After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 565 The Dazzling Grand View Garden

This situation is worthy of painting.

Most visitors like to walk up the mountain and enjoy the endless autumn scenery along the way.

Dunyuan covers an area of ​​nearly 600 acres. Originally it only occupied half of the hilltop. However, a hundred years ago, the neighbor across the wall fell into decline and the homestead on the other side was also sold to the Golden Horn family. This is how Dunyuan today occupies a whole hill.

A small mountain with seven or eight scenic spots.

Along the way, He Lingchuan saw waterfalls and springs, pine streams and flowing clouds, and maple trees greeting the road. Such a large and ingenious garden has to look natural and without any craftsmanship, and the laborious labor required is far more than that of an ordinary manor.

In contrast, the houses in the garden, large and small, which were created according to the scenery, are actually embellished.

Walking along the trails in He Lingchuan, the sand beneath your feet is filled with endless fallen leaves. Walking in this garden is tiring, and there is countless space for squandering. It is also the largest manor He Lingchuan has seen since he entered the world.

Thinking about it this way, he has been moving around for more than a year, but he has never stayed in one place for more than two months.

Some people are unstable, and some people are sitting on hundreds of millions.

Think about the land price here, every inch of land is precious, how much is such a large villa worth?

There are clever young men in the pavilions along the road to greet guests and give them directions and answers.

There are several tall buildings on the mountainside, all with more than three floors. They are separated from each other by sparse vegetation and trees, making it easy to hear but not see people.

The waiter introduced that the sales fair was held simultaneously in these buildings, including Hanxiangtang, Tantaiju, and the highest building, Tianyu Tower.

Guests can move freely among these venues.

Of course, at the Hanxiang Hall at the front, the owner still came out to greet him.

As soon as Fushan walked up the stairs, someone came forward to greet him, overflowing with enthusiasm: "Your Highness, long time no see!"

This man is wearing a brocade robe, he is over forty years old, his face is white and beardless, his eyebrows are slender but very energetic.

"Mr. Fang, are you alright? Where is Golden Horn Old Niu?"

The man smiled and said: "General Jin has not returned to Lingxu City yet, but he has written three times asking for sales."

"This is He Xiao." Fu Shanyue turned to introduce He Lingchuan, "He Xiao, this manager Fang Canran is the first-class manager under General Jinjiao, and all the properties including Dunyuan are under his care. The person in charge of today’s sale.”

He Lingchuan and Fang Canran greeted each other, their eyes fell on his hand, and they were startled. Fang Canran said, "Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times. Mr. He has become famous recently. He is really a formidable young man..."

Seeing He Lingchuan staring blankly at the back of his hand, he couldn't help but ask again: "Master He?"

He Lingchuan came to his senses immediately and said with a smile: "Thank you."

As soon as Fang Canran cupped his fists, He Lingchuan saw a red signet ring on his middle finger.

Signet rings are not a rare thing, but the shape, size, color, and pattern on this signet ring, He Lingchuan dared to say that he had only seen it a few days ago——

This is exactly the same as Shao Jian's seal ring!

No, it should be said that it is probably the same one, because there is a conch pattern engraved on the signet ring, and the threads are exactly five circles.

Shao Jian also introduced him to the secrets: he was the first to create a chamber of commerce, and his signet ring was a five-striped conch. The seal rings of other members of the chamber of commerce had at most two or three lines.

How many founders can a chamber of commerce have?

After more than a hundred years of time and space, he actually saw this seal ring again.

So what is the relationship between Fang Canran, the chief steward of the Golden Horn General, and Shao Jian, the exile from the Yuan Kingdom?

Without waiting for him to think too much, Fang Canran handed everyone a jade hand sign: "To participate in the sale, just hold up this sign. Come and watch the tea inside!"

Fu Shanyue shook his head: "I won't drink anymore. Please tell me first, have the Zhongsun family or the Cen family come?"

Fang Canran was startled: "The eldest son of the Zhongsun family is at Tianyu Tower, and the Cen family and Da Si Nong family have not arrived yet."

Cen Boqing had just been escorted back to the capital by Du Yunshi. The crime he committed was so big that Da Sinong and the Cen family might not be in the mood to attend this sale.

Fu Shanyue chuckled: "Okay."

Someone from the Zhongsun family came, as if they were sure that the case of the elixir could not be traced to his family.

The two of them walked towards Hanxiang Hall.

Needless to say, the architectural interior of Dunyuan was a city that had been designed for six hundred years to be grand and elegant, and its wealth and wealth were pure and simple. He Lingchuan felt that it had an extraordinary charm when he walked in, but he couldn't see the specific differences anywhere.

It might be the ancient trees that have been dancing in the courtyard for thousands of years.

It may be the finely crafted tiles on the eaves, which jingle like music every time it rains.

It could also be the huge jade screen in the hall, on which the rising sun illuminates the golden domes of the mountains. This jade screen is one foot and five feet high and six feet wide, spanning the entire hall and majestic.

There are animated pictures on the screen, with rolling white clouds and green mountain peaks. When you stand close, you feel the air-conditioning, as if clouds and mist are blowing in your face.

He Lingchuan knew at a glance that this was the craftsmanship of Songyang Mansion.

The small moving screen of Songyang Mansion in Dunyu Branch, which is only half the size of a door panel, costs 200 taels of silver. How much does it cost to order a huge screen like the one in front of you?

As we all know, the larger the screen size, the more difficult the process will be.

However, Songyang Mansion is equivalent to placing a large advertisement here. I wonder if Dunyuan will be given a discount when collecting payment.

Hanxiang Hall consists of three halls and two halls, several side rooms, and cloisters, all of which are now displaying auction items. Of course, there are guards in front of the cabinets, telling you with their eyes not to move your hands.

Every hour, a sale is held in the main hall.

The hall was full of guests, all celebrities from Lingxu City. He Lingchuan looked around and saw that 80% of the people were human, chatting and laughing, and there were so many beauties.

Many guests gathered together, chatting, drinking, and talking softly.

Apparently, this is also a rare social occasion.

Fu Shanyue grabbed him and introduced two groups of guests. Everyone was very interested in the Baisha incident and the war in the east.

While Fu Shanyue was talking, He Lingchuan quietly left the crowd and went to wander somewhere else.

When he passed the giant painting screen of Songyang Mansion again, someone came over and whispered: "Mr. He Xiao?"

He Lingchuan's expression did not change: "You made a mistake, didn't you?"

But the man smiled and said: "The Lord entrusted me."

He was actually sent by Li Qingge?

He Lingchuan said, "Oh," and took the black iron ring handed over by the other party.

This is a storage ring. He Lingchuan probed into it with his spiritual sense and found a booklet inside.

The man turned around and pointed at the giant screen, as if introducing He Lingchuan, but in fact he was saying, "My Lord would like to ask you for a favor. The guest who is watching the weapons in the second west wing may also be your acquaintance. My Lord would like to ask you to change your identity and get to know him again."

He Lingchuan raised his eyebrows: "Then what?"

Should I start to repay the favor owed to Li Qingge?

"Then we'll talk about it - these are my Lord's original words." The man smiled and bowed to him, and went back to his original position.

He Lingchuan left the main hall, walked to the corridor, picked a clump of bamboo scenery and stood there, and then took out the book from the black iron ring.

The handwriting on it is neat, recording the information of the Cen family and the Zhongsun family, including the names, ages, habits, temperaments, positions and livelihoods of the family members, and what the family has done recently, etc., which is quite detailed.

It is worthy of the handwriting of the Lord of Songyang Mansion, as attentive as ever. If He Lingchuan, an outsider, collects it himself, it will be time-consuming, laborious and incomplete.

The Cen family didn't come, so He Lingchuan took the time to read it so that he could have a clear idea.

"Zhong Sun Ce, the eldest son of the Zhongsun family?" He looked through Zhong Sun Ce's information and found that this guy was mixed in the upper class of Lingxu City, but he had no merit.

So Zhong Sun Mou was the most outstanding one among his peers? Well, he almost dug up the lifeblood of the Zhongsun family.

Because he was afraid that Li Qingge's commission would run away, he didn't read it for too long and put away the booklet, and was about to go to the second west wing.

At this time, the God Bone Necklace suddenly heated up.

Hmm? What delicious food did it fancy again?

This is the sale site, full of treasures, isn't it a self-service supermarket for the God Bone Necklace?

He Lingchuan was not in a hurry, and wandered around the venue with his hands behind his back. He pointed at the exhibits and asked a few questions when he had nothing to do. In fact, he felt the changes of the God Bone Necklace to determine which one it wanted.

Soon, he stopped near the balcony. There is a row of display cabinets here, each of which contains four or five items, and the display sign reads:

Unknown Wonders.

When you get here, the God Bone Necklace is no longer hot.

"What are these?"

The servant next to him immediately came over to introduce: "These are all wonders whose uses have not yet been identified. The starting price is set by the seller, but it is generally not high. Many VIPs like to come here to shop, and sometimes they can find good things by trying to find gold in the sand."

"I see." To put it bluntly, it is to open a blind box, and many people are indeed addicted to this.

There are only two people who have started to play by the display cabinet, but there are a lot of people who are watching the excitement. "Can you take it out and have a look?"

"Yes, I'll help you take it out. Which one do you want to see?" It was originally an unknown wonder, and there was no product description attached. If you don't let people play with it, who would buy it?

"Take a look at this." He Lingchuan pointed to something that looked like a discus. To be cautious, he did not approach the cabinet that the God Bone Necklace liked at the beginning.

The servant handed it to him, and He Lingchuan weighed it. Hey, this is also like a discus, and it feels heavy in the hand. The material feels like cold iron, because it feels much colder than ordinary metal.

He felt that this thing really looked like a curling pot, except that it lacked the handle on top.

After picking it up, the discus was closer to the divine bone necklace, but the latter did not react at all.

Probably not this thing.

As soon as He Lingchuan took it, guests gathered around to watch. Someone asked him: "Can you tell what it is?"

He Lingchuan shook his head. This discus seemed to be broken off from some tool, but when he used his true power to probe it, there was no reaction.

In other words, if it could be easily identified, it would not be lying in the cabinet of "unknown wonders".

The servant smiled and said: "In fact, several wonders were auctioned off in this display cabinet of Dunyuan, and they were finally identified as treasures. One of them was even a treasure left by an immortal. The buyer had a keen eye for treasures and bought it for less than one percent of the price, which was very cost-effective."

Someone on the side said: "Then more people spend money to buy useless things back, why don't you say it?"

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