After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 571 Instructions from the Book of Heaven

He Lingchuan heard someone whispering next to him: "I don't know what Ke Yanming will do if he takes this boundless gold back."

"Are you going to enshrine the mountains and rivers of Xushan Mountain?"

"There is no need for such a good thing!" Another person said, "What is the difference between offering boundless gold and throwing hundreds of thousands of taels of silver into the magma?"

"Of course the Infinite Gold must be used for artifacts! If you put away other magical artifacts, it will be a waste of resources."

"You and I both think so, but that's the Ke family! What the Ke family does must be different from ordinary people." The onlookers smiled bitterly, "Remember the Flowing Fire Beads unearthed when the Liuyun Fairy Cave was opened? That was The Ke family bought back the immortal treasure that had not lost its vitality at a high price of 150,000 taels. What was the result? "

"What's the result?" Everyone else listened with rapt attention.

"In the end, they put them in the lake to raise fish! Because those dozens of big fish stay in a constant temperature environment, their body color will be bright!" The onlookers clicked their tongues, "What a few formations can accomplish, they have to use ancient treasures Do it with Flowing Fire Beads!”

"There is also the hairpin gift given to the fifth sister of the Ke family two years ago, and the neon feather coat..."


He Lingchuan scratched his head after hearing this.

In this world, the rich will die rich and the poor will die poor.

Although he didn't buy anything at today's Dunyuan sale, he gained a lot and it was a worthwhile trip.

It is worth mentioning that in the sales he visited later, there were three more treasures that caused the divine bone necklace to covet him, and he expressed the feeling of "wanting to eat them". But when He Lingchuan thought about that strange horn, he always felt angry, so he never took action.

Of course, those outrageous prices were also one of the reasons why he didn't think about it.

Everything here is expensive, and money seems to be no longer money. He had just seen a gold comb being auctioned on the market, embedded with seven kinds of gemstones. However, gemstones are not the reason why it is valuable. Using this comb can make your hair plump and moisturized. The starting price was one hundred taels, so what was the final transaction price?

Three thousand taels, that is, three million dollars.

Most of the bidders were female customers, but in the end it was a lion who bought it.

He Lingchuan touched his head. Fortunately, he had a lot of hair. This saved three thousand taels of silver and he could eat something good when he got home.

In the afternoon, Fu Shanyue had finished shopping, so he and He Lingchuan left early.

Fang Canran, the chief steward of the Golden Horn Family, saw off the guests warmly. When he saw He Lingchuan returning empty-handed, he couldn't help but said: "Master He actually doesn't have the treasure he was looking for? This is my dereliction of duty!"

He Lingchuan smiled and said, "I just came here with the prince to join in the fun."

It’s not that there are no good things, it’s not that there are no interesting ones, it’s just that Dunyuan’s auction items are simply too expensive! His net worth is quite rich outside, but he can't even afford two good things here.

He had better keep his money bag tight, lest he lose his coins as soon as he throws them away.

"How about that?" Fang Canran said enthusiastically, "When the guests come to our Dunyuan, they will definitely find something they like. Whatever Mr. He needs, I will ask people to pay attention to it."

"Is that so?" He Lingchuan subconsciously glanced at the signet ring on his hand again, "Then please Mr. Fang, please pay attention to a dreamland for me."

"Huh?" Fang Canran followed his gaze and looked at his hands, "Dreamland?"

"Yes." He Lingchuan said with a smile, "When I was investigating the case in Baishaqian, there was a spell master holding a magic weapon, which was a dream in a shell. I thought it was very interesting, and I hope to get one too. "

Fang Canran snorted: "When you said that, I still have some impression. Some, some, Dunyuan has sold such magical weapons."

He Lingchuan just asked casually, but he didn't expect that he would be able to pick up the conversation: "Six years ago at the autumn sale, a Dreamland artifact was photographed. It was a dreamland in a small island town on the East China Sea. The person who photographed it The guest room is for children. The children have never been to the beach, so let them experience the island style. "

"Uh, is this okay?"

"Of course." Fang Canran smiled, "This is Lingxu City."

Lingxu City is full of wonders.

"Then I'll trouble Mr. Fang."

"Once I find it, I will ask someone to tell Mr. He."

"Okay, thank you!" He Lingchuan said goodbye to him and left with Fu Shanyue.

The gibbon stood behind with a few mantises, smiling and making a "keep in touch" gesture.

But He Lingchuan always felt a chill behind his back. When he turned around, he found that apart from Fang Canran who was smiling broadly, Zhong Sunce and Hong Chenglue were both looking at him with sinister expressions.

Their unfriendly eyes followed him until he left the stage.

These two guys were like time bombs, and he had to find a way.

That night, Xushan.

Someone came to report to Bai Ziqi:

"Your Majesty, the Heavenly God's treasure was auctioned off by an idler in Dunyuan, so we sold it at the starting price of three taels of silver. Prince Chiyan and He Xiao did not bid."

Bai Ziqi had just returned from a day of running around. He was lying on the bench and relaxing with a hot towel on his face: "Have they noticed the treasure left behind by the gods?"

"Prince Chiyan didn't even look at it. He Xiao lingered for a while beside the display cabinet of unknown rare objects. He only looked at other things and didn't pay attention to the treasure left by the gods."

"Were they all present when the baby was sold?"

"They were all here and heard it, but they didn't show any interest. He Xiao yawned repeatedly." The man said, "They didn't raise their signs from the beginning to the end."

"Are there any changes along the way?"

"The relics were originally sold at Tianyulou, but then they went to Hanxiangtang. We asked Dunyuan to coordinate and changed the location. Someone came to see He Xiao, and we waited until he came back and sat down before we started taking pictures of the relics."

Bai Ziqi sat up immediately and grabbed the towel: "It's so deliberate, it's strange that he doesn't get suspicious!"

My subordinate Na Na didn’t dare to say anything.

Bai Ziqi also knows that the situation at the sale is complicated, with emergencies everywhere and rich people who are not short of money everywhere. It was not easy to put in a treasure that He Xiao could afford and that other wealthy Kaizi didn't care about.

After all, how can something that can be admired by Dafang Hu be of ordinary quality?

Bai Ziqi rubbed his face: "Does the person who took the photo of the treasure left behind by the gods have something to do with the Chiyan people?" Could it be a proxy?

"Under surveillance."

"The treasure left by the gods cannot be left outside. If the buyer really has nothing to do with the Chiyan people, go get the treasure back and don't make any noise."

Like everyone else, these two seemed to have little interest in the gods' treasures. Forget it, if you miss this opportunity, you will miss it.

I've tried the easiest way, but it didn't work. Do I need to change my method? Bai Ziqi straightened her clothes and set off for the Star Reaching Tower.

After he knelt in front of the altar and finished his report, the ever-bright flame of the temple that was unshakable by the wind suddenly swayed twice, and writing slowly appeared on the heavenly book:

Try again.

Sure enough, as long as the big square pot is involved, the gods will not be at ease.

If the gods are not at ease, they will start tormenting people.

Bai Ziqi said respectfully, "Sage, please give me instructions."

Every time the gods send down an oracle, the demon emperor does not necessarily need to be present. Most of the time, they only communicate with the lampkeeper or the cloud messenger.

These are their "own people".

Therefore, in the absence of the Demon Emperor, the handwriting that appeared in the Heavenly Book was very plain, even without modification:

"Check whether the fate of these two people has been twisted! The fate interfered by Dafang Hu cannot be the same!"

Bai Ziqi just watched and said nothing.

He knew very well that it wasn't his turn to speak yet.

Sure enough, another line of words flashed out from the heavenly book:

"No! Mi Tian's specialty is to whitewash peace. Even if Mi Tian dies, Dafang Hu will still be affected."

It seems that this is an argument.

Bai Ziqi looked at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose, but remained calm and composed.

The Book of Heaven is blank again.

After a while, the writing reappeared:

Tianluo's second flash, what happened in the northern part of Chiyan?

It was Bai Ziqi's turn to answer. He thought for a while and recounted the scene that night: "No major events happened in the six counties that night, except for Cheng Yu's conspiracy to plot He Xiao's backlash, and He Xiao's pursuit of Tongfu Inn to fight with the brothers Fan Sheng and Fan Bao who were guarding there. One game.”

"He Xiao explained not long ago that Cheng Yu sent an evil spirit to plot against him, but he was shot back by his purple-gold pestle." Bai Ziqi continued, "This statement is probably true. After my investigation, the Cen Mansion guard who guarded Cheng Yu , and looking at Cheng Yu’s hidden soul in his dreams, it’s obvious that he is not hiding from ordinary sneaky things.”

Book of Heaven:

"We suspect that Dafang Hu is hiding in Qing Ming."

"Qing Ming?" Bai Ziqi thought thoughtfully, "The Holy Lord said that it is not in the divine world, nor in the human world, but is hidden in Qing Ming? This, does the big square pot have the ability to escape the void?"

This time the Heavenly Book showed more words, and a page was turned:

"During the period of Mi Tian's control, Dafang Hu seemed to have derived new abilities. It merged with Panlong City. Over the past hundred years, the lonely souls of the desert have been swallowed up by it. During the Kuangsha Season, it released the Gale Army Undead and the Three Corpse Insects. Why not? The power of escape?"

"Disciple, be taught." Bai Ziqi said immediately, "In other words, the second strange flash of Tianluo Star may be because He Xiao was attacked by the Yin God, and the large square pot that was originally hidden in Qingming automatically protected and released it. Energy is sensed by divine objects.”

Book of Heaven:

"Exactly, might as well do it again."

"Do you want He Xiao to be attacked like this again? If the divine object induction is triggered again, or the Dafang Pot directly protects the owner, it can be confirmed that the Dafang Pot is on him!" Bai Ziqi understood, "This is a clever plan. The movement is small. , will not attract the attention of all parties.”

The Book of Heaven has been blank for a long time.

The evening breeze blew the curtains, and the hall was filled with cold air.

Bai Ziqi knew that the god was thinking.

About a quarter of an hour later, two words finally appeared on the heavenly book:


Bai Ziqi was shocked: "Holy Lord, do you have to conduct a soul trial for a mere mortal? This price..."

There was no one talking in the temple, only the bright flames flashed twice more.

"Yes, let's prepare now." Bai Ziqi disagreed, but at the moment he could only say seriously, "We can start it in ten days."


In the south of the city, there is a garrison camp of Tongxin Guards.

There was no one else in the big house. Fan Sheng and Fan Bao stood, and the man behind the table sat with his legs on stilts on the table.

Fan Sheng straightened his back, but lowered his head and said nothing.

"Weren't you very proud before you went south?" The man snorted, "Why are you like an eggplant beaten by frost now?"

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