After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 546 Secret report from many years ago

Even if there seems to be no one else around, you still have to be cautious. He has noticed Bai Ziqi's attention to him, although the reason is not clear.

"!! How can you be sure..." Jing Jing was surprised, but it took him a few breaths to realize, "Oh, when did you do it to him?" It had been staying on He Lingchuan, so why didn't it even notice it?

This owner is getting increasingly unable to keep up.

"last night."

He Lingchuan gave this little hint and didn't elaborate further.

He and Bai Ziqi arrested the fugitive last night, and it was he who captured Cheng Yu with his own hands.

At that time, Cheng Yu was injured by the lantern spirit and fell into coma. He Lingchuan held him in his hands and faced two choices:

Use a mirror to suck away his soul, or use nightmares.

It was easiest to use a soul-capturing mirror, but it would easily be suspected by Bai Ziqi afterwards. After all, the last person who came into contact with Cheng Yu was He Lingchuan.

Sending the nightmare means a long night and many dreams. After all, the nightmare has to sneak into Cheng Yu's dream and devise a trap to kill him. However, the good thing is that Cheng Yu could still wake up after being brought back to Bai Shaqian and say a few words——

Yes, this was He Lingchuan's request for the nightmare.

Nightmare struck after Cheng Yu fell into coma for the second time, so Bai Ziqi would naturally recalculate the time of his attack, and He Lingchuan would be able to clear away the suspicion.

So he decided on the latter plan almost in the blink of an eye, and then touched Cheng Yu's nose with the Juluo branch carrying the nightmare.

Cheng Yu was already unconscious at that time, so it was very convenient for the nightmare to fall asleep.

Now it seems that this risky move was made correctly again.

After Bai Ziqi captured Cheng Yu, he set up ever-burning lights around him. Any sneaky approach would trigger an alarm.

But the nightmare was lurking in Cheng Yu's dream earlier, so how could it trigger the police?

Bai Ziqi arrived at Baishaqian yesterday and gave He Lingchuan a kick.

But he didn't know that he was also plotted by He Lingchuan.

After He Lingchuan finished playing the song, the tiger Jiao Yu ran over, holding a cloth bag in his mouth. He raised his head and said to him: "The prince has something to give to you."

He Lingchuan perked up and jumped down to take the cloth bag: "Thank you very much."

Jiao Yu said: "The prince said that this is a secret. I will retreat first."

He didn't dare to look either.

He Lingchuan patted the tiger's head, turned back to the house, closed the door, placed another barrier, and then opened the cloth bag.

"Oh, I finally got it!" Mirror whistled. He Lingchuan didn't know how it made the sound.

Inside the cloth bag was a box. When he opened it, there was a pile of letters inside.

This is the last thing Fu Shanyue sent as promised:

A letter recording the black dragon pattern.

He Lingchuan helped him catch Cen Boqing and also gave him Zhongsun Mou's death. He overfulfilled the task entrusted by Fu Shanyue and deserved to receive full reward.

These letters are all in the Royal Study Room of the King of Chiyan. Anyone who wants to enter will have a narrow escape, let alone slowly collect related objects. After Fu Shanyue was promoted to crown prince, he also just gained the right to enter and exit the imperial study.

He Lingchuan looked at the things on hand and smiled bitterly: "Stingy, you won't let me take advantage of it at all."

There are more than a dozen pieces of paper here with different background colors and styles, except for a few pieces of letter paper, some of which are even torn from different books.

Of course He Lingchuan wanted to read the entire book, but Fu Shanyue only tore off the part with the black dragon pattern, probably for the sake of confidentiality.

After all, these are all things taken from the imperial study of the King of Chiyan, so they have their own secrets.

The one placed on top is a piece of silk, which when unfolded is like a scroll, stretching into one long piece. Because it has been specially refined, the silk surface is slightly old, with no damage or powder loss.

It was the first time that He Lingchuan saw so many black dragon patterns gathered together.

He counted them casually and found that there were as many as eighteen.

Every pattern is hand-painted, and the painter is very meticulous. Each stroke has charm, and even the eyes of the black dragon are painted lifelike.

Next to each black dragon pattern is the address and period when it was painted.

The earliest one can actually be traced back to the Yangxing tribe in the Shahe River Basin 2,100 years ago.

Where is the Shahe River Basin? He Lingchuan thought for a long time and gave up.

Write down the place name first and look it up later.

He also had no memory of the next few addresses, as they were all from a long time ago.

Then, he saw the black dragon patterns of Yuan Kingdom, two in total.

Afterwards, He Lingchuan was shocked again, because the three words "Panlong City" suddenly came into view!

The last five patterns on this silk scroll all come from Panlong City.

More importantly, the artist also specifically noted that these five patterns were all drawn from the same black dragon emblem in Panlong City, but in different periods.

He Lingchuan did a quick calculation and found that these five patterns were drawn in the third year, the eleventh year, the seventeenth year, the twenty-fourth year, and... the thirty-first year of the Panlong calendar!

Panlong City existed for thirty-two years, so the fragments selected by the artist almost run through the entire Panlong era.

It's like a microcosm of an era.

Why did he do this?

He Lingchuan pulled the silk to the end to read the signature.

The painter's name is Song Wei, and he calls himself Weishan Zhenren.

The first ten patterns on this personal silk scroll were obtained from ancient books or relics. Only the black dragon patterns in Yuan Kingdom and Panlong City were all surveyed and mapped by him when the city was still there and the people lived in peace. There is almost no error.

In other words, he himself went to Yuan Kingdom and Panlong City, and then assembled the patterns on hand to make this silk.

In addition to the black dragon statue beside the south gate of Panlong City, He Lingchuan also saw black dragon patterns in the streets and alleys. The neighbor's kid, Xiaopang, had graffiti on the wall several times with black dragons, but he was not a good painter and the dragon's head was painted instead of a dog's head.

He Lingchuan carefully observed the five patterns of Panlong City. At first glance, they all looked the same——

Nonsense, they draw the same emblem.

However, Song Wei is not that boring. He painted five identical patterns over thirty years.

He Lingchuan took a closer look and found that there were still slight differences among the five dragon heads.

The one with the eleventh year of Panlong Calendar has a slightly longer horn and two more beards than the one with three years of Panlong Calendar.

He Lingchuan almost used a magnifying glass to look for such a small change.

The pattern changes in the twenty-fourth year of the Panlong Calendar are very obvious. The dragon head looks one size larger than before, the face is longer, the beard is more powerful, and the eyebrows are more prominent.

The most important thing is that the sharp horns on its head have begun to branch!

All the black dragon patterns that He Lingchuan had seen before, including the ones on this silk book, and the ones he saw with his own eyes in Panlong City and Yuan Kingdom, all had two bare sharp horns on their foreheads!

The branches are like antlers.

In other words, like a dragon.

He Lingchuan took a breath and looked at the last pattern.

But to his disappointment, the dragon's head did not evolve further. Instead, it regressed, its branches became sharper, and its beard lost a few strands.

It's probably similar to the pattern of the eleventh year of the Panlong Calendar.

In the past twenty years, loneliness has evolved, and in the end it has changed back again.

He Lingchuan went to look at the two black dragon patterns in Yuan Kingdom.

The interval between these two patterns is not long, that is, half a year or two years.

After King Yuan took over the throne from the previous Demon King, Yuan Kingdom only existed for four years, of which three years were spent in war. During the war, border management was very strict. It was not easy for Song Wei to squeeze into the Yuan Kingdom, and the Yuan Kingdom was probably not as friendly to outsiders as Panlong City, so he only painted two paintings.

The two patterns are also slightly different. The dragon head in the second picture is also longer than that in the first picture.

This is very interesting, especially the five patterns of Panlong City, which are like time-lapse photography, listing the changes of the same dragon head mark in different periods.

What is the purpose of the black dragon pattern and why does it change?

He Lingchuan, like Song Wei, does not believe that this change is caused by man-made changes, but rather a change in the pattern itself.

What factors contributed to the "growth" of the dragon head in Yuan Kingdom, Panlong City, and even earlier monuments?

Song Wei gave his own speculation.

This mark may be a totem, used to gather the faith of the city residents, just like Bega's ubiquitous temples.

The growth of the dragon's head reflects whether people are pious to it.

Or maybe, this dragon head is the mark of some secret immortal organization. With it, the city can receive endless support from immortals. Because, these places where the dragon head imprint has existed are relatively rich, as if they have been blessed from somewhere.

Bless? He Lingchuan thought for a while.

He didn't know the situation of the Yuan Kingdom back then, but the Chipa Plateau, which Panlong City was backed by, was indeed extremely rich. It had everything he wanted, from grain, minerals, and timber to medicines, furs, and fisheries. Otherwise, Panlong wouldn't be able to be supported. Soldiers and civilians for so many years.

Bega secretly tricked it many times, but failed.

Does this mean that the dragon's head mark only appears in fertile places, or is the local area rich because of the dragon's head mark?

Which is the cause and which is the effect?

It's hard to say.

Seeing that Song Wei had no conclusion, he was a little disappointed, and then looked through other information.

Inside are all kinds of letters, book pages, and notebooks. The pages are usually yellowed, brittle, and powdery, so you have to be very careful when reading them.

They are all old pieces and have seen their age.

He Lingchuan frowned. Fu Shanyue could only find these old objects, which showed that there was no new progress in the research on black dragons.

There is even a conclusive theory that the dragon head may have been left by some immortal sect, and was used as a channel for communication between immortals and mortals, and to direct them to conquer the world.

He Lingchuan also found a battle report sent back by a spy from within the Yuan Kingdom, which provided a lot of information about Yuan Kingdom's Qianxing City, including what happened in the city recently, what orders the royal court issued, the salary and price levels in the city, etc. , all summarized in one or two sentences, very concise.

It also mentioned the black dragon pattern, saying that there was a black dragon pattern opposite the spy's residence. He had observed it all day long, but he had never seen the mark glow or produce any power.

But just once, the horse pulling goods on the street lost control, and the horse and cart crashed into the wall.

The wall is not thick, so it should be able to penetrate through it. However, the horse hit the mark of the black dragon head-on, breaking its muscles and bones, and the cart fell apart, but the black dragon pattern was still intact.

It was then that the spies realized that there was an extremely secretive barrier outside the mark.

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