After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 551 Everything is possible only when you are alive

She smiled slightly, "Of course, if used properly, this thing can divert the attention of the gods."

Shao Jian wrote it down carefully.

He Lingchuan paid attention to the word "some" she said.

On the other hand, there are only a few of these Dragon Punishment Pillars that will alarm the gods, and most of them have no trace.

Mi Tian’s thoughts are also very poisonous.

After she finished explaining, she got up and left.

Zhong Shengguang's brows had also relaxed. At this time, he put his hands on Shao Jian's shoulders and said, "I have to go out now and won't come back in a few days. Then you come to my house for a drink and you won't come back until you're drunk!"

"Okay, then I will go to the city for a walk first." Shao Jian was not polite to him, "I have something urgent to do when I come to Panlong City this time. Let's talk about it in a few days."

The two laughed and walked out of the Gange Hall side by side.

After all, Zhong Shengguang was very busy, so he couldn't chat with him for a few words before saying goodbye and going back to the official office.

He Lingchuan is accused of being Shao Jian's personal bodyguard and will stay with him from now on. This is what he wants. After all, there are many mysteries behind Yuan Kingdom, and He Lingchuan still hopes to get a sneak peek from Shao Jian.

Even in Panlong City, Shao Jian dressed up as an ordinary merchant. His clothes were neither luxurious nor shabby. The hotel he stayed in was neither luxurious nor cheap. He behaved quite well. He stopped on Wanglin Street, inconspicuous among the endless crowd.

Shao Jian looked at the bustling crowd, full of novelties: "This place is much more prosperous than before. Three years ago, the passenger flow on Wanglin Street was less than half of what it is now. Did you see that ready-made clothing shop? It turned out to be a clothing store. Bun’s.”

He Lingchuan said: "Panlong City opened up internal and external trade five years ago, and money and goods gradually began to flow."

"That's the truth." Shao Jian nodded repeatedly: "I have told Zhongli a long time ago that Panlong City must communicate with the outside world so that it will not become a water without a source. In the past ten years, Panlong City has been fighting while fighting When it comes to people’s livelihood, everyone is having a very difficult time because of the isolation.”

But He Lingchuan could actually understand Zhong Shengguang's previous decisions. Before he could get rid of the enemy, he was afraid that Panlong City would be infiltrated by traitors and rebels, so he had no choice but to close the city gate.

As the lord of a city surrounded by enemies, he had to consider too many long-term factors.

It wasn't until the big square pot was able to release the Three Corpse Insects that Panlong City dared to open its doors and take the first step towards foreign trade.

From openness to encouragement, it actually doesn’t take long.

When Shao Jian went shopping, he never forgot to buy souvenirs for his distant business partners. Not only did he ask He Lingchuan to help with his advice, he even listed the price range of the gifts.

He Lingchuan watched from the side and understood that this man had turned disguise into life.

In addition to a lot of local specialties, he also recommended to Shao Jian fluorescent spores from the Ghost Needle Stone Forest and aphids from Zhu Erniang's ranch.

Needless to say, fluorescent spores are portable cold light sources that even the Baoshu Kingdom uses in reality.

The so-called aphid sugar is actually the honeydew produced by the aphids grazed by burrowing spiders. It has a high sugar content and impressive purity. Shao Jian was surprised and said: "Honeydew, isn't that, isn't it...?"

He Lingchuan coughed lightly: "Yes, don't worry about these details."

Not only do burrowing spiders love to eat aphids, the residents of Panlong City also praised it after trying it, saying that it is as sweet as honey and has a unique flavor.

Both adults and children love to eat it.

"This one has a bit of a burnt aroma." Shao Jian tasted another kind of aphids, "Hey, this one is even weirder. Why is it sweet but also a little spicy?"

"The aphid cows eat different feeds, and the aphids they produce have different flavors." He Lingchuan said with a smile, "Zhu Erniang has been trying to match the ingredients."

"That prehistoric monster?" Shao Jian clicked his tongue in surprise. Such a cruel spider demon can actually produce such a sweet taste.

Except for Bega, honey is a luxury product everywhere. Aphids are now available as a substitute for honey, and businessmen from other places have identified this business opportunity, and sales have increased significantly in recent months.

Of course, Panlongcheng has obtained the exclusive agency rights for Zhu Erniang's products, and its products from the ranch have become the city's top products.

Shao Jian was also very interested in aphid after tasting it and wanted to promote it. After all, the last time he visited Panlong Wasteland, Zhu Erniang was still the unruly master of the Ghost Needle Stone Forest, and these products had not entered the Panlong market at all.

However, now in Panlong City, various sugar drinks and snacks made by Aphids have even begun to appear.

Sitting in a sweet shop near the river, through the wooden windows, the two of them could see the boats floating on the river. The lotus flowers in late autumn have faded, but the lotus pods are plump and firm. Local fishermen rowed boats to harvest while cleaning up the dead lotuses and renovating the river scenery.

In the past, how could Panlongcheng have the time to take care of such trivial matters?

Leisure and leisure pursuits must come after filling your belly. Shao Jian sincerely sighed: "It's great. Hey, Panlong City today is really beyond my expectation."

His mother country has perished, but the seeds of hope have taken root in a foreign land and are growing vigorously before his eyes. Only He Lingchuan, who had watched his conversation with King Yuan, could understand this subtle mood.

Shao Jian's "unexpectedness" should be that he originally did not agree with Zhong Shengguang's use of a large square pot to invite the god Mi Tian, ​​and he did not think that this move would bring any good results to Panlong City.

After all, "No good results will come from rewarding the gods, except for Bejia" is the belief of the Shao family represented by King Yuan.

Therefore, He Lingchuan could feel that there was a little confusion in his joy.

Seeing Shao Jian's high interest, He Lingchuan took the opportunity to start a conversation: "Mr. Wu, you are an old friend of Master Zhong. Do you know the origin of the black dragon carving on the wall?"

"Black dragon?" Shao Jian came to his senses and happened to see a brick sculpture of a dragon's head painted on the high wall of the temple entrance opposite Wanglin Street. It was five feet in diameter and nine feet above the ground. The dragon's eyes were specially decorated with red paint.

There is also a tribute table under the dragon's head, where three-color fruits are served, and incense rises in the furnace.

Except at night, the incense here rarely stops.

He Lingchuan knew that in Qianxing City, the former capital of the Yuan Kingdom, this kind of dragon head pattern could be seen in many places. From King Yuan to Zhong Shengguang, the ideas were inherited from the same origin, and both cities also enshrined black dragons. "There is a bigger one behind the south gate of the city. It is a full-body statue of a black dragon. I have asked many people, but everyone is ignorant and thinks it is a sacred beast that protects the city."

Shao Jian smiled and said, "How do you know it's not the beast that protects the city?"

"There is also a golden bull in the mother country of Xiluo. It is a real big demon. The civilians in the capital can often hear its roar." He Lingchuan said, "But the people of Panlong City have never seen a black dragon, nor have they heard its roar. No one even mentioned where the black dragon lives."

Shao Jian asked again: "Do you know what a dragon is?"

He Lingchuan thought for a while: "Xiaolong?"

"Yes, the dragon lurks in the lake to practice, and has the opportunity to transform into a dragon when encountering wind and rain." Shao Jian said, "Before humans, the true dragon was the most favored by heaven, and was also called the 'Emperor', that is, the favored son of heaven. But creatures like dragons Born with spiritual energy, even if he did not die in the ancient times, he would die in the middle ages. There are no real dragons in the world, only Jiao Er."

He Lingchuan was still confused: "What about this pattern?"

"The dragons are the most sensitive to changes in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. So if you observe this dragon head, you will know how thin and rich the spiritual energy is." Shao Jian said with a smile, "When the dragon head grows into a dragon head, the good times in ancient times will return. ”

He Lingchuan was startled: "This is to observe changes in spiritual energy? Is that it?"

If that was all, why did Zhong Shengguang waste manpower building a giant sculpture at the South City Gate?

"All the dragon head patterns are facing east." He Lingchuan was not discouraged, "Didn't it say anything here?"

He had long noticed that all the dragon head patterns in Panlong City and Yuan Kingdom Qianxing City were built facing east, towards the direction of the rising sun.

Shao Jian asked him: "What do you think?"

He Lingchuan's eyes moved slightly: "Is this the symbol of a certain Immortal Sect?"

Shao Jian smiled and said, "Why do you think so?"

"Three thousand years ago, the immortal war drove the so-called gods out of the world. I thought that at least there would be immortals alive to this day and still watching the world." This is not just He Lingchuan's personal guess.

Zhu Erniang can survive to this day by shedding her shell. The world is so big, how can we know that there are no immortals left?

"Even if there are still immortals who are struggling, what can they do?" Shao Jian chuckled, "This is no longer the world of immortals. Even if they come back, what can they do?"

His expression was complicated, perhaps thinking of his homeland.

The Yuan Kingdom fought unyieldingly for three years and had no choice but to fall. If there are immortals in the world, where are they?

"Besides, don't the immortals have any responsibility for the world's spiritual energy declining to this extent?"

Seeing his anger, He Lingchuan offered him half a bowl of sugar water instead of wine, and quickly changed the subject: "Doesn't this black dragon pattern have any other purpose besides marking the concentration of spiritual energy?"

Shao Jian glanced at him: "You are so young, so utilitarian?"

"Pragmatic." He Lingchuan said seriously, "Panlong City can survive surrounded by powerful enemies because it is pragmatic."

"That's true. Only by living can you have everything." Shao Jian put down his bowl and said, "Actually, the black dragon pattern is not only found in Panlong City, but its secret is in the hands of those in power. I can only speculate that worshiping it All the city-states will benefit, otherwise how can we be so persevering? And this black dragon pattern is not effective just by being painted on the wall."

He Lingchuan exclaimed: "Does it still need to be consecrated?"

"What a coincidence. Many years ago, I also asked Zhongli this question."

"How do you answer the commander?" He Lingchuan listened attentively.

"He said that you must first establish your mind for heaven and earth."

After Shao Jian finished speaking, he stood up and went to the store to pay the bill. This conversation ended here.

Even if He Lingchuan was Zhong Shengguang's designated bodyguard, Shao Jian did not completely let down his guard and tell the truth - who would be stupid enough to confide in a stranger he met on the first day?

Besides, he was able to live in exile for more than twenty years after the fall of the Yuan Kingdom. He must have been cautious and had his own set of survival rules to avoid being captured by Bega.

He Lingchuan was not discouraged and followed the distinguished guest step by step. He and Shao Jian are now meeting each other without looking up. In the next few days, he will get close to each other. Maybe he can get more information about Bega?

What he saw in the Gange Hall just now was a big deal, and He Lingchuan had been trying to digest it.

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