After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 552 I’m going to go

Mi Tian personally admitted that if he wanted to quickly revive the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the only way to achieve this would be the death of the gods.

It was obvious that she was talking about Emperor Liujian.

Because after two episodes of imperial ooze in a year, He Lingchuan could clearly feel that the spiritual energy around him was richer than before.

This proves the conclusion that the soul-catching mirror heard from Tian Shengzi, that there has always been a relationship between the human world and the so-called divine world. In the three thousand years since the gods left, the spiritual energy of the world has not been able to return to the level of the immortal era. This is because the gods have sucked away the spiritual energy of the world and used it for themselves through some method.

This method, Mi Tian also said, is that "Tian Luo" will absorb the nightmare energy from this world.

The last time He Lingchuan heard this term was at Fu Shanyue's place. When the second illusion appeared in the ruins of Thousand Stars City in the Twilight Plains, the Tianluo Star in the east burst into glory.

Apparently this star can be seen as the lifeblood of the gods, no, the umbilical cord. Through Tianluo Star, the nightmare energy in the world is continuously delivered to the gods.

In the past, nightmare energy basically came from Tianluo Star, and the gods couldn't get much of it privately, so they had no choice but to accept the situation as it happened.

But Mi Tian was unwilling to be left alone, and suddenly jumped out to disrupt the situation.

Previously, she launched the Panlong Army to attack Xiqiao, obtained the still active divine bones from Xiqiao Palace, and then borrowed the power of the large square pot to make more than a thousand Dragon Punishment Pillars!

The biggest function of this thing is to collect the freshest nightmare energy from the battlefield.

To put it bluntly, it means intercepting the flow under Tianluoxing's nose.

Anyway, the amount of nightmare energy provided by the human world is limited within a period of time. Every time the Xinglong Pillar leaves one point, the Tianluo Star collects one less point.

From now on, the more frequently the Dragon Punishing Pillar is used in the human world, or the more gods use the Dragon Punishing Pillar, correspondingly, the less nightmare energy Tianluo Star will collect.

It's equivalent to smuggling.

The instinct of any living thing is self-interest. With such a sharp weapon, how could the gods resist using it?

If they use it, others of the same kind will get less, so how can they sit back and ignore it?

To put it bluntly, Nightmare Qi is the most important resource in the God Realm, and the gods are also divided into three, six, and nine levels. How will those in power and power treat similar people who poach their own corners and steal their own resources, and how will they treat the Dragon Punishment Pillar?

As Mi Tian said, these 1,200 Dragon Punishment Pillars are 1,200 seeds of instigation and division. Sooner or later, you will reap rewards if you sow them.

When the gods in the sky died, the essence of their bones and blood turned into imperial ooze and returned to the human world.

After understanding this cycle, He Lingchuan understood Mi Tian's wishful thinking, which was to spread the Dragon Punishment Pillars as far as possible to the Ability Gods and Minor Gods, in order to provoke internal strife in the God Realm around the distribution of Nightmare Qi.

The relationship between the human world and the divine world is a zero-sum game. Whichever side has more humans and gods dying, the other side will benefit accordingly.

Does Mi Tian’s approach have any effect?

Let me just say one thing: the punishment dragon pillar that He Lingchuan captured in reality was obtained from the apprentice of Shuangye Kingdom Master of Bejia Kingdom.

So where did the punishment dragon pillar in the hands of this imperial master come from?

There is no doubt that they are believers from other countries and other gods.

The process of capturing the Dragon Punishment Pillar must not be very pleasant. This made Mitian right. Many of the Dragon Punishment Pillars scattered around would eventually fall into Bejia's hands.

What's more, He Lingchuan noticed that if even the Imperial Master Bejia used the Dragon Punishment Pillar, it meant that there was probably a god standing behind him.

A god who doesn't want to be ignored by everyone and wants to bring out the nightmare energy himself.

If even Bega's national master dares to do this, how many conflicts will arise around the nightmare energy in the God Realm?

The plan is a conspiracy. Once the Dragon Punishment Pillar is spread, the cause and effect chain will begin, and it is almost independent of the will of gods or humans.

The poisonous water she muddied more than a hundred years ago still has lingering consequences.


Outside the window, the lark is rising and singing, and it is necessary to complete a difficult melody before the arrival of autumn.

He Lingchuan was woken up by it, recalled what he had seen in his dream, and sighed subconsciously.

Mitian herself is a god, so why does she insist on standing opposite her kind and being keen on murdering other gods?

Another unsolved mystery.

And why does the Tianluo star in the eastern sky react to the second scene of the illusion of the ruins of Thousand Stars City?

Does it have anything to do with the square pot?

Tianluo Star is closely related to the gods, so did the gods notice the anomalies in the ruins of Thousand Star City and sent Bai Ziqi to investigate?

In everything, if there is one, there may be two; if there are two, there may be three. Will Bai Ziqi finally trace him, He Lingchuan?

With Cen Boqing arrested and Zhong Sunmou dead, the original enemy in the messenger case could no longer threaten He Lingchuan, but Bai Ziqi, who represented the will of the gods, immediately became his biggest trouble.

He Lingchuan could feel Bai Ziqi's extra attention to him.

He believed that Bai Ziqi didn't have any evidence, otherwise he would have been arrested long ago, even if Fu Shanyue was standing in the way. But this person's intuition is too strong. If he is allowed to keep his eyes on him, He Lingchuan is worried that sooner or later, he will be exposed.

Panlongcheng suddenly restored the history of the origin of the Xinglong Pillar, did it remind him that he could try to create the Xinglong Pillar to divert trouble to the east and divert Bai Ziqi's attention? After all, Mi Tian has made it clear that certain Dragon Punishment Pillars contaminated with the scent of the Square Pot will alarm the gods and attract unnecessary attention.

After all, the sacred bone is worn around his neck, and Dafang Pot is always spying on his whereabouts. He should have a clear understanding of his current situation, right?

The question is, where are the sacred bones used to make the Dragon Punishment Pillar? The necklace around his neck is definitely not going to work.

At this moment, there was a scratching at the door outside.

Jiao Yu is here:

"Mr. Bai Du has finished his official duties in Chiyan. Tomorrow he will escort the prisoners back to Lingxu. The prince and we will go together."

He Lingchuan was moved: "Has the investigation of Bai Duzhi's other case been completed?"

"That's not clear." The tiger didn't care about this. "The prince speculated that perhaps other demon kings had written to the emperor, asking him to investigate the case of the immortal medicine, so the emperor urgently summoned Baidu to go back and report on his work. I heard that this case was in Lingxu The news has spread to everyone in the city, and Wang Ting may feel a lot of pressure."

Criminals hunt demons for pearls, irritating the nerves of demon civilians and the military.

The illegal activities of privately refining and trading elixirs also aroused the nerves of the gods.

Lingxu City probably also found it difficult to answer, so it asked Bai Ziqi, the first person in charge of the case, to go back quickly to answer all the questions.

Moreover, more and more forces are involved in the case of the immortal medicine, and Lingxu City is also finding it difficult.

He Lingchuan rubbed his chin and thought, this news is mixed.

Let’s look at the bright side first: now that Bai Ziqi has been ordered to return to the capital, he is too busy to stay in the northern part of Chiyan to continue investigating the case. He Lingchuan believed that he would keep someone behind to continue investigating, but after all, that person was not Bai Ziqi himself.

The bad news is that He Lingchuan is about to leave the Chiyan Kingdom. In the future, the ability of the Chiyan King and his son to protect him will be greatly reduced. After arriving in Lingxu City, if Bai Ziqi is still interested in him, tsk...

Now, he had to find a way to reduce Bai Ziqi's interest in him.

He Lingchuan patted the huge tiger's head: "Before I leave, I want to buy a dozen sesame seed biscuits for dry food. Well, how about twenty kilograms of black beef shank for you? I'll treat you."

The tiger licked his lips, flicked his whip tail, and agreed.

The white sand is full of water, and the local black-haired cattle swim and eat water plants all year round. Therefore, they have strong bodies and good meat quality. Jiao Yu especially likes them.

He Lingchuan called to the goshawk outside the window: "Help me go on a business trip. The reward is a hundred pounds of rabbit meat. How about it?"

Fushanyue has reached Baishajing, and He Lingchuan's career as a special envoy has come to an end. It stands to reason that the Qinwei no longer needs to listen to his orders. However, Goshawk felt that this man was quite good and could get along well with him. He had no trouble eating, drinking or playing along the way, so he asked without much thought: "Where are we going?"

"Send a message to Lingxu City for me." He Lingchuan smiled and said, "The reward will be paid. Anyway, we will meet up in Lingxu City."

"Isn't it just to take the first step?" Goshawk said with a straightforward temper, "Here comes the letter."

He Lingchuan handed over the written letter and gave the address. The goshawk flapped its wings and set off immediately.

Watching its figure turn into a small black dot and disappear into the horizon, He Lingchuan let out a sigh of relief.

There was a big loophole in his explanation to Bai Ziqi. Once it was filled, it might be able to offset many of Bai Ziqi's suspicions. It all depends on the outcome of Goshawk's trip, I hope everything goes well.

Not long after, He Lingchuan passed by Chaohu Tower and was moved by the scene, suddenly thinking of Mai Xuewen.

I don't know where this guy is.

Before he escaped, he also gave He Lingchuan a piece of advice, asking him to retreat to avoid being shattered into pieces.

However, He Lingchuan went in the opposite direction and now planned to jump into the center of the whirlpool.

Hey, it's too late to run away now. I can only move forward and swim back and forth in this muddy water.

Completing the commission and retrieving Zhu Erniang's remains is just a small goal, and I hope it can be accomplished incidentally.

On this trip to Lingxu City, He Lingchuan had to solve a serious problem:

He had to find a way for the gods and emperors to track Dafang Hu and stop it.

As the wearer of the Divine Bone Necklace, he could feel that Dafang Pot was getting stronger and more active.

It is difficult for a giant whale to swim in the shallows, and it is impossible for an elephant to hide behind a monkey.

Sooner or later the square pot cannot be hidden. If he leaks his aura again, he will have to face the endless pursuit of the gods.

How long can you hide for?

Xiang Yan, a retired official, always likes to say something when chatting with him these days: Don't be in a hurry, figure it out slowly.

But He Lingchuan didn't know how much time he had left, and Xu Bu came.

He had better strike first to avoid the tragedy of the fall of Yuan Kingdom and Panlong City from happening to him.

This is knowing that there are tigers in the mountains and traveling to the tiger mountains.

What others see as a first-class prosperous place in the world is, to him, a dragon's pond, a tiger's den, and dangerous rapids.

Hey, he still had to go.

But he also has advantages. He is alone, able to move forward and retreat freely, and act flexibly.

Bejia hated Yuan Kingdom and cared about Panlong City, but he would not pay attention to his recklessness.

The wind on the white sand began to turn cooler, blowing on the body to refresh and relieve irritation. He Lingchuan pressed his knuckles and made two clicking sounds.

The greatest city in the world, I am here.

This is the end of "The Utopia of Demons (Volume 1)". Starting tomorrow, the book will enter a new chapter "The Utopia of Demons (Volume 2)"

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