After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 562 You can’t escape after all

There is no point in just finding a place and pressing the button. The gods will soon discover that it is a ploy to divert the tiger away from the mountain; there must be information available locally so that the angels can make rich associations and conduct detailed investigations.

It is difficult to put out a fire near by water far away. So for the next twenty days or so, he had to rely on his own ability to carry it through!

Li Qingge put away the box, his eyes flickered, and he suddenly looked at him and smiled: "I saved your life, should you repay me?"

He Lingchuan gritted his teeth and said, "It's necessary, Sir, please give me your orders. I will go through fire and water."

In the final analysis, he suffered the loss of having no one under his command, and even this crucial task could only be left to outsiders.

I just hope that Li Qingge can do things as well as before.

"Okay, you'll find out at the Dunyuan sale in a few days." Li Qingge put on his gloves, "Let's go, I have to go somewhere else."


For the next few hours, He Lingchuan wandered around the post house. It was not until the eyeball spider detected that Fu Shanyue was already at the post house that he Shi Shiran returned.

"Where have you gone? You haven't been seen since last night." Fushan said curiously, "The Bai Du Shi sent people to look for you, but I sent them back."

"You just went to Zhaixinglou last night, and someone came to search for me." He Lingchuan shrugged, "I avoided the limelight and went to play around."

"Were they here to search you last night?" Fu Shanyue's expression changed, "90% of them are also from the Star Reaching Tower."

"The emperor didn't embarrass you during the audience last night, right?"

Fu Shanyue conveniently placed a soundproof barrier, and then continued: "I asked about the case of the elixir, and the evidence we submitted was all complete. The emperor first praised me, and then scolded me and asked me why I didn't collect Zhong. The evidence that Sun Mou conspired to make a false confession has made the Zhongsun family jump up and down with confidence. "

He Lingchuan smiled bitterly. If he could catch Zhongsun Mou's culprit who conspired to make a false confession, he would have already had a way to deal with this fish-man. Would he still need to trick Zhongsun Mou to death?

Wu Kai's forgery was so good that he sent Zhongsun Mou directly to hell.

Fu Shanyue said again: "Anything else? I just want to ask about Fu Shanji's death."

He Lingchuan looked sideways.

"My father announced that Fu Shanji died of illness. But I told the truth to the emperor that I was the one who killed Fu Shanji." Fu Shanyue casually took a pear and took a bite. "As a result, I was scolded."

He Lingchuan said nothing. The fact that Fushan was able to sit here more relaxed showed that the gods and demon emperors did not really blame him.

Originally this guy was loved by the gods. Now that he has earned the position of prince on his own, everyone is relieved.

"Also." Fu Shanyue crunched a pear, "They already know that I have been to the ruins of Thousand Stars City."

He Lingchuan's heart sank slightly, as expected.

"The emperor asked about my trip two months ago." Fu Shanyue added, "I guess he knows about it. If I keep it secret any longer, it will be a crime of deceiving the emperor. It's better to admit it openly."

He Lingchuan nodded, and Fu Shanyue passed the test without any danger.

"The emperor is very concerned about the second illusion of the ruins of Thousand Stars City and asked repeatedly. I think that another case investigated by Bai Ziqi is probably related to it." Fu Shanyue came over and lowered his voice, "You remember it, I didn't mention it. What I heard from Yuan Palace is that I walked around the fantasy scene of Thousand Stars City for a few times, everything was peaceful and peaceful, and nothing happened.”

He Lingchuan breathed a sigh of relief, but asked him: "Why?"

"My father said that as long as Twilight Plains and Yuan Kingdom are involved, Lingxu City will be crazy and unreasonable, and would rather kill the wrong person than let it go. Look at what Twilight Plains is like now, and the heirs of Yuan Kingdom are now What kind of virtue, was my father wrong?" Fu Shanyue said, "If I tell the truth about the conversation between Prince Yuan and his nephew, the gods and emperors will repeatedly question why only you and I saw it? Even if you are covered in words, you cannot prove your innocence.”

"Forty years ago, that is, the year I was born, a historian wrote a history and verified that Bejia said two good things for the Yuan Kingdom two hundred years ago. They were just two understatements -" Fu Shanyue swallowed his saliva. , "As a result, the gods punished him, and the emperor was furious, saying that he summoned the souls of the remnants of the Yuan thieves and cleared the rebels and the party, and he deserved death. Originally, he wanted to punish the three tribes, but the courtiers begged for mercy. The emperor became even more angry, and even the ministers who begged for mercy were Three of them were killed and six were beaten with sticks. In the end, the historian was beheaded and abandoned in the city. After being exposed for seven days, nearly a hundred people from the three tribes were hanged, and no one escaped. "

He Lingchuan didn't know what to say: "This is really..." Willful!

"Whenever it comes to the Yuan Kingdom, the gods and emperors are extremely angry. I am about to inherit the position of king, so I can't get into this bad luck." Fu Shanyue stared at He Lingchuan and said fiercely, "I have forgotten about the uncle and nephew of King Yuan. You Woolen cloth?"

"What did you say?" He Lingchuan blinked blankly, "What uncle and nephew? What happened?"

"That's it." Fu Shanyue grinned, "I know there were several other caravans in the mountains that night, and what they saw must be similar to ours. Even if Lingxu City sent people to investigate, the confessions recorded would be the same as mine. ”

Only he and He Lingchuan knew about the conversation between Prince Yuan and his nephew. As long as the two of them didn't say anything, this matter never happened at all.

"But, do you really think that the appearance of the second scene of the illusion has nothing to do with you?"

"The City of Thousand Stars is in ruins. Can you still identify individuals? Besides, it's my first time to go to the Twilight Plains. Why is it special to me?" He Lingchuan said solemnly, "Maybe it's someone from other caravans, maybe it's someone from another caravan. Taozi...she absorbed a lot of earth evil spirits in Thousand Stars City."

Fu Shanyue also thought about this, nodded and said: "It's not impossible. Don't let it slip."

"No." He Lingchuan also asked him, "Does your father know about this?"

"Of course I don't know!" Did the father and son look harmonious and talk about everything?

The two of them changed the topic at the same time and talked about the scenery of Lingxu City.

He Lingchuan couldn't bear it any longer: "This place spends so much money, even the food is so expensive. People like luxury, but what about monsters?"

Fu Shanyue laughed loudly: "The rich and noble countryside has been immersed in it for six hundred years. Do you think the monsters can't learn to enjoy it?"

He pointed to the sky: "The most beautiful garden on Tianji Island belongs to the Zhongsun family. They ignored the lakes in their territory and specially carved a lake in the sky called 'Half Mountain Hidden Sea' to create a whole Lingxu City’s unique underwater garden.”

"Underwater garden?"

"Yes, the gardens made of strange rocks, sunflowers, corals and various fish underwater are much more interesting than those on land." Fu Shanyue let out a sigh, "The murlocs of the Zhongsun family can't get enough of it by themselves. , and also built a glazed house under the lake so that other wealthy people could come and watch it together. "

Isn't that a large aquarium? He Lingchuan was speechless for a while: "So Zhongsun Mou left the three generations of good officials alone and came to oppose us?"

"He is full of food." Fu Shanyue said sternly, "I am not scolding him. There are as many officials' children in Lingxu City looking for trouble when they are free as rice."

The moon was shining tonight, and He Lingchuan raised his head and looked at the sky. The figure of the floating island is clearly visible, it is a big mountain pressing on everyone's head.

He sighed.

The next day, someone came to see He Lingchuan:

"The Heavenly Palace has sent word that He Xiao will go to the Star-Zhaing Tower immediately. There must be no mistakes!"

The group of four or five people stared at He Lingchuan with burning eyes. If he dares to disobey orders, he will inevitably be thrown out.

This matter should have been done two days ago, but He Xiao got away first, which made him angry.

Today, they finally found him.

He Lingchuan also knew that as long as he was in Lingxu City, he would not be able to hide from these people.

What should come will always come.

But before they finished speaking, Fu Shanyue rushed over: "Hey, what's going on?"

"Envoy Baidu summoned He Xiao to go to Zhaixing Tower to cooperate in investigating the case."

Fu Shanyue tightened his belt: "Okay, let's go."

These people didn't move.

Fushan asked more and more curiously: "Still not leaving yet? How long do you want Baidu to wait?"

The leader of the lantern guard said helplessly: "Your Highness, Bai Du Envoy only summoned He Xiao alone."

"I know." Fu Shanyue said matter-of-factly, "I, Chi Yan, am also the victim. I also want to know the progress of the case, so I happen to go with me to assist in the case."

The lampkeeper wanted to say something more, but Fushan Yue glared and sneered, "Why, Baidu has summoned me as the special envoy of Chiyan. Is there anything I can't say that I can't listen to?"

Fu Shanyue insisted that he also wanted to assist in the case, but the lampkeeper had nothing to do with him.

The Baidu envoy asked the Chiyan envoy to question him, but Prince Chiyan was not allowed to listen. This was not justified in terms of etiquette.

So it was a pity to miss the opportunity the night before yesterday.

When Fu Shanyue came forward, He Lingchuan said nothing and watched his performance quietly.

The gods and demon emperors were afraid of the illusion of the ruins of Thousand Star City, which made Fu Shanyue and him more closely connected. Fu Shanyue also did not want He Lingchuan to be tried alone, as this would easily expose secrets.

The situation reached a stalemate.

At this time, someone came from outside with their hands behind their backs and laughed:

"What is this doing?"

It was actually Bai Ziqi who came in person.

"He Xiao and I both want to see the progress of the case." Fu Shanyue said calmly, "The second half of this case will be settled in Lingxu City. My father sent me to follow up to make sure the truth comes to light."

He used words to bully Bai Ziqi. The case of the elixir of life is divided into two parts. In the first half of the investigation in Chiyan Kingdom, He Lingchuan has already uncovered Cen Boqing; Bai Ziqi will take over the second half of the investigation and continue to dig deeper into the mastermind behind the scenes.

However, the Chiyan Kingdom was unable to contribute in the second half of the game, so it was reasonable for the monarch to send the prince to Lingxu City to follow up.

Even the King of Chiyan and other demon kings asked Lingxu City to give justice to the case and give an explanation to the demon victims.

So Fushan Yue said this with confidence.

"His Highness's request is reasonable and legal." Bai Ziqi didn't mind what he said and turned to the lampkeeper and said, "You all go back."

All his men bowed to him and resigned.

"These guys are unreasonable. They just heard that I wanted to see He Xiao, so they came here to invite me randomly."

The three of them all laughed, knowing that he was talking nonsense.

Bai Ziqi then pointed to the door and said with a pleasant expression: "We are so familiar with each other, so there is no need to go to the Star Picking Tower. How about I be the host and have a casual meal at Qianjin Xiaozhu opposite?"

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