After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 568 Enemies meet

How boring would a peaceful sale be without the occasional outburst from the boss?

He Lingchuan had already sat down next to Fu Shanyue, and then reminded him in a low voice: "Zhongsun Ce is about to give up."

Zhongsun Ce's eyes wandered and he began to hesitate in bidding, not as firm as before.

He thought about letting the blood-infused vine fall into Fu Shanyue's hands. Whoever bought this thing for fifteen thousand yuan would be a big brain.

Fu Shanyue grinned at Zhongsun Ce and showed a stack of treasure notes in his hand: "This is the money your brother paid to my special envoy on the day he disappeared. It's a total of 50,000 taels. I will use it to buy the blood-infused vine."

When Zhongsun Ce looked at the treasure note, his eyes turned red and he said solemnly: "Sixteen thousand taels!"

That's right, Fushan smiled more and more.

It was impossible for He Lingchuan to give him any of the treasure he earned. Fortunately, Zhongsun Ce was so excited that he was dizzy and had no intention of distinguishing.

This round of bidding lasted until nineteen thousand taels, and the entire audience was silent.

The auctioneer on the stage shouted twice. Zhongsun Ce stared at Fu Shanyue fiercely, wishing he could choose him to devour.

Fu Shanyue sighed: "Give it to him."

A few clicks of the small wooden hammer, and the deal is done!

When Zhongsun Ce took the blood-filled vine, his eyes were as red as blood.

When he handed over the money, he came to his senses and knew that the price of blood and brain was nineteen thousand taels.

But at this time, he couldn't say anything. Facing Fu Shanyue, he said, "From now on, you must not fall into our hands," and strode away from the scene.

Fushan Yue was not at all concerned about the necessary lines for a villain to leave the scene. He stretched, stood up and walked out, saying to He Lingchuan: "It feels good, it feels so good!"

He Lingchuan said: "I think the Zhongsun family is in a bad mood, and I'm afraid they will take revenge on you."

"Let them come." Fu Shanyue didn't care. "The old man from the Zhongsun family still has two brushes, but at this time he has too much time to take care of himself. How dare he come to trouble me?"

Cen Boqing insisted that Zhong Sunchi secretly used the elixir, which was a hidden secret. The Zhongsun family is now angry at Cen Fu and Da Sinong, and they just want to insist on innocence.

It would be unwise to offend Fu Shanyue at this time.

Chi Yan was the victim in the case of the immortal medicine, and Prince Chi Yan himself made contributions in the investigation. No smart person should choose this time to offend him.

As soon as he walked out of the door, someone came up to him and clapped gently:

"Wonderful, I didn't expect that a few herbs could lead to a fight between dragons and tigers."

The voice sounded somewhat familiar.

Fu Shanyue didn't think anything of it yet, but when He Lingchuan saw this person, his pupils suddenly shrank and his scalp went numb.

He is tall, has strong features, and has a majestic air.

Another old acquaintance.

He Lingchuan never expected that he would bump into him here.

This damn unexpected encounter!

Fu Shanyue also recognized this person and said in surprise: "General Hong, when did you return to Lingxu City?"

"Last month." The man's eyes were intense and he kept staring at He Lingchuan, as if he wanted to burn a hole in him. When he just entered the hall, he thought he had seen it wrong, and rubbed his eyes repeatedly before confirming it.

When Fu Shanyue saw this, he asked, "Do you recognize him?"

He Lingchuan said nothing, clenching his fists in his sleeves, his back stiffened by the unexpected crisis. But this person said: "I don't recognize him, why don't you introduce me?"

"He Xiao, this is Qingwu General Hong Chenglue, my famous general in Beijia."

"General Hong, this is my special envoy He Xiao."

At this moment, He Lingchuan's mind was racing, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

Hong Chenglue knew his roots!

Hong Chenglue also had a bloody feud with him!

What to do now, turn around and run away or draw your sword and kill him?

Should we stand still?

Hong Chenglue would never be as blind as Nian Zanli. How would he treat himself?

"Handling a case?" Hong Chenglue seemed to be adjusting his breath, "What case are you working on?"

"Have you heard about the immortal medicine case?"

Hong Chenglue nodded slowly: "It turns out it was He Xiao who organized it! He is young and promising. Where did His Highness find such talents?"

The word "He Xiao" has an accent.

"He is from Fu country."

Hong Chenglue said in a long voice: "Fu country."

It was late autumn, and He Lingchuan felt that all the air he inhaled was cold, but he smiled slightly at Hong Cheng: "Why did General Hong come to visit Dunyuan?"

Hong Chenglue was the first to see him, and his initial excitement had subsided: "I heard that there is boundless gold in the Dunyuan sale this time. I can't buy it but I want to come and see the fun."

Fu Shanyue also remembered such a treasure: "Yes, the sale of Boundless Gold is worth watching. Will it start now?"

"Starting immediately, at Hanxiang Hall." Hong Chenglue could still smile, "Let's go and see together?"

No one else had any objections, so they climbed down the steps and went to Hanxiang Hall.

Along the way, Hong Chenglue asked about the case of the immortal medicine.

This is Fu Shanyue's proud work, and I will answer all your questions.

After all, he had been through life and death several times in reality and soul land, and He Lingchuan quickly got out of the unexpected nervous state, and even added a few words to Fu Shanyue's introduction.

If Hong Chenglue didn't immediately reveal his identity or draw a gun on him, there would be room for things to change.

At present, we can only take one step at a time.

The conversation between these three people was strangely harmonious.

Fu Shanyue asked again: "The war on the Eastern Front is tense. What are General Hong's recent plans?"

"Not yet." Hong Chenglue's smile was a little stiff, "I just came back not long ago, and it may not be my turn to go out to fight in a war."

Just like Fu Shanyue said just now, there are many famous generals in Bejia, but they have been in peace for a long time. There are not many opportunities to gain military exploits, so who wouldn’t want to lead troops to fight in the east?

He Lingchuan's thoughts turned quickly after hearing this.

Celebrities gathered in Hanxiang Hall.

He Lingchuan looked up. The previous batch of auction items had been removed and new items were placed on the stage. It seemed that a few people had said a few words to the salesman on the stage, and the salesman nodded repeatedly.

Before everyone could sit down, the salesman raised his voice and said:

"Lot No. 1111, the unknown strange object that looks like a horn is now open for auction!"

He Lingchuan was startled when he heard this.

Isn't this the thing that I saw in the divine bone necklace earlier? Didn't the boy next to the showcase say that filming started in Tianyu Tower? Why did it change to Hanxiangtang instead?

However, it was perfectly normal for the auction rooms and order of the auction items to be temporarily changed, so he didn't think much about it.

At this time, two old friends of Fu Shanyue came forward to greet him and shook hands with him.

Without Fu Shanyue as a middleman, Hong Chenglue's eyes immediately turned to He Lingchuan: "Let's talk?" After that, he glanced at the corner.

The main hall of Hanxiang Hall is very large. Because the auction has started, everyone is gathered in the middle. Only the attendants and guards are standing in the corner of the hall.

He Lingchuan took a breath and walked over with him.

There was a lot of noise at the booth, and he didn't want to listen anymore.

There was no one around, so Hong Chenglue said immediately: "You spy, you are so courageous."

"The foreigners who traveled to Bejia come from all over the world. Are they all spies?" At this time, He Lingchuan had calmed down. There was a bottle of fine wine beside him, but he didn't want to do anything to anger Hong Chenglue.

"After the Battle of Hanhe, I have been upset that I didn't give He Chunhua two more blows." Hong Chenglue thought he had killed his enemy, but he didn't. "When I returned to Bejia, I heard that He Chunhua was still alive. For mercy's sake, I sent you away. Come to me!"

"Kill you and give your head to He Chunhua; after a while, I will send him on the road with you!" The hatred in his eyes was about to burst out, and the energy around him surged, almost like thunder in the next second.

He Lingchuan immediately mentioned his real power, and the Fusheng Sword was ready to come out. He had fought against Hong Chenglue and knew how terrifying this man's full blow was.

Even though this is not among all the armies.

Just for a moment, endless thoughts flashed through He Lingchuan's mind. Hong Chenglue really didn't care and took action forcefully in Dunyuan. How was he going to take over?

The difficulty of this battle is higher than that of Fan Sheng in Bai Shaqianzhong.

Even if he can defeat Hong Chenglue, how will he deal with the endless troubles that follow?

The attendants around them felt that the tension between the two was tense and filled with murderous intent, and they all subconsciously took two steps back without even thinking of coming to mediate.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a small thing suddenly flew between the two and uttered human words:

"Hello, guest! Would you like tea or wine?"

This is a small man with half an arm height. The wings on his back are vibrating like a hummingbird. He is holding a tray with tea cups and wine glasses on it.

If he hadn't been fully prepared to guard against Hong Chenglue in front of him, He Lingchuan would probably have been surprised, thinking that he had gone to the wrong set and even the elf appeared here.

He had heard that there was a kind of tree spirit in the giant forest to the west. It was like a humanoid with four wings on its back. After training, it could also speak human language.

But in fact, this little man has a dull face, dull eyes, and stiff movements. He is obviously not a living creature.

In fact, it's not just it, there are seven or eight little people flying around, delivering tea and wine to the guests, and some even give chewing tobacco and snacks.

But the unexpected appearance of this little thing suddenly interrupted the entangled spirit between Hong Chenglue and He Lingchuan.

The sense of imminent crisis suddenly subsided.

The two stared at each other without saying a word.

Everyone calmed down.

What’s funny is that the little tree spirit also stopped between the two of them, motionless.

After a long time, He Lingchuan reached for a glass of wine.

This action means that he intends to call a truce.

He said seriously: "Ajin's death has nothing to do with me."

Hong Chenglue smiled evilly: "The war between Zhao Pan and Nian Zanli has nothing to do with my wife Ah Jin! Why did He Chunhua kill her?"

He Lingchuan sighed: "The poison she swallowed was not given by us."

No one expected Ah Jin to swallow poison.

The murderous look in Hong Chenglue's eyes did not fade away: "I know, so Wu Qing is dead."

Wu Qing was the contact person assigned to him by Bejia, and he was also the one who gave Hanjiu Powder to Ah Jin. Hong Chenglue tolerated it in Yuan Kingdom until he returned to Bejia and resumed his official post before killing Wu Qing.

When the official position and power come back together, killing this person is as easy as killing a dog.

"If this person hadn't been intentional, Ah Jin wouldn't have been able to take the real poison. So -" He Lingchuan whispered, "-it was Bega behind you who killed Ah Jin."

When he followed He Chunhua, he was still immature and did not expect this level.

When you look back on the past after you have experienced it, it is not difficult to find the truth.

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