After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 545 The devil is ten feet taller

In the past few days, Cheng Yu had been staying in a small and cramped room, whether in dreamland or in reality.

He felt that he was going moldy and didn't want to stay in the cubicle for a moment, so he got up from the bed and walked outside the room.

Birds chirped and chirped outside the house, and dust danced in the sunlight shining through the door, indicating that it was a sunny day today.

The moment Cheng Yu stepped out of the door, the light shining through the door was blocked by himself.

It was dark outside.


Oops! He wanted to turn around and retreat into the house, but there was nothing behind him. Where was the cubicle?

Only Bai Ziqi was still sitting in her original position, smiling at him——

When he smiled, his mouth stretched to the base of his ears, revealing a row of fangs, staggered in length, like crocodile teeth.

Only then did Cheng Yu realize that Bai Ziqi had been sitting in the corner and had never been near the beam of light at the door!

That light should be the last ray of clarity in his heart.

"You walked out of your heart and left Bai Ziqi's candlelight protection." Under his horrified gaze, Bai Ziqi's face slowly turned into a nightmare with a hundred faces, and both heads screamed with laughter, "Come on, we should Let’s settle old scores!”


Bai Ziqi first went back to the county office to visit Cheng Yu.

If anyone else comes in, what they will see is that the spell master is still unconscious, Fan Sheng is guarding the side like a wooden sculpture, motionless, and a pale platinum candle is lit in each of the four corners of the room.

There are also other restrictions hidden here. No matter who wants to rob openly or covertly, they will have to walk around without eating.

"It's all right?" It should be all right. He Xiao and Fu Shanyue, who are the most suspicious, haven't had the chance to make a move in the past half hour.

Fan Sheng nodded: "Everything is fine, Baidu just rest assured. How is Wu Kai?"


Fan Sheng was surprised: "Then only Cen Boqing is left?"

"Yes." Bai Ziqi rubbed his forehead, "Only the fruits remain."

"Zhongsun Mou is dead, and Wu Kai is also dead. Cen Boqing must not have anything happen to him. I will send more people to keep an eye on him."

"Zhong Sunmou was killed by Mai Xuewen; Wu Kai was probably killed by the refiner of the elixir. These two groups of people worked against each other, but they killed all our clues and witnesses." Bai Ziqi faintly said Sighing, "Both sides are pushing Cen Boqing to me, haha."

Fan Sheng said dryly: "It's hard work for Baidu."

"It's not hard. Compared with the previous cases, this one is much simpler. On the first day I arrived in Baishachen, I caught up with Cen Boqing to plead guilty. I just need to bring him back. What can be smoother than this?"

Bai Ziqi didn't say much, went back to the inn to wash up and change clothes, and went to have breakfast again.

Bai Shali, who woke up in the morning light, was busy and full of energy as usual.

Just like He Lingchuan, Bai Ziqi tasted the most famous local sesame seed beef biscuits, made two noodle nests with sweet eggnog, then went to the Chaohu Tower to climb up, and then went to check what happened when Fan Sheng lost to He Lingchuan. land--

Lotus Palace.

Of course, after Shui Ling's accident, only residual loads were left here.

But the route he walked was actually centered on the county government office. As long as something happened there, he could rush back without much effort.

When walking back, he passed by the inn where he was staying and saw people looking around and poking their heads inside and outside the inn.

They should all be rich and wealthy families living in Baishazhen, and they want to visit the envoy Duyun.

Bai Ziqi didn't want to pay attention at all, and turned around and went to the county government office.

Magistrate Tian immediately came over to report that the officials had moved all Wu Kai's relics from Cen's mansion and were inspecting them all.

Wu Kai was cautious during his lifetime and might not leave any useful clues; but Bai Ziqi was more cautious than him and did not want to let go of every detail.

By the time he finished dealing with this, it would be afternoon. Originally, he and Fu Shanyue were going to interrogate Wu Kai during this period. But now that the criminal is dead, the process is cancelled.

Fan Sheng was still in Cheng Yu's compartment, and the lights were still burning in the four corners of the room.

But Cheng Yu was still unconscious.

Bai Ziqi walked in with his hands behind his back: "Is there anything abnormal?"

"It doesn't look like it." Fan Sheng pointed to the four candles. "The restriction has not been touched at all, and the lamp flame has been very calm. But the person named Cheng never woke up."

The door was open, but the flames of the four candles were quiet and never flickered.

Natural wind cannot move them; but on the other hand, they are very sensitive.

His tone was heavy, obviously realizing that this was the biggest abnormality.

I saw with my own eyes that Bai Duzhi gave Cheng Yu a bunch of good medicine. The amount and the effect of the medicine could make five or six dying old men get up and start playing music and dancing.

Why doesn't it work when you get to Cheng Yu?

Bai Ziqi observed carefully and then stretched out his hand to feel Cheng Yu's pulse: "The injury has improved greatly." Even his face was a little rosy.

The elixir that Du Yunshi took out was no joke. "The heart and lungs are also smooth."

It makes no sense not to wake up.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster. Bai Ziqi's face darkened. After thinking for a moment, he took out the platinum candle from his arms.

After last night's hunting battle, there was only one candle left, but Bai Ziqi lit it anyway.

This lantern has a special function, but the candle is about to burn out and can only be used one last time.

When the flame ignited, Bai Ziqi did not pinch it out like he did last night, but whispered a few prayers to the candlelight.

Soon, the candlelight turned light green.

That kind of faint light, like phosphorus fire, suddenly made this compartment, which was sunny and hot at noon, feel a bit gloomy. The two guards on guard outside the house couldn't help but shudder, feeling that a sudden feeling came from the bottom of their hearts. A chill.

Of course, the two people in the cubicle were not afraid.

"This kind of light can illuminate the soul." Bai Ziqi brought the green candle flame close to Cheng Yu, right in front of his exhaling mouth and nose.

Of course, the candlelight was not moving at all. Fan Sheng felt that the scene in front of him seemed to have a double shadow, and he quickly rubbed his eyes, but Bai Ziqi's expression changed.

Fan Sheng's heart tightened: "What's wrong?"

Bai Ziqi didn't answer, but instead called in a guard and put the candle close to his mouth and nose: "Look."

Under the firelight, the guard's face was a little blurry. Fan Sheng tried his best to take a closer look, but found that his facial features were blurred, and there was only a ray of white light behind Yintang, where his head was located, like a flame, which was also beating endlessly.

"This is what the human soul looks like when illuminated by the soul candle." Bai Ziqi said with anger in his voice, "Look at Cheng Yu again!"

No matter how he looked at it, Cheng Yu's mind was empty, like a house without its owner.

"He has lost his soul a long time ago and will never wake up!"

"How could it be..." Fan Sheng lost his voice, "I have been guarding here, no evil spirit can come close!"

No restrictions were broken, not even a warning.

Of course Bai Ziqi also knew this, and rolled his eyes slightly: "When did Cheng Yu lose his soul?"

Fan Sheng couldn't answer this question, and Bai Ziqi didn't expect him.

When Bai Ziqi interrogated Cheng Yu alone last night, the man was still awake for more than ten breaths and answered two of his questions. At that time, Cheng Yu's spirit was still there.

Then Cheng Yu fell into coma, so he had to change the interrogation guards, and then Fu Shanyue came with He Xiao.

After the two men left, he returned to Cheng Yu's compartment, set up restrictions, and asked Fan Sheng to take charge.

In other words, Cheng Yu lost his soul when the three of them interrogated the guards and Cen Boqing.

Fu Shanyue and He Xiao themselves should be able to rule out suspicion, because Bai Ziqi himself was also at the scene and was an eyewitness.

According to Cen Boqing's own confession, Cheng Yu was temporarily invited to deal with He Xiao and had nothing to do with his elixir business. Therefore, Cheng Yu's lost soul should not have been caused by the person behind Wu Kai's death.

Who wants to kill him?

Could it be that, as He Xiao said, it was the sinister creature whose golden body was burned that came to seek revenge on Cheng Yu?

Cheng Yu's previous soul-locking in the Dream Vase and the confessions of his guards all confirmed that he had something to fear. People tried again and again and finally succeeded.

The progress on Bai Shaqian's side seemed to be smooth, and everyone had prepared the "real culprit" for him. However, Bai Ziqi wanted to investigate further but found many obstacles.

He let out a long breath.

How many people are involved in this strange case?

He Lingchuan sat on the roof and played the flute, accompanied by the gentle breeze and bamboo waves.

His skills could not stand the test, but his skills had improved greatly and he could now play several pieces of music smoothly.

Soul-Taking Mirror felt that he was finally coming through: "You have a lot of room for improvement!"

He Lingchuan flicked his finger on the mirror: "Remove the word 'space'! Or remove all 'space for progress'!"

As a beginner, he still lacks fingering skills and fire, but he does not lack strength.

Regardless of whether you play the flute or the xun, there are requirements for lung capacity. The complex music is mostly based on long tones and is equipped with various techniques. Others would practice this until they feel dizzy, exhausted, and short of breath, but He Lingchuan has a lot of cultivation and has long developed the habit of breathing in and out. His energy is long and strong, so he has a natural advantage here.

But he knew that his musical talent was limited, and he could only pretend to be a young man, but no matter how much he practiced, he would never reach the level of proficiency.

However, concentrating his mind and breathing while playing is very beneficial to him in cultivating his calm state of mind.

This is also the reason why many practitioners like to minor in an instrument.

The demon-killing and pearl-retrieving case investigated in Shuangyi Town came to an end because of Cen Boqing's guilty plea. He Lingchuan could finally take a few days to relax and unwind.

During the investigation process, even if he huddled in the house to hide from the rain, he had to tighten his nerves and beware of sneak attacks by his opponents.

The Soul-Taking Mirror also lamented: "This case is too complicated."

"There's nothing wrong with being complicated." His understanding of Bega gradually improved.

How could the original tour, which was just a quick tour, reveal so much inside information?

Jing Jing was still worried: "Are you really not afraid that Cheng Yu will confess you?"

Is it okay to just leave Cheng Yu in Bai Ziqi's hands and let him go?

Cen Boqing has confessed, and Fushan Yue will no longer interfere with Bai Ziqi's treatment of Cheng Yu. As he said himself, he is just a bastard.

He Lingchuan smiled: "No."


He Lingchuan smiled and said nothing.

The mirror acts as a tool spirit and speaks to its owner. Others cannot hear it, but his every word and deed may fall into Bai Ziqi's eyes. Who knows if Du Yunshi has any magical means to monitor him?

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