After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 564: Muddle through

The moment He Lingchuan took out the treasure pestle, he was both surprised and a little disappointed.

Is this kid really not related to Dafang Hu’s strange behavior?

The six counties in Yanbei demarcated by Zhaixinglou are not small at all. Maybe Dafanghu is causing trouble in other counties?

After all, Mai Xuewen, another important suspect, was not far away at that time and should still be within the six counties.

"If the Yin God can be repelled by this treasure, how did Cheng Yu kill the king of Mang Kingdom in the past?"

Fu Shanyue shrugged: "Cheng Yu is a well-known spell master for a long time. His methods are versatile. He may not have used this evil spirit to kill the king of Mang, right?"

Bai Ziqi nodded slowly.

However, he still looked relieved and sighed heavily: "If you had taken it out earlier, I wouldn't have to be rude today."

He Lingchuan thought to himself that this guy was really full of evil intentions. Even though he showed off his quasi-magical weapon, he still hadn't cleared up his doubts.

"You also said that this is a quasi-sacred weapon. Secret treasures should not be revealed to others easily, let alone a quasi-sacred weapon?" He smiled bitterly, "In the past, there were powerful people who only looked at the treasure pestle, and seemed calm on the surface, but then came back to snatch it. I really Yes...I'm scared."

Who is this guy stabbing openly or covertly? He just pointed at Bai Ziqi's nose and said, "You have a high position and I'm afraid you might take it away." Fu Shanyue coughed: "Even I was moved when I saw it. There are so many people coveting the treasure, so it's always right to be cautious."

People's hearts were separated from each other. He Lingchuan and Bai Ziqi had just met at that time, so it was understandable to be wary.

"What's more, Bai Dushi showed off his boundless magical powers as soon as he arrived at Bai Shaqiang. I am far inferior to him, so I have to be more cautious."

On the first day after arriving in Baisha, Bai Ziqi manipulated the lantern spirit into a giant python while chasing Cen Boqing and Cheng Yu, giving He Lingchuan a disastrous blow.

He was therefore worried about the Duyun envoy, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with him.

When he said this, Bai Ziqi waved his hand and said with a smile: "Don't worry, there are not many quasi-artifacts in this world, but there are still a few in Xushan, so they won't covet you."

He Lingchuan looked stunned: "Yes, yes, Bai Duzhi is right."

He didn't think Bai Ziqi was exaggerating. If Bega doesn't even have a few artifacts or quasi-artifacts to control the situation, there's no need to think about other small places.

Bai Ziqi didn't ask further about the origin of Baochu.

Which artifact doesn't have a lot of blood behind it? The origin is unclear.

He changed the subject and said, "I heard from His Highness that you are from Fu country?"

The more Fushan thought about it, had he ever said this?

He Lingchuan nodded.

"Where can such a young hero come from?"

"Yun County." He Lingchuan blurted out this time, as if he didn't hesitate at all after telling Bai Ziqi.

When headmaster Shi Er helped him apply for identity in Wuze County, he said that he had defected from his hometown in Yun County.

Bai Ziqi said oh and finally stopped asking.

He and Fu Shanyue chatted about the recent situation in Lingxu City.

He Lingchuan took a few bites of crab cakes and drank a sip of wine, enjoying himself.

Since Bai Ziqi asked, he would probably send someone to Yun County to check his back later. After all, "He Xiao"'s status as an outsider was nothing in normal times, but it seemed very unexpected in the case of Dafang Hu that he wanted to investigate. .

But He Lingchuan was not afraid.

Even in Fu State, Yun County is a remote and isolated small place. He Lingchuan heard Master Shi Er say that the ground there is not three feet flat, and it is inconvenient for carriages and horses to enter and exit; Bejia is too big, even if Bai Ziqi makes a Feixun dispatched people to investigate nearby, and it would take at least dozens of days for the news to come back.

Even He Lingchuan doesn't know where he will be after dozens of days. Lingxu City wants to capture him, so just dream!

Bai Ziqi looked at He Lingchuan and smiled: "In the past few days, He Xiao's reputation in Shangcheng has been growing."

"Ah?" He Lingchuan was still chewing crab cakes with a confused look on his face, "I'm famous, how could I do that?"

What kind of vast ocean is Lingxu City, with so many deep giant monsters hiding in it? How easy is it for him, a little shrimp, to make a name for himself?

"I don't know where it came from. It was said that the special envoy appointed by His Highness the Crown Prince broke the case in Bai Shaqian, causing Zhong Sunmou and Cen Boqing to hit their heads and bleed. Also, even Deputy Commander Fan was defeated at your hands. It's incredible. oh."

Fu Shanyue also took over the conversation: "Brothers Fan have always had their eyes high, but Fan Sheng was defeated by you. For the people of Lingxu City, this matter is more exciting than your handling of the case for His Highness the Crown Prince and forcing Cen Boqing back."

Fan Sheng! He Lingchuan almost forgot about this person.

After the Cen Bo case came to light, Deputy Commander Fan took Bao Xiong and his men back to Lingxu City in advance.

"It's terrible." He Lingchuan pressed his forehead, "I even forgot about the holiday with Commander Fan."

After returning to Lingxu City, Fan Sheng had soldiers, power and a more powerful elder brother.

Will he care more about the little dispute between himself and He Lingchuan?

Bai Ziqi and Fu Shanyue looked at each other and smiled.

Fu Shanyue made a sarcastic remark: "Who doesn't know that the boss of the Fan family has defended his shortcomings? One of his two younger brothers was injured and the other was defeated by you. Now that your reputation is rising based on your victory, it's strange that he is happy. "

Seeing Bai Ziqi smiling and saying nothing, He Lingchuan knew that Fu Shanyue was not exaggerating.

When he first arrived, he felt the deep malice coming from the senior officials of Lingxu City. This was not good, this was very bad.

"But Boss Fan relies on his status and may not necessarily take action against you personally." In the end, Bai Ziqi couldn't stand it anymore and comforted him, "It's all about guarding against villains rather than gentlemen."

This meal left both sides satisfied.

Watching Bai Ziqi's figure disappear into the bustling crowd, the two turned and walked back to the post house.

"Bai Ziqi originally wanted to take you to trial alone, but I always blocked him, so he decided to do the next best thing." The smile on Fu Shanyue's face sank, "This is considered an explanation."

He Lingchuan nodded.

Maybe, not really.

Maybe Bai Ziqi didn't really give up his doubts and just wanted to observe them privately?

But that's a good thing.

He Lingchuan was only afraid of Bai Ziqi's face-to-face confrontation, because he did not have enough capital to fight head-on. If the gods and emperors disregarded Chi Yan's face and forcibly took him to the Heavenly Palace for interrogation, he and Fu Shanyue would have nothing to do.

And the current situation has given him room for change.

It was only the third day that the first and most terrifying danger he faced when he came to Lingxu City was temporarily relieved.

But He Lingchuan knew in his heart that this advantage would not last long, this victory was too weak, and he must consolidate it as soon as possible.

Not long after, Fu Shanyue came to He Lingchuan with a red invitation: "Ah, I almost forgot, the Dunyuan sale will be held tomorrow. Do you want to go and gain some knowledge?"

"Dun Garden?" He Lingchuan had heard this place name from Li Qingge before, "What is that place?"

"It is a famous villa on Pushan Mountain in the main city. The entire Pushan Mountain is its front and back yard. Dunyuan Sale is held every spring and autumn. There are countless rare treasures, and the dignitaries from the upper and lower cities will go there to support it."

"It sounds good, but why is it held in the Lower City?" He Lingchuan asked curiously, "Wouldn't it look more classy if held on the Floating Island... Well, I mean, wouldn't it look higher class?"

"General Golden Horn won't do it. He likes the fireworks in the lower city."

"Who is this?" He sounded like a willful master.

"Dun Garden is one of the properties under the name of General Jin Jing of the Golden Horn, and it operates very successfully." Fu Shanyue said with a smile, "The Golden Horn family has been taking root in Lingxu City for 217 years. For four generations, the clan has been prosperous. I remember that there are more than 420 people in the Golden Horn tribe, and 37 of them have become monsters, which is much higher than ordinary monsters."

Without waiting for He Lingchuan to speak, he added: "The Golden Horn family are all one-horned giant rhinoceros, with amazing size and strength. They are a very important combat power of Lingxu City. Once they go to the battlefield and wear heavy armor..." He shrugged, "Even giant elephants may not be able to stop them."

He Lingchuan was surprised: "A general who is always victorious on the battlefield is also very good at business."

"He has capable people who help manage the industry, and they are all humans." Fushanyue laughed, "Do you think a group of rhinos are good at doing business?"

All right. He Lingchuan took the invitation and opened it, and suddenly discovered his name, He Xiao:

"Huh? This invitation is for me?"

"They are very well informed. In the past two days, Cen Boqing was escorted back to Lingxu City, and the story of Bai Shaqian was spreading rapidly. Perhaps because he heard that you had dealt with me and Bai Dushi, Dunyuan thought it was necessary to invite You go to the meeting.”

"Okay, I'll go." He Lingchuan slapped the invitation in his hand, "Is there a sales catalog?"

For a complete sale, of course, the auction list must be sent to the invitees in advance, so that they can prepare money if others are interested in the auction.

Dunyuan sales have been held for seventy or eighty times. With rich experience, these details should not be ignored.

Fu Shanyue handed over a flat jade token as long as his little finger:

"See for yourself."

"Huh?" He Lingchuan was surprised, "Jade slip?"

After coming to this world for more than a year, He Lingchuan had never seen a jade slip anywhere except Panlong City in Soul Village. The carriers of text are paper, silk, silk, and even bamboo.

He took the jade slip in his hand, penetrated it with his spiritual sense, and immediately "saw" a variety of dazzling auction items, from appearance drawings to text descriptions. Some even had the last transaction price of similar items noted on the side.

This method is indeed much more convenient than paper copies.

While watching, He Lingchuan asked Fu Shanyue: "What do you like?"

"Let's take a look." Fu Shanyue said lazily, "We'll talk about it then."


The next morning, Dunyuan.

When Fu Shanyue and He Lingchuan arrived, the sale had already begun and would last until after sunset.

Although he was mentally prepared, He Lingchuan was still shocked when he entered Dunyuan.

Big, too big.

This is the main urban area of ​​Lingxu Lower City. There is almost no place for the poor to stand up, but Dunyuan occupies an entire hilltop.

It's early autumn, and the rays of sunshine have made the mountaintops glow with golden glow. The sycamore trees and five-clawed maples muffle the last cicada sounds.

The west wind swirls around the trees, turning them red.

The waves of trees were low, and only a corner of the verandah was exposed, and the bells were ringing.

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