After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 560 Exchange of needs

Dong Rui was worried: "The criminal named Mai has committed a serious crime. Even the Tiangong is investigating him. It seems that I have to go to the city to avoid the limelight."

"You are hiding from me. No one knows that there is such a big figure like you." He Lingchuan laughed and scolded, "The guy named Mai is also hiding well. How can a ghost find him in such a big Lingxu City?"

The trip to Xushan requires a plan and helpers, so don't scare Dong Rui away.

"Besides, Tiangong only has clues about the case of the immortal medicine. If you want to investigate, you should check that one first. We don't have time to deal with the person named Mai for the time being." He Lingchuan looked at Dong Rui and said, "Where is Zhu Erniang's remains hidden in Xushan? You can find out Are you missing?"

Xiang Yan, a retired official from Chiyan Kingdom, once said that placing an ancient rare object in the formation's eyes can arouse the sympathy between heaven and earth.

At that time, he felt that it sounded very much like the remains of Zhu Erniang. After all, the star map on its belly was unique. However, he must confirm that it is correct before he can take follow-up actions.

Dong Rui shook his head and took a sip of wine: "There are nine main peaks in Xu Mountain, seven of which have buildings built on them, not counting the other hills and miscellaneous peaks. I have visited them all, even the scenic spots on the mountainside, and I haven't found any. "

Both of them knew that Lingxu City opened the Xianzong ruins on Xushan Mountain to tourists and did not charge tickets to show its magnanimity.

"Could it be in a cave?" There are many caves in Fairy Mountain.

"I've walked through the Immortal Medicine Fields, and I've also walked through the Immortal Cave, but nothing."

He Lingchuan asked him: "Didn't Zhu Erniang give you the magic weapon to find the lost body?"

"Yes, but the induction is too weak." Dong Rui pointed to his eyes, "You have it too, right?"

He Lingchuan knew from this gesture that he was talking about the eyeball spider.

Sure enough, Zhu Erniang also assigned this kind of little spy to Dong Rui. No wonder when he counted Zhu Erniang's eyes, he always felt that the number was wrong and one was missing.

The eyeball spider reacted after entering Lingxu City and determined that Zhu Erniang's remains were in the direction of Xushan, but the specific location was difficult to determine. It was estimated that it would have to be closer.

"You even went to Heavenly Palace?"

"I also went to the Star Picking Tower to worship the gods." Dong Rui chuckled. "The Eyeball Spider told me that there is something blocking its perception. It should be a barrier."

When He Lingchuan accepted this task, he didn't know much about Lingxu City, let alone where Xu Mountain was. But now he knows that Floating Island is the residence of the powerful people in Lingxu City, and they hid their remains in Xu Mountain. This approach sounds very unreasonable.

But the eyeball spider confirmed that the spider slough was really there.

"Can you determine the specific location of the boundary of Xu Mountain?"

"Of course... no!" Dong Rui said angrily, "Do you think that place is really a tourist resort? Maybe the gods are watching us. I don't dare to show off everywhere. You know, my ghost ape prototype is Got it from Lingxu City.”

He Lingchuan said oh, Gui Yuan, the most powerful thug here, was originally the heir of a certain general in Lingxu City. This is also the reason why he is wanted. Although the wanted order has been cancelled, once the master knows that the demon puppet master has entered Lingxu City, he will still attack him if he fails...

"So you didn't bring the ghost monkey here?"


"Then what model did you bring over, er, I mean the demon puppet?"

Dong Rui glared at him: "Weren't they all beaten by you?"

"You are a demon puppet master. Without demon puppets around you is like a tiger without claws and claws. How can you do this?"

Are demon puppets that easy to make? Dong Rui sneered.

"Stop hiding your secrets. We are on the same team now. We might be able to use it in a few days."

Dong Rui was indifferent: "How can it be so clever? You can use whatever you want."

"It seems like it's true?" He Lingchuan pondered, "What did you create? Another flying demon puppet?"

"No!" Dong Rui denied.

Well, that’s it. This man said the same thing in the Demon Nest Swamp, but when he turned around, two spider puppets appeared. He Lingchuan changed the subject: "Where is the barrier of Xushan, or where is the slough? You can try to find out from Mai Xuewen."

Dong Rui looked at him as if he was insane: "How could Mai Xuewen, a wanted criminal, know?"

"Before you found out today that he was also a wanted criminal, did you think he had great powers?"

Dong Rui remained silent and acquiesced.

The person who can obtain the relics collected by the Qing Palace, who can help him escape from Bejia, who can now make Da Sinong and other powerful people miserable, and who can almost single-handedly uncover the mystery of the elixir, is indeed worthy of magical powers. Four words: vast.

"This kind of person didn't just jump out of the cracks in the rocks. He must have his own connections and sources of intelligence." He Lingchuan said lightly, "Guide the clues to kill the demon and get the pearl to Bai Shaqiang. For several years, he can have this kind of thing." A patient person can persevere either because of great hardship or because this is his assigned job.”

He paused: "Mai Xuewen probably belongs to some organization, at least not alone. Don't the two guards in your yard indicate this?"

From Wan Song to Wu Kai, from Wu Kai to Cen Boqing, and then to the forces behind Qingfu Temple, there are layers of upwards. How difficult a task would it be to overturn the mastermind behind the elixir case?

If it's gang versus gang, it's much easier.

He Lingchuan had to encourage him: "How will you know if it doesn't work if you don't try?"

Dong Rui hesitated before saying: "Actually, I asked someone to inquire about it, and there are two pieces of news."

It’s not like he came to Lingxu City without any achievements.

"First, the guy who stole Zhu Erniang's body made a big mistake. He saved himself from death by offering a spider body to the emperor, but his whole family was kicked out of Lingxu City." He paused, "These are all one hundred Sixty or seventy years ago, no one knew their whereabouts, and I didn’t bother to check.”

The right to live in the floating city is not permanent. Moving out here symbolizes a fall in class.

"I also asked about the location of the slough." Dong Rui scratched his head, "They say, don't ask around if you don't want to die! Don't even mention the words burrowing spider slough in Lingxu City!"

He Lingchuan looked at him suspiciously: "Who did you ask for information?"

Dong Rui chuckled: "I can't say!"


Dong Rui intercepted again: "Anyway, this person has a high status and reliable information. What he said is absolutely correct."

He Lingchuan said calmly: "You said he has a high status, so can he get close to the deceased?"

"This..." Dong Rui thought for a while, "I'm not sure, maybe?"

"Then you tell him that the next new demon puppet to be made must be made from the remains of that cave spider."

"My next demon puppet has a relationship with him? Why should he help me?" Dong Rui scorned, "Aren't you so smart that you gave me such a bad idea?"

"I just arrived in Lingxu, so I need to get familiar with it for a while." He Lingchuan looked at him and said, "Where's the second news?"

"More than ten years ago, a violent earthquake occurred in Xushan and the entire Lingxu City. A large area of ​​old buildings collapsed, and many civilians were killed and injured. It is said that the rescue and cleanup after the earthquake lasted for more than half a month. The post-disaster reconstruction, It took several years.”

"So serious?" He Lingchuan frowned, "How powerful is the Yuan Power possessed by Lingxu City? Why can't it even coordinate an earthquake?"

Isn't one of the important functions of Yuanli the guarantee of good weather and less disasters?

In the ten to thirty years after the founding of the Yuan Kingdom, the national power was at its peak and the Yuan Power was at its peak. Even if floods, fires, droughts, or even earth dragons broke out in various places, they were suppressed in an instant, or the intensity was greatly weakened, and there was no repeated treatment. More than one situation.

Lingxu City is known as the greatest city in the world and is also a world-famous place of gods. How could such a severe natural disaster happen?

"One of the two boys who looked after me originally lived in the northern suburbs of Lingxu City, at the foot of Tianshu Peak in Xushan Mountain. He still remembered that there were occasional earthquakes in Lingxu City when he was a child, but the ground shook a few times, and it was no big deal. . It was not until the great earthquake that I witnessed more than ten years ago that it was truly tragic. That night, there was lightning and thunder on the Xu Mountain in the north. Thousands of blazing lights erupted from Tianshu Peak. Dark clouds rolled in the sky, and gray fog and white steam covered the sky. "

"A blazing light?" This description is not common. "Is it a volcanic eruption?"

"Yes." Dong Rui ate his food. "Tianshu Peak erupted in the evening. His family even packed up their bedding and immediately fled into the city. Thanks to their timely departure, they returned to the town a few days later and found that they had not left. The townspeople, including the chickens, cattle, dogs and sheep, were all dead.”

The toxic smoke and haze from volcanic eruptions are seriously harmful to living things.

"Later, no one dared to live under Tianshu Peak anymore. It seemed that it was turned into a military camp." Dong Rui added, "I asked, and no one remembers when the Xu Mountain last erupted."

That is to say, Xushan is usually very stable. "The Heavenly Palace is the earthly residence of the gods. How could a volcanic eruption occur?"

Dong Rui took a sip of his wine: "It is widely said among the people that the gods keep a big monster in the Xu Mountain. The eruption of the volcano means the monster loses its temper. I think this theory is quite reasonable."

"how to say?"

"Hey, go to Xushan and see for yourself and you will understand." Dong Rui convinced him, "You will go anyway, right?"

"Yes." That was one of the highlights of He Lingchuan's trip to Lingxu. He changed the topic: "By the way, I remember that you have been pardoned by Lingxu and are no longer a wanted criminal."


"Then why are you still hiding in the house and not daring to go out to see people all day long?"

Who doesn’t want to go out openly? Dong Rui said angrily: "I have many enemies. Lingxu City has pardoned me, but my enemies may not necessarily forgive me."

He Lingchuan stretched and said, "Is it time for you to go back?"

Dong Rui hummed and stood up, only to see He Lingchuan reaching out to him.

"What are you doing again?"

"Where's the turtle bead?" When this guy left the Devil's Nest Swamp, he took He Lingchuan's turtle bead with him, either intentionally or unintentionally. "Is it time to give it back to me?"

Dong Rui rolled his eyes and wanted to take out the turtle beads and return them to their original owners. He Lingchuan suddenly said again: "By the way, I almost forgot an important thing: Do you have any -"

His voice dropped even lower: "Divine Bones?"

Dong Rui's heart skipped a beat, but fortunately he couldn't express any expression on his face: "What is a divine bone?"

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