After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 557 Therefore, there must be a war

However, these people who searched for him also said that they must hurry up before Fu Shanyue returned to the post house.

The identity of Prince Chiyan still made the superiors somewhat scrupulous. After all, the relationship between Chiyan Kingdom and Lingxu City has been somewhat tense recently, and the identity of the real culprit who massacred the demon people in various countries points to the top leaders of Lingxu City, so the demon emperor probably does not want to add fuel to the fire.

But how long can this scruple last, or in other words, how long can their patience last? Hard to say.

He Lingchuan knew that he had to dispel Bai Ziqi's suspicion as soon as possible, even if it was temporary.

But at least he could get a good night's sleep tonight.

Soul Township, Chipa Plateau.

He Lingchuan turned around and sneezed.

Who was talking about him behind his back, or was there too much paprika in the roasted lamb?

"I'll do it." Shao Jian took the pepper bottle from his hand, took out the knife and scratched the lamb leg twice more, "When it comes to roasting lamb, I'm second best, but no one dares to be first."

In the past ten years of being in exile, he has spent the most time in the wild.

He Lingchuan retracted his hands and sat back on the log. He saw a red round signet ring on his ring finger.

The surface of the ring is not inlaid with gems or jade like other merchants, but is engraved with patterns and words.

"Your ring is a bit strange."

"This?" Shao Jian turned his fingers and glanced, "I once went to the west to do business and saw that the wealthy people there all wore this kind of signet ring. When you want to stamp your seal, you only need to make a fist and press it. It is very convenient, so I will do the same. Made a signet ring.”

He pointed it out to He Lingchuan, who said, "Is this pattern a conch?"

"Yes, the first chamber of commerce I founded was called the Hongluo Chamber of Commerce." Shao Jian said with a smile, "It does some transportation at the seaside port."

He looked at He Lingchuan and said: "Now that the Xiqiao Plain has been captured by Panlong City, you should go south if you have the chance. The life of people on the seaside is completely different from that of us inland."

He Lingchuan specifically pointed to the dry goods he bought: "We will stew together delicacies from the mountains and sea."

"Exactly." Shao Jian laughed. He made a special trip to the Chipa Plateau to buy dried red mushrooms from a specific farmer, saying that what they sold was much better than what was sold in shops in the city. How to say that word:


My beloved daughter likes red mushroom soup the most, and she asked him to take more of it home. Just for these words, Shao Jian, a doting lover, had to travel an extra fifty miles, and He Lingchuan had to accompany him as his bodyguard.

The journey was long and it got dark quickly, so the two simply stayed in a farmer's barn and bought a black goat from the host for dinner. The mutton was barbecued and the mutton bones were cooked in soup.

The little girl is right, the red mushrooms and mutton soup go well together. This kind of dried mushroom is soaked and then stewed with meat. The soup is clear and red. It looks very warm. Although there is a little oil on the surface, it is actually refreshing but not greasy, with the unique aroma of mountain delicacies.

He Lingchuan gave Shao Jian a bowl of soup: "How old is your daughter?"

"She's seven years old." Shao Jian said with a smile on his face when talking about his daughter, "She's very naughty. She doesn't have the dignity of a girl. Now she can even climb trees and vault horses."

As soon as he said this, he couldn't stop talking.

It turned out that he passed through a small town ten years ago and fell in love with a woman. They soon got married and had a daughter two years later.

Shao Jian was hated by his country and his family and spent half his life in exile, lamenting day and night; however, after he got his daughter, his world regained its color.

He even showed He Lingchuan the amulet around his waist.

It was tied with red rope, a little rough and clumsy, but it was made by my beloved daughter. He traveled all over the country and never failed to wear it.

He Lingchuan smiled and said, "What's her name?"

"Shao Yingying, whose nickname is Yanzi. Hey, let me tell you, there is nothing more true in the world than the happiness of a family." Shao Jian turned over the mutton in his hand again, "So I really admire Brother Zhong for being able to do what others cannot."

If it were him, he would definitely be reluctant to sacrifice his own daughter, and would rather use himself instead.

At this point, he sighed with emotion.

He Lingchuan smiled, what kind of father is there in the world?

However, he still followed Shao Jian's words and said: "Mr. Shao is also great. From now on, I have to fight against the gods alone."

Shao Jian laughed: "Last year, I took my Yingying to visit the West Street Temple Fair in Linhe City. Yingying liked the rice cakes there the most. I bought them for her every time I came home. A fortune teller told me my fortune. Xiang also wrote a fourteen-word greeting and stuffed it into the gourd, "Singing and drinking drunkenly, not looking for peace in the wind and rain." Haha, it said that I was wandering in this life and it was difficult to have a good ending. After Yingying understood it, she cried several times. night."

He shook his head: "This is my fate, I accept it. But I hope Yingying has a safe and smooth life and doesn't follow in my footsteps."

He Lingchuan said softly: "Then you should stay away from her."

Shao Jian glanced at him and said bitterly: "Yes, that's it."

He closed his eyes, let out a long sigh, and then changed the topic and said, "I think Brother Zhong and General Hong are interested in cultivating you. Work hard, the young man has a bright future."

Over the past few days, he and He Lingchuan had gradually become familiar with each other.

"Me?" He Lingchuan smiled in surprise, "I'm just a little boy."

"If you can enter the Gangge Hall and listen to us discuss the Dragon Pillar, then you are no ordinary pawn." Shao Jian cut off a piece of mutton and gave it to him, "I think you are a kind person and have a sense of proportion in your actions. These are all excellent qualities. "

"Is he a kind person?" Only in Soul Village could anyone praise him like this. In reality, no matter whether he was a friend or an enemy, they all said he was evil.

He Lingchuan tasted the roasted lamb. The outer layer of charred skin was crispy and crispy. When he took a bite, the inside was tender and juicy.

Shao Jian's craftsmanship really surpassed him.

"Of course. Be kind to others, make more friends and less enemies, and the road ahead will become wider and wider." Shao Jian put up the mutton, took a bowl and took a sip of the hot soup, "To achieve great things, you don't have to be impressive. As long as you can To achieve your goal, what’s the point of being softer?”

"Brother Zhong and I once traveled to Lingxu City together and saw him discussing with doctors in the Taixue Academy, leaving them speechless. At that time, I admired his knowledge and temperament and felt that this man was heroic. Qianyun, Yishi is awake. But, after so many years of ups and downs, Brother Zhong’s stubbornness and outspokenness are destined to suffer in the court, otherwise how could he be sent to Panlong Wasteland later? "

"Don't imitate him on this point." He and He Lingchuan both finished half a bowl of mutton soup. "As long as you have great ambitions and perseverance, what's the harm in being humble and humble and asking for compromise? They are just means, the final result is important, not "?"

After Shao Jian had a daughter, his heart became much softer. When he saw a junior like He Lingchuan, he had a love for talents and could not help but teach him earnestly.

He Lingchuan followed Shao Jian and learned more about Bejia.

This knowledge comes from personal experience and is difficult to obtain from books.

But this person never mentioned Yuan Kingdom. He Lingchuan tried to lure him there several times, intentionally or unintentionally, but he always distracted him. This name is like a curse and taboo on him, and no one is allowed to touch it.

He Lingchuan could only choose relatively safe topics, such as:

"Mr. Wu, what is the temper of the Demon Emperor? Does he really want to obey the orders of the gods?"

"The current Demon Emperor has great talent and great strategy. In the two hundred years since he has been in power, Bejia has not failed."

He Lingchuan stirred the fire: "Is it a wise strategy to keep Bejia alive and dominate?"

It is now the seventeenth year of the Panlong Calendar, and the second demon emperor of Bejia is still in power; by the time of He Lingchuan, this man was already called the "first emperor" by the people of Bejia.

"Such a vast territory, such complex national conditions, and more and more accumulated abuses and obsolescence over the past hundreds of years." Shao Jian cut another piece of mutton and chewed it slowly. "It is difficult to govern a country. It is difficult to reach the sky. How can we maintain a large and powerful country?" It is extremely difficult to survive. Look at these foreign countries, they only last for more than a hundred years, and they will be annexed by dynasties in as little as seven or eight years."

But his original intention was not to praise his family's murderer, so he changed his tone:

"But these so-called demon emperors, demon kings, and so-called national teachers are all murderers and traitors in the world!"

He Lingchuan's eyes flickered: "Traitor?"

"The demon emperor's ancestors were all powerful demon immortals. They fought firmly and fearlessly against the invasion of gods. Even if they were martyred, they would never move forward." Shao Jian said coldly, "Who would have thought that their descendants would turn over to the enemy more than two thousand years later and commit suicide. I am willing to serve as a pawn of the gods and harm the people for them!”

"What is this, if not a traitor? He has disgraced our ancestors!" This last sentence couldn't help but turn into a stern statement.

He Lingchuan was speechless for a moment. Two thousand years is such a long time, the sea has turned into a mulberry field, not to mention the changes in personnel?

What's more, more than 600 years ago, the founding demon emperor of Bejia was also faced with a situation where the demon clan was weak and squeezed out by humans with no room for survival, so he had no choice but to call in foreign aid.

The main conflict at that time was already between humans and demons; how could the demon emperor at that time fight side by side with the immortals like his ancestors in ancient times?

He Lingchuan asked for advice again: "Empress Mitian said that the gods have been sucking the nightmare energy of this world. I was listening to the lecture at Wenxiantang, and I also heard that the relationship between the human world and the divine world is ebb and flow, and they have sucked in more nightmare energy. , which led to the depletion of spiritual energy in our world. Do the Demon Emperors and Demon Kings of Bega know about this?”

Shao Jian was surprised: "Wenxiantang still teaches this?"

He also went to Wenxiantang to attend lectures and knew that there were all open classes. Will Panlong City reveal this kind of secret to the citizens?

"Taught me, taught me." He Lingchuan lied without batting an eyelid and even gave him a sincere smile.

"Of course Bejia's senior officials know." The firelight danced in Shao Jian's eyes, "The resources of the divine world have been exhausted, and the gods must extract the energy for survival from the human world. Once the essence of the essence existing in the bodies of all living creatures spills out, it becomes a nightmare. Qi! Demons and humans contain enough nightmare energy, especially humans, who are the best source of nightmare energy."

"However, in the process of natural aging of people, the nightmare energy will continue to dissipate and return to the world. So -"

It turns out that Tian Shengzi’s inference was indeed correct. He Lingchuan whispered: "So there is going to be a war?"

"Only war can quickly harvest the lives of young adults, just like harvesting the freshest leeks."

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