After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 570 His family owns a mine

"I wasted so much time just for a bad character!"

“We want to see Infinite Gold!”

If you can’t take pictures, it’s good to just watch the fun.

Therefore, sales of Infinite Gold begin immediately.

Dunyuan Sales will bring out blockbuster items at the opening, middle and closing stages, either to warm up the show, to refresh everyone, or to be the finale.

The blockbuster item that boosted the midfield was the boundless gold that had just been brought to the stage.

He Lingchuan took a closer look and saw that the so-called "infinite gold" was actually half of the sword head.

"What does this mean?"

The complete list of lots he saw in the jade slips only contained a few descriptions of Boundless Gold and no accompanying pictures.

But this thing was very popular, and more and more customers came to Hanxiangtang, all of whom seemed to come to see it, and soon the store was packed.

"This half of the sword head was broken off from the natal magic weapon of Shoan Zhenxian. The activity has been lost, but it contains boundless gold." Fu Shanyue explained to him, "Once photographed, Dunyuan can help guests analyze the gold in it. Boundless gold; if not extracted, this half of the sword head can also be collected as a treasure. "

He Lingchuan asked curiously: "Can half the sword head be used as a collection?"

"You and I can't, but Shoan Zhenxian can." Fu Shanyue said matter-of-factly, "He was once the master of the Great Return Sect."

"Return to the sect?" He Lingchuan was startled, "The former master of Xushan?"

"Yes!" Fu Shanyue continued, "Shou'an Zhenxian once fought with the gods and survived until the early Middle Ages. He is a figure that spanned two eras. Even if his magic weapon is a piece of scrap, it is worth collecting, let alone one of the Does it also contain boundless gold?”

"Okay." He Lingchuan also knew that collections are about orderly circulation, famous teachers, and as long as the story behind them is told well, the price will be high.

Regardless of the history of the sword head itself, the Infinite Gold can change the magical weapon, and may even add an additional characteristic.

This is remarkable.

There are no such strange metals in the human world. They are specialties of the divine world, and their stocks are very rare. It is unknown which unlucky god the Immortal of the First Shore stole the boundless gold from. After the ancient war, the passage between the two realms was closed, and the gods were unable to give it to the human world. As a result, the source of the boundless gold was cut off.

The existing boundless gold is either hidden in unknown caves or in the magical weapons of ancient immortals and demons.

Even if the Bega nobles want to get it, it is not easy.

So He Lingchuan immediately saw its preciousness:

The starting price of the boundless gold is one hundred thousand taels, and every five thousand taels of silver is added.

He Lingchuan calculated carefully and found that one hundred thousand taels of silver was equivalent to one hundred million yuan, which could crush many people to death when stacked.

Ordinary families will never see so much money in a few lifetimes.

But here, it’s just the starting price of Infinite Gold.

Soon, he understood that Dunyuan’s starting price was actually very low and conscientious, because the first bidder directly bid for 200,000 taels!


He Lingchuan knew his weight and was not qualified to participate in this kind of price war. But the price——

This price could not scare others, because the second person bid 250,000.

He Lingchuan looked sideways at Fu Shanyue: "Why don't you bid?"

"What do I want to do here?" Fushan Yue snorted, "For Bao, the best weapon is his hands!"

Damn it, Infinite Gold is so expensive?

He didn't come out with so much money! Although Prince Chiyan can pay on credit,...

Two hundred thousand seems to be just the beginning, too expensive.

He Lingchuan glanced at him suspiciously, then glanced at Hong Chenglue not far away.

The man crossed his arms tightly across his chest, as if he was afraid that if he accidentally extended his hand, the auctioneer would misunderstand him.

Apparently General Qingwu, who had just resumed his military duties, didn't have that much money either.

He Lingchuan even remembered Hong Chenglue's previous dilemma in living in Bailu Town. This person seems to be born to be a money-splitting boy, unable to accumulate assets.

After a few rounds, Wuyuan Gold reached 400,000 taels.

There are still many rich people in Lingxu City.

Fortunately, the bidding slowed down later and the range was smaller, probably 20,000 to 30,000 taels plus one.

This kind of fierce competition is the best way to attract customers. In the end, Hanxiang Hall was surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside. Counting the audience on the second and third floors with high ceilings, there were at least a thousand people watching, and applause often sounded:

Now the price has reached 670,000, and there are only three bidders left.

One of the long-robed scribes raised his hand again and said in a clear voice: "Eight hundred and seventy thousand!"

There were gasps all around.

How heroic, this is two hundred thousand plus!

He Lingchuan whispered: "Who is this?"

"Ke Yanming, the eldest son of the head of Tianling's Ke family." Fu Shanyue said, "His family owns a mine."


"I'm serious." Fu Shanyue said seriously, "His family has two black crystal mineral veins."

"Xuanjing veins?" Two more! He Lingchuan couldn't help being shocked this time, "I thought they were only owned by the state."

There are very few Xuanjing mineral veins in Yuan Kingdom. Each one is a major discovery and was immediately nationalized. Private mining is a serious crime punishable by the clan.

Don't look at the fact that the king of Yuan Kingdom usually does things mildly, but he shows no mercy when he kills people under this pretext.

Xuanjing can be regarded as solidified spiritual energy, and in today's era of declining spiritual energy, the importance of Xuanjing veins goes without saying.

"Most of them are." Fu Shanyue explained, "The Ke family was able to do things well and the gods were happy, so they got the privilege of mining Xuanjing Mine. These two veins were originally rewards given by the emperor to the founding heroes. Because their descendants withered, they were originally It was about to be nationalized. But when the Ke family came... God gave the mine to his family. This favor has lasted for more than a hundred years, and no one in the country can match it. "

"What did he do?" God is not stingy.

"He found the legendary treasure for the gods. I don't know what it is specifically." Fushan Yue was envious. Even the King of Chiyan was not easy to get hard money. It was not like someone sitting on a treasure mountain and just lying down. Money was made? "The Ke family has a close relationship with the Heavenly Palace. I heard that they regularly go to the Star Reaching Platform to meet the gods. This is an honor that no one else can even imagine."

Fu Shanyue chuckled and said: "Actually, these long-established and prestigious families in Lingxu City look down on the Ke family, saying that they are bumpkins from other places, rich and vulgar. The Ke family spends money without blinking an eye, and I am afraid they also want to make these people angry. ”

He Lingchuan understood.

Bejia has been a country for nearly six hundred years. It is rich and powerful, and some of its families have long lives.

They form an almost solid circle, and they don't like to bring latecomers to play with them.

The Ke family came late, got favored by the gods, and looked like a nouveau riche, which was annoying.

He Lingchuan's heart moved: "Where did the Ke family come from?"

Fu Shanyue looked around and seemed to be a little worried. Then, while everyone was applauding on the stage, he whispered two words:

"Yuan Kingdom."

He Lingchuan was shocked: "No way?"

These two words are like a thorn in the heart of the Demon Emperor. If he accidentally touches them, he will kill someone to relieve his anger. How can he bestow a nobleman from Yuan Kingdom on them?

Besides, the Yuan Kingdom was destroyed more than a hundred years ago, and its descendants had to live in the Twilight Plains, where men were slaves and women were prostitutes for generations. How come there are still people from the Yuan Kingdom who can serve as officials here?

"The Ke family abandoned the dark and turned to the bright, and reported it to Lingxu City..." Fu Shanyue barely moved his lips, "I reported the Yuan Kingdom's conspiracy, and thus achieved great success."

Report and report?

He Lingchuan's breath stopped for a moment.

It seems that before King Yuan took action in the past, the man named Ke had switched sides.

Fu Shanyue added: "The Ke family's two black crystal mineral veins have even supplied Lingxu City with minerals for many years."

Or is it an official designated channel supplier?

Who is rich if it is not rich?

He Lingchuan and Fu Shanyue sighed in unison.

Hong Chenglue, who was not far away, looked back at them, confused.

It can be seen that he has been paying attention to He Lingchuan.

Fu Shanyue glanced at him and asked He Lingchuan: "Have you ever had a problem with him?"

The first sentence hits the nail on the head. He's not stupid, so how could he not see the undercurrent between the two of them? Hong Chenglue's face looked ugly just now, as if he was about to draw a sword at the slightest disagreement.

"Yes." He Lingchuan sighed again, "It's all bad things from the past. I just explained a few words, and after a glass of wine, the past feud was settled."

"Oh, I seem to remember that he also went to Fu Country." Who doesn't have some nasty little secrets? Fu Shanyue didn't ask any more questions, "If you want my help, just ask."

He Lingchuan patted his shoulder gratefully: "No need for the moment, I was just shocked. I heard that he had been exiled for a long time, why did he suddenly appear in Lingxu City?"

"He became famous very early, more than ten years ago when he was young and ambitious. But the water in Lingxu City was very deep. He didn't swim well in the early years, so he had no choice but to leave with his seal. Hearing that Grand Master Shuangye repeatedly interceded for him, he sent him to He was brought back from abroad and restored to his original position."

"Grandmaster Shuangye?" He Lingchuan thought of something and his heart was shaken, "So, he is close to Grandmaster Shuangye?!"

"Getting close?" Fu Shanyue said with a smile, "He has long been classified into the faction of Shuangye Imperial Master."

"That's it." He Lingchuan's eyes turned, a little enlightenment came to his mind, and several thoughts came through at the same time.

"I see!"

At this moment, he figured out a lot of things.

He Lingchuan took a sip of wine: "I see that General Hong seems a little depressed and is out of tune with today's atmosphere."

"He has just returned to Lingxu City, so he must restrain himself."

"Waiting for an opportunity to lead troops and make meritorious deeds?"

"Yes. When Imperial Master Shuangye brings him back, he has to live up to his own expectations." Fushan Yue said with a smile, "It's strange that people who are amazing and talented outside will inevitably be overshadowed after entering Lingxu City."

He Lingchuan silently added in his heart: That's because the water in Lingxu City is too deep and too muddy.

In this six-hundred-year-old ancient capital, no matter how talented a newcomer is, can he really find a chance to show off his talents?

Fu Shanyue pointed to himself: "Of course, I am an exception."

He is now the talk of Lingxu City, and he is in the limelight.

On the stage, the bidding for Infinite Gold finally ended, and it really fell to the Ke family.

Ke Yanming showed his determination to win and forced other competitors to retreat.

Of course, it may also be because other prominent families are unwilling to compete with the Ke family in terms of money. After all, most people who compete with his family for wealth are only bringing humiliation to themselves.

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