After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 544 Cheng Yu's Explanation

"In the blink of an eye, I haven't been to Lingxu for six or seven years. I miss you so much." He rubbed his hands enthusiastically, as if he was really looking forward to it, "When are you leaving?"

"Soon." Bai Ziqi also put away his surprise, smiled at the two of them, stood up and said, "I have to wait for some news, so I will go back first."

The two of them sent Bai Ziqi out of the inn and watched him disappear around the corner.

The envoy refused to take the carriage and wanted to walk back, saying that walking would help him think.

He Lingchuan then let out a long breath: "Sure enough, he wants me to return to Lingxu together."

This person is really hard to fool.

"Don't worry, with me by your side, he won't be able to make things difficult for you!" Fushan Yue patted his shoulder, "Isn't this great? You were going to Lingxu City as well. Now you don't have to follow the caravan or worry about clearing the customs. , Ambassador Duyun will accompany you personally."

He Lingchuan smiled bitterly. Bai Ziqi wants him to go to Lingxu City, what good intentions can he have?

Fortunately, Fu Shanyue was with him, so Bai Ziqi couldn't deal with him openly on the road.

Walking back, Fushan saw him thinking more and more: "What else did you think of?"

He Lingchuan was thinking about the bamboo tube used to raise the Gu, and shook his head when he heard this: "I was wondering, are the treasures that Qing Gong lost more than ten years ago really stolen?"

Fu Shanyue could only shrug: "They said yes, of course it is."

Is it useful to say no?

He Lingchuan thought of the portrait of Imperial Master Qingyang. Mai Xuewen mentioned Qingyang Imperial Master Yun Danfengqing, but his intuition told He Lingchuan that there was probably some kind of relationship between the two.

"From the portraits to the snail toads, everything is related to the Qing Palace." He Lingchuan breathed out, "The clues left by Mai Xuewen are very pointed, and it is impossible for Bai Ziqi not to notice it."

Although the elixir case has been taken over by Bai Ziqi, most of the pressure has been relieved from He Lingchuan. But he could still feel that the road ahead was really thorny.

Further down the line, this case is no longer something he can investigate. It's not even something Fushanyue and Chiyan Kingdom can investigate.

"Qing Palace?" Fushan Yue also let out a long sigh, "This guy is so courageous. Maybe there is someone behind him to support him."

It's finally dawn.

Cheng Yu felt warm all over.

As soon as he opened his eyes, the skylight passed through the door and shone on his face, which was a bit dazzling.

This was his request last night, with his head facing the door when sleeping.

The golden and warm sun in the morning makes people feel relaxed from the bottom of their hearts.

Bai Ziqi was sitting on a chair in the corner. When she saw him making any movement, she said, "Hey, I thought you wouldn't wake up."

"Cen Boqing and I only have an employment relationship. He pays for me to kill people, and I haven't finished the killing yet." Cheng Yu looked at the warm light coming through the door, breathed a sigh of relief, and said decisively, "For other troubles with the Cen family, I Not involved at all.”

Bai Ziqi smiled.

Cheng Yu asked: "I'm not a repeat offender in Cen Boqing's case, right?"

"If you plot against the special envoy of the Crown Prince of Chiyan, it will be a serious case if you let it go to the local county magistrate for trial." Bai Ziqi was so busy that he said, "In my case, it depends on the situation."

"what's the situation?"

"What method did you use to deal with Prince Chiyan's special envoy?"

Cheng Yu hesitated for a moment: "Nightmare."

Bai Ziqi raised his chin slightly, understanding: "So, you signed a contract with Nightmare?"

Some spell masters can make pacts with nightmares and use their power to kill people in their dreams. The nightmare left no trace, and the victim was completely unscathed in reality, leaving no useful clues and making it impossible to investigate.

But this kind of thing is very rare. Nightmares themselves are rare, and most of them can only create small nightmares for people and absorb a little fear to live their lives.

Nightmares will also devour each other.

There are very few big men who can actually kill people in their dreams.

How could such a dream overlord obey orders from others? To sign a contract with them, you have to transfer enough benefits.

Cheng Yu nodded, feeling sad.

"Do Cen Boqing and Wu Kai know?"

"They only knew that I could kill people secretly, but they didn't know that it was nightmares that killed people. I never told anyone about this kind of thing."

"Why did it suffer backlash?" Bai Ziqi asked him, "Nightmare failed?"

"Not only did it fail, I'm afraid it would have been seriously injured by the opponent, otherwise its golden body would not have suddenly shattered." Cheng Yu smiled bitterly, "I never imagined that this would be the case."

"Wu Kai confessed that you can curse the king of a country to death." Bai Ziqi asked again, "Is this because you borrowed the power of nightmares?"

"Yes." Now that things have happened, Cheng Yu has nothing to deny. In the past, I used to make mysteries to exaggerate my own self-worth.

"Hmm, could it be that the dream master was invited?"

The most powerful nightmare is respected as the dream master.

"...Yes." Cheng Yu was a little surprised that Bai Ziqi still knew this title.

"Where's the title?"

Cheng Yu whispered: "If you don't forget it, there will be repercussions. I can't say your name publicly."

"With my protection, are you still afraid of it?"

"It was originally an immortal who fell into a dream and became a dream master. It has swallowed countless nightmares." Cheng Yu's eyes were filled with fear. "It can dream during the day, and ordinary evil-proofing methods cannot deal with it."

"You dare to call the gods' methods average?" Bai Ziqi pointed to the burning candle in the corner of the room, "With the care of the bright lamp in front of the Shengxu Seat, you will be fine. Tell me, what is that title?"

The eternal lamp of the Holy Lord? Cheng Yu looked at the candle and indeed felt the power of peace and tranquility from the flame. He gritted his teeth and finally confessed: "It is a nightmare with a hundred faces. It once told me personally that its conduct now is better than that of the immortal before."

"Hundred Faces?" Bai Ziqi stroked his chin, "How did you avoid it before?"

"I originally had a dream in a bottle, but I used it in Cen's mansion. My soul was hidden in it and kept warm, but Cen Boqing woke it up in advance. The damage to my soul is difficult to heal."

At this point, the candlelight in the corner of the room suddenly flickered.

The warm sun illuminated half of the cubicle. The flash was inconspicuous, but it happened to be opposite Cheng Yu, so he still caught it.

Bai Ziqi also looked back and frowned. "Since Bai Mian is so powerful, how could he be defeated by He Xiao?"

"The power of Bai Mian is not something that an ordinary boy can contend with." Cheng Yu took a breath, "I have always suspected that he had received extremely powerful protection to make Bai Mian suddenly collapse."

"Perhaps he has some magic weapon to protect himself?"

"Magical weapon?" Cheng Yu couldn't help laughing, "If a few magical weapons can block hundreds of faces, it doesn't qualify to be called the 'Dream Master'. At least it can reach the threshold of a divine weapon!"

"The artifact..." Bai Ziqi thought thoughtfully, "What kind of artifact will it be?"

"Can transform into Qingming, can suppress evil and ward off evil spirits, can protect Xiaoshen soul, and can seriously injure Baimian." Cheng Yu was a little dizzy, probably because his soul injury was not healed, he gasped after saying more than two words, and his mind was filled with confusion, " I think there are not many such treasures in this world, right? And I also think that Bai Mian attacking me in turn has something to do with He Xiao."

"Oh?" Bai Ziqi pondered, "You mean, He Xiao can instigate rebellion and drive nightmares to attack you?"

What kind of monster is Baimian? This is not something ordinary people can do.

"It's very possible!" Cheng Yu pressed his head, "I haven't heard of anyone eating Baimian."

At this time, the ever-burning lamp flame swayed again, and then went out.

Cheng Yu pointed at it and suddenly became nervous: "This..."

"There is indeed something looking for you. You don't have to worry about it during the day." Bai Ziqi sprinkled a handful of incense ash at the end of the bed.

The incense ashes are flying in the air, but they seem to be unable to fall off if they are hung on something.

The object was originally transparent, but it drew a rough outline——

It looks like a humanoid, with a body, legs, and hands, but it's not humanoid because the neck and hands are too long, like a tree monster.

And it has two heads.

It was right next to the bed, craning its head to look at Cheng Yu.

If Bai Ziqi hadn't picked up the ashes, no one would have known where it was.

This kind of spying with evil intentions is really creepy. Even Cheng Yu trembled all over and his scalp exploded.

After being discovered, the nightmare turned into a strange wind and swept out the door.

The incense ash marked its path of action. When it approached the door, Bai Ziqi slashed out with his sword, neatly cutting the strange wind in half.

There is a light golden light on the sword.

Both of them heard a strange scream, angry and miserable.

Then the strange wind spontaneously ignited, and pale flames swept through the entire compartment. However, neither of the two people in the compartment felt the heat of the flames.

The strange wind wanted to escape, but the four candles in the corners of the room formed a barrier to keep it in the middle. The candlelight was blown to the point of falling, flickering brightly and dimly.

It crashes against the barrier repeatedly, like a fly against a window.

Bai Ziqi said disdainfully: "Is this the Dream Master? Hearing it a hundred times is better than seeing it once."

Cheng Yu was a little stunned: "It, it..." How could Baimian be so good?

While the two were talking, the strange wind tried its best and finally blew out a candle. The invisible barrier was immediately lifted, and it finally escaped.

Bai Ziqi didn't stop him either.

"Maybe it doesn't want to be entangled in the daytime. Or..." Cheng Yu thought to himself, his eyes brightening, "After being defeated by He Xiao, its power was greatly reduced, and it is no longer the dream master!"

Bai Ziqi couldn't help but laugh: "You've been hiding from something like this for several days, and you've wasted a precious dreamland?"

Cheng Yu was speechless.

He only remembered the power of the Dream Master, but forgot that if even he as a summoner suffered backlash, how many times more damage would the nightmare itself suffer than him?

It is also seriously injured, and it still has its former majesty!

After thinking about this, he relaxed completely and the big stone in his heart disappeared.

Bai Ziqi then asked him: "Is the contract between you and Baimian still there?"

Cheng Yu shook his head: "Probably after I returned to Cen Mansion, I found that the contract was automatically terminated."

That's why he panicked at that time.

"It doesn't matter if it's lifted, you can let go and deal with it." Bai Ziqi asked him, "Can you stand up? I want you to go to the county dungeon and find Cen Boqing to give your confession. I gave you a lot of good medicine before, you should be able to Got up."

Cheng Yu tried to sit up and found that the sick body was no longer heavy.

"Are you really going to help me deal with Baimian?"

"Of course." Bai Ziqi said sincerely, "I will need your help for the next case."

Cheng Yu was curious: "What's going on?"

Bai Ziqi smiled: "You will naturally know when Cen Boqing's case is settled."

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