After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 567: Setting the Price of Qi Fighting

"As luck would have it, Commander Fan is not good at water." He Lingchuan could tell from his expression that he was dubious. After all, Fan Sheng has been famous for a long time and has a strong fist. The possibility of losing to a 17 or 18-year-old boy is really slim.

The atmosphere in Lingxu City is exaggerated, and everyone is a master of bragging. Those who have two points of skill can often boast ten points. Even in the small fly restaurant next to the market, the poor people sitting there drinking dared to say that they wanted to do big business worth tens of thousands of taels. If you don’t believe in the New Year Praise, what’s so strange about it?

He Lingchuan didn't explain much and changed the subject and asked Fu Shanyue: "What did you find?"

Fu Shanyue shook his head.

"Tianyulou will start shooting the old blood-infused vine soon." He Lingchuan said immediately, "Go over and take a look?"

"What's so good about that?" He's not a rabbit and has no interest in herbs.

"The Aqua Tribe's scaly disease can be treated with medicine made from the fruits of the old Bloodvine." He Lingchuan occasionally helped A Luo collect materials in Panlong City, and he was no stranger to the Bloodvine. What’s interesting is that this kind of vine is not uncommon in the Chipa Plateau, but it cannot grow in Bega Country. Even artificial transplantation cannot be done. “Our acquaintance needs it very much, right?”

"Zhongsun?" Fu Shanyue bared his white teeth, "It's interesting, let's go and have a look."

He Lingchuan smiled at Nian Zanli, said goodbye, and left the wing hand in hand with Fu Shanyue.

It wasn't until he walked out of the corridor that Fu Shanyue asked him: "Why did you start chatting with a surrendered general?"

He didn't think of it when they met, but he realized it later.

He Lingchuan was startled: "Surrender? Where did he surrender?"

The more Fushan remembered that he was a foreigner, he didn't understand the twists and turns: "That was originally a general from the Yuan Kingdom. He rebelled last year and defected to our Bejia. However, the battle in the Yuan Kingdom last summer was not fought well. Although he paid tribute, he lost many of his men. I heard that he always wanted to borrow troops from Bega and go back for revenge. "

He Lingchuan was amused: "If you fight with your own troops, you will lose. How can you win by borrowing troops?"

"Isn't that right?" Fu Shanyue said disdainfully, "Bejia is the most lacking of generals. He can borrow troops, so I admire him."

"Why do you have such a deep obsession to go to war with your motherland?"

Fu Shanyue smiled and said: "A general must have military exploits before we can think highly of him. Didn't I say that Bejia never lacks generals?"

While talking, the two of them had already walked through the winding stone path, all the way to Tianyu Tower.

Although this building is the highest, it is located just below the huge stone wall. There is water falling from it almost all the time, like rain from the sky, hitting the roof tiles, making a tinny sound, which is sweet and refreshing.

Tianyu Tower also has three floors. Because of the heavy moisture, the building is covered with large and small vines. The scene reminded He Lingchuan of the south gate of Panlong City. However, what is lying on the outer wall of Tianyu Tower is certainly not something as unpleasant as the man-eating vine. The flowers blooming from those vines are also very beautiful, red, purple, pink and yellow, adding a touch of color to the late autumn.

The sales here are in full swing.

When the servant led the two people into the small hall on the second floor, the sale of blood-filled vines had already begun.

At first glance, this thing looks like a close relative of the cannibal vine. It looks ferocious and has spikes on its body. But in fact, it does not feed on humans or animals. The red liquid flowing out of the wounds on the vine is not blood, but vines. juice. This kind of rattan is tenacious but grows very slowly. It blooms and bears fruit only once every thirty years, and it will take another thirty years for the next time.

The blood-filled vine on the stand has already produced light red berries. When the color of the fruit turns deep purple, it is considered fully mature and can be used as medicine.

He Lingchuan read the description of the lot. This plant was originally found most on the Chipa Plateau in the Panlong Wasteland. However, the wasteland turned into a desert more than a hundred years ago, and this plant also disappeared with it, becoming very precious.

The items for this auction were shipped from the eastern continent, and it was not easy to calculate the fruit-fall period.

He Lingchuan's understanding of the word "very difficult" means that the price is high.

Oddly enough, the blood-blood vine obviously grows on land and does not need to be watered several times throughout the year. However, the fruit can cure aquatic scaly syndrome.

For weak aquariums, the scales on the body surface will not grow back once they fall off. If the skin is exposed to air or water for a long time, it is easy to get sick. Even if the shark can go ashore, the scaled skin often cracks and bleeds, and even the water-retaining formation cannot be used, which is very painful.

Therefore, there are the most Aqua Tribes or agents of the Aqua Tribe sitting in this hall - after all, not all Aqua Tribes can walk ashore.

Fu Shanyue walked into the hall, his eyes brightened up as he scanned the whole room, pointed at a person in the front row and said: "The real master is here."

He Lingchuan took a look and saw that it was also a blue-skinned shark, and his profile looked somewhat similar to Zhong Sunmou's.

"Is he also from the Zhongsun family?" What a good luck.

Fu Shanyue sneered: "He is Zhongsun Mou's eldest brother Zhongsun Ce. He is the only one left in the Zhongsun family in their generation."

Zhongsun Ce's third brother died at the hands of Fu Shanyue, and his second brother died at the hands of He Lingchuan. What kind of fate was this?

There are seven or eight companies on the field now raising placards, bidding for the ownership of the blood-filled vine, which looks quite fierce.

Zhongsun Ce was also one of the placard-raisers.

He was still young and did not need the Blood Vine. He Lingchuan speculated that he was bid for his great-grandfather Zhong Sunchi. After all, the fishman was old enough to use the elixir to prolong his life. The scales on his body were probably like the teeth of a centenarian. Whether to drop it or not to drop it all depends on their own mood.

This was a serious matter for the Zhongsun family, and Zhongsun Ce had to deal with it despite the pain of losing his younger brother.

After several rounds, there were three bidders left.

The losers left the venue one after another, and the seats next to Zhongsun Ce were also empty.

He Lingchuan murmured there, and Fushan became more and more understanding. Shi Shiran walked over and sat down.

Zhongsun Ce's face changed color when he saw him: "What are you doing here?"

"I'm tired of walking, come and see the excitement." Fu Shanyue waved, and the boy came over to bring tea, "How are you, Mr. Zhongsun?"

Zhongsun Ce remained silent.

The death of Zhong Sunmou caused an uproar in the family, and then Du Yunshi came to investigate the case of the elixir of life.

Neither of these two things can be hidden from anyone, and now it is being spread among the upper circles of Lingxu City that the Zhongsun family is going to be in bad luck.

Mr. Zhongsun couldn't eat or sleep well for several days. The attack of scaly syndrome became more severe. His whole body was itchy and painful, which lasted almost all the time.

The doctor in the family said that drugs to relieve numbness and itching cannot be taken for a long time, so the Zhongsun family took aim at the blood-filled vine sold in Dunyuan.

His family's current predicament was mostly due to the Prince Chiyan in front of him, but this guy sat next to him and made him feel disgusted. Zhongsun Ce felt that he had greatly improved his self-cultivation in recent years by not jumping up and attacking him.

The more Fushan looked at him, the more he ignored his rudeness.

If he hadn't been promoted to Prince Chiyan now, Zhongsun Ce would have probably scolded him.

He used to be just a disgraced prince in Lingxu City. Everyone knew that the throne of the Scarlet Yan Demon King could not be given to him, and the boys from the Zhongsun family were also sarcastic. This time he returned to Lingxu City with the title of prince. Just to experience the refreshing feeling of returning home in fine clothes.

In the past few days, the dignitaries in Lingxu City had to smile when they saw him. Today in Dunyuan, everyone who sees him must come up to him and respectfully call him "Your Highness."

That kind of elation, tsk!

It was really frustrating back then, but now I am so happy.

During this period, two more rounds of raising cards passed, and now there were only two competitors left on the field.

Of course, Zhongsun Ce is one of them.

After three more rounds, the other company also gave up. After all, the price of eight thousand taels of silver for ten blood-filled vines was already an outrageous price. Although squamia is painful, its direct fatality rate is not high. Compared with eight million dollars, most water tribes feel that they can endure it a little longer.

At such a high price, the salesman's voice was filled with magnetism: "It's eight thousand taels for ten blood-filled vines in sixty years. Is there anything higher?"


"Twice...Oh, it showed up, eight thousand five hundred taels!"

Someone actually made a bid again?

Zhongsun Ce turned around and unexpectedly discovered that the person holding the sign was Fu Shanyue!

He said sternly: "Fu Shanyue, what are you doing!"

"I'm shopping." Fu Shanyue rang his ears, "Keep your voice down."

The bidder kept reading the price, but Zhongsun Ce had no choice but to raise his placard. Now the price reached nine thousand taels.

If the auction price exceeds 5,000 taels, it will be added to 5,000 taels to avoid wasting everyone's time.

Fu Shanyue raised his sign without hesitation: "Ten thousand taels."

There was a small commotion at the scene.

Everyone knew that buying these ten blood-irrigating vines at five thousand taels was a premium, but they didn't expect it to double.

"Why are you infusing blood vines?" Zhongsun Ce suppressed his anger, "You don't have scales on your body!"

"I have acquired a few new fish demons as pets and kept them in the palace's big lake." Fu Shanyue said with a smile, "The biggest one, the old one, has been suffering from severe scale loss recently and keeps rubbing on the lake rocks all day long. Just like a dog scratching the roots of a tree, I have to patch it up."

"You!" Zhongsun Ce was so angry that he punched him on the bridge of the nose.

Fushan Yue grabbed his wrist with a snap, and smiled coldly and coldly, with four fangs flashing coldly: "Are you fighting with me on the ground?"

His five pointed claws lengthened and dug into Zhongsun Ce's wrist, causing blood to gush out immediately.

Zhongsun Ce made a secret with his left hand and was about to hit him with ice. Fortunately, several guards nearby rushed forward immediately and shouted:

"Fighting is strictly prohibited in Dunyuan, please let go!"

This is the capital of monsters, and fights are common, and they are particularly experienced in handling them.

Fu Shanyue shook off Zhongsun Ce's arm, licked the blood on his paws, and sighed: "It stinks, it smells like fish."

Zhongsun Ce pressed his wrist, his cheeks tensed, and he obviously gritted his teeth.

While the guards were treating his wounds, he stared at Fu Shanyue and said coldly, "Do you insist on going against me today?"

"I also need this thing, how can I say that I am against you?" Fushan said, "If you beat me, the blood-filled vine will naturally be yours."

Zhongsun Ce raised his sign again with a livid face.

Only the auction that was interrupted due to unexpected events can continue.

After a few rounds of chasing each other like this, the price has already risen to fifteen thousand taels. Guests from several halls nearby heard the news and rushed over to watch the excitement.

Competing prices are always the best attraction at sales.

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