plans, Bai Ziqi's goal in coming to Bai Shaqian is nothing more than two: one is to investigate the case of the elixir of life, and the other is to track down the whereabouts of Zhongsun Mou. The case of the elixir of life has basically been revealed, which is important. The raw material slurry beads were obtained by Cen Boqing who sent people to kill demons. There is no way of escaping this. As for Zhongsun Mou who was kidnapped——"

He shrugged: "I think this guy is dead."

When he mentioned this, Fu Shanyue felt even better: "I feel the same way."

"Mai Xuewen didn't leave many clues. This man has been plotting for many years. I think he probably succeeded in one attack and fled thousands of miles away. He will not appear again in a short time." He Lingchuan said eloquently, "That is to say, , Bai Ziqi probably has no chance of catching Mai Xuewen, so he can only devote all his efforts to solving the Cen Boqing case. "

Fu Shanyue nodded: "Zhongsun Mou helped Cen Boqing to give false testimony, but was killed by Cen Boqing's minions. If the Zhongsun family heard about this investigation result, how could they accept it?"

He couldn't help but laugh: "The best thing is that this case was investigated by Bai Ziqi himself. If they want to judge, they can only go to Du Yunshi... Who in the whole Lingxu City doesn't know that if you dare to question Du Yunshi, you are asking for death! "

He didn't even need to handle the case, Bai Ziqi took over the blame directly, otherwise the Scarlet Yan Demon King would feel the pressure.

This time, the Demon Emperor was very good at selecting people to handle the case.

"The gods will not be satisfied, because Cen Boqing is not the real culprit behind the scenes." He Lingchuan said slowly, "The case of the elixir of life is worth digging into, but it seems that the root cause is in Lingxu City, and there will be nothing wrong with us in the future."

"How can we stop here?" Fu Shanyue sneered, "I'm just feeling refreshed."

"Your father's letter of complaint was just delivered to the emperor. Within two days, the Qingfu Temple caught fire, and all the evidence and evidence were completely burned by the fire." He Lingchuan smiled at him, "Have you been there? Qingfu Temple?”

"I've been there before. It's very big and the incense is very strong." Fu Shanyue thought about it for a while, "You are right. Where is Lingxu City? Qingfu Temple also has fire prevention measures. It can't be burned down by ordinary fires in two bursts. net?"

"The real culprit behind the scenes has connections and means, which means he has an identity." He Lingchuan said unhurriedly, "He dared to kill demons in the demon country to get pearls, and risked the disapproval of the world. It is obvious that he is cruel and ruthless. I think this Shui Tai "Shen, is Chiyan Kingdom really going to get into this whirlpool?"

The investigation into this case really got deeper and deeper, and it turned out that Cen Boqing, the eldest son-in-law of a great farmer, was just a cover.

So who is the real person behind the scenes?

When the Chiyan monarch and his son first investigated this case, they certainly did not expect that it would be so deeply involved.

"If you want to stop, now is your chance."

This sentence was said by Fu Shanyue. He Lingchuan had already thought about it in his mind, but he had not expressed it to his mouth. He can't say this kind of thing.

"Even if Bai Ziqi is the one investigating the case, if my father doesn't insist and Lingxu City wants to put the matter to rest, then the real culprit will only be Cen Boqing." Fu Shanyue actually sighed deeply, "But my father must investigate thoroughly. After all, it’s because this is no longer a matter for the country of Chiyan.”

He Lingchuan thought about this sentence and felt slightly moved:

"You mean, there are other forces involved?"

"As far as I know, King Baoshu has just made a complaint to Lingxu City, saying that the demon people in his territory have also been poached for pearls. This matter is outraged by both humans and gods, and must be thoroughly investigated."

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