After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 577 A gift for the New Year

He Lingchuan smelled a sweet aroma. He didn't know if it was pears or grapes. It seemed that there was indeed juice in the cup, but the color was a bit strange and there was some turbid suspended matter.

It reminded him of the creek on the road, and there was a layer of greasy light on the surface.

"No." He didn't have the courage to touch the liquid of unknown origin. "How can I contact you later?" He didn't want to run here over and over again.

"This is easy to handle." Lao Ge walked out of the house and roared twice at the nearby big tree.

When he came back, there was something black on his shoulder.

He Lingchuan originally thought it was a black mouse, but upon closer inspection, he found it was a large squirrel with a fluffy tail and long hair behind its ears.

"Take it to the tree near where you live, and call it down if you need anything." Lao Ge said with a smile, "From now on, it will be our messenger."

He Lingchuan nodded, and the squirrel jumped on his shoulder.

"By the way, Fang Canran, the general manager of Dunyuan, how much do you know?"

"Mr. Fang?" Lao Ge said without thinking, "He is General Jinjiao's most trusted and most capable butler. He almost takes over all the Jinjiao family's property. He is also a well-known figure outside, haha. . What did you ask him for?"

"He looks like a friend of mine." He Lingchuan asked, "Do you know the origin of Manager Fang? I want to see if there is some connection."

"Where's the origin?" Lao Ge hissed, "It seems that he is from Lingxu City, at least he came earlier than me."

"In this case, I will go and inquire. However, the people who can be used by the Golden Horn Family should have a clean financial background."

He Lingchuan couldn't even laugh or cry: "How did I say he was unclean?"

Lao Ge extended his hand unceremoniously.

He Lingchuan gave him another ingot of silver.

It weighed it: "I'll give you the news as soon as possible."

"Also, I want to take a trip to Xushan. Do you want to join a group tour?"

"Yes, of course it is open." No matter where the money comes from, regular business must also be done. "There will be a group going to Xushan in two days."

"Count me in." He Lingchuan put down a silver coin as a deposit, stood up and left.

After his figure disappeared from sight, Lao Ge put away his silver coins, picked up the wooden cup on the table and drank it all in one gulp, letting out an intoxicating sigh.

Sour and refreshing!

Humans are really ignorant.

A giant monkey jumped in from behind the door:

"Brother Ge, I happen to know the two people he mentioned. They live in Baijia Village in the upper reaches of the Li River in the east. Their surname is Chen. They make a living by fishing. They are indeed a pair of brothers. Last year they caught a king grass carp in the Li River and sold it to They got a good price, but all the money went to the gambling house before it was overheated." It scratched its face, "They all have ichthyosis, and they scratch it even harder than me!"

"Then why are you still standing?" Lao Ge slapped his hand out of the window, "Go and find out where these brothers are now, and make sure the guests can find them in two days!"


Early the next morning, He Lingchuan still woke up in his mansion covering an area of ​​five acres.

The first thing I saw when I sat up was the gradually changing red maples in the garden outside the window, and the long-tailed pheasants picking fruits to eat under the trees.

The first time he had such a large house to himself was in Bejia.

Oh no, he also has a nasty guest who is so shameless that he has to live here.

As soon as he got up, a servant came over with warm water to wash his face.

"No need." He grabbed the towel.

He Lingchuan would never let others get so close and even cover his eyes.

He was not seriously injured and did not need to swallow the Jade Return Pill. He can now run, jump and fight.

But He Lingchuan was not in a hurry to go out, but asked Gosying to run some errands for him.

This time Goshawk asked for half a Xitan sheep. He Lingchuan fulfilled his contract very happily last time, but he was tired of eating rabbit meat. In the past few nights, the two of them had been roasting mutton around the campfire, and they were so greedy for it.

"no problem."

But the waiting guests hadn't arrived yet, and He Lingchuan unexpectedly received a gift:

The treasure armor sent by someone to celebrate the New Year.

This is an inner armor that can be worn close to the body. It is woven with four layers of silk inside and outside, but its weight is similar to that of ordinary silk clothing. This kind of craftsmanship alone is very valuable. When He Lingchuan performs Yan Huishen Technique, of course, the smaller the weight, the better.

Not to mention that the material of this soft armor is made of black gold silk woven with underground spider silk!

He Lingchuan was very familiar with the underground spider silk, and he could tell the grade of material it was by touching it. He casually lit the fire and burned the armor for more than ten breaths. The inner armor did not change color and even felt soft and not hot to the touch.

It has the ability to use swords, guns, water and fire.

He Lingchuan originally asked Songyang Mansion to make a piece of soft armor for him, using Zhu Erniang's spider silk. But weaving armor took the longest, and Songyang Mansion had limited manpower here, so soft armor never came out.

Unexpectedly, the New Year's greetings were sent to him first.

He Lingchuan remembered that when he was chatting with Fu Shanyue at the Dunyuan sale, he casually said that he wanted to find an inner armor, but he did not expect that Nian Zanli heard it.

He even didn't expect that this gift was made of underground spider silk, and it was Zhu Erniang's Yun Brocade!

In other words, this inner armor probably came from Songyang Mansion.

Nian Zanli purchased inner armor from Songyang Mansion and then sent it to Panshan Mansion for him?

Thinking about Li Qingge's request to him in Dunyuan, between her and Nian Zanli...?

Fu Shanyue is not here today, but the guards said that Nian Zanli also sent a condolence gift to the prince.

There was originally no contact between Chiyan Kingdom and Xunzhou Mu. It must have been after the Dunyuan sales meeting that the story of the immortal medicine case finally reached Nian Zanli's ears. He also heard that the post house exploded and Prince Chiyan and his entourage were attacked, so he raised gifts to express his condolences.

Lingxu City is rich and powerful. If you want to save people, you can't wait until you need them. You should pay attention to widening your network. Six hundred years of imperial capital, six hundred years of officialdom, and the rules and scale of social interactions have reached their peak.

If Nian Zanli wants to establish a firm foothold in Lingxu City, he must have friends and dignitaries. A friendship with the prince of the Demon Kingdom is worth pursuing.

Compared with Fu Shanyue, He Lingchuan received much fewer gifts because he was unknown - even though he was the real "victim" of the bombing.

In the evening, distinguished guests came to the door.

When Li Qingge, dressed in fine clothes, walked through the maple forest and walked into the back garden, dinner was just being served in the rain room.

"Your house is really nice." She looked at He Lingchuan and clicked her tongue twice, "Everywhere is elegant and quiet."

"You mean to find tranquility in the midst of the noise, because you think it's too small, right?" Anyway, no one would describe Dunyuan in this way.

Li Qingge smiled and said, "Don't try to misinterpret my meaning. Huh? You don't seem to be very happy?"

This woman is really sharp.

He Lingchuan helped her pull out the chair: "Please take a seat."

When Li Qingge leaned over to sit down, He Lingchuan could see the fiery red coral beads on her dark cloud bun without having to lower his head, and smell the faint cloud fragrance on her neck.

She wore big red lips today, which were thicker and more gorgeous than the maple leaves in late autumn outside.

But she was sitting upright.

"How is your injury?"

He Lingchuan poured wine for her casually: "It's a small injury, but I won't die."

He knew very well how powerful the explosion was, and the injuries were all on his back. At that time, he was using Gang Qi and had a mirror to save him, so he only suffered some superficial injuries and his internal organs were basically intact.

The hurt has to be there, otherwise it wouldn’t be real.

Li Qingge looked at the wine glass: "Then you can still drink?"

"The doctor has given instructions." He Lingchuan took another bottle, "So what I drink is tea."

"You are really a lucky general. Has the murderer been caught?"

He Lingchuan shook his head: "The tables and chairs in my guest room were also poisoned. The officer who searched the scene touched them a few times and got poisoned on the spot. He almost died."

Li Qingge frowned: "I've already put poison, and I want to blow you up again? Why bother doing this twice?"

"Either you're afraid that I won't die, or -"

Li Qingge had already come to his senses: "Either two groups of people did it?"

"That's what the government agency suspects." He Lingchuan said with a smile, "There are still some clues that can be found following the poison, and they are investigating."

"The officials are under great pressure, and the superiors probably set a date for them to solve the case." Li Qingge held up a chopstick of braised venison, "You hid in the small building and became one, but you didn't know that there was an uproar outside. This explosion is comparable to Add fuel to the fire and shout to the ground, you and Fushan will become more popular in Lingxu City, and no one can surpass them."

He Lingchuan smiled and said nothing.

With such strong exposure, now is the safest time for him. Anyone who wants to cause trouble for him must think twice.

Before he could ask, Li Qingge said: "By the way, my people have been sent out a long time ago. They should have passed Bailing Valley by now and can reach their destination in a few days."

She didn't make her words clear, but He Lingchuan understood the meaning:

The people she sent will arrive in Wange Swamp in a few days and press the Dragon Punishment Pillar.

This is really the news that He Lingchuan has been waiting for. I hope everything goes well and nothing happens again.

"Thank you Sir, you really helped me a lot." He put the inner armor given by Nian Zanli on the table, "By the way, the gift Nian Zanli gave me was from Songyang Mansion, right?"

Li Qingge only glanced at it and nodded: "I just made it the night before yesterday. The young master is really amazing. I only met Nian Zanli once, so I asked him to take the initiative to give you a gift set."

Facing her, He Lingchuan always chose his words carefully: "How much did you sell him this inner armor?"

Li Qingge slowly put down his chopsticks, took another sip of wine, and then said:

"Not a cent forfeited."

"He asked me directly and I gave it to him."

He Lingchuan waited for her explanation. This woman came to the appointment and must have already thought about what she was going to say.

Li Qingge glanced at him and bit his lip: "There is something important in Songyang Mansion that fell into his hands. I want you to help me get it back!"

Suddenly it was so direct, no twists and turns? He Lingchuan raised his eyebrows, a little surprised:


"That thing was originally in Sun Fuping's hands. He used it to blackmail Songyang Mansion for many years, asking for money and things to satisfy his desires." Li Qingge said in a deep voice, "I thought that after Sun Fuping died, Songyang Mansion Being able to be freed from the bondage, I didn’t expect that such a thing would fall into Nian Zanli’s hands again!”

"He opened his mouth as soon as he came. I really don't want to give it, but..."

At this point, she sighed lightly.

He Lingchuan's eyes flickered: "Is it that colorful bamboo tube?"

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