After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 561 New version of Dragon Punishment Pillar

"The divine blood you used to make the demon puppets must have a source, right?" He Lingchuan looked around. The nearest guests were still eating and chatting outside, and no one paid attention here. "I won't ask you the source, I just want a little bit. Divine Bones, just a little bit is enough!”

"I don't have that kind of thing!" Dong Rui turned to leave, but He Lingchuan grabbed him:

"This is for emergency life-saving use!"

"Save whose life?"

"Mine." He Lingchuan pointed to his nose, "I have to go through the hell gate right now. If I can't get through, my plan in Lingxu City will be ruined, and your demon puppet won't be able to live longer."

The chain of cause and effect is that simple.

Dong Rui hesitated.

Just this moment gave He Lingchuan hope. He also asked casually, but unexpectedly he asked about the real owner.

How can you be so lucky? What a blessing from the divine bone necklace!

He stretched out his hand to Dong Rui: "Bring it here, quickly!"

"This is blackmail!" After several attempts to defeat this man, Dong Rui had no choice but to give up resistance and take out a crystal vial from his storage bag.

The bottle was full of transparent liquid, soaked in a small piece of black substance, about the length of a little finger.

"What is this?" He Lingchuan had seen divine bones before, "Shouldn't it look like bone or metal?"

"These black ones are the flesh attached to the outside..." Dong Rui said angrily, "Have you seen the divine bones before you dare to question me!"

"Don't dare, don't dare." There is still tissue attached to the bone, it's fresh! He Lingchuan's brows were filled with joy and he reached out to pick it up.

As soon as the bottle appeared, the sacred bone necklace became hot. It can be seen that most of what Dong Rui brought out was genuine, and he was not deceived.

What kind of person is Brother Dong?

Dong Rui grabbed the bottle and shrank back: "You can't give it to me for nothing!"

He Lingchuan was also happy: "Tell me, what can I exchange for it?"

"One hundred thousand taels of silver." Dong Rui's tone seemed to be talking about ten taels or fifteen taels, rather than the full 100 million. "I have been researching something recently, but my money is too tight and I can't afford the materials."

Without thinking, He Lingchuan counted out a hundred thousand taels of silver and handed it to him: "Take it."

It's not easy for him to make money, but now is not the time to waste money. Dong Rui only wants money, so that's the best.

It was really a thick pile, and Dong Rui quickly put it into his storage bag. Seeing this guy handing out a hundred thousand dollars without blinking an eye, Dong Rui regretted that he had set a low price.

But He Lingchuan had already grabbed the bottle so fast that Dong Rui couldn't react in time, and his hand was empty.

Young Master He smiled and said, "That's it, I've got both the goods and the money."

In fact, both of them understood that for one hundred thousand taels of silver to exchange for a sacred bone, He Lingchuan took all the advantages.

Are divine bones something you can buy casually if you have money?

More importantly, what He Lingchuan needs is the still active divine bones.

The goods Dong Rui brought out looked better than those in the ancient city of Xiqiao Palace. This alone was worth it!

Dong Rui was in a good mood after receiving one hundred thousand taels of silver, and he also gave a piece of news: "By the way, you have an enemy who seems to be in Lingxu City as well." "

Although the divine bones were rare, he couldn't find a use for them for a while, so he might as well buy the materials with cash.

"Which one?" He Lingchuan was very surprised. He didn't know many people, so why did he seem to have enemies all over the world?

"Nian Zanli." Dong Rui said, "Nian Zanli seems to be returning to Lingxu City to do business and recuperate at the same time."

He Lingchuan took a breath and said seriously: "Thank you for reminding me." He threw a piece of broken silver on the table and said, "I'll pay for this meal."

In the Hanshui War, Nian Zanli was the leader of the enemy. At that time, Hong Chenglue lent the Nian Zanli Green Vase and asked him to flood the Yuan army. As a result, his own Xunzhou army was not spared and suffered heavy casualties.

The two of them said goodbye at the street corner and headed back their separate ways.

When Dong Rui returned to his residence, the two guards were still lying on the low table, sleeping soundly. He went to the jar and scooped out some water, and splashed it on their faces.

The two woke up.

Ah, what happened?

"Are you two staying here just to drink and sleep?" Dong Rui said with a sullen face, "There are no more white bananas, go and buy them for me!"

He Lingchuan didn't return to Jinkui Inn until sunset. He asked at the counter that someone came to see "Li Junyi" not long ago and left a message saying that the matter was settled.

This was the code he and Li Qingge had agreed upon.

In other words, Li Qingge sent someone to tell him that the news of the arrival of the Chiyan special envoy "He Xiao" who had humiliated Zhongsun Mou over and over again in Baisha Qiang had begun to spread to the outside world.

This Lord of Songyang Palace is still very capable in handling affairs in Lingxu City.

The soul-capturing mirror in his arms said to him: "Hey, if you want to change your mind, you can leave Lingxu City now, and you can leave Bejia in a month or two. When the limelight passes, you can come back to find that remains. ”

But it didn't know that He Lingchuan's first target was not the spider demon's slough at all.

But he insisted on saying it boldly: "If I want to quit, I will quit in Zhitian Township." If he was still the young master of Heishui City, he would probably have greased his feet long ago. But now, "I've come here, but if I don't see it, how can I be worthy of the hard work of the past few months?"

How hard has he worked to get to this point? Finally, I have the opportunity to observe Bega's power structure up close. To back down now would be to waste all the previous efforts.

The mirror wailed: "Before you seek death, can I change the owner first?"

"How is Lord Songyang doing?"

"Hey, that's okay!" Songyang Mansion is very good at artifacts.

He Lingchuan flicked hard at the mirror.

"Ouch!" Jing Jing quickly changed the subject, "What do you plan to do with the divine bones you exchanged for one hundred thousand taels of silver?"

Its curiosity is stronger than that of a cat.

He Lingchuan closed the doors and windows tightly, placed a barrier, then took out the vial from his arms and looked at the small piece of the god's bones.

The divine bone necklace also generates heat at the same time.

"It took so much effort to get a small piece of sacred bone. We don't have a second chance to try and make mistakes." He took off the necklace and put it on the table, saying word by word, "Don't be greedy, give me the punishment." Make the dragon pillar! If there are any materials missing, I’ll get it done!”

The popularity of divine bone necklaces continues to grow.

So He Lingchuan put the bottle close to the necklace, and with a whoosh, the bottle and its bones were gone.

At the same time, the necklace no longer generates heat.

He Lingchuan stood up and poured himself a cup of hot water. He took a few sips when he suddenly heard a beep in the mirror: "Hey, hey, look at it!"

When he turned his head, he saw that besides the sacred bone necklace, there was one more thing on the table:

A tube as long as your middle finger.

Why? Is the production of Xinglongzhu so efficient?

In fact, it is more like a bare branch than a pipe, because the surface is covered with cracks in the wood grain.

He Lingchuan knew it was a Juluo branch as soon as he picked it up!

It is about two centimeters in diameter and is not a standard cylinder. There is still a beast-headed statue squatting on the top, but the shape is different from what He Lingchuan saw in Panlong City. I don't know what kind it is.

There is a piece of transparent glass embedded in the middle of the branch. It can be seen that it is empty inside. There is a round button on the side. The material is neither gold nor jade, just like the sacred bones that He Lingchuan has seen.

This should be the Xinglong Pillar. The simplified change in appearance may be due to the fact that he provided too few materials, and Dafang Pot supplemented it by himself, using some old scraps?

Maybe it also knows that now is not the time to be picky about art.

It doesn’t matter if you reduce the allocation, as long as you don’t discount the effect.

He Lingchuan did not dare to press the round button. Instead, he found a velvet box containing gifts and fixed it completely to avoid accidentally touching the button due to bumps and vibrations.

Mitian once said that "some" of the Dragon Punishment Pillars she made were contaminated with the scent of the Dafang Pot, and would attract the attention of the gods the first time they were used.

Then he can understand that at this critical moment, the Xinglong Pillar he created "must" be contaminated with the atmosphere of the square pot, so its debut position must be very particular.

Diverting the attention of the gods and reducing their interest in him is the key to He Lingchuan's survival.

Who should be handed over to?

He Lingchuan held the box in a daze for a long time and found helplessly that he seemed to have no other choice.

There were too few people he knew in Bega.

But he was in a hurry.

So more than a quarter of an hour later, He Lingchuan arrived at Songyang Mansion again.

Li Qingge was wearing a big cloak and seemed to be about to go out. He was a little surprised when he saw him: "What happened? Is there someone here to trouble you?"

He Lingchuan shook his head: "No, I have another important thing to entrust you with."

Why do we say "again"? well!

Li Qingge had a good temper and was not impatient at all: "I'm all ears."

He Lingchuan looked around.

Li Qingge understood and waved away the others.

He Lingchuan then took out the box and placed it on the table: "Have you ever been to the country of Ju?"

Li Qingge nodded: "I've been there. I originally wanted to open a branch there. It's in the northwest of Bejia. It's rich in iron and aluminum and borders the Xuluo Demon Kingdom. The Xuluo Kingdom imports crude iron from it."

"Many strange things have been happening in the Wange Swamp and Wange Forest of Ju State recently. The local government department sent people to investigate, but things became more and more complicated." He Lingchuan opened the box, pointed at the Xinglong Pillar and said, "I would like to ask the Lord to send someone to investigate." A trustworthy person should take this thing to the vicinity of Wange Forest and press this button."

Li Qingge looked at this strange object: "What will happen next?"

"It's calm and everything is business as usual. Let him press a few more times a night and he can leave early the next morning. It's best not to come back to Lingxu City."

Li Qingge was startled: "That's it?"

"Yes, that's it, and it won't endanger anyone." He Lingchuan said sternly, "But one thing must be paid attention to: before arriving at Wange Forest, the box must not be opened, and this thing must not be touched!"

"It's just a piece of cake." Li Qingge pondered, "Is this matter very important to you?"

He Lingchuan Surong: "Life is at stake."

"Okay, then leave it to me. It just so happens that a few of my men are going to Xuluo Country. I'll ask them to set off tomorrow morning." Li Qingge took out the fire paint and sealed the box on the spot. "But there are thousands of people rushing from here." Ge Zhu, it will take more than twenty days at the earliest, can you wait?”

The main reason to blame is that the territory of Bega Kingdom is too vast. It is not easy to get out of this large empire.

He Lingchuan smiled bitterly: "You have to wait if you can't wait."

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