After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 563 Trying to Fool

Is this guy taking a step back? Fu Shanyue glanced at He Lingchuan and laughed: "Being respectful is worse than obeying orders."

The three of them walked into Qianjin Xiaozhu. This restaurant has a small appearance, but the content is exquisite. Even the tea served to the guests is of the first grade Lianxiang.

There are many envoys in the post house, so there are always some stylish restaurants outside for everyone to have lunch and dinner.

The green and red wine served here is also a type of rice wine, but its color is as mellow as red amber and its taste is long and smooth, making it perfect for drinking with friends.

Each bowl is small and delicate.

Bai Ziqi took a piece of crab cake and put it into his mouth. He chewed it and it made a clicking sound: "This restaurant specializes in red glutinous rice. Try it. It has a unique flavor."

Of course, the lees used to make green and red wine can be used for cooking. This kind of small freshwater crab, called crab, is dry and hard without meat. However, after frying and adding red lees, it is the best snack to go with wine. Each bite is crispy. Crisp, twenty or thirty clicks are nothing.

Others include red glutinous snail slices and red glutinous eel. The flavors are different and I won’t go into details.

Fu Shanyue asked directly: "What's going on with the immortal medicine case?"

He knew that although Bai Ziqi had just arrived in Lingxu City, he should have sent birds back here long ago after Bai Shaqi's investigation.

With such a large bureaucracy, it is impossible for Bai Ziqi to investigate the case alone.

"We are digging for clues about the actor. You may not know that during our return trip, two more fires broke out in the Xidi District of Lingxu City. One of the witnesses we dug up died suddenly before he was jailed." Bai Ziqi Youyou He said, "The people behind the scenes are also closely following this case."

He Lingchuan said: "In other words, the person behind the scenes is indeed hiding in Lingxu City."

Otherwise, people would not have responded in such a timely manner and cut off all the clues in time.

The more Fushan sensed something was wrong: "Then can we still investigate further?"

"Yes." Bai Ziqi took a sip of wine, "And we have another clue that the other party can't erase at all. Remember what I said, the giant shell on the Snail Toad's body may be an ancient demon fairy's magic weapon ?”

Fu Shanyue has a very good memory: "Mud Palace? It seems to be also called Snail House?"

"Yes. There is also the portrait that He Xiao found from Mai Xue's library." Bai Ziqi said, "Both of these things are related to Qing Palace."

He Lingchuan said neutrally and objectively: "Judging from Mai Xuewen's past methods, this may be that he deliberately led Qing Palace."

In order to guide him and Zhong Sunmou to track down Cen Boqing, Mai Xuewen often wore Baishaqian's clothing and cooked Baishaqian's specialties in his house in Shuanglu Town.

Not only is this man very scheming, but he can still persist for years, and his patience is terrifying.

"Whether it is intentional or unintentional, it shows that he is related to Qing Palace, and it is a clue worth investigating." Bai Ziqi smiled, "Besides, as long as we can find out the person behind the scenes, what about being guided by him?"

Fu Shanyue took a bite of eel: "I remember that a batch of treasures were stolen from the Qing Palace more than ten years ago. At that time, there was a lot of rumors in Lingxu City, and there were also scandals about the theft, but in the end, not a few items were recovered, and the matter was settled. "

"Yes, I was just planning to look through the files from that year." Bai Ziqi sighed, "It's not easy. It was the Qing Palace that investigated the case on its own."

"The magic weapon of the Mud Palace is highly identifiable. An old man like you in Lingxu City, Baidu, can tell immediately that Mai Xuewen probably used it deliberately to connect with an old case from more than ten years ago. This person may be related to Qing Is there a grudge against the palace?”

Bai Ziqi nodded: "Several people died in this old case, and they were all Qing Palace disciples. I have started to investigate their lives and past."

He looked at He Lingchuan and changed the subject: "I came to see He Xiao today because I still want to solve the doubts in the case. I originally wanted Cheng Yu to assist in another case, but he died suddenly after being arrested. Therefore, I have to solemnly ask You, how on earth did you escape Cheng Yu's plot and still defeat the general?"

When he asked this question in Bai Shaqian, He Lingchuan pushed him away. But this is Lingxu City, the territory of Tiangong and Duyunshi!

Even if Fu Shanyue was nearby, as long as He Lingchuan didn't answer, Bai Ziqi could label him as "not cooperating with the investigation"!

He Lingchuan exhaled and smiled bitterly. He knew he couldn't escape.

"Double Bai really wants to get to the bottom of this?"

Bai Ziqi said seriously: "I want an answer."

Although there was no evidence, he always cared about this matter for no reason. After working on cases for many years, he has learned to trust his spiritual sense. Sometimes this is more useful than evidence.

"Cheng Yu was entrusted by Cen Boqing to send a ghost to take my life."

"Yinshen?" Bai Ziqi asked him, "You mean, Shigui?"

There is nothing strange about a magician exorcising ghosts and killing people. However, when the ghost was alive, he might have been a powerful person, a general or a famous person, or even a great demon. His soul was strong and skilled in supernatural powers, so he might not dissipate immediately after his death. If the curse master can collect it and refine it with secret methods, there is a small chance that he can create a powerful Yin Shen.

However, this kind of Yin spirit is powerful in life, but arrogant after death, with a strong sense of autonomy. It may not obey the curse master, and even needs people to worship it well before it can be asked to do things.

Of course, in terms of its nature, it is still a ghost.

He Lingchuan said before that Cheng Yu worshiped a golden statue in that inn.

These two statements are right.

"Yes." He Lingchuan pointed to his eyes, "But he doesn't know that I am born with yin and yang eyes and can see ghosts and evil creatures. How could I turn a blind eye when such a big yin god is coming at me?"

He does have yin and yang eyes, but they are not given by God, but are the benefits given to the wearer by the divine bone necklace.

Bai Ziqi listened carefully: "What kind of Yin Shen is that?"

"There are dozens of faces all over its body, including men and women, old and young. When it calls out to me, my head gets dizzy." He Lingchuan stroked his chin and said, "By the way, it can also create several clones."

"Dozens of faces? Did they swallow other ghosts?"


"How do you fight it off?"

He Lingchuan hesitated for a moment, and Fu Shanyue said angrily from the side: "With me here, what are you afraid of?"

He did not say, "If you have nothing, you will be here."

Bai Ziqi glanced at him and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I just want to find out what's going on. I have no other ideas."

He Lingchuan looked at Bai Ziqi and then at Fu Shanyue, then took out something from the storage ring and threw it on the table:

"That's all."

It has a muffled sound and is full of weight. The two of them took a closer look and saw that it was actually a purple gold pestle, with a monster with protruding eyes and a big mouth carved on the top. There were four hanging rings under its feet, and the whole body was flashing with precious light.

Seeing this treasure pestle, Fu Shanyue almost lost his nerve. What a good boy, actually possessing such a valuable treasure?

He couldn't help but pat the monster on the top of the pestle. The thing suddenly roared with a sound like a tiger or an ox, which made people's eardrums hurt. Not to mention Fu Shanyue and Bai Ziqi were startled, and even the other people outside the box were shocked. The guests also looked at each other, wondering which monster was causing the attack.

Fortunately, Fu Shanyue was very calm and didn't even flinch.

Bai Ziqi didn't have to hide it, and looked surprised: "Sacred weapon? No, this is a quasi-divine weapon!"

What He Lingchuan took out was Sun Fuping's purple golden pestle.

Imperial Master Sun Da was defeated by the heroes of Panlong City and died in the Panlong Desert. This treasure became He Lingchuan's trophy, and he gave it to Songyang Mansion in exchange for the materials for last-hitting. This is a quasi-artifact. He Lingchuan also saw that there was some connection between Li Qingge and Sun Fuping, so Songyang Mansion should not sell the purple golden pestle easily.

I tried to borrow it for the time being, but I actually borrowed it.

Why not try to use the telescope to prevaricate? Because Mirror Spirit himself explained that it was originally a treasure of a powerful person in the Bejia Kingdom, and it was quite famous, but was later stolen. If Bai Ziqi had heard of it, then He Lingchuan would have to bear the reputation of a treasure thief, which was even more unclear.

"That's right." He Lingchuan pointed to the beast head on the pestle and said, "This is the 睚祚. I hate evil and will drive it away when I see it. Other sword rings and sword hilts are also often made of 睚睉 for a symbolic meaning. But this treasure staff does not Likewise, it is a ray of soul that has truly been integrated into the ancient giant demon Yazui, and has been refined into a weapon spirit."

When he was in Blackwater City, he didn't know much about it. When Sun Fuping used this treasured pestle to call the wind and rain, he just thought it was very powerful. Later, as his experience grew and his understanding of these magical weapons and monsters increased, he realized that this treasured pestle was really good. It's amazing. No wonder it alarmed Li Qingge when he took it to Songyang Mansion for appraisal.

Sun Fuping took the treasure pestle to find the square pot because there were many resentful souls in the Panlong Desert, and the treasure pestle was just the right choice to defeat them. Otherwise, when He Chunhua formed a formation in the Panlong Ruins to deal with the heroic spirits of the Gale Army, how could He Chunhua's hundreds of soldiers be able to do so?

Zijinchu also made great efforts.

This kind of valuable treasure has been separated from the category of ordinary magic weapons and cannot simply be priced in gold and silver. He Lingchuan originally used it in exchange for the gold and silver needed to repair the broken knife, and a master craftsman to cast the knife for free for three months. He thought he had made a fortune; in fact, Li Qingge behind the scenes looked at him as if he was Big injustice, right?

No wonder she smiled so heartily every time she saw him.

Who wouldn't be happy if you laughed at a fool?

"This pestle has just reached the sun. It once belonged to a country's national master. It was soaked with Yuan energy and was the nemesis of the sneaky Yin." He Lingchuan breathed out, "The Yin god didn't know that I could see it, so he came up with a big smile, thinking that I could see it. It was easy to kill me, but it was injured by my sneak attack. It was a very difficult battle, but in the end it came back with a sigh of relief.”

Fushan stared at him more and more, and He Lingchuan interpreted his gaze as: You didn't take it out before, were you afraid that I would attack?

Bai Ziqi reached out and said, "Is that okay?"

He Lingchuan said, you can do whatever you want.

Bai Ziqi gently stroked the beast's head. Yaizhen seemed to enjoy it and actually made no sound. The runes on the pestle were even more eager to fly, as if they were about to rise into the sky.

Doesn’t this thing hate strangers touching it? He Lingchuan gave it a look of disdain, saying that this treasure pestle would welcome anyone who was against him?

This thing looked down on him before, and it still doesn't.

As soon as Bai Ziqi touched it, he knew that it was a genuine quasi-artifact. He couldn't help but be moved: "What a treasure, these runes on the body of the pestle are all powerful magic spells!" After thinking about it, he said, "I didn't expect you to use such a valuable treasure to defeat the Yin God."

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