After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 558 Friendly Tour Group

Shao Jian snorted, "Since the founding of Bejia, thousands of wars have been planned, launched, and even personally participated in. It relies on doing such things for the gods in exchange for its own continuation and strength!"

"You said -" he said word by word, "are these demon emperors and demon kingdom masters traitors in the human world?"

"...Yes." He Lingchuan said cautiously, "But Bega doesn't seem to have fought in the past ten years or so?"

"It didn't move on its own, but what about the State of Ju? What about the State of Dai?" Shao Jian said coldly, "The new king of Ju State revolutionized the government, and rebellion suddenly broke out. More than 20,000 people died in half a year. The king of Ju State himself was also buried in Under the knife, various rebels fought fiercely for power. It was like cutting grass, and it has not stopped until now. "

"Dai Guo has only been at peace for twenty years, and now it is at war with its old enemy. The feud is getting deeper and deeper, and I don't know how long it will end." Shao Jian shook his head, "Beijia is behind the turmoil between the two countries. All I know is that These, I don’t know, are countless.”

"The Gods are not stupid either. If you just harvest the nightmare energy, you will be fishing." Speaking of the Gods, Shao Jian will never have a good look. "The human world also needs to recuperate and recuperate, which is conducive to the recovery of spiritual energy. Otherwise, everyone will die, and what will the Gods use to collect it?" Nightmare Qi? It just so happens that humankind thrives and spiritual energy revives at the same time. As long as the gods control the intensity and frequency of wars through Beijia, they can ensure an endless supply of nightmare energy and maintain the quality and quantity. "

"In this way..." He Lingchuan considered his words, "Isn't the human world just the pasture of the gods?"

When there are more people, harvest them, and when there are fewer people, cultivate them.

How is this different from raising pigs and cattle?

"Who says it's not the case?" Shao Jian sighed, "The gods and Bega are the source of endless turmoil in this world!"

He Lingchuan's eyes moved slightly: "Since the gods rely on harvesting the nightmare energy of humans to survive, why does Mitian Empress help us?"

Can a normal god do such a thing, betraying his own origin and standing against the entire race?

"What about this? I have to ask Commander Zhong." Shao Jian wiped off the suet on his knife, "I don't know the content of the agreement between him and Mi Tian Dingli."

He Lingchuan felt that he did not tell the truth.

"Anyway, you have to understand that Panlong City is not a fairyland. Sooner or later, the gods will set their sights here. Until then..." The hatred in Shao Jian's eyes finally could not be hidden, "They and Bejia's evil, madness, and cruelty , you have no way of imagining it. Now that Brother Zhong has chosen the right and difficult path, you can only move forward!"

No turning back? He Lingchuan looked up at the stars and silently took in a breath of cold air.


At dawn, He Lingchuan went out for a stroll.

When he first arrived, he was still unknown. Not many people in the huge Lingxu City recognized him, so he took this opportunity to visit.

It was almost dark when he entered the city yesterday, and the whole journey was full of sightseeing. He could take a good stroll this morning.

The most core areas of Panlong City are only Wanglin Street, but there is no so-called "most core" in Lingxu City because its bustling urban area is too large, with tracts of streets and markets allocated to it, and the main city He Fucheng each has its own central area, which in He Lingchuan's view is called a business district.

This is the place where the world's goods are collected, distributed and circulated. Along the way, he even recognized the specialties of Yuan and Fu in the street shops.

Goods from both the north and the south, as well as rare treasures in Yunei, can be bought here as long as you have money.

Walking further behind the high-rise mansion, there are rows of restaurants, including large restaurants and small restaurants. Business is booming and there is a constant flow of customers.

He Lingchuan saw a restaurant with a small appearance, but the signboard clearly said "Plagian Seafood", so he walked in.

There is a pine bonsai outside the door, and two yellow peach parrots are playing and kissing on the tree. The environment in the store is clean and elegant, with four neat sets of mahogany tables and chairs, and three tables of customers are already sitting there.

He Lingchuan looked left and right, but he didn't see the seafood. When I asked, I learned that the seawater pool was at the back, and I was afraid that if I put it in the front, I would be criticized for being unsightly.

In the past, when He Lingchuan entered such a small restaurant, no one cared about "elegance". As expected of Lingxu City, even a small shop has a high B rating.

After a while, the seafood porridge he ordered came, and it was still bubbling when it was brought to the table.

He took a spoon and stirred it up, oh, there are a lot of ingredients. Except for the squid and scallops, which should be dried and soaked, the oysters, shrimps, clams and small octopuses are all fresh and fresh. The sweetness in the mouth is deceiving. Inhumane.

The rice porridge is also boiled until it is salty and fragrant, and the heat is just right.

After He Lingchuan took a few sips, he felt that the cool air of autumn had been driven away, and his stomach felt very warm.

Next is the butter noodles.

The so-called "butter" refers to crab meat and crab roe. I won’t go into details about how awesome the taste is. This shop also adds some pig fat and fry it together to add an extra oily aroma.

He Lingchuan knew that big restaurants have stricter requirements and only use butter, which means no crab meat is added at all, and it is made from pure crab roe and crab paste. This is noble.

He doesn't pay much attention to it, as long as it tastes good.

Then came two large plates of sea sausage and fish dumplings.

The freshly chopped dace meat is stirred into a pulp and mixed with chopped sea sausage to make a filling. Even the dumpling wrappers are black - dyed with ink from octopus or squid.

To be honest, the taste is really good, but the portion is a bit small. He Lingchuan felt his belly, he was probably 20% full at most.

Pay the bill, just one tael of silver.

That's a thousand dollars.

He hissed softly. He wanted to eat as much as he could, but he couldn't afford five taels of silver for a meal? The price is really not cheap.

Lingxu City is not close to the sea, so there is no need to save travel expenses when bringing fresh sea freight here. Besides, this is the main urban area, where every inch of land is at a premium...

Then I saw that the tables on the left and right were all young men and women. They were eating slowly and carefully, and there was not even a sound of clinking bowls and spoons.

Sure enough, this is not a place for people to fill their bellies.

He Lingchuan bid farewell to the smiling boss, went out and turned a few corners, and found a bun shop further back. He ordered ten large fresh meat buns, each one as big as his fist, plus two bowls of millet and cereals. Porridge.

After this meal, I snored softly and finally felt full.

He Lingchuan left the bun shop and looked up.

Lingxu City can be said to be a model of harmonious coexistence between monsters and monsters. The streets are full of monsters of all kinds. The one who was sitting in the bun shop collecting money just now was a baboon monster. His hands were wet with saliva while he counted the copper coins to him.

There are often birds in the sky and on the branches.

In this environment, He Lingchuan had no idea whether he was being watched or not. He just hoped that since he was new to the country, others wouldn't be able to keep an eye on him.

He also visited two clothing stores and several specialty shops, buying several sets of clothes and souvenirs. He also went to a teahouse, ordered two pots of morning tea, and listened to a storyteller.

Recently, some unexplainable strange things have happened in the small country northwest of Bega. The storyteller adds some spice and some subjective conjecture to make a few good stories. Because it was new, everyone listened intently and interrupted him to ask questions from time to time.

This ended a leisurely morning.

He Lingchuan was not worried at all about the safety of Prince Chiyan. Given his status and status, and being the next Scarlet Yan Demon King favored by the gods, Lingxu City should treat him kindly.

Sure enough, Eyeball Spider quickly sent him a message saying that Fu Shanyue had returned to the post house, packed up and went out again.

Under the emperor's feet, socializing is probably one of the most important activities for the upper class. If you only visit two places a day, you won't be able to finish them in two or three months.

Prince Chiyan also has many people who need to visit.

So He Lingchuan was not in a hurry and continued sightseeing in the city, even spending some money to join a guided tour.

Lingxu City is so developed that as long as it is a profitable job, there are people here doing it. There are many scenic spots nearby, so there are actually people who specialize in traveling and leading sightseeing groups. The specially chartered deer cart is very spacious when sitting in it.

In fact, the person in charge is not a human at all, but a fat white-fronted gibbon.

This ape demon is smarter than humans. The scenic spots introduced along the way are really called Lotus Flowers, and a smelly ditch can also be explained as the Huanxi Land of the Sharkmen... The most amazing thing is that this dead monkey also takes them shopping!

The surrounding local local products shops, inexpensive but not delicious restaurants, and the sight of the tour guide’s sarcastic faces and sarcastic remarks if you don’t buy anything, all aroused He Lingchuan’s hometown feelings, and even looked at the ape monster with kindness. too much.

Someone stopped playing in the middle and wanted to get a refund and leave. As a result, the gibbon bared his teeth, and two huge mandrills with bulging muscles stood behind him, looking at him silently with a big painted face.


The passenger immediately said that this trip was so fun, and it would be a shame not to go with the group to the end.

However, a few small accidents in the middle made He Lingchuan discover that Gibbon was quite familiar with the main city and Beikan District, and had many loose connections. It even said that as long as the guests can afford it, it can take them to the floating island to see what kind of fairyland the rich live in. It is guaranteed to be like another world.

But you can't move around that place at will, you have to follow its instructions and glances.

At this time, He Lingchuan saw that the deer cart had arrived and left the group in Xitui District without listening to its nonsense.

Of course, there will be no refunds for unfinished attractions.

He Lingchuan walked for a while and soon reached an ordinary residential area and turned into Diliu Lane.

There is a row of street shops in front of here and a small river in the back. It has nothing to do with finding peace in the middle of a bustle, but it is more convenient for living at home.

After all, we are still in Lingxu City, and every house has a small house. At most, He Lingchuan's residence in Panlong City is two or three times the size. It is also lined up row upon row, one house next to the other.

Entering the alley, He Lingchuan walked through several doors until he reached the sixth door.

He stretched out his hand to knock, but heard laughter coming from inside, and there was more than one person.


This didn't seem like the target he was looking for.

He Lingchuan used his strength and heard people chatting inside, as well as the sound of objects being knocked against each other——

They are drinking.

He Lingchuan looked back and saw that there was an old man sitting on the threshold in the alley, basking in the sun, looking at him with half-closed eyes. There were also boys playing with straw horses in the yard, screaming.

This kind of street is full of old neighbors for decades, and any stranger who comes here will stand out.

He Lingchuan thought for a while, turned around and walked back.

After a while, there was a knock on the sixth door.

The drinker inside poked his head out and looked around, but there was no one there.


When he lowered his head, he saw the little boy standing close by, holding a note in his hand: "Letter to Tong Wei!"

Tong Wei? Who is Tong Wei?

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