After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 576 The other side of Lingxu City

The box is exquisite, with a maple leaf mark on the surface. This is probably the unique mark of the Frost Leaf Imperial Master.

He Lingchuan opened the box and saw a wax-sealed white pill lying inside.

"Master Shuangye handed it to me personally. He made it three days ago." Fu Shanyue said with a smile, "If you swallow it now, you will be able to run and jump later."

Jun Wu joked that the elixir that the Demon Emperor handed over to Fu Shanyue on that occasion would not be false or harmful.

He Lingchuan put away the box: "It would be a waste to swallow it directly. I will keep it for future life-saving use."

He was curious: "Beijia has four great national masters. What is the relationship between them?"

"The two Imperial Preceptors of Bejia are humans, and the two are great demons. This ancient system has not changed for more than five hundred years." Fu Shanyue said, "So the Imperial Preceptors of the Green and Summer Palaces have a better relationship, and the relationship between the Imperial Preceptors of the Autumn and Winter Palaces is better. more frequent exchanges.”

He Lingchuan nodded and asked a key question:

"What about the relationship between Qingyang Imperial Master and Shuangye Imperial Master?"

Fushan became more and more curious: "Why do you ask this?"

"Our cases have all been traced to Imperial Master Qingyang, why don't we know more about them?"

These words were very meaningful and made Fu Shanyue think about it for a while.

"These two are not too harmonious." He took a sip of wine, "The Qingyang Imperial Master has the longest qualifications and is the most experienced in allocating Yuanli; the Shuangye Imperial Master is the second, the most trusted by the gods, and the one who has sent the most envoys abroad. National Preceptor. I heard that he had close personal relationships with many foreign kings, such as Baling Kingdom, Jing Kingdom, etc. "

He Lingchuan said in surprise: "Is this okay? Isn't the emperor annoyed?"

The Imperial Master of Lingxu City flirted with other monarchs, but did the Demon Emperor turn a blind eye?

"What's so big about this?" Fu Shanyue said with a smile, "Does Master Shuangye dare to rebel? Besides, there might be God's instructions behind this."

Who knows?

But he then lowered his voice: "As for the late emperor, he relies more on Imperial Master Qingyang."

After lunch, He Lingchuan put on coarse clothes and disguised himself as a servant. He drove an ox cart transporting scraps and slipped out of the back door with the chubby cook.

To operate such a large house, at least a dozen servants are needed, ranging from weeding and watering flowers, buying vegetables and cooking, to all kinds of chores.

Labor in Lingxu City is very expensive.

Mrs. Ying's house in Dunyu, the capital of Xiazhou, also requires people to take care of it on a daily basis, and the average labor cost is less than 30% of that here. And from now on, He Lingchuan will be the one paying them to work, alas.

He had just moved to Pan Shanzhai and didn't know many people, but he tried to be cautious.

After making sure that he was not being targeted, he separated from his servants at the fork in the road, turned around, entered the carriage and horse shop, and hired a donkey cart to go to Nanli District.

The bighorn blue sheep was eating the dewy grass in the backyard of Pan Shan's house. Its appearance was too distinctive and not suitable for He Lingchuan's trip.

Fortunately, Pan Shanzhai is on the edge of the main city. Going south is Nanli District. In this way, the donkey cart walked leisurely for an hour, adding some oil with three carrots in the middle.

He Lingchuan's destination is a small mountain called Fengchi Mountain, which looks like a phoenix spreading its wings from a distance.

Of course, there are not many high mountains within the boundaries of Lingxu City, and everyone is just a low peak lying on the ground. The donkey cart winds its way up the winding mountain road, where you can see the lush greenery, most of which are old banyan trees.

Along the way, we passed several villas and mansions, all of which had their doors closed. The stream was tinkling, and the afterglow of the setting sun passed through the dense branches and leaves, the long banyan whiskers, and cast mottled tree shadows on the towering walls.

The years are peaceful and peaceful.

There are only ten households on Fengchi Mountain.

But this is not He Lingchuan's final destination. The donkey cart was just taking a shortcut. It went down the mountain from the fork in the road and quickly reached the foot of the mountain on the other side of Fengchi Mountain.

The main road is still wide and flat, but after turning into the small road next to the market and walking for two or three miles, the flying dust and fishy smell hit your face.

This town by the lake is very small, mainly engaged in the distribution of fishing goods from nearby lakes and rivers, so the smell of fish almost reaches every pillar and every piece of ground, and it cannot be cleaned off no matter how hard you wash it.

He Lingchuan got off the bus right here.

No dignitaries would ever come to a place like this, and even ordinary civilians would have to cover their noses when passing by.

But He Lingchuan didn't even blink. He walked to the pier and found the oldest fisherman. He handed over two pieces of chewing tobacco and a leaf: "I'm looking for Lao Ge."

The old man was dark, thin, and as dry as if he was dehydrated. He was sitting on the fishing raft, staring at the water in a daze. He Lingchuan looked at him for a long time and found that he didn't even move his eyes, like a wooden sculpture.

Hearing He Lingchuan's words, he took the chewing tobacco very quickly, and immediately peeled off a piece and put it into his mouth, chewing it.

Of course, he also glanced at the leaves, gestured "Follow me" and walked to the shore.

The banyan leaves given by He Lingchuan are unique, with gold edges wrapped on both sides of the green leaves.

This is naturally occurring, and Lao Ge used it as a business card. Of course no one would fake this.

The old fisherman led He Lingchuan toward the town. His left leg was lame, his left shoulder was collapsed, and his movements were very uncoordinated.

It seems that more than a dozen boats of fishing goods have just been received, and the whole town is very busy.

Busy but quiet, it seems like no one here likes to talk. When the old fisherman led He Lingchuan by, everyone just raised their eyes and continued their work.

All kinds of shiny, lively and big fish are in sharp contrast to the shabby town.

How many people know that these lake delicacies will pass through the fishermen's big hands full of thick knots and calluses before being served in different categories on the dining table of Zhongming Dingshi House?

There is a small stone shell house on the edge of the town. When you look closer, you realize that the outer wall is not a stone shell, but made of clam shells and other shells. But the house is relatively clean, there are no debris in the yard, and there is no fishy smell in the town.

"Lao Ge."

He Lingchuan called out.

Several shadows immediately flashed on the nearby tree crown and the low cliff behind.

There are humans, mandrills, and other monsters.

It seems that the monkey has many people under his command.

A shadow flashed in the room, and the gibbon came out.

"Ah, isn't this Mr. He?"

As soon as it raised its hand, all the protruding figures around it shrank back.

He Lingchuan smiled: "You still recognize me?"

"Of course!" Lao Ge grinned from ear to ear, showing his big yellow teeth, "You are the special envoy of Chiyan, and you are here to track down the case of the immortal medicine. I heard that the posthouse was bombed last night, are you okay? ?”

This old monkey is really well informed.

He Lingchuan shook his head.

Lao Ge looked at the old fisherman again, "You didn't take the main road? Did you come from the lake?"

"Yeah, save time."

If you come from the main road, you won't see the rags and bustles in the town. Now, it seems that he has lost his price. Lao Ge murmured in his heart and waved to the old man. The latter turned around numbly and limped away.

"Why are you staying here?" This monkey seems to be making a lot of money, right?

"The largest lake in Nanli District is here. I have been here for decades." Lao Ge bared his teeth and said, "I'm too lazy to move."

"I see that there are still many people living in the town, and they are not engaged in the fishing business." There are many broken houses in the town, and they all have residents; some people don't even have a house to sleep in, and they live in huts built with torn tarpaulins. .

"Those are all poor people from other places, thinking that there is gold everywhere in Lingxu City, and they all want to come here to make a fortune. Only when they come here do they realize that they are dreaming." Lao Ge chuckled, "I don't have two coins in my pocket all year round. If I don't live in a shack here, , they can only sleep on the streets.”

The land price in Lingxu City is expensive, and the rent certainly cannot be cheap.

In such a luxurious place, the life of the poor is actually more difficult.

He Lingchuan asked him: "You said that if I have anything to do, I'll just come to you?"

"Yes, yes!" Lao Ge said with a smile, "If you have anything to do, just ask me. Whatever is convenient or inconvenient, I can handle it here!"

"Looking for someone?"

Gibbon slapped his chest: "No problem. Please come in!"

He welcomed He Lingchuan into the shell house.

After coming in, Gibbon puffed up his chest and his aura changed: "Who are you looking for? A living or dead person?"

The place is also very clean. The surface of the wooden table is covered with a shiny layer of patina, but there is also a blue porcelain vase with a bouquet of small flowers in it.

This is probably a reception area, and it needs to be a face-saving project. Because he saw a lot of debris in the back room through the slightly opened door at the back.

Feeling He Lingchuan's gaze, the old ape stretched out his arms and quickly closed the door to the back.

"He was still alive yesterday, but he may not be alive now." He Lingchuan withdrew his gaze, "You already know about the explosion in the posthouse yesterday."

"Ah, I heard about it this morning." Lao Ge scratched his head, "This kind of thing hasn't happened in more than a hundred years."

"My guest room was bombed."

Lao Ge moved for a moment, as if digesting the news, and then asked: "You want me to find the murderer?"

"What kind of murderer?" He Lingchuan didn't even blink. "I asked you to help find two people. They are both small, dark-skinned, skinny, with red eyes. One has big and bulging eyes, like a frog, and the other has They always like to sniff. Both of them have skin peeling like fish scales, and they have a faint fishy smell. "

He thought again: "They have similar faces, so they are probably brothers."

As soon as Lao Ge heard this, he said: "Maybe he is working by the waterside."

"So I came to find you." He Lingchuan took out a piece of silver, "I want to know their names, addresses, and where they usually hang out. Can you do it?"

"This job is risky." Lao Ge muttered, "Those who dare to blow up the post house must be extremely evil!"

He Lingchuan took out another ingot of silver.

"I don't have a name. I need to send more people out to look for him."

Three ingots of silver.

Lao Ge's eyebrows were stretched wide: "They may even retaliate afterward!"

He Lingchuan didn't give it any more, but took back the money he showed: "You won't accept it, right? I'll find someone else."

"Hey, hey!" Lao Ge quickly grabbed the silver coins from his hand, "Take it, take it! Mr. He is generous, I will give you news in three days!"

"Too long, two days."

"Okay, okay." Lao Ge said with a smile, "I didn't treat you well. What do you want to drink? Juice?"

It took a small pot without a lid from the cabinet at the back, took out a wooden cup, and filled it.

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