"It would take too long to become a county magistrate or governor at a local level. For officials like Zhong Sunmou to go around in the name of an inspector, they not only supervise people's livelihood, but also enrich their qualifications. The best of both worlds. The best thing is that the title of Inspector can be taken back after the inspection is over."

He Lingchuan said clearly: "Gold plating."

"This description is really apt." Li Qingge smiled and said, "However, the inspector still has the right to report to the emperor. A few years ago, I met an inspector from Lingxu City in Zhuolu County. It’s much more grand than when the general manager of Xiazhou comes to Xiazhou in person. The officials along the way are all treated with the highest standards, and they don’t even greet their parents like that. There are even eight cars clearing the way for the inspection envoy, and the birds are singing and dancing wherever they pass. "

He Lingchuan clicked his tongue twice: "Are you asking the inspector to say a few more good things to you in front of the emperor?"

"No, you are wrong." Li Qingge shook his slender fingers, "This is to prevent the inspector from speaking ill of himself in front of the emperor."

He Lingchuan was speechless.

"In short, Zhongsun Mou is mediocre in Lingxu City?"

"Not the best, not the worst, just average." Li Qingge nodded, "Such officials' children are everywhere in Lingxu City. There are always a few outstanding people, and even here there are mostly mediocre people. "

"Okay, then please Sir, spread the news for me and emphasize that Zhongsun Mou is frustrated at every turn and has nothing to do."

Li Qingge looked at him strangely: "Are you afraid that the water is not muddy enough?"

He Lingchuan grinned: "Your Majesty understands me."

He has already come to Lingxu City, so don’t be coy. Anyway, I am not in a good situation now, so I just let it go and do something big.

Maybe, a bright light will emerge from the dark side?

"Then it doesn't matter if Da Sinong and the Cen family all know about it?" Li Qingge turned his eyes slightly, "They probably already know that you helped Prince Chiyan catch Cen Boqing."

"The more people know about it, the better. The 'more people' also includes Da Sinong and the Cen family. Speaking of which, it was Du Yunshi who caught Cen Boqing. That's another story..." He Lingchuan touched his nose. "It doesn't matter, the news will reach their ears sooner or later."

"Envoy Du Yun?" Li Qingge lost his voice, "Don't tell me that you provoked Envoy Du Yun!"


Li Qingge was about to breathe a sigh of relief when he heard He Lingchuan continue: "It was Ambassador Du Yun who provoked me."

"You..." She glared at He Lingchuan, "I have to consider breaking off our relationship with you."

"No." He Lingchuan hurriedly handed over his hand, "Auntie, I am helpless in Lingxu City, so I rely on your help."

Li Qingge frowned: "Du Yun is almost a god on earth, which one have you offended?"

"Bai Ziqi." He Lingchuan coughed lightly, "I didn't offend him. I even helped him catch Cen Boqing. But the way he looked at me was always weird."

"Bai Ziqi?" Li Qingge's face was solemn, "He is deeply favored by the gods and has the emperor's heart. What did you do to fall into his eyes?"

"That's the problem, I didn't do anything!" He Lingchuan exclaimed, "But he seems to be investigating another case and has listed me and Fu Shanyue as suspects."

"Did you really commit a crime?"

"Of course not!" He Lingchuan said bitterly, "But you also know how powerful Lingxu City is. I'm afraid that no matter what, give me some pain first. Fu Shanyue can still have an identity to support him. I’m in trouble—”

He rubbed his hands: "The goshawk sent a letter, did you receive it?"

"I got it, you want to borrow something from me." Li Qingge took out a rectangular box from his arms and placed it in front of him. "Fortunately, you wrote in advance. This thing was placed in another branch. I traveled more than a hundred miles back and forth to get it back."

He Lingchuan opened the box, took a look at it, and then closed it:

"How many people in Lingxu City know about it, or know that it belongs to you?"

Li Qingge shook his head: "Almost not."

"Thank you." He Lingchuan let out a long breath, "You really helped me a lot." That's why he asked Goshawk to go ahead and deliver a message to Li Qingge in Baishaqian, just to ask her to prepare this thing in advance.

"What do you want this for?"

"Earn people's trust." He Lingchuan said seriously, "I will return it to you after use, as soon as possible."

Li Qingge smiled and said, "Okay, you can use it as you like."

"I owe you another big favor this time."

Li Qingge said meaningfully: "Don't be afraid, you may have a chance to repay it soon."

"...?" Why did he have a bad premonition?

What Li Qingge asked him to do would definitely not be easy.

"Then, Sir, why don't you just do me a little favor?" There's no need to worry about too much debt.

Li Qingge is funny, but it depends on how shameless he is: "Tell me about it."

"Please help me collect information about the Cen family and the Zhongsun family." He Lingchuan said sternly, "It is essential to be on guard against others."

You can also have the intention to harm others.

"It's a trivial matter." Li Qingge has already helped him with several things, so there is no need for one more trivial matter. "After sorting it out, I will find someone to take it to Dunyuan and hand it over there."

"Dun Yuan?"

"In five days, there will be a sale in Dunyuan." Li Qingge smiled, "There are two sales every year. They are grand in scale and bring together the rarest treasures in the world. They are held in the lower city. Don't you want to go and see the excitement?"

He Lingchuan immediately said hello.

Then she changed the topic: "Have you had dinner? You are a guest from afar, how about I serve as your host?"

He Lingchuan hesitated: "Soon, the Zhongsun family and the Cen family will regard me as their enemy. If you and I eat together openly and people spread the word, I'm afraid it will have a bad impact on you."

Li Qingge had taken the cloak, but upon hearing this, he immediately hung it back up: "That's right, I didn't think about it."

She is a businesswoman, and she will do as little as possible to offend people on the surface.

"I was so excited when I saw you coming from afar." Her eyes fell on He Lingchuan's waist and suddenly condensed:

"Hey, where's your knife?"

He Lingchuan did not have a scabbard on his waist.

"Uh..." This woman is so thoughtful.

A treasure like the Fusheng Knife can be at ease only if you carry it with you. Li Qingge understood after thinking about it: "Put the knife into your body, right?"

He Lingchuan scratched his head: "One night, suddenly I no longer needed the scabbard."

With the body as the sheath, the man and the sword are truly one.

"This weapon of yours is really strange. It looks different every time I see it." Li Qingge pursed his lips slightly, "I really want to study it again."

Others would probably say "take it" to win their favor, but He Lingchuan knew that the secret on the Fusheng knife was very important, so he could only regret it and said: "I also want to give it, but it sticks to me and I just can't give it out."

"This is a quasi-sacred weapon that has been recognized as its owner." Li Qingge sighed, "Why am I not so lucky?"

"Your Excellency is associated with the world's spiritual weapons. Are you afraid that no treasure will recognize you?" He Lingchuan stood up and pointed eastward with a smile, "Tonight I will temporarily stay at the Jinkui Inn across the street. My pseudonym is Li Junyi. I will just take care of anything. notice me."

After that, he picked up the box and left.

The accommodation conditions of Jinkui Inn were far inferior to those of first-class inns, but He Lingchuan felt much more at ease after staying there.

Just now, Fu Shanyue was temporarily summoned to the Heavenly Palace by the messenger, and He Lingchuan already knew about it through the eyeball spider in the post house.

The Heavenly Palace is not in the sky, but in Xushan Mountain.

He Lingchuan heard Shao Jian mention that the temple dedicated to the Holy Lord Lingxu was called "Tiangong" and was built on the top of Xushan Mountain. The place where Holy Lord Lingxu sent down the edict and communicated with the emperor was called Zhaixing Tower.

It was such a late night, the Demon Emperor was not on the floating island, but wanted to see Fu Shanyue at Xu Mountain. why?

He Lingchuan found it very interesting. As the most powerful king in the world, Demon Emperor Bejia lived so close to the sky, but it could not be called a heavenly palace.

He stayed in the Jinkui Inn and stopped going out. He just asked the kitchen to deliver two steaming bowls of shredded mushroom noodles and a basket of sweet-scented osmanthus cakes. He sat in the guest room and ate slowly while facing the noisy streets outside.

When he was soaking in the big wooden barrel and washing away the dust of his life, the eyeball spider suddenly sent him the latest picture:

More than ten miles away, in his guest room in the first-class inn, there was a sudden knock on the door!

Of course no one answered the door.

People outside the house even called his name, He Xiao.

So it's not like I got the wrong room.

After two more knocks, the door suddenly opened. Several people rushed in and walked around. They found that the place was empty, and then went to the window to look out.

The eyeball spider has long since retracted into the cracks of the wooden beams, making it very hidden.

"I'm not here. How can I do this?"

"Look around and ask where he has gone. He may have gone to eat. You should also go to the surrounding restaurants to inquire." Another person said, "The superiors have told me to find the person named He before Prince Chiyan returns."

A few people made another round and confirmed that He Lingchuan was not nearby, so they left quickly, not forgetting to close the door.

He Lingchuan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

Fortunately, I had the foresight to go out earlier than Fu Shanyue.

He had just arrived, so he didn't know what the official attire of Lingxu City was like, and he couldn't tell where these people were from.

Did Bai Ziqi send people to look for him, or did the Zhongsun family want to settle a score with him?

He had just arrived in Lingxu, and the place was really big, so the Zhongsun family probably wasn't that well-informed about the news. Besides, these people were strutting around the post house, coming and going freely, and the slaves nodded and bowed when they saw them.

This is Lingxu City. Even the servants of high-ranking officials are not qualified to rush into the post house and arrest people. Anyone who dares to do this must have an official background and be backed by orders from above.

That is Bai Ziqi.

Even after soaking in hot water, He Lingchuan still felt a chill running down his back.

This man went north with them, chatting and laughing along the way, as if they were old friends for many years, but then he turned against him and refused to recognize him as soon as he arrived at Lingxu City?

Well, as soon as Bai Ziqi entered the city, he reported it to the Heavenly Palace.

In other words, it is the will of the gods or demon emperors to bring "He Xiao" back for interrogation as soon as possible.

You are going to attack him so soon, why don't you want to wait even one night?

He Lingchuan felt that the god or demon emperor paid more attention to "another case" than the elixir case.

Obviously, by refining and selling the elixir privately, you have already touched the scales of the gods. What could be more important than dealing with it?

He Lingchuan had the answer in his heart.

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