Hong Chenglue's face twitched: "Shut up!"

Although Wu Qing gave Hanjiu Powder at A Jin's request, and he later reported it to Hong Chenglue, as He Lingchuan said, A Jin knew nothing about poisons and could get by with giving her sugar pills. Why did Wu Qing give her the real answer? Very poisonous?

Who wants Ah Jin’s life?

"The war between the two armies brings harm to the family. This is what my father did wrong. He was too utilitarian." He Lingchuan took a breath, "I don't know what kind of grudges there are between you and the master of Bega, but Every injustice has its own owner, and my father only kidnapped A Jin and did not kill her, nor did he want to kill her at all.”

He Chunhua just wanted to use Ah Jin to defeat the enemy. What good would it do if he killed Ah Jin and created a powerful enemy for himself?

Morality aside, if He Chunhua's approach could successfully force Hong Chenglue to retreat, many fewer soldiers would have died in the Hanhe War.

Isn't this the best solution he made after weighing the pros and cons?

However, some people don't want to see this situation.

"You are not wielding a knife now because you know deep down in your heart that I was not the murderer who forced Ah Jin to death." He Lingchuan added, "It's just that it is too powerful and even you are unable to resist, so you have to put all your resentment on my father's account. From this point of view, you are no different from the numb and weak civilians in Bailu Town."

Don't dare to resent the strong, you can only bully the weak.

Hong Chenglue pressed his hand on the handle of the knife, and a cold light overflowed.

The other party's sarcasm made him even more angry.

However, He Lingchuan looked directly into Hong Chenglue's eyes without any fear: "You can publicize my real name and identity as you like. Every year, countless outsiders escape into Bejia, including heinous people and people from enemy countries, but Bejia never cares about them. They all live well here.”

He even smiled: "Why do you think I will be treated differently by Bega?"

He Lingchuan's reliance was not justified.

People have always longed for a powerful existence. Since Bega is called the land of the gods, there are countless demons and people who want to squeeze in here. As far as He Lingchuan knew, Bejia did not reject talented people and did not pay much attention to their origins - even if they were from enemy countries.

This is the confidence that comes with being strong.

He Lingchuan had known for a long time that Bejia didn't care about the fighting in Yuan's country, and even the Shuangye Imperial Master allocated part of his energy to support Nian Zanli, but this met with domestic opposition.

In other words, Bega did not pay attention to the Kite Kingdom at all and did not regard it as an opponent. So what's the fuss about He Lingchuan, the son of the general manager of Xiazhou from the Kite Kingdom, entering Lingxu City?

Here, there are a lot of people who have thicker criminal records than him, more complicated identities and backgrounds than him, but live better lives than him.

What's so special about He Lingchuan that he deserves Bejia's attention?

"Look around you. Who cares about the Yuan Kingdom to the west? Who cares about what happened to you in the Yuan Kingdom? And who cares that your enemies in the Yuan Kingdom also appear here?"

The guests around were chatting and laughing, and the whole party was singing and dancing.

This is Lingxu City, and the people of God's Land are qualified not to care about anyone.

Hong Cheng remained silent and stared at him closely.

He Lingchuan looked at him calmly, without fear: "As the special envoy of Chiyan, I came to Lingxu City to assist in the investigation of the immortal medicine case. If you attack me now, you are causing unnecessary trouble."

Hong Chenglue's eyes changed somewhat. This little guy seems different from a few months ago?

"Oh? What's the trouble?" He smiled sarcastically, "You really think highly of yourself."

"General Hong." He Lingchuan said seriously, "Although you have been reinstated, you are just an idle general in Lingxu City. If you get involved in any bad things, you may not be among the candidates to fight on the Eastern Front. ”

At this moment, a boy ran over quickly and said to the two of them: "You two, the sale will start soon. His Royal Highness the Prince of Chiyan invites you!"

Fushanyue noticed the situation here.

Hong Chenglue's murderous intent subsided in his eyes, and he said coldly: "The matter between us is not over yet."

He Lingchuan smiled and raised his hand: "Please."

Hong Chenglue also reached out to take a glass of wine from Xiao Shuling's tray, and then walked to the venue first without looking back.

He Lingchuan walked back leisurely, his expression calm, but his back was already wet with sweat.

Isn't he afraid that Hong Cheng will expose his background?

Scared to death!

Bai Ziqi has been checking his details, and may even send people to Fu country to find out. Once I heard that He Lingchuan was from the Yuan Kingdom and came from the Panlong Desert, it would be easy to equate him with Dafang Hu.

With Lingxu City's emphasis on Dafang Hu, he must have no good fruits to eat.

Fortunately, Hong Chenglue didn't know this yet.

He didn't know that He Lingchuan's life was actually in his hands.

He Lingchuan breathed out secretly.

This place, Lingxu City, is really full of thorns.

How many enemies do you have in total? It's all here, maybe you can get two tables of mahjong together if you sit down.

His uncle's.

Only then did he have time to observe the little tree spirit——

It turned out to be false.

In fact, this is a puppet made with ordinary craftsmanship. In theory, it is no different from his bronze man in golden armor or Wu Shaoyi's flying pigeon, but this thing actually needs a controller. He Lingchuan turned behind it and suddenly discovered that it was an unknown creature with the appearance of a small tree spirit. It shuttled around the venue serving tea and wine to people and doing the work of a waiter.

Although it was a little slow, it did disrupt the two people's expectations of taking action just now, which was a great help to He Lingchuan.

So he took out a piece of silver from his arms and placed it on the little tree spirit's tray:

"Thank you very much."

The little tree spirit immediately thanked him:

"The guest is generous!"

But a short figure squeezed in from the side, snatched the silver coins from the plate without any politeness, and scolded: "You are talking about 'generous guest', do you think you are serving dishes in a restaurant? You want to say 'Thank you for your patronage' '!"

He Lingchuan looked down and saw a gibbon beside him, with white hair on his forehead.

Well, a few days ago he took part in a one-day tour to the outskirts of Lingxu. Isn't this guy the tour leader and tour guide? He seems to be called Lao Ge?

Why did you come to Dunyuan again?

He Lingchuan frowned: "This is the reward for it."

Gibbon Lao Ge grinned: "They all work for me, and the money they get will be distributed to me! The guests don't have to worry, their share is indispensable!"

The little tree spirit landed on its shoulder, looking like it had no resentment.

"Aren't you picking up the tour group?"

"As long as I can make money, I will do it." Lao Ge chuckled, "Dunyuan Sales, General Manager Fangda said that it still lacks a few eye-catching gimmicks, so I brought people here."


The little tree spirit lifted the hijab, revealing his true appearance.

It turns out that these are a group of monsters that look like mantises. They can fly, but their appearance is dark and ugly. After putting on the puppet shell, they look much better.

He Lingchuan's heart moved: "You are really familiar with the people in the lower city."

Dunyuan's sales may seem loose, but in fact no one is allowed in, except the rich and powerful, and not just anyone can come. This ape monster was not a boaster last time in the tour group. He recognized everyone from the top to the bottom, and he was considered a local snake.

Lao Ge patted his chest: "Not just in the lower city? I can eat well in the upper city as well."

"Okay." He Lingchuan exchanged contact information with him, "I'll see you if I need anything."

"You have to have it."

He Lingchuan walked back slowly and sat on the edge of Fushan Yue.

Another lot happened to be auctioned on the stage.

"The next item is Lot No. 1111. It is an unknown rare object. The starting price is three taels of silver."

He Lingchuan was surprised: "Why is it still this one?"

Before he was pulled into a corner by Hong Chenglue to have a private conversation, he had been taking pictures of the horns during the sale. How could he wait until he finished talking to Hong Chenglue and chatted with Gibbon Lao Ge for a while before he came back? This piece hadn't been sold yet!

What the salesman displayed on the counter was indeed the strange object that looked like an ox's horns. Even the color was exactly the same.

This kind of small thing can't be sold for much, so the auction time it takes up should be very short. For a big-name salesperson like the one on the counter, giving him twenty interest would be considered a preferential treatment.

Fu Shanyue rolled his eyelids and became a little impatient. He was waiting to see the competition for the boundless gold, but was wasted by this little thing: "I was just about to take a photo of this thing, but the salesperson discovered that the description given by the organizer was wrong, so he took other photos first."

He Lingchuan raised his eyebrows and held his hand firmly, ignoring the sacred bone necklace that was always heating up.

There are too many strange things happening around these unknown strange objects. First, the display cabinet was monitored, and then the horns were suddenly changed from Tianyulou to Hanxiangtang for sale. The first time the auction started, they claimed that they got the wrong information...

It’s like I’m just waiting for him!

As soon as this thought came to mind, He Lingchuan felt a little creepy.

When he first came to Lingxu City, Zhaixinglou wanted to catch him in. He was now wary of everything around him.

No matter what the Divine Bone Necklace wanted, it wasn't worth the risk he was taking now.

So he ignored the horn auction at all, only ordered a glass of wine, and whispered to Fu Shanyue in the audience.

Unknown exotic items are actually not that easy to sell. The salesman called twice, but no one answered.

Seeing that the odd item was on sale, he was about to bang the gavel and shout "Next item" when someone underneath raised the sign:


He Lingchuan glanced out of the corner of his eye, and coincidentally, it was the complainer who was standing next to the showcase just now.

The companion with the square face and big ears was still sitting next to him: "Hey, do you really want this?"

"It's okay to have it, it's not expensive."

After he bids, the salesman will count down again.

Fortunately, there was really no one to compete with him on this thing, and the final decision was made, and the deal was completed at a price of thirty taels of silver!

The complaining customer happily paid for the item.

The soul-capturing mirror in He Lingchuan's arms couldn't help but said, "You seem to want this?"

He hummed.

"Why don't you bid?"

He Lingchuan didn't answer. He was just on the edge of Fushan Yue. This man's hearing was amazing. How could he chat with the mirror casually?

"Then go back and knock this talkative guy unconscious and snatch the things away?"

He Lingchuan shook his head slightly.

Forget it, Lingxu City is so big and there are so many treasures, so you don’t have to eat the horns to get the Divine Bone Necklace, right? Wouldn't it be over if you find something more delicious for it next time?

At this time, the guests below were already urging: "Okay, okay, next thing, next thing!"

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